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Clinton blames FBI director for presidential election loss


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This is the 1990 Donald Trump interview in Playboy at which he says:


Another game: What’s the first thing President Trump would do upon entering the Oval Office?
Many things. A toughness of attitude would prevail. I’d throw a tax on every Mercedes-Benz rolling into this country and on all Japanese products, and we’d have wonderful allies again.

And how would President Trump handle it?
He would believe very strongly in extreme military strength. He wouldn’t trust anyone. He wouldn’t trust the Russians; he wouldn’t trust our allies; he’d have a huge military arsenal, perfect it, understand it. Part of the problem is that we’re defending some of the wealthiest countries in the world for nothing…. We’re being laughed at around the world, defending Japan—

Wait. If you believe that the public shares these views, and that you could do the job, why not consider running for President?
I’d do the job as well as or better than anyone else. It’s my hope that George Bush can do a great job.

You might think after contemplating what he might do as President for all this time, he might be better prepared.


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45 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

america is on a path to a major melt down. interest rates are at zero and can not be raised. borrowing for stimulus spending and bail outs continues. income disparity worsens. home ownership rates (the american dream) is steadily declining. millions homeless, millions more homes sitting empty. national debt (20 trillion) and household dept (12 trillion) continues to climb. i dont see any way back from Americas current path. i would like to see trump some how turn it around but it is hard to see how that would happen. when american really falls the world will be affected by the flow on effect. we will not be insulated in thailand. 


america is on a path to a major melt down.


Wish I had a dollar for every time I heard that.



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44 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

The reason I like trump is he deals with the problem. People can call him names,say he is politically incorrect ,rascist etc. He takes it in stride and goes on to get the job done. He is like a hockey player willing to take the hits to be in position to put the puck in the net. They can defame him all they like but he will get results.

  And hillary only has herself to blame the FBI were only dealing with what she had done. some times what you do comes back to bite you.


What problem did Trump deal with? Campaign trail promises aside. He got elected, if that's was what you meant by results. But there's still a country to run for the next 4 years. Takes it in stride? Seriously? One of the most easily irritable politicians ever.

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36 minutes ago, zydeco said:


I remember when the Pentagon Papers came to public attention.  Back then, the press wasn't very interested in the source or the legality of the matter.  They focused on the content.  But this time, they all but ignored the content to make McCarthyite charges against people and organizations that tried to get the email info to the public. 


A better comparison would be to Watergate scandal.But then, your comparison would not hold.

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It was pointless saying this. If Coomey hadn't written his letter, the information would have been leaked anyway (that was his reason for doing it), and contrary to the misperception here, the media would have had a feeding frenzy.

To moan about it now just comes across as sour grapes.



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16 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

This is the 1990 Donald Trump interview in Playboy at which he says:


6 words from history:  "Read my lips.  No new taxes."  And he meant it when he said it.  Things change.  A good idea in 2006 looked pretty stupid in 2009.


Is it reasonable to expect citizen Trump to get it right, off the cuff, 26 years in advance?

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:


The president of the USA cannot afford to "play mind games".


I agree with the gist of what you said…although i wasn't suggesting he start playing high stakes poker with america's future.


He used the mind games to crush his opponents…he did it to win.


Now he will have to adapt to new realities.



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59 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

And you know what? Those people who didn't vote can go F themselves, if they are unhappy with the result.


You could say the same about the ones who did vote, too.  But they're still Americans.  They still deserve their place in the nation and their piece of the American pie.  Unless you listen to the Repubs...


Edit:  Which kind of brings it full circle with the Trump candidacy and all.

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2 hours ago, cooked said:

No they didn't. The FBI did the hacking. Even if the Russians did, that is no excuse for what was exposed.

The experts agree, Russia did it.  So you are OK with foreign countries hacking private email servers and publishing info?





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I won't even begin to read anything the NY times and Esquire publishes. The FBI did the hacking all by their selves, they hate what the Clintons and Bushes have been doing to the country.

Anyway, who cares where the hacking came from? If true, the lady is a criminal. The truth of the leaks has not been disputed, the only defence has been that "the Russians dunnit", so that deals with that.

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

The reason I like trump is he deals with the problem. People can call him names,say he is politically incorrect ,rascist etc. He takes it in stride and goes on to get the job done. He is like a hockey player willing to take the hits to be in position to put the puck in the net. They can defame him all they like but he will get results.

  And hillary only has herself to blame the FBI were only dealing with what she had done. some times what you do comes back to bite you.

Tell that to the average investors who lost a bunch in his failed business deals.  Great talker he is.




How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions


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The momentum had shifted, and the polls began turning, before the first Comey announcement. 


If anything, the Comey annoucement allowed the Mainstream Media (owned by Transnational Corporations that hate Trump's policy-proposals) to continue to ignore the multiple revelations of corruption and media-collusion in the Hillary campaign coming from Wikileaks. 


The Comey angle allowed the pollsters, who had been lying with "weighted polls" all along, to have a reason to blame for their tricks not getting Hillary over the finish line.

