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Chicken sandwiches at Bangkok's Siam Square contaminated with antibiotics, but not over allowable standard


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4 minutes ago, fruitman said:


BKK has some restaurants with home-chickens. They are very very skinny, you almost only eat skin, and they are expensive as well like 200 for a grilled chicken or even 300.


So you have choice between a fat cp chicken or a skinny one which costs much more. There's nothing in between.




The trick is to buy and cook this chicken at home. Still cheaper than getting the superbug...

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18 minutes ago, WhizBang said:

If it is NOT over the Public Health Ministry's standards, then surely, the chicken is NOT contaminated.  This is a misleading headline.


They were silent on the other test results, and you should understand the implications, if you understand Thainess...

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8 hours ago, Anthony5 said:

So from the 7 checked shops the foreign run one is named while the other 6, which most probably tested identical but are Thai run, remain a secret.


My interpretation would be that only one shop was selling chicken sandwiches which contained antibiotic residues not the other six which were also inspected. No need to tar everyone with the same brush just because they were part of the inspection process which nabbed Subway.

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6 minutes ago, Xircal said:


My interpretation would be that only one shop was selling chicken sandwiches which contained antibiotic residues not the other six which were also inspected. No need to tar everyone with the same brush just because they were part of the inspection process which nabbed Subway.


No you're right, if I was subway I would sue them for defamation because, their food items didn't even contain 10% of the allowed government standard, so why tarnish the name of a international renowned company.


It found that the chicken sandwiches obtained from Subway shop was contaminated with Doxycycline antibiotics at 13.73 micrograms per kilo.

However the contaminated residue was not above the Public Health Ministry’s official standard at 200 micrograms.

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5 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


No you're right, if I was subway I would sue them for defamation because, there food items didn't even contain 10% of the allowed government standard, so why tarnish the name of a international renowned company.



Actually, Subway already has a reputation for selling contaminated food products, so tarnishing their name a little more might prompt them to clean up their act: https://www.ft.com/content/27ebb6e6-8f3e-11e4-9ea4-00144feabdc0




Just do a Google search for: "Subway selling contaminated food" and you'll find many more.

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3 minutes ago, Xircal said:


Actually, Subway already has a reputation for selling contaminated food products, so tarnishing their name a little more might prompt them to clean up their act: https://www.ft.com/content/27ebb6e6-8f3e-11e4-9ea4-00144feabdc0




Just do a Google search for: "Subway selling contaminated food" and you'll find many more.



I couldn't be bothered to google that, because when your food contains less than 10% residues of the government standard, you're clearly not selling contaminated food.


Your link by the way concerned a lawsuit filed by a few customers for food served at 1 particular location over a timespan of 3 days. Interesting enough the outcome of the lawsuit isn't published, so maybe it was just another attempt at defamation.


But I did the google you suggested for Mc Donalds, KFC and Burger King, and guess what, they all gave many positive results. Shall I do it for a hundred more companies?







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14 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:



I couldn't be bothered to google that, because when your food contains less than 10% residues of the government standard, you're clearly not selling contaminated food.


Your link by the way concerned a lawsuit filed by a few customers for food served at 1 particular location over a timespan of 3 days. Interesting enough the outcome of the lawsuit isn't published, so maybe it was just another attempt at defamation.


But I did the google you suggested for Mc Donalds, KFC and Burger King, and guess what, they all gave many positive results. Shall I do it for a hundred more companies?




This thread is about contanimated food being sold by Subway I believe. If it turns out that KFC, McDonalds and others are doing the same thing it'll no doubt be posted here and we'll discuss it when it happens no doubt.


But for now, let's talk about Subway's poor reputation. If you had googled the search string I provided in my previous post you would have noticed that many others have done similar searches (links at the foot of the first page). That implies that quite a large number of customers who have suffered food poisoning after eating at a Subway shop have been active on the Google site in connection with the restaurant chain. .


Therefore I think it's fair to say that Subway isn't the renowned company you seem to think it is.

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6 minutes ago, Xircal said:


This thread is about contanimated food being sold by Subway I believe.


Well, you believe wrong then, because if the chicken sandwich had contained 201 microgram of residues, they would be selling contaminated food.


But not at 10.73 microgram.


And this is about Subway in Thailand on siam square and not in the UK, US< canada or anywhere else in the world,.


And because many people do a search for Subway contaminated food, after reading an article about some customers who filed a lawsuit from which the outcome is a mystery, doesn't mean they have eaten contaminated food at Subway.


I did a search for contaminated food at MC D, KFC and BK, but I have never experienced contaminated food at any of those outlets.


So yes, your believe is completely wrong.

Edited by Anthony5
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4 hours ago, whaleboneman said:

If they were, and i've never seen any, i'm sure the labels could be purchased somewhere. i guess it's safer to eat snickers bars.


Organic labelled vegetables are available in pretty much every major supermarket i have been in. 


Sadly few people actually eat the labels and reap the benefits.

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Just now, Anthony5 said:


Well, you believe wrong then, because if the chicken sandwich had contained 201 microgram of residues, they would be selling contaminated food.


But not at 10.73 microgram.


And this is about Subway in Thailand on siam square and not in the UK, US< canada or anywhere else in the world,.


So yes, your believe is completely wrong.


I'm not disputing that the chicken sandwich bought at Subway in Siam Square as part of an investigation into food standards was within the prescribed allowance for antibiotic residues.


