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Trump bucks protocol on press access


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1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

Due to the fact that he's lied to them throughout the entire campaign.  Even a moron like Trump must know he will be unable to follow through on his 'polices' (AKA threats and lies).  He backtracked on the Muslim ban within hours of winning.  Not days, hours.  He told them whatt they wanted to hear because he knew they'd buy it, and they lapped it up.  He has no respect for them and would have said anything to win.  He played to their basest fears.  It was a cheap campaign. Vet much like Brexit. 


On another note, I did find the photos of him meeting with Obama in the Whitehouse yesterday amusing.  Poor DT looked like a little lost child.  I expect the fact that he is now head of state and will be expected to actually do something is beginning to sink in.  This is not a reality TV show, which is not actually reality, where he gets to lord it over a bunch of appalling sycophants.    You can not tell other heads of state that they are fired.  You can not grope or sexually assault their wives.  You must know what a map of the world looks like without reaching for a children's atlas. 


I see. So you don't like the guy ?


He wouldn't be the first politician to be unable to fulfill an election promise. It happens ALL the time ALL over the world. Whether it's because they were blatantly lying to get elected or were sincere about the promise but were block by the powers that are politics. I give the electorate more credit in judging which one it is. But in this case it appears that you are running with the minority, thinking he was lying. So are the majority are wrong about Trump and you are right??


Example : Obama declaring he would have Guantanamo Bay shut down. FAIL. Did he lie during his election campaign to win votes ? Probably not. 

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5 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

press access is rightly being reviewed and defined…certain things need to be clarified as to what their future is going to be, moving forward.


Are they going to be objective or just out to embarrass the man who made them look stupid?


they're already running these interviews with these loony lefties who say they are scared….and crying on tv….while trump supporters are being assaulted in the streets.


they are also avoiding talking to any trump supporters as to what their hopes are…that would make far more interesting viewing.


but they have decided to be negative ….yet they still have people on saying we need to come together….what irony.


they've disgraced themselves by being completely biased and the public won't be sympathetic either.


62% of americans get their news from Facebook anyway…



"62% of americans get their news from Facebook anyway…"    Case rested. 

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Just now, stephen tracy said:

Have a look on the website and tell me if you can see the ban on Muslims.  That's not mere rhetoric.  It's not mere rhetoric, it's been deleted.  And there will be much more to follow. The reason being is that even DT knows his 'policies' are not realistic, let lone implementable. 

..........maybe so, but the American public still fell for it anyway.  What does that tell you about them?

Now so many sour grapes.

Vinegar anyone? :smile:

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11 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Trump had better learn to play nice with the press because they will rip into him and make his life difficult.  He is bringing a lot of baggage; the sex assaults, the ongoing fraud cases related to his  bogus university, the nonpayment of taxes, the failure to release full medical records, the behaviour of  his two boys and  his ongoing   conflicts of interest.  These things will be picked at and  will not go away. Trump enterprises is being hit badly as people  are avoiding the brand. His  staunchest supporters  can't afford his $500 a night rooms or expensive condos. 


The US public is about to have 4 years of buffoonery and instability the likes that have not been seen since  the last year of the Nixon presidency.  Obama restored the economy, I don't think  Trump will go back on that, nor do I see him doing much to change the affordable care act. Hopefully he slashes  social benefits for retirees and brings back the GOP tax reform proposal that would cut SS benefits to American nationals living outside the USA. Nothing would make me laugh more than to see Trumps supporters in Thailand crap their pants when their government handouts are cut. 


People are about to be shocked and awed by his appointments and miscues and missteps as his ego will get in the way.  He is too old  for the job. His clogged arteries and high cholesterol levels that were kept from the public will be a surprise, but the media will dig at that shortly.


Why should they take a hit on their SS benefit after they paid for it over their working life? As it is, don't they lose their medicare coverage that they also paid for?


As Expats, they are costing the US taxpayers less so that's a good thing

Edited by NovaBlue05
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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

One issue that hasn't been directly addressed in all these threads about Trump:


In America: elder generations let down younger generations.


It's only natural for elders to seek tp watch out for and protect younger generations .  Not just their own kids and grandkids, but ALL youngsters.  Trump fans will only consider American kids worthwhile, but still, all elders who voted for Trump voted for a worse America, in my view.  


America, for at least the next several years, will become more...


