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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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14 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


"Now all we need is some of Trumps faithful NRA supporters to take the law into their own hands and we really will see a civil war."

"Takes two side to have a civil war"


Way to go on that one.

We've gone from name calling to warmongering.  It takes two sides sure but remember what happened in the last effort, the left were annihilated.  Never wish for something you cannot handle or finish. :wai:

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13 hours ago, dcutman said:

I have to admit, I thought the stock market was gonna take a big hit as well. In fact I bought 200 pounds of silver just to be prepared.


No need to worry yet , Obama is still in charge , just wait a few months and you will get a completely different picture . 


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Just now, Si Thea01 said:

We've gone from name calling to warmongering.  It takes two sides sure but remember what happened in the last effort, the left were annihilated.  Never wish for something you cannot handle or finish. :wai:


Have I been calling people names?  I don't recall!


Anyway, did you even read my original post, I WAS NOT wishing for a civil war, I was saying that being dismissive of the current situation is a bad idea as it has the potential to descend into a civil war, depending of course on the other side.  The person who first replied to me seemed to agree as they implied that if these protests were in open carry country then they would be shooting them, that is what I am talking about and I do not think that is a good thing, OK?

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

There's never been anyone like Bannon in such a position of influence in American history. He's a new breed of frog.

Not to mention the president elect himself ... that bizarre man baby with no experience. Unprecedented. 


Bannon is a known anti Semite. Just look at past Breitbart headlines.

hey, but under Trump, anti-semitism is not a bug, it's a feature.


btw, Jinting, I like your new avatar.

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33 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


They are not, they are protesting things that can be changed.  Isn't it funny how the NRA supporters keep their guns in defense of a potential tyrant coming to power but when someone else fears the coming rein of a potential tyrant they bleat out that nothing can be done about it?  Absolutely hilarious!!!


Your comment is "absolutely hilarious".


They are protesting the results of a fair election. Trump isn't president yet and has done nothing to protest about. They are also attacking people who voted for Trump.


So perhaps you can answer my question: What are these protestors hoping to achieve? Do any of them realise that half of the voting public voted for Trump?  IMO they are all retards, and anyone backing their behaviour.  

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19 minutes ago, balo said:


No need to worry yet , Obama is still in charge , just wait a few months and you will get a completely different picture . 


Stock market reacted favorably to Trumps election.  They are adults and don't wear safety pins in their diapers.

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28 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


They are not, they are protesting things that can be changed.  Isn't it funny how the NRA supporters keep their guns in defense of a potential tyrant coming to power but when someone else fears the coming rein of a potential tyrant they bleat out that nothing can be done about it?  Absolutely hilarious!!!


You are seriously confused

1...We elected him...we do not see him as a tyrant....or we would not have elected him.

We keep guns to protect against  those that would try to tear our country down....foreign or domestic


2... The  reference someone made about nothing can be done about it...was a reference to the spoilt tantrum throwing violent protestor......telling them grow up election is over YOU folks will not change it by acting out.


If you take it beyond the law you will be held responsible...your choice

rioting...hurting citizens, destroying private property will not be tolerated.......


The blue states your having your tantrums in now may cut you an iota of slack but even that has limits. 


Clear now?

if not your on your own

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2 minutes ago, tropo said:

Your comment is "absolutely hilarious".


The are protesting the results of a fair election. Trump isn't president yet and has done nothing to protest.


So perhaps you can answer my question: What are these protestors hoping to achieve? Do any of them realise that half of the voting public voted for Trump? That's why I consider them all retards, and anyone backing their behaviour. They are the ones inciting civil war as they are fighting their own people, not Trump.

They think it's like Korea and if they protest somehow Trump will leave.

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10 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Bannon is a known anti Semite. Just look at past Breitbart headlines.

hey, but under Trump, anti-semitism is not a bug, it's a feature.


btw, Jinting, I like your new avatar.

In America only kids and liberals are afraid of the boogie man.  When he or Trump does something actually anti Semitic then post.  Trump will be more pro Israel than Obama.  Trump said this week he supports Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.   Clinton was pro Palestine.   You got your players mixed up.

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On 11/13/2016 at 0:22 AM, tropo said:

Now that same crowd has changed to making predictions that Trump will never keep a single election promise. One well-known member predicts, with 100% certainty (of course), that Trump will be impeached. No mention of why. He lost what little was left of his credibility 3 days ago but never quits.


Well Michael Moore correctly predicted that Trump would win the election, as much as he hates Trump, and now he predicts this:


My 2nd To-Do List: #2. Prepare 4 Trump's Impeachment now. Narcissism & greed & the fact he's a sociopath will lead to him breaking the law

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Well Michael Moore correctly predicted that Trump would win the election, as much as he hates Trump, and now he predicts this:
My 2nd To-Do List: #2. Prepare 4 Trump's Impeachment now. Narcissism & greed & the fact he's a sociopath will lead to him breaking the law
The difference is the impeachment prediction is not contrarian. trump winning was.
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12 minutes ago, mania said:


You are seriously confused

1...We elected him...we do not see him as a tyrant....or we would not have elected him.

We keep guns to protect against  those that would try to tear our country down....foreign or domestic


2... The  reference someone made about nothing can be done about it...was a reference to the spoilt tantrum throwing violent protestor......telling them grow up election is over YOU folks will not change it by acting out.


If you take it beyond the law you will be held responsible...your choice

rioting...hurting citizens, destroying private property will not be tolerated.......


The blue states your having your tantrums in now may cut you an iota of slack but even that has limits. 


Clear now?

if not your on your own


1. The people who are protesting and also the ones who are rioting did not vote for him.  They may or may not keep guns, but they no doubt recognize the reason why people in America do, out of fear for the very thing they fear Trump for, the threat to tear down all that America means to them, a person they could consider to be a tyrant.


