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Nigel Farage 'not a UK go-between with Donald Trump'


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Nigel Farage 'not a UK go-between with Donald Trump'


LONDON: -- Downing Street has strongly rejected claims that ministers will be forced to use Nigel Farage as a "go-between" with the new Trump administration in the US.


The Daily Telegraph says ministers will have to seek the advice of UKIP's interim leader because they have no links to the president-elect.


But sources close to the prime minister denied the government lacked contacts with Mr Trump's team. They said Mr Farage, who campaigned for Mr Trump, was an "irrelevance".


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-37946420

-- © Copyright BBC 2016-11-11


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I don't thinkanyone actually believes he would/could be a link between Trump and the UK government.


That link and the relationship between the UK and USA rests with the Prime Minister.



Nigel Farage has created his own link with Trump which is completely separate and, arguably adds strength to the overall relationship.


Did someone really think that Farage's roll was government sponsored ???

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40 minutes ago, Grouse said:


Its a matter of opinion but the BBC is still the best broadcaster by far and widely acknowledged as such. HANDS OFF ?

Balderdash! Keep taking the magic mushrooms, BBC is a disgrace. Neutral my aris, as neutral as Joe Stalin was neutral.


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1 minute ago, jesimps said:

Balderdash! Keep taking the magic mushrooms, BBC is a disgrace. Neutral my aris, as neutral as Joe Stalin was neutral.



It's difficult to be neutral when one side is obviously wrong ?


I have found the BBC *PAINFULLY* Neutral. They give air time to such buffoons.


Sadly, they're not so Oxbridge these days.


Give an example of actual bias or lying.

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3 hours ago, Grouse said:


Its a matter of opinion but the BBC is still the best broadcaster by far and widely acknowledged as such. HANDS OFF ?



I''ve lived long enough to know that the BBC was once upon a time an agency whose reporting could be depended upon as accurate and relatively unbiased.


Their reporting of the Trump/Clinton affair (especially on radio) was heavily tilted in Clinton's favour.


Today you will get much more accurate reporting from both RT and Aljazzera, even allowing for pro-Russian and pro-Arab bias.

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I did think that the BBC were somewhat biased towards Clinton during the election campaign and is also a bit soft about refugees and throwing money at all sorts of disasters around the world, but I cannot see how anyone can justify calling them liars and untrustworthy. They do try to present both sides of any argument and their Hardtalk and similar programs are second to none. The fact that most world leaders are happy to be interviewed by the BBC speaks volumes in itself.

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4 hours ago, Grouse said:


Its a matter of opinion but the BBC is still the best broadcaster by far and widely acknowledged as such. HANDS OFF ?


Yes indeed no need of an "opinionated news fabricator" such as Fox News and based in the UK

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BBC is biased in a LEFT direction.  All their job vacancies were advertised in the Guardian. BBC is Guardian TV.

They are in other ways  subtle with their  bias.  If they like a group that is not left they will call them independent.

If the do not like a group they will invariably be called 'of the RIGHT' or even worse FAR RIGHT.   You will rarely hear the BBC call anyone FAR LEFT.  Only tonight listening to the MEDIA NEWS on a podcast the guest on the right was asked awkward questions: DO you know where Obama was born?  This was not asked of the Left guest.  I could go on but I am biased.

Edited by backstairs
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22 hours ago, Grouse said:


It's difficult to be neutral when one side is obviously wrong ?


I have found the BBC *PAINFULLY* Neutral. They give air time to such buffoons.


Sadly, they're not so Oxbridge these days.


Give an example of actual bias or lying.


You are joking, really, ..................... hope so.


Or are you seriously suggesting someone has the right to decide who does and who doesn't get airtime based on that person's own political views?


There was a time when the extreme left (and previously the extreme right) sort to control the media, stop free speech, stifle comments they didn't like and turn the news into propaganda. Now it seems the pseudo liberal PC left want to emulate that control.


What next - only approved parties and candidates allowed to stand? Juncke is already working on that one based on his comments about the EC refusing to work with the AfD should Germans elect them.

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16 hours ago, backstairs said:

BBC is biased in a LEFT direction.  All their job vacancies were advertised in the Guardian. BBC is Guardian TV.

They are in other ways  subtle with their  bias.  If they like a group that is not left they will call them independent.

If the do not like a group they will invariably be called 'of the RIGHT' or even worse FAR RIGHT.   You will rarely hear the BBC call anyone FAR LEFT.  Only tonight listening to the MEDIA NEWS on a podcast the guest on the right was asked awkward questions: DO you know where Obama was born?  This was not asked of the Left guest.  I could go on but I am biased.


Have been heading down those roads for a longtime. They also see everything through their own constructs and scales. Hence they try to view Asia politics in left/center/right fashion and in so doing create completely erroneous interpretations which they then report on as factual. And again, they do so with bias to present those they've labelled "left" to be seen in the best possible light. 


The investigative objectivity of the BBC was lost a long time ago.

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Unlike most here, I live in the UK and so see accusations of BBC bias coming from both the far right and the far left.


Which makes me believe that they must be getting it right balance wise!


Of course, certain people only believe the BBC, or any other media, to be 'balanced' if they agree with them.


As for accusations of BBC lies; I, like Grouse, would like to see those making the accusation provide some examples.


Farage? A buffoon whose time would have passed had the strange US presidential electoral college system not handed the presidency to another, but far more dangerous, buffoon; despite Clinton getting more actual votes than Trump. Though to be fair, this is not the first time this has happened; George W Bush in 2000 being the last example.

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The thing about the BBC is, being British, I know exactly where their bias is coming from. So I read more into what they imply or don't say, rather than what they say explicitly. After all, we live in reality, and Britain is no longer a great power ruling the world. IMHO they are still a primary news source, and whilst they might not always tell the whole truth you'll never get a direct lie.

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Not a big fan of the Daily Mail, but happened to be leafing through last Thursdays edition this morning, only thing to read in a waiting room, which contained a Mac cartoon.


Their copyright wont let me post it here; but it shows an aide holding a phone and talking to Theresa May.


The caption reads 'It's Donald Trump. He's looking forward to meeting you for some serious political discussions, and says "Wear the split skirt."'


Image result for Theresa May split skirt


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