>>>   racist (anyone non-white and/or non-American is suspect)

>>>   excluding (rather than inclusive)

>>>   non-tolerant of those with differing opinions

>>>   restricting of press freedoms

>>>   redneck:  name-calling, picking fights

>>>   draconian law enforcement

>>>   dangerous:  more semi- and automatic weapons circulating.

>>>   economically stratified:  Rich will continue getting richer, while poor continue getting poorer

>>>    electorally compromised:  Super rich and corporations will continue to pour billions into getting their lap dogs elected.

>>>   polluted:  Trump never saw a fossil fuel smoke emitter he didn't like.

>>>   environmentally hamstrung:   Trump's people are committed to disdaining scientific findings.

>>>   environmentally hamstrung:  Under Trump, there will be 3 types of schools:  elite for the rich, church schools for non-science creationists, and impoverished schools for everyone else.

>>>   dangerous for women who want to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.






>racists...can get any worse than this as the whole so called democratic side are discriminatory about aother thinkers.

>excluding...that's what the democrats do and they want to be stronger together. Well, obviously without the republicans

>non tolerant to....SAY WHAT?

>press freedom...press has shown they cannot handle the freedom they have been given by the establishment

>redneck...now who are the insulting ones for example here on this forum. I cannot recall that Trump followers did.

>draconic law.....it is about time as society is beginning to get lawless as a step forward to get martial law inflicted

>more weapons....no sweety, that has already debunked. Redo your study please/

>economically stratified......no no no, that's the direction we are heading when the sheeple follow the globalists.

> electorally compromised...that's already been going on under Clinton and you know that. Why this reversing all the time. Come up with some real stuff.

>polluted....we all consume and need energy. You probably live in the Alaskan mountains? Oop, sorry, red state.

>environmentally hamstrung....okay the further down the list the more you show thumb sucking.

> environmentally hamstrung....you didn't follow any of Trumps rallies that's for sure. Not saying that you had to but it might have been good for your mindset to listen to other opinions.

>dangerous for women...well dear poster, watch the poll results and you will be astaunded by the number of women who voted Trump instead of HRC. So you defenitely talk from your collar.


Boy, that took me a while. Feeling better now....hahaha. Just joking.


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1 minute ago, coma said:


I see. So you don't like the guy ?


He wouldn't be the first politician to be unable to fulfill an election promise. It happens ALL the time ALL over the world. Whether it's because they were blatantly lying to get elected or were sincere about the promise but were block by the powers that are politics. I give the electorate more credit in judging which one it is. But in this case it appears that you are running with the minority, thinking he was lying. So are the majority are wrong about Trump and you are right??


Example : Obama declaring he would have Guantanamo Bay shut down. FAIL. Did he lie during his election campaign to win votes ? Probably not. 

I am not in the minority.  Clinton won the popular vote.  Trump is not a politician.  He's a self-serving businessman. Did you see Putin raise a glass with his inner circle when it was announced Trump won?  Another quick out of the paddock to congratulate him was Hun Sen, as were Prayuth, Erdogan and Sisi.  It's an indication that they view him as a useful idiot. 

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2 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Have a look on the website and tell me if you can see the ban on Muslims.  That's not mere rhetoric.  It's not mere rhetoric, it's been deleted.  And there will be much more to follow. The reason being is that even DT knows his 'policies' are not realistic, let lone implementable. 


Ok so its the ban on muslims thats got ur panties in a twist. I don't really agree with a ban on muslims but restricting entry from places that harbor and train terrorists, yeah I don't see much wrong what that. Plenty of countries view certain nationalities as problematic. Its unfortunate, but until things are sorted out whats a country supposed to do? 


Most of the Muslim Ban stuff came out right after the paris attacks when tensions were high. I very unfortunate tragedy. 





The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attacks,[7][16] saying that it was retaliation for the French airstrikes on ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq.[17][18] The President of France, François Hollande, said the attacks were an act of war by ISIL[19][20][21] planned in Syria, organised in Belgium, and perpetrated with help from citizens of France.[22] All of the known Paris attackers were EU citizens[23] who had fought in Syria.[24] Some of them had returned to Europe among the flow of migrants and refugees.[25][26]


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3 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

I am not in the minority.  Clinton won the popular vote.  Trump is not a politician.  He's a self-serving businessman. Did you see Putin raise a glass with his inner circle when it was announced Trump won?  Another quick out of the paddock to congratulate him was Hun Sen, as were Prayuth, Erdogan and Sisi.  It's an indication that they view him as a useful idiot. 