2. Many people are peacefully protesting against the things that Trump stood for during his campaign, these things can actually be changed, as can at the more extreme end of things, the entire government, the right to bear arms against a tyrant being the pertinent right.  Just because not everyone fears him does not mean some cannot, remember the Trump campaigners calling for Hillary to be killed?  Remember those calling for Obama to be killed?  Remember Trump threatening that his supporters would not take losing the election lying down?  This is all in the American dream, the right not to accept what you oppose politically.


And by the way, I have in no way voiced any support for these actions, by your closing sentences it would seem that you think I am on the side of the protesters, and in some ways I am as I support many of the things they are saying, but I do not condone violence and anyway I am an outsider.  Funny how every American who meets someone with a view they disagree with seems to assume you support whichever of the two major parties they do not, I guess that is just how entrenched your two party political system has become.

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5 hours ago, Grubster said:

On the other hand I believe there are many voters who would have voted Trump in Cal, NY, IL, etc. that just don't waste their time as they know its a futile effort.  I am way for the popular vote, I'm glad it wasn't in use now though.


The Electoral College favors Ma and Pa Kettle and this election further proves it.


Former SecState Clinton is winning the Popular Vote which continues to be counted due to absentee ballots (such as my own and probably those of others here) and provisional ballots.


The then VP Al Gore won the Popular Vote in 2000 yet GW Bush won the election by 3 (three) Electoral College Votes in the disputed count in Florida, where Jeb Bush had been governor and Scotus violated the Constitution by interposing itself in the final decision which Constitutionally resides with the U.S. House of Representatives.


The Electoral College is a Rube Goldberg contraption before there was Rube Goldberg and his contraptions (the Founders in this respect probably inspired Rube).


In the U.S. Senate each state gets two Senators, which ignores population numbers. The House is based on the population of each state, but a Senator's term is six years while a House member's term is but two years. 


The irony is that when a voter in a state does not vote because in the Potus race the state votes the opposite color of the voter, then the person passes also on voting for a Senator and a U.S. Representative -- to also include state offices such as legislators, governor and the like.


(Some voters however do go to the polls and pass on voting for Potus but they do vote the other offices.)


So to those back home in the good ole USA who are rightwingers and other kinds of Republicans and who did not vote for this reason, thanks because at least the votes they killed did not promote Republicans and other rightwhingenuts in state offices and in other races for Congress. In this election, things for the good guyz could have been worse.

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6 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:


During the anti Vietnam War protest demonstrations we often travelled by bus and often in small fleets of buses.


Nobody I know rioted.


Rioters attach themselves to public political demonstrations and they always have. Those who fail to make the distinction are either in error or they have a warped agenda.


In this instance, it is definitely positively the latter.

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6 minutes ago, Publicus said:


I give the Right Sector reality.


Face it.


Accept it.

Somehow I feel 100% sure you would not be protesting the Electoral College system if your candidate won. Were you as vocal in your denunciation when Obama won?

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2 minutes ago, Publicus said:


During the anti Vietnam War protest demonstrations we often travelled by bus and often in small fleets of buses.


Nobody I know rioted.


Rioters attach themselves to public political demonstrations and they always have. Those who fail to make the distinction are either in errorarrow-10x10.png or they have a warped agenda.


In this instance, it is definitely positively the latter.

I assume  you actually followed said  buses and verified by personal individual  questioning of  diembarking passengers that the pupose of their trip  was  to be  anti  chump agitators?

Or is the (unresponsive) content of  the  video clip simply  become a propagandist tool?

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The press and other morons continue to agitate the pampered spoiled rotten rioters. Exactly what purpose do they think they can accomplish? Are all of them too stupid to understand that the election is over. So far the Trump supporters are keeping their cool. That could possibly change and there will be blood on the streets. It appears that the only thing they understand is violence.

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33 minutes ago, Publicus said:


I give the Right Sector reality.



What you "gave" was months and months of BS about how the right had no chance...Yada,Yada,Yada.....we all saw how that turned out.


you should now just fade  away...you have no credibility here..no reality to give anyone except to yourself to face the reality you don't know squat..you got no shot....hope on a bus Gus

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I voted Green in California.  Below is an excerpt from Dr. Jill Stein's letter, the day after the election....


Many are rightly outraged about the DNC’s sabotage of Bernie Sanders, who by all indications would have trounced Donald Trump. We must also recognize the leading role played by corporate media in turning this election into a toxic reality show. The media .....massively silenced our campaign and Gary Johnson’s in a year when Americans were screaming for more choices. And they legitimized corporate-controlled debates that locked out political competition.

One study found that our campaign received 3 seconds of coverage on corporate media for every 1,700 minutes for Trump and every 1,000+ minutes for Clinton.


We urgently need to support independent media whose only agenda is informing the public of the truth.

In spite of all the barriers to our participation, we earned over one million votes for peaceful revolution, more than doubling our vote count in 2012.





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21 minutes ago, mania said:

(addressed to Publicus)

What you "gave" was months and months of BS about how the right had no chance...Yada,Yada,Yada.....we all saw how that turned out. you should now just fade  away...you have no credibility here..no reality to give anyone except to yourself to face the reality you don't know squat..you got no shot....hope on a bus Gus


          Rejoice and gloat to your heart's content.  But that doesn't change the fact that HRC was 6 to 9 % points ahead for weeks, until the 11th day before the election, when Comey and Guiliani released the false flag report about Weiner's questionable emails, which no one at the FBI had read at that point.  24 million votes were cast between that dirty trick / borderline illegal announcement, and the follow-up announcement where Comey said there was no dirt on HRC in any of those emails.

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