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I just wanted to know if anyone knew if somewhere in Bangkok you can buy a personal hot spot for internet? You know in the states you can get this from t-mobile https://support.t-mobile.com/community/phones-tablets-devices/mobile-internet/zte-falcon-z-917. I'm looking for something like this in Thailand.  I have WIFI at my place but it is not very stable and the phone internet is not good either. I need this for my job so any feedback much appreciated. Thank you in advance, Steven. 


The first thing you have to determine is what you are trying to accomplish. If WIFI is not available in your place and your phone Data is not acceptable, how will you be getting your internet access ? The MIFi type device only allows you to create your own WIFI hotspot from an EXISTING Internet connection, usually phone based.


If your place has a phone line, you should get interent from True or other major company. Either in your name or the name of your landlord. It costs 100baht per month for line rental and then a minimum of 599+VAT/month for the basic internet. It is post-paid. You get a free router from the provider. 
If you have this and it isn't stable, call the company, they'll send a technician to check. There could be many reasons. Last time I had internet that kept on dropping, I called True, the technician came and tested the router which was 5 years old.  I never knew routers have a shelf-life. He suggested replacing it. I went to True and got a new one, free of charge. 

11 hours ago, svaldezi said:

Has anyone used something like this before? http://www.thaismileconnect.com/


Ahh okay thank you Tonray. Do you know of any?

 That device works off a SIM card. Instead of investing in that, maybe try a different cell company. I use DTAC with my phones 3G when the regular internet is out, and it works quite well. IMHO


Good luck


I got one but I think they call it air card here. usb dongle/drive with sim and enough data to use email throughout day. 499 baht a month maybe 599. works great. true is provider and it worked throughout central north and me thailand. Drive was free I believe from memory.

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