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Video: Youth, 19, attacked by sword wielding youths in broad daylight


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3 hours ago, dieseldave1951 said:

this type of attack is not so regular in the UK and the police actually do something to arrest those responsible, there is no wai and money paid and alls forgiven, the police prosecute as a matter of coarse grievous bodily harm,

again these cowardly ba$tards are 5 on 1 and to use a sword against such a slim fellow is beyond comprehension.

if you go out tooled up like this its with intent to endanger life and should be charged as such 

You will be charged by the police in the UK if you have a pen knife in the car  and if it is out of sight in the glove compartment.

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6 hours ago, fruitman said:

There's an obvious youth-problem in Thailand...they don't have any respect for other people, especially when in a group. Their parents are responsible.

What do you mean by "responsible'?Responsibility is a term widely unknown in this country.

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3 hours ago, Myran said:

The solution is rather simple: start punishing the parents. This should be done to much greater extent in not just Thailand, but all over the world. If parents ran the risk of getting large (!) fines, you can be damn sure 15 year old Somchai wouldn't be allowed to run amok through the city at 2am or ride around on a modified motorcycle.


Your little prince beat someone up? 100,000 baht fine.

Your little sweetheart participated in illegal street racing? Motorcycle impounded and sold, as well as a 50,000 baht fine.

Problem is they will just send their daughters off to the tourist areas to pay for it while he will be considered unlucky to have been caught by the police for something. They might make him do some of the work that the girls used to do but I doubt it. I like your idea though and it needs to be done.

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Making parents responsible (in a court of law, or for criminal offences committed  by their offspring) is a totally stupid reaction. Such legislation would put family power straight into the hands of the delinquent child.  Why would anyone believe parents approve or encourage their children's criminal behaviour, let alone simple naughty behaviour (like staying out late, or away from home for lengthy periods without explanation)? Parents of an uncontrollable child have already lost their influence (if they had any to start with) long before the child has become big enough to behave like a thug or gangster on the streets. A feral child would use such stupid legislation to bully their parents: "Hey Dad,  I want to use your bike/car tonight. Don't know when I'll get back home.  If I can't use your bike/car I think I'll just start hammering away on the neighbour's new Mercedes instead; that'll cost you a packet, won't it?"  "Good man, Dad. Ta. Don't forget I'll want breakfast around 10 o'clock if I'm back home.  See ya".  The law would help kids who need discipline become worse bullies.

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7 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

Probably looked like he was from a "rival" college or something even more trivial.

Society is going to the dogs here. What a brutal attack in broad daylight.

I worry about raising three sons here, I really do  . . . :shock1:


I felt the same way.  You want the best for your kids and a need to protect them. 

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Bad parenting, an unequal society and a terrible educational system. Combine those and this is what you end up with.


No doubt to me, that it will get even worse than this in the future. The sad thing is the Europe, USA etc. are no better. 


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10 hours ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

My blood boils when I see something like that. If I was driving along then and saw this happening and I was 25 years younger and knowing what an a-hole I could be back then, it would of been 50/50 whether or not I hit the accelerator and ploughed into those sh##s.



Whilst I understand why you feel like that, please; only think it!
Don't speak of it again for your own safety.

You are a farang and would end up charged with God knows what and made tp pay massive compensation, even slapped into a Thai prison.


When we are almost run down on a zebra crossing, I used to shout at the driver and my wife tried to calm me down.

She is right -the nail that stands up must be hammered flat!


Take care, Thailand is a crazy country where you can even be sued and persecuted for telling the truth!



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36 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Are these brain dead thugs connected, if so, no problem exists and it will simply fade away.


Yes, it's all college/university inter gang related and has been going on for decades.


If you see a bunch of students gathering in the street, do what the Thai's do - Get the hell out of there and quickly.

They know that innocent bye standers can be murdered too when a gang fight starts and the guns come out!



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I live in samut prakan. behaviour like this is unacceptable. i worry everyday for the teenage son of my worker as i see him hanging out with youth on motorbikes and the 2 parents struggle hard to teach n control him as they have to work daily. 

Edited by Moonmoon
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21 minutes ago, laislica said:



Whilst I understand why you feel like that, please; only think it!
Don't speak of it again for your own safety.

You are a farang and would end up charged with God knows what and made tp pay massive compensation, even slapped into a Thai prison.


When we are almost run down on a zebra crossing, I used to shout at the driver and my wife tried to calm me down.

She is right -the nail that stands up must be hammered flat!


Take care, Thailand is a crazy country where you can even be sued and persecuted for telling the truth!



Thanks for the concern mate but as I said, I was an a- hole 25 years ago. Nowadays I'm just one big sensible ,chilled pussy cat. And my knees hurt.  And yeh I would be in one hell hole for doing such a stupid thing.   "Don't speak of it again for your own safety " well I think you may be just a bit over the top with that comment, but yeh thanks for the concern.

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Google chrome this site and translate》

Very choppy translation but it basically says the police have arrested 4 people, 3 students and another man for the attack. The victim is recovering after the attack nearly blinded him. Guy on motorbike was a factory worker. Please check I got it right. This news is 4 hours old.


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15 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

What is with all the swords lately?  A few weeks back a young man got his hand chopped off, last week a guy on a motorbike got slashed on his back, now this. Too many swords in Thailand and it is time to ban them, there is no use for a person to own one.


The swords are ok. Its the tools holding them that need to be banished.

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On 10/11/2016 at 0:47 AM, CelticBhoy said:

Probably looked like he was from a "rival" college or something even more trivial.

Society is going to the dogs here. What a brutal attack in broad daylight.

I worry about raising three sons here, I really do  . . . :shock1:

One of the many reasons I got my son out.

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