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52 minutes ago, impulse said:


6 words from history:  "Read my lips.  No new taxes."  And he meant it when he said it.  Things change.  A good idea in 2006 looked pretty stupid in 2009.


Is it reasonable to expect citizen Trump to get it right, off the cuff, 26 years in advance?

I don't care what he said in 1990 -- only that he's been thinking about what he'd do if he were President since 1990. But what the heck -- according to one guy on here it's only a matter of whether the good ol' US of A melts down on Trump's watch or the watch of someone that comes after Trump (unless it melts down in before Jan 20 2017)

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10 minutes ago, cooked said:

I won't even begin to read anything the NY times and Esquire publishes. The FBI did the hacking all by their selves, they hate what the Clintons and Bushes have been doing to the country.

Anyway, who cares where the hacking came from? If true, the lady is a criminal. The truth of the leaks has not been disputed, the only defence has been that "the Russians dunnit", so that deals with that.

That tells a lot about a person.  Refuses to read articles from one of the most respected and awarded publications in the world. LOL


I bet you'd read it if they had an article saying the FBI hacked the email server! LOL  Sadly, it wouldn't be the truth.

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2 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

I don't care what he said in 1990 -- only that he's been thinking about what he'd do if he were President since 1990. But what the heck -- according to one guy on here it's only a matter of whether the good ol' US of A melts down on Trump's watch or the watch of someone that comes after Trump (unless it melts down in before Jan 20 2017)


I've been pondering what I'd do if I was King of the World since I was around 5 years old.  Gotta admit, I haven't been so diligent about my preparations, either.


The biggest difference?  They didn't interview me and ask.  And I'll always be a spectator.  He, on the other hand, suited up and took the field.  Kudos for that even if it does turn into a smoking wreck. (Yes, that's me taking the piss)

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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

      I've had the same conclusion for the past 2 weeks.  The clincher was Guiliani grinning ear to ear while being interviewed on CNN, two days before Comey's letter was circulated.  The CNN interviewer asked several times why he was so happy.   All Guiliani could say (several times, while trying not to burst into giggles) was, "in two days, there will be a big surprise, but I can't tell you what it is."    Guiliani is in direct touch with fellow Republican Comey.  Connect the dots.  There may have been a giant payment involved.  


       Comey and Guiliani knew they were throwing the election in Trump's favor.   Of course there are many other factors re; the election results, but Comey's release of the letter was what put doubts about emails back in a portion of weak-minded Trump fans' minds .....is top of the list.


      9 days later, two days before the election, when Comey announced nothing was found, it was too late to matter.   Already, 24 million votes had been cast, nearly all in that week which began when Comey made the false-flag announcement.   


       Was HRC a flawed candidate?  Yes.  But comparing HRC's drawbacks with Trump's is like comparing a monkey with a sprained wrist with King Kong after falling from the Empire State Building.   It's not even apples and oranges.   One had a lapse of judgement which she apologized for repeatedly.   The other has such deep flaws, that there are sustained mass rallies against him in several major cities, .....and he has barely begun his four years of destruction.

Donald Trump will be the next president so stop all the lefty whinging for goodness sake. Never seen such sour grapes since Brexit.


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8 minutes ago, impulse said:


I've been pondering what I'd do if I was King of the World since I was around 5 years old.  Gotta admit, I haven't been so diligent about my preparations, either.


The biggest difference?  They didn't interview me and ask.  And I'll always be a spectator.  He, on the other hand, suited up and took the field.  Kudos for that even if it does turn into a smoking wreck. (Yes, that's me taking the piss)

My thoughts on all this  are along the lines of what Colin Powell claims to have told President GWBush in 2004:


You break it, you own.


Good luck to Trump -- even though he's been contemplating what he would do as President since at lest 1990, he seems to be about the least prepared person to take that office, since ... well maybe ever.

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8 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

My thoughts on all this  are along the lines of what Colin Powell claims to have told President GWBush in 2004:


You break it, you own.


Good luck to Trump -- even though he's been contemplating what he would do as President since at lest 1990, he seems to be about the least prepared person to take that office. since ... well maybe never.


The founding fathers envisioned citizens stepping up and taking a few years out of their lives to serve their country, then going back to live in the community they created.   This is the closest we've had in my lifetime (unless you count Jimmy Carter)  George Washington was completely unprepared and he did okay.


The flip side of not being prepared is that he doesn't have an entire career of partisan political baggage to atone for, and thousands of chits hanging out, waiting to be redeemed for $$$ billions in pork barrel cash by his contributors.

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12 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Donald Trump will be the next president so stop all the lefty whinging for goodness sake. Never seen such sour grapes since Brexit.


The more the left riot and ransack, froth and foam, refuse to accept free and fair democratic electoral proceedures, the longer Trump will be president. Luckily they didn't work this out yet. Time to start grooming Ivanka to take the reins after a Don double-bill.

 Just when it seemed life couldn't be sweeter, they give us this gift. It must hurt all the more knowing that the dems planned immigration would have enshrined a democrat government for eternity. Well now the jig is up, expect the immigration rules to err how can I say.... favor a more "right" leaning incoming group. Amen to that.

