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Obama’s compelling valedictory speech


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Obama’s compelling valedictory speech

Catherine Hardy




ATHENS: -- Globalisation has brought many economic benefits to the world, but needs a “course correction” to address growing inequality, US President Barack Obama said in an eagerly-awaited valedictory speech in the Greek capital.


“When we see people, global elites, wealthy corporations seemingly living by a different set of rules, avoiding taxes, manipulating loopholes… this feeds a profound sense of injustice,” Obama added.


The visit to Athens was originally planned as a farewell tour but has become focused on reassuring jittery allies after the shock election victory of Donald Trump.


“A crude sort of nationalism“

During the trip, the outgoing president has repeatedly referred to the anger that has breathed life into populist movements in Europe and the US.


On Tuesday, Obama cautioned the world to guard against “a rise in a crude sort of nationalism or ethnic identity or tribalism that is built around an ‘us’ and a ‘them’”.


European governments, especially eastern countries close to Russia’s orbit, have been shaken after Donald Trump appeared to call into question Washington’s almost 70-year security guarantee.


He said he would only help NATO allies if they paid their way.


Obama stressed that Europe – and NATO – will remain a cornerstone of US foreign policy.


The US-led NATO grouping is “absolutely vital” to US interests and a strong, unified Europe is good for America and the world, Obama said.


“We know what happens when Europeans start dividing themselves up. The 20th century was a bloodbath,” Obama told the audience in Athens.


“More democracy is good for the world but it is also good for US security. This is why we stand by NATO, the world's greatest alliance”

— Catherine Hardy (@fernojay) November 16, 2016




Germany is next on Obama’s itinerary.


He is due to visit Angela Merkel, whom he has described as “probably my closest international partner these last eight years.”


He will also meet the leaders of the UK, France and Italy in Berlin.


He is then due to travel to Peru, where he will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping and other Pacific leaders at an economic summit.


Greece’s “extraordinary compassion”


The US president also touched on issues that have shaken Greek society: a dramatic influx of migrants fleeing war and poverty and a crippling financial crisis.


Obama praised the people’s “extraordinary compassion” for the hundreds and thousands of people who have landed on Greek shores since the start of Europe’s worst migrant crisis since the Second World War.


He pledged support for the Greek economy.


The country’s leaders are seeking a fresh US pledge to help alleviate the country’s enormous public debt.


The measure is supported by the IMF but opposed by leading European lender, Germany.


“In my message to the rest of Europe, I will continue to emphasise our view that austerity alone cannot deliver prosperity,” Obama told Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.


Obama spreads message of 'calm' in Greece https://t.co/1aZy6NE29Wpic.twitter.com/4brXT93nht


Euronews – All Views


Stamatis Giannisis from Euronews Greek service says Obama was careful to address all the social and economic forces that are upending world politics and impacting nations like Greece and the US.


“In the almost-thirty hours Obama stayed in Athens, he repeatedly declared his support for the crucial issues concerning Greece.”


“The outgoing US president chose the birthplace of democracy in order to leave his political testimony, and addressed the uncertainties modern republics face.”

“Obama made repeated direct and indirect references to his successor at the White House, Donald Trump.”


Protests in Greece


While Obama has been generally welcomed in Greece, some came out on the streets to demonstrate.

Around 2,500 people gathered to protest in the Greek capital.


They were pushed back by police using tear gas and stun grenades as they tried to breach barriers blocking off the city centre.


The Greek police say several hundred protesters appeared to be from Greece’s vocal anarchist movement.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-11-17
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I do not care for Obama or his policies at all. However, I give him credit for his tone since Trump was elected President. I have a feeling that I am going to like him much more as an ex-President than I did before. George W.Bush is another one who has been great since he left office.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

I do not care for Obama or his policies at all. However, I give him credit for his tone since Trump was elected President. I have a feeling that I am going to like him much more as an ex-President than I did before. George W.Bush is another one who has been great since he left office.


  Same with Jimmy Carter.  The problem with liking these guys more after they leave office is that it means they didn't perform particularly well while in office.

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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

I do not care for Obama or his policies at all. However, I give him credit for his tone since Trump was elected President. I have a feeling that I am going to like him much more as an ex-President than I did before. George W.Bush is another one who has been great since he left office.

