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Two DSI officials suspended for alleged involvement in 40 million baht brokerage fees


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Two DSI officials suspended for alleged involvement in 40 million baht brokerage fees




BANGKOK: -- Two officials of the Department of Special Investigation have been suspended from active duty on charges of money laundering.


DSI director-general Pol Col Paisit Wongmuang ordered the suspension of the two officials whose names were withheld. A disciplinary committee was also set up to mete out punishment against them.


Pol Col Paisit said that, in the DSI’s investigation into the financial transactions of a group of brokers that sold the land of Klongchan Credit Union Cooperatives and charged 60 million baht in brokerage fees from the cooperatives, it was discovered that the two DSI officials were linked to the acceptance of 40 million baht of the brokerage fees.


The land plots in question were impounded. But the DSI and the Anti-Money Laundering Office later unfroze the land plots as requested by Mr Supachai Srisupa-aksorn, then chairman of the cooperatives, who claimed that he wanted to sell the plots to raise fund to be returned to the cooperatives.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/two-dsi-officials-suspended-for-alleged-involvement-in-40-million-baht-brokerage-fees/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-11-17
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Is there any corner of this very troubled country that is beyond reproach, the whole place is just rotten to the core, I have never in my life come across so many dishonest people



It really is time to elevate corruption to the top of the criminal tree and deal with these people in the harshest possible way..........that is the only answer, the downside is that only the military have the clout or the possible will to make it happen and I say that with some reservation

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Wow! Put a comment on Facebook that the government doesn't like and get years in prison. 


Be a person who works within the law, who's supposed to be responsible for catching corrupt people, who is supposed to be honest and responsible, and you get suspended for stealing 40 million Baht. 


I've inferred that it's definitely not okay to criticise the government on Facebook, but it's okay to steal from the people 


Suspended jail sentences or inactive posts? 

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Disgraceful, but still the pseudo monk who orchestrated the whole scam remains in a bubble of untouchability due to the buffoonery, ineptitude, and now seemingly outright criminality of Thailand's premier investigative agency, the DSI. An absolute and utter shambles.

As others before have mentioned, corruption by those in a uniform seems to be tolerated, if not encouraged when the only punishment is a desk job til whatever the next step is (which we never hear). It gets old real quick :post-4641-1156693976:

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1 hour ago, smedly said:

Is there any corner of this very troubled country that is beyond reproach, the whole place is just rotten to the core, I have never in my life come across so many dishonest people



It really is time to elevate corruption to the top of the criminal tree and deal with these people in the harshest possible way..........that is the only answer, the downside is that only the military have the clout or the possible will to make it happen and I say that with some reservation


Why the surprise?


The logical outcome from vote buying and selling...rotten to the very top!

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28 minutes ago, z42 said:

Disgraceful, but still the pseudo monk who orchestrated the whole scam remains in a bubble of untouchability due to the buffoonery, ineptitude, and now seemingly outright criminality of Thailand's premier investigative agency, the DSI. An absolute and utter shambles.

As others before have mentioned, corruption by those in a uniform seems to be tolerated, if not encouraged when the only punishment is a desk job til whatever the next step is (which we never hear). It gets old real quick :post-4641-1156693976:

In neatly side-stepping becoming involved in the monk's case the PM decided he wouldn't meddle but would rather leave the case to be dealt with by the relevant agency which just happens to be This One !

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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" A disciplinary committee was also set up to mete out punishment against them."

So they wont get their day in criminal Court,can see a slap on the wrist coming,

no mention if they repaid the  40 million. 


regards worgeordie

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

Is there any corner of this very troubled country that is beyond reproach, the whole place is just rotten to the core, I have never in my life come across so many dishonest people



It really is time to elevate corruption to the top of the criminal tree and deal with these people in the harshest possible way..........that is the only answer, the downside is that only the military have the clout or the possible will to make it happen and I say that with some reservation

You have to be patient. The PM is working on eliminating corruption. He promised it will be gone in 20 years. Not long to go now only 19 years and 6 months.

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3 hours ago, smedly said:

Is there any corner of this very troubled country that is beyond reproach, the whole place is just rotten to the core, I have never in my life come across so many dishonest people



It really is time to elevate corruption to the top of the criminal tree and deal with these people in the harshest possible way..........that is the only answer, the downside is that only the military have the clout or the possible will to make it happen and I say that with some reservation

Well I would have to agree with you on some of the most lieing/cheating/theiving/dishonest/corrupt people I've encountered.


Some of the millitary are the most corrupt/stand over extortionists and down right thieves.

Who is PM and his family at the very top of the orruption allergations?   

Who refuses to have independant investigations into his familes actions???

Asking that lot to do anything regarding the corruption in this country is like leting fox gard the hen house.

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3 hours ago, smedly said:

Is there any corner of this very troubled country that is beyond reproach, the whole place is just rotten to the core, I have never in my life come across so many dishonest people



It really is time to elevate corruption to the top of the criminal tree and deal with these people in the harshest possible way..........that is the only answer, the downside is that only the military have the clout or the possible will to make it happen and I say that with some reservation


Execpt that corruptin, kickbacks and commissions are Thailands most thriving businesses and the established hate any new pigglets trying to eat from heir troughs.

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2 hours ago, trogers said:


Why the surprise?


The logical outcome from vote buying and selling...rotten to the very top!


No it isn't.


It's "normal".  And has been for hundreds of years.


It's what they are.



Edited by Enoon
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3 hours ago, smedly said:

Is there any corner of this very troubled country that is beyond reproach, the whole place is just rotten to the core, I have never in my life come across so many dishonest people



It really is time to elevate corruption to the top of the criminal tree and deal with these people in the harshest possible way..........that is the only answer, the downside is that only the military have the clout or the possible will to make it happen and I say that with some reservation


This isn't an anomaly.


It's what their system is built on.


As are most "Beyond the Bosphorus".



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3 hours ago, smedly said:

Is there any corner of this very troubled country that is beyond reproach, the whole place is just rotten to the core, I have never in my life come across so many dishonest people



It really is time to elevate corruption to the top of the criminal tree and deal with these people in the harshest possible way..........that is the only answer, the downside is that only the military have the clout or the possible will to make it happen and I say that with some reservation

You're absolutely right, but unfortunately in this country those at the top of your so-called criminal tree seem to be small-time gamblers, overcharging lottery salesmen, minor drug abusers and illegal migrant workers, in other words, easy targets. Big time corruption just doesn't fit here!

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2 hours ago, jerojero said:

Why are names withheld? Why no parade in front of media? Big anti-corruption announcement by Government , to be after while swept under the rug?



If you see the size of the "anti corruption" department building in BKK you wouldn't think it can be swept under the rug.


It seems the general is giving up his tasks, he gets weaker every week.

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3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Wow! Put a comment on Facebook that the government doesn't like and get years in prison. 


Be a person who works within the law, who's supposed to be responsible for catching corrupt people, who is supposed to be honest and responsible, and you get suspended for stealing 40 million Baht. 


I've inferred that it's definitely not okay to criticise the government on Facebook, but it's okay to steal from the people 


Suspended jail sentences or inactive posts? 


Land of smiley faces, kettles and pots for hire

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2 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

You have to be patient. The PM is working on eliminating corruption. He promised it will be gone in 20 years. Not long to go now only 19 years and 6 months.

Promises promises he didn't mention it's the same as 90 day reporting. When he leaves the country the clock starts over.

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So these 2 people have been suspened from active duty for money laundering.

But if your a white devil falang, and you operate a legal business in your country but illegal here in LOS, and you bring the profits here and your a Dutch man, then you are charged with money laundering and gaoled for over one hunder years...

Thai justice for you.

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4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

" A disciplinary committee was also set up to mete out punishment against them."

So they wont get their day in criminal Court,can see a slap on the wrist coming,

no mention if they repaid the  40 million. 


regards worgeordie


Of course it wasn't repaid, shared out between all the nameless higher ups, long gone... :bah:

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5 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

So these 2 people have been suspened from active duty for money laundering.

But if your a white devil falang, and you operate a legal business in your country but illegal here in LOS, and you bring the profits here and your a Dutch man, then you are charged with money laundering and gaoled for over one hunder years...

Thai justice for you.

so why hasn't your hero Thaksin and his minions done something about it during many decades in office ?

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12 hours ago, smedly said:

Is there any corner of this very troubled country that is beyond reproach, the whole place is just rotten to the core, I have never in my life come across so many dishonest people


It really is time to elevate corruption to the top of the criminal tree and deal with these people in the harshest possible way..........that is the only answer, the downside is that only the military have the clout or the possible will to make it happen and I say that with some reservation


Here I was thinking that you'd finally woken up - then I read your reply to aussieinthailand...


The only downside in elevating corruption to the top of the criminal tree and dealing with these people in the harshest possible way is that no-one group—including, and especially the military—is clean enough to take action. You still choose to ignore the fact that the Thai Military—according to a wide range of reports—is one of the most deeply corrupt militaries in Asia, if not the world.
Let me again quote a passage (from a site that may not be accessible without a VPN) that pretty much sums up the general feelings about the Thai military:



So what is the purpose of the Thai military?
The short answer is that it has two main functions.
The first function is to protect ruling class rule from challenges by mass movements to expand the democratic space. All the weapons, tanks and other military equipment used by the military have been used in anger against citizens. In Bangkok they shot down demonstrators in 1973, 1976, 1992 and 2010. They have waged a civil war against the communists who sought a more egalitarian society and they are currently engaged in a vicious war in the Patani to prevent Malay Muslim self-determination. They have also occasionally staged military coups in order to “hold the line” against civilian political threats. But more often than not military coups have been about military self-interest, which brings me to the military’s second purpose.
The second purpose of the Thai military is to satisfy the sheer greed of the officer corps. Even when not in political power, the military provides rich and corrupt pickings for those in the top ranks. Corruption from weapons purchases, excess state funds for military activities and the chance to sit on the executive boards of state enterprises, all go to lining their pockets. Add to this the illegal trade in narcotics, human trafficking and other mafia type activities. And when they are in political power like now, the opportunities for enrichment are unlimited.
The effect of this nasty parasitic organisation is to act as a barrier to political progress and to divert important resources from the health, education and general well-being of most citizens.


You keep pushing this false binary where everyone who, like you, doesn't think of Prayuth as a hero must support Thaksin, and it's way past tiresome...


5 hours ago, zyphodb said:

Of course it wasn't repaid, shared out between all the nameless higher ups, long gone... :bah:


I was actually thinking the reason they were transferred was because they didn't share with the higher ups...

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