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A Gout treatment that works wonders .

i claudius

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For many years i have suffered with gout , once a month regular as clockwork , eventually went to hospital and got medicated , well all the drugs they tried did stop the attacks but messed up my liver , so i had to come off them , of course the attacks started again ,once a month ,

The wife then started checking around and said she had found out about something that would stop the attacks (she hoped)

well over the years i had tried many "miracle cures" to no avail anyway she made it up for me ,i took it not expecting any joy , but here 4 months later ,not one attack, so i thought i would share it as gout is a right sod and even when you take colchacine to end the pain you still end up with the runs

1/2 kilo of single garlic( thats the small ones called klatium tone) in Thai ,15 limes .


put the peeled garlic and the juice from the limes in a blender and make into a paste ,put in a jar and leave it for 15 days , then take one tablespoon a day after dinner ,,

i am a very cynical guy ,but 4 months later still ok , so if you suffer from gout ,what have you got to lose?

hope it helps someone

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Black bean juice worked for me! 


Boil and simmer black beans for an hour or so, top up water if getting too low... One can add ginger root too for better flavor!

I/2 kg black beans to 2 litres or so of water.  Strain and drink a few glasses a day!

Don't eat the beans though!

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