What I am saying is that describing Subway as an "renowned international company" isn't appropriate due to the number of cases in other parts of the world where customers have fallen ill after eating contaminated food purchased in several of its shops. In the UK incident - Daily Mail link I posted above - one person died and 120 others were takwn ill. Here's an excerpt from the DM report:



The world's biggest sandwich chain has been implicated in a food poisoning outbreak that has claimed 120 victims and left one person dead. It appears that meat contaminated with salmonella was used by Subway in its sub rolls, which were then served up in outlets across the UK and Ireland. But health officials have warned that the toll of those affected may be much higher because many did not go to their GP or public health authority after becoming ill.


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1 minute ago, Xircal said:


I'm not disputing that the chicken sandwich bought at Subway in Siam Square as part of an investigation into food standards was within the prescribed allowance for antibiotic residues.


What I am saying is that describing Subway as an "renowned international company" isn't appropriate due to the number of cases in other parts of the world where customers have fallen ill after eating contaminated food purchased in several of its shops. In the UK incident - Daily Mail link I posted above - one person died and 120 others were takwn ill. Here's an excerpt from the DM report:




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8 minutes ago, Xircal said:


You can bury your head in the sand if you want to: it's no skin off my nose, but it doesn't change the fact that eating at Subway puts your health at risk.


This thread is about contaminated food at Siam square Bangkok, and particular the false accusation that Subway sold contaminated sandwiches at that location.


If you can find some reliable sources that show Subway Thailand sold contaminated food, please post them here, and I'm all ears.


So long, stop the drivel about Subway elsewhere in the world at one particular point in time, because most of the international food chains will at one point have been accused of selling contaminated food.


And my google searches for McD, KFC and BK clearly proofed that, but you just ignore them because your agenda is about Subway.



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18 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


This thread is about contaminated food at Siam square Bangkok, and particular the false accusation that Subway sold contaminated sandwiches at that location.


If you can find some reliable sources that show Subway Thailand sold contaminated food, please post them here, and I'm all ears.


So long, stop the drivel about Subway elsewhere in the world at one particular point in time, because most of the international food chains will at one point have been accused of selling contaminated food.



As I've been at pains to point out I wasn't disputing that Subway chicken sandwiches tested in Siam Square were found to be within food standards, but rather your description implying that Subway was a reputable company: it isn't.


I've also clearly demonstrated that in other parts of the world people have died from eating food bought from Subway. If you want to regard a person's life as "drivel' then I feel sorry for you. Maybe when one of your loved ones becomes violently ill or even dies from eating something bought from Subway you'll change your mind.


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encouraging food venders to wash their hands occasionally and avoid the handling of money and food at the same time would go a long way to improving things....


learning about te benefits of refrigeration too....


a study of AB's and growth hormones etc ... It's just window dressing...!!

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12 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

Given Thais' love affair with them, I don't suppose I should be surprised that the PHM has an 'allowable .limit' for antibiotics, even in food

Don't be ridiculous; there are allowable limits for antibiotic residues in all countries with regulated food industries, not just Thailand. That means Americans must have a love affair with antibiotics and Europeans too, by your way of thinking...

Edited by Mark123456
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On 11/17/2016 at 1:32 PM, claffey said:


Would you? Well, that's up to you but please don't attack people for eating meat. Some of the most self righteous arrogant people I have met just happened to be vegetarians too. I wonder if it was a coincidence?? 


 He is not attacking anyone!! just stating a perfectly correct fact.

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On 11/17/2016 at 7:21 AM, gdgbb said:

"...as for nutritional value, vegetables do contain lots of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants but meat doesn't have much to offer..."


Meat doesn't have much nutritional value?  Since when?  Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in vegetables have nutritional value?  Oh, sorry, I overlooked your first few words, "yeah I don't know the facts", that would explain it.

Oh yes your right I forgot, meat has Saturated fat, trans fat, Cholesterol.... enjoy :) 

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On 11/17/2016 at 0:54 PM, lucky11 said:


 Yes, I am the same, don't eat meat anymore!!

 If they repeated this exercise in the US and included checking for glyphosate, dicambia and antibiotics they would be forced to shut the entire restaurant industry in the US down!! You can't find decent uncontaminated food in America, it doesn't exist. You are absolutely right in what you say - 80% of AB use is on animals and is the reason why they are of little use now :smile:. I would use natural antibiotics found in food if I had an infection, thing is I don't and won't get one so there is no need!!

glad to know you stopped eating meat, yes america is a messed up country, people need to understand that wild meat or meat 100 or 1000 years ago is not the same as the cheap factory farmed meat they eat today, make sure you take a b12 supplement if your a vegan/vegetarian, check out http://nutritionfacts.org/ 

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1 minute ago, Bonobojt said:

glad to know you stopped eating meat, yes america is a messed up country, people need to understand that wild meat or meat 100 or 1000 years ago is not the same as the cheap factory farmed meat they eat today, make sure you take a b12 supplement if your a vegan/vegetarian, check out http://nutritionfacts.org/ 


 It's OK, I have been vegetarian (well, pescatarian actually) as I eat fish, for 20 years. I am in several health groups on FB and have carried out health research for a long while now. I have educated myself on health and all of the conditions I had (there were numerous) have all cleared up now including my 'incurable' ulcerative colitis that dogged me for 30 years!! I am in a better place now than I could ever have imagined I would be.

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9 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


 It's OK, I have been vegetarian (well, pescatarian actually) as I eat fish, for 20 years. I am in several health groups on FB and have carried out health research for a long while now. I have educated myself on health and all of the conditions I had (there were numerous) have all cleared up now including my 'incurable' ulcerative colitis that dogged me for 30 years!! I am in a better place now than I could ever have imagined I would be.

that's great, fruits and veggies really can heal the body, I also would eat fish if travelling and I was in a location with no vegetarian options, but only wild caught fish, yeah I have learnt so much since going vegetarian, seen many documentaries, I'm lucky to know about health at a young age.

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