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Trump begins to play catch up on transition to White House


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25 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I have to admit I didn't follow the pre-election rants, but those who voted for Trump did so because they thought he would do what he said.  Unlike "normal" politicians.  Right?


Breaking his promises will hurt him big time. 



Personally I would be much happier if he moderated some of his promises. I am for controlling illegal immigration, but could care less about a wall. I want to vet Muslim immigrants in a big way, but not ban them completely. I sure do not want to get rid of Roe vs Wade, but that is not up to him anyway.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Personally I would be much happier if he moderated some of his promises. I am for controlling illegal immigration, but could care less about a wall. I want to vet Muslim immigrants in a big way, but not ban them completely. I sure do not want to get rid of Roe vs Wade, but that is not up to him anyway.

Agreed!  But as you say, doing these like you say will be against his campaign promises.  Which many of us knew he couldn't do.  Though we did like the concept! LOL


It's against the law to ban immigrants based on their religion.  Luckily.  Better vetting?  Absolutely.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:

Republicans are not used to or expect to have our own way on everything


Seriously how can you make this claim when the the Republicans publicly declared they would endeavour to block any legislation by HC if she gained power, as they did with Obama

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The first test will be over Giuliani ....if he tries to appoint him to a role of substance, as opposed to throwing a loyal old dog a tasty but insignificant bone, it will be a real danger sign.

He should make him attorney general

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Here's the good news: The US Constitution and the structure of checks and balances. Article II, Section 2 will now become one of the most important aspects of the  Constitution.


Trump cannot just appoint people to his cabinet. A majority in the US senate is required for that. While there is a GOP majority in the  senate, there are not enough (60) to end a filibuster. There are enough democrats and republicans who can and will speak up against cabinet nominees, supreme court nominations, ambassadors and other nominations.


Trump  will be challenged on every federal court appointment because of his ongoing legal cases and because of his history of 3500+  legal cases. Yes, every business has litigation, but Trump's business practices were known for their legal issues. This isn't a few hundred of cases over the years, but thousands upon thousands.


This man has many obstacles, "Yuge" obstacles to overcome, all of his own making. And of course he has people like Mccain who he insulted, Cruz who hates him, Rubio who he humiliated and many others in his own party who will do the bare minimum to help him. 2 more years until the midterm election  when all 435 seats in the House and 33 seats i Senate will be contested, and if he continues with the shakiness shown so far, it will be a democrat renaissance. He has a short window of opportunity.



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Personally I would be much happier if he moderated some of his promises. I am for controlling illegal immigration, but could care less about a wall. I want to vet Muslim immigrants in a big way, but not ban them completely. I sure do not want to get rid of Roe vs Wade, but that is not up to him anyway.

We started building a more secure border fence a decade ago but it was not finished. The elite class does not want one. But they can not stop it now. It will be built though it may look more like a strong fence than a high wall like the Vatican has .[emoji3] I think the wall is also a metaphor for cracking down harder on illegal immigration. There are many ways to do this and it was done in the late 50's ( Operation Wetback) Cutting off government benefits other than emergency care is one way. There is a myriad of government programs that make illegal aliens lives better here whether they are working or not. They will start to go home without the benefits in large numbers. We can not stop illegal immigration 100% but we can reduce it greatly without violence. Even a majority of Democrats want this.

A liberal in the Huffpo gets it:

" Obama Close the Border or risk Civil War"


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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:




Cheney was not just influential--he led GWB around on puppet strings.


It was actually a Cheney/Rumsfeld Administration. GWB was just someone they would dress in costumes and use for photo ops.


Pence will disappear into the background as a good VP should.





I agree with all of your post except for the last line.  I wouldn't be surprised if Pence takes on the same role that Cheney did, except where a Cheney was pro-business/military conservative, Pence will be pro-social/religious conservative.  Another difference will be that Trump will not be as easily controlled as Bush was.  He will frequently contradict Pence's doctrines in unscripted speeches or post-midnight tweets!

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Did read where transition dude for EPA is a climate change denier.... David Duke to head Equal Opportunity and civil rights position? Those around Trump are what scares me. And he won't really care as long as they don't take light off of him.

Jared Kushner ( his daughter's husband ) is on his transition team. You really think they are looking for Nazies? It does not take much to trigger progressives these days. The cries of racism come easy so we just ignore them now...cried wolf too many times.

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