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46 minutes ago, cooked said:

I won't even begin to read anything the NY times and Esquire publishes. The FBI did the hacking all by their selves, they hate what the Clintons and Bushes have been doing to the country.

Anyway, who cares where the hacking came from? If true, the lady is a criminal. The truth of the leaks has not been disputed, the only defence has been that "the Russians dunnit", so that deals with that.


There are three different cases: in Hillary Clinton email controversy , the 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak    and the Podesta emails. The FBI was involved in the first, while the two others are connected with Wikileaks. Wikileaks not being an independent player is becoming obvious, whether you like it or not. I don't think "hacking" describes the FBI's involvement in the case. The truth of the leaks did come under doubt since they were released, at least in part.

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20 minutes ago, jaidam said:



29 minutes ago, impulse said:


The founding fathers envisioned citizens stepping up and taking a few years out of their lives to serve their country, then going back to live in the community they created.   This is the closest we've had in my lifetime (unless you count Jimmy Carter)  George Washington was completely unprepared and he did okay.


The flip side of not being prepared is that he doesn't have an entire career of partisan political baggage to atone for, and thousands of chits hanging out, waiting to be redeemed for $$$ billions in pork barrel cash by his contributors.

George Washington was Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army 1775-1783 during the American Revolution. There is no flip-side to not being prepared to run the US Government.

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There are three different cases: in Hillary Clinton email controversy , the 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak    and the Podesta emails. The FBI was involved in the first, while the two others are connected with Wikileaks. Wikileaks not being an independent player is becoming obvious, whether you like it or not. I don't think "hacking" describes the FBI's involvement in the case. The truth of the leaks did come under doubt since they were released, at least in part.

There's also the Anthony Weiner-Huma Abedin case...


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Frankly the Democrats were warned: https://theintercept.com/2016/11/09/democrats-trump-and-the-ongoing-dangerous-refusal-to-learn-the-lesson-of-brexit/ . They brought the upcoming disaster upon not only themselves but America and the world.


They didn't learn then and with the rally around Donna Brazil and the elite of the DNC I wonder if they ever will. Past time for a 3rd party and/or a through scrubbing of the elites of the Democrat Party who in reality are and have been Republican Lite for years.

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16 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


There's also the Anthony Weiner-Huma Abedin case...


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


Look, just because Anthony and Huma saved 600,000 highly confidential state secret emails on their home computer on a file titled 'Life Insurance' does not automatically prove they were going to be used for blackmail, or to be given to Huma's somewhat "sketchy" family members back in the ME.


No, it certainly all looks like it's Mr. Comeys fault.

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Clinton lost and she needs to take it on the chin and move.  So far Trump is backpedalling at quite a rate and hopefully he will keep ditching the stupid policies he was pitching in the campaign.  I am relieved that he seems to be calm and controlled at the moment.  Let's see how that goes when he moves into his new house.

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

That tells a lot about a person.  Refuses to read articles from one of the most respected and awarded publications in the world. LOL


I bet you'd read it if they had an article saying the FBI hacked the email server! LOL  Sadly, it wouldn't be the truth.

I have been reading the NY post, which, incidentally, is not universally respected for its journalistic standards, on and off for years. Its a rag.

I notice you aren't defending Hillary, but criticising the source of her troubles, which are her lies, corruption and the rest of it. And the leaks of course, no matter where they came from.  I bet you haven't read Wikileaks either, have you? They don't report much on that in the NYT except to say the Russians dunnit.

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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

      I've had the same conclusion for the past 2 weeks.  The clincher was Guiliani grinning ear to ear while being interviewed on CNN, two days before Comey's letter was circulated.  The CNN interviewer asked several times why he was so happy.   All Guiliani could say (several times, while trying not to burst into giggles) was, "in two days, there will be a big surprise, but I can't tell you what it is."    Guiliani is in direct touch with fellow Republican Comey.  Connect the dots.  There may have been a giant payment involved.  


       Comey and Guiliani knew they were throwing the election in Trump's favor.   Of course there are many other factors re; the election results, but Comey's release of the letter was what put doubts about emails back in a portion of weak-minded Trump fans' minds .....is top of the list.


      9 days later, two days before the election, when Comey announced nothing was found, it was too late to matter.   Already, 24 million votes had been cast, nearly all in that week which began when Comey made the false-flag announcement.   


       Was HRC a flawed candidate?  Yes.  But comparing HRC's drawbacks with Trump's is like comparing a monkey with a sprained wrist with King Kong after falling from the Empire State Building.   It's not even apples and oranges.   One had a lapse of judgement which she apologized for repeatedly.   The other has such deep flaws, that there are sustained mass rallies against him in several major cities, .....and he has barely begun his four years of destruction.


All a conspiracy hey? Just like how "Honest Hilary" conspired to win the democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders. After all, she was the chosen one, the anointed successor, the "establishment and elites" candidate.


She lost. 47% of the electorate didn't bother to vote. Those protesting only like democracy when they win. 

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