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US racist and bigoted hate crimes explode after Trump election victory


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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


And I say again, simply substituting white males as the new dienfranchised class in America is no better than the injustices committed before the age of this recent enlightenment of genuine equality.


Do let me know when you are ready to join us in a truly egalitarian future.


Makin' America Great Again !


Never forget the spouse your ideal white male is married to back in the old homestead. Or certainly a good number of 'em. Watching Faux 16 hours a day.


All citizens have the rights enumerated by the Constitution, so Ma and Pa Kettle have the right to vote, the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. And we see how engaged and happy they are.


The kid lived five years in NYC which is too big but it is indeed vibrant, as is a much smaller but stimulating place, Boston. Atlanta too. 


Instead the reactionaries are busy now makin' Amerika white again but they figure for the 21st century. Perhaps the Right Sector need to sober up politically speaking because youse guyz are completely in charge. There's only one gang in Washington to praise or condemn. Your guys had better get all of it right because they can't afford anything less politically.


Early signs have the Right Sector excited which is expected and predictable. The first six months or so will be your new dawning in America. Be concerned however that the day is likely to follow soon afterward that the dawn will be absent the sun. Darkness at noon and indeed 24/7.


Trump and Family Inc. are focusing on regulating and eliminating laws on businesses and corporations he and his class own while his cabinet and subordinates pursue their own political agendas and personal interests. The Trump administration could make the hugely and endemically corrupt U.S. Grant administration look like a model of civic virtue. Cause there's nobody in Washington who has any power to check 'em.


Grant Administration Scandals

The frequency of these events led to the use of the term “Grantism," a word synonymous with greed and corruption. Many people at the time speculated that money from these ventures was being funneled into Republican Party coffers.




Republicans and money. Flies to shit.

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Instead of posting baseless and non-substance one liners, please show the details that were left out to suit my point of view.  I now understand why we have warning labels on everything. :wai:

Can't do that via the TV app. But easy, just go to your own link and post the part where it says that many disagree with the existence of reversed racism.

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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Bickering posts Removed. The two posters engaged in this behavior would do well to Ignore each other. Read the Forum Rules - specifically 7 - 8 - 9 - and Netiquette 9


Or face Suspension for Violation of those very same Rules.

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Can't do that via the TV app. But easy, just go to your own link and post the part where it says that many disagree with the existence of reversed racism.

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


If I show you a courtesy, then please do be so rude as to tell me what I should or should not do.  I can read and I know what is written by the other side but I dismissed it, as many others have, as total BS.


If you don't believe me then check on the African Americans who agree that there is reverse racism, and are quite vocal about it.  It you have trouble with the TV app, then maybe you should use another source to reply. And I do really enjoy how you state the obvious with such a sense of discovery.:wai:

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We should feel sorry for those who live here in Thailand, worry and fret about an election in the US. They can do nothing about the result except be bitter and miserable. I suspect that they would still be miserable if Crooked Hilary would have won. Usually its the same people who see fit to criticize and berate Thailand. They just live miserable lives regardless of where they exist. Up to them. I much prefer to enjoy life and not  worry about things I have no control over.

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On 11/18/2016 at 7:29 AM, Boon Mee said:


Just another example of the left wing media attempting to cast our new President in a bad light.

Fail! :smile:


I wouldn't be surprised if Trump is secretly happy about all the riots and protests going on right now. He will gain support as Clinton/Democrat supporters prove to one and all they are the deplorables.

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3 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


If I show you a courtesy, then please do be so rude as to tell me what I should or should not do.  I can read and I know what is written by the other side but I dismissed it, as many others have, as total BS.


If you don't believe me then check on the African Americans who agree that there is reverse racism, and are quite vocal about it.  It you have trouble with the TV app, then maybe you should use another source to reply. And I do really enjoy how you state the obvious with such a sense of discovery.:wai:


Happy to check on the African Americans who agree that there is reverse racism and are quite vocal about it.


Where are they?


I guess if hey existed then you would have demonstrated this rather than just make things up.

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Written by the other side? Total BS, written in the link you used to explain your point if view. Accept it totally or don't accept it at all, no cherry picking.


And you showed me courtesy? All you did was after querying provide the link that should have been there in the first place.

Lets get you two guys into the ring and sell tickets. Maybe this would take some of the animosity out of both of you. Lets agree to disagree. There is a national split and your both making it more evident. Go into a neutral corner for 4 years and then lets see what the fallout is. Either Trump proves to be the second coming or the GOP can kiss their political arse goodbye. 

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2 hours ago, Gary A said:

We should feel sorry for those who live here in Thailand, worry and fret about an election in the US.


Considering those people almost certainly have friends and family living in the U.S., and that U.S. policies will affect them, they should be concerned by what the U.S. does. 

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5 hours ago, jcsmith said:


Considering those people almost certainly have friends and family living in the U.S., and that U.S. policies will affect them, they should be concerned by what the U.S. does. 


And what are they going to do about it besides upset friends and family?

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A grammar police troll post has been removed. 


Bickering posts and replies have been removed.


Posts bickering about Latin phrases have been removed, this is the English language side of the forum, English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

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1 minute ago, jcsmith said:


 Make their voice heard. Try to influence people who feel otherwise. This is a discussion forum is it not?


I can only speak for myself but holding these riots and having social outbursts against VP-elect Pence are not winning my sympathy or support.



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2 hours ago, jcsmith said:


 Make their voice heard. Try to influence people who feel otherwise. This is a discussion forum is it