You are in the minority as it pertains to actual states and the electoral college vote. Popular vote, counted in each state, got trump in the white house. 


Popular vote means nothing dude and we should all be thankful that California, New York, Illinois etc don't sweep every election. 

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8 minutes ago, Strange said:


You are in the minority as it pertains to actual states and the electoral college vote. Popular vote, counted in each state, got trump in the white house. 


Popular vote means nothing dude and we should all be thankful that California, New York, Illinois etc don't sweep every election. 


With 120 million votes cast and less than a quarter million vote difference between the two candidates popular vote numbers, it tells us nothing conclusive either way.


It's a psychological consolation prize for those still whining about the loss but that's about it.

Edited by NovaBlue05
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25 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

The people who believe Trump are suckers and he always screwed them over.  This includes his business partners, investors, employees, the "students' at Trump "University," and soon, his voters.  Just watch.


The world is watching, clearly. 


Time will tell how it all plays out, but whats done is done. 


What you and all the other "Hill" supporters should take away from this, is the only reason trump got the White House is because people are very tired of the state of things and Hillary is a terrible choice. She is the embodiment of corruption and favoritism. Keeping the status quo, adding MORE regulation to an already choking middle class and business sector. 


The Dems had it and blew it by pandering to the minority and calling everyone else a racist to their face. 

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3 minutes ago, Strange said:


You are in the minority as it pertains to actual states and the electoral college vote. Popular vote, counted in each state, got trump in the white house. 


Popular vote means nothing dude and we should all be thankful that California, New York, Illinois etc don't sweep every election. 


The thankful or not stuff is as irrelevant as the other side claim of the popular vote. The rules of the game as stated are correct and it is the electoral college which decides. It is each state which sends its delegates to elect the president and the votes are not assigned proportionally. Sorry D guys but those are the rules and cannot be changed just because Trump is so horrible.

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57 minutes ago, Strange said:


You are in the minority as it pertains to actual states and the electoral college vote. Popular vote, counted in each state, got trump in the white house. 


Popular vote means nothing dude and we should all be thankful that California, New York, Illinois etc don't sweep every election. 

Since people are having such a hard time accepting democracy, in it present form, it may very well be time to amend the election laws.

Maybe, do a best 3 out of 5 election? And if people's butt still hurts, we can revert to rock paper scissors.


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3 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Since people are having such a hard time accepting democracy, in it present form, it may very well be time to amend the election laws.

Maybe, do a best 3 out of 5 election? And if people's butt still hurts, we can revert to rock paper scissors.


Amend the election laws cause they lost lmao its a text book definition of a sore loser. 

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24 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

I am not in the minority.  Clinton won the popular vote.  Trump is not a politician.  He's a self-serving businessman. Did you see Putin raise a glass with his inner circle when it was announced Trump won?  Another quick out of the paddock to congratulate him was Hun Sen, as were Prayuth, Erdogan and Sisi.  It's an indication that they view him as a useful idiot. 

Most of the states wanted Trump as the President.  Even Bill Clinton's Arkansas wanted Trump over Hillary by a long margin (pity cos I really wanted to see Bill in the role of First Lady).  


Why are you still whining about popular vote.  She beat him by less than one quarter of one percent.  Over 9 million Americans were too stupid or to lazy to vote!


Clinton's a self serving politician, but she was meant to be serving the people.


We simply don't know what kind of politician Trump's going to be yet, but he's already head and shoulders above Clinton in the political integrity stakes.

Edited by saminoz
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4 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


The thankful or not stuff is as irrelevant as the other side claim of the popular vote. The rules of the game as stated are correct and it is the electoral college which decides. It is each state which sends its delegates to elect the president and the votes are not assigned proportionally. Sorry D guys but those are the rules and cannot be changed just because Trump is so horrible.


Weather or not the votes are assigned in a balanced way is an argument for another time, but in my honest opinion, the way it is now, its by far vastly superior than having only a popular vote. 

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39 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Trump had better learn to play nice with the press because they will rip into him and make his life difficult.  He is bringing a lot of baggage; the sex assaults, the ongoing fraud cases related to his  bogus university, the nonpayment of taxes, the failure to release full medical records, the behaviour of  his two boys and  his ongoing   conflicts of interest.  These things will be picked at and  will not go away. Trump enterprises is being hit badly as people  are avoiding the brand. His  staunchest supporters  can't afford his $500 a night rooms or expensive condos. 


The US public is about to have 4 years of buffoonery and instability the likes that have not been seen since  the last year of the Nixon presidency.  Obama restored the economy, I don't think  Trump will go back on that, nor do I see him doing much to change the affordable care act. Hopefully he slashes  social benefits for retirees and brings back the GOP tax reform proposal that would cut SS benefits to American nationals living outside the USA. Nothing would make me laugh more than to see Trumps supporters in Thailand crap their pants when their government handouts are cut. 


People are about to be shocked and awed by his appointments and miscues and missteps as his ego will get in the way.  He is too old  for the job. His clogged arteries and high cholesterol levels that were kept from the public will be a surprise, but the media will dig at that shortly.

Obama restored the economy??? Are you geriatric?

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15 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Since people are having such a hard time accepting democracy, in it present form, it may very well be time to amend the election laws.

Maybe, do a best 3 out of 5 election? And if people's butt still hurts, we can revert to rock paper scissors.



Pistols at dawn......

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27 minutes ago, Strange said:


Such a well articulated and intelligent post. 

Yes, very strange right? I will make it up to you "+10"

Buzz off man, I am not authorized by you and btw even on your side, like it or not.

Edited by hugocnx
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1 hour ago, CaptHaddock said:


The people who believe Trump are suckers and he always screwed them over.  This includes his business partners, investors, employees, the "students' at Trump "University," and soon, his voters.  Just watch.



It seems the first casualty of Trumpism is metaphor:


"His first objective right now is to to build a bridge to this divide," businessman Tom Barrack told CNN's Erin Burnett on "Erin Burnett OutFront." "Reach out to the other side, unite this country and then create an agenda, so all these things that people are afraid of -- what wall is he going to build, he's going to build a wall of understanding.".



And we'll crack your head against the wall till you feel the unity this country sorely needs. Then we'll spray you with pepperspray of joy and put you in handcuffs of harmony and take you straight to the lockup of love where we'll shower you with tasters of tolerance.


This wall is becoming more ridiculously metaphorical by the minute.

Here's Newt:

Newt Gingrich admits Trump probably can't get Mexico to pay for his wall. 'But it was a great campaign device.' -… http://dlvr.it/Mdmtbx

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1 hour ago, saminoz said:

Most of the states wanted Trump as the President.  Even Bill Clinton's Arkansas wanted Trump over Hillary by a long margin (pity cos I really wanted to see Bill in the role of First Lady).  


Why are you still whining about popular vote.  She beat him by less than one quarter of one percent.  Over 9 million Americans were too stupid or to lazy to vote!


Clinton's a self serving politician, but she was meant to be serving the people.


We simply don't know what kind of politician Trump's going to be yet, but he's already head and shoulders above Clinton in the political integrity stakes.


"pity cos I really wanted to see Bill in the role of First Lady"... Now that we can agree on!  Also, I agree that Clinton is bankrupt in terms of integrity - I'm not a fan - but to claim DT is "head and shoulders above Clinton in the political integrity stakes", is simply wrong.  He's no better.  "That's what I do, I grab them by the p***y".  And I mean c'mon, a rapist accusing others of being rapists?

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13 minutes ago, Thakkar said:



It seems the first casualty of Trumpism is metaphor:


"His first objective right now is to to build a bridge to this divide," businessman Tom Barrack told CNN's Erin Burnett on "Erin Burnett OutFront." "Reach out to the other side, unite this country and then create an agenda, so all these things that people are afraid of -- what wall is he going to build, he's going to build a wall of understanding.".



And we'll crack your head against the wall till you feel the unity this country sorely needs. Then we'll spray you with pepperspray of joy and put you in handcuffs of harmony and take you straight to the lockup of love where we'll shower you with tasters of tolerance.


This wall is becoming more ridiculously metaphorical by the minute.

Here's Newt:

Newt Gingrich admits Trump probably can't get Mexico to pay for his wall. 'But it was a great campaign device.' -… http://dlvr.it/Mdmtbx

The Mexicans ARE going to pay for the wall because they will loose the production power that Trump wants to gain back into the US. So paying is not always direct money wise. When the production power is taking back from Mexico and China, to name a few, that will pay off in the US. Newt is a nute, I agree. Don't believe what he is crying out. He wants to be in bed with Trump, but will fall off big time.


Furthermore, if you still believe in the CNN fairy tales, you must be Peter Pan.


See how fast the reporters interest will turn on short notice. These heyena's follow the lion King. Hahahaha

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