Yup, since Bush left office he just keeps getting better and better! Great guy. I assume you mean great because generally he has stayed out of the way, never been seen and says nothing.



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40 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

I do not care for Obama or his policies at all. However, I give him credit for his tone since Trump was elected President. I have a feeling that I am going to like him much more as an ex-President than I did before. George W.Bush is another one who has been great since he left office.

Take issue with you on the Dubya infatuation thing Ulysses G.

He, along with the rest of the so-called RINO's did not support Trump.

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7 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Take issue with you on the Dubya infatuation thing Ulysses G.

He, along with the rest of the so-called RINO's did not support Trump.


You are correct as usual. However, I do not really blame him after what Trump did to his brother. Jeb is probably unelectable after being trashed like he was.

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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You are correct as usual. However, I do not really blame him after what Trump did to his brother. Jeb is probably unelectable after being trashed like he was.

Politics in this age do indeed make strange bedfellows and Trump, from the the start, was going for the jugular.  And, it worked absolutely perfect for him and the country! :smile:

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7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Yup, since Bush left office he just keeps getting better and better! Great guy. I assume you mean great because generally he has stayed out of the way, never been seen and says nothing.




Great video clip - thanks Al. He certainly seemed to be entertaining Michele. From a sullen expression to a massive smile and grin!

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

“When we see people, global elites, wealthy corporations seemingly living by a different set of rules, avoiding taxes, manipulating loopholes… this feeds a profound sense of injustice,” Obama added.

And who pray tell Mr. president has made them rich and untouchable? Yes wave goodbye to the world as you move on to bigger and better things. Sadly the world will not. You and your legacy of lousy of losers have really left us in a pickle. We must pick up the pieces somehow while you move on to greater glory how ironic. You can cash in your winning lottery ticket while we just tear ours up. Politics 101.                                                                  

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Barack ... we're gonna miss you and so will most of the world, except Russia. 


He is iconic of American elegance and intelligence, benevolent hegemony 

The last POTUS of that kind.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

“We know what happens when Europeans start dividing themselves up. The 20th century was a bloodbath,” 

Well Mr. president we are not in a true bloodbath just dying the death of a 1000 cuts. Who is the real villain a guy 300 years ago that just chopped your head off and held it up? Today we cannot hold our own head up as we scramble to survive. I laughed at the comment made by the Finance minister of Canada. He stated that young people today better get used to "Job Hopping" Another profound statement by a dimwit politician. You gets what you pay for. Wait till the Donald gets done. 

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7 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Politics in this age do indeed make strange bedfellows and Trump, from the the start, was going for the jugular.  And, it worked absolutely perfect for him and the country! :smile:


Most will argue it was the jugular, but if that's what you want to think.  

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1 hour ago, Lodestone said:



Thanks, Lodestone for sharing !

Very interesting and amazing mix of topics - nice conversation !

( " what kind of sport is politics" etc.. " how many world leaders do you think are out of their minds?" ... )


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13 hours ago, Opl said:


He is iconic of American elegance and intelligence, benevolent hegemony 

The last POTUS of that kind.


I like Barack Obama. I think he is charismatic and intelligent and has a certain elegance as you mention. That said I don't think he was a particularly great president. I voted for him once on the basis of what I thought might be possible. He did not live up to my expectations. To put that in context however, I should mention that most presidents in my lifetime have not lived up to my expectations of what was possible to achieve.

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5 hours ago, Lodestone said:


I watched that all the way through with a smile on my face. 48% of America have no idea what they have done! If people would have accepted the guy after his election and the Government would have worked with him, the USA would once again be the undisputed greatest. America is about to lose its best, coolest President ever. A hard act to follow I think.

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B. Obama:

- speaks to Americans on an adult level, and thinks of the long term with the best interests of the country in mind

- is able to give great speeches with a commanding presence,

--is calm and rational in every public arena, also is an effective counter-puncher

- is tolerant of idiots , being very comfortable with himself

- has a genuine sense of humor 

- works hard



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On 11/17/2016 at 5:24 AM, webfact said:

He pledged support for the Greek economy.


The country’s leaders are seeking a fresh US pledge to help alleviate the country’s enormous public debt.


Sorry, Obama, you cannot give away our money anymore.  Anything you try and put in the pipeline right now, will be jerked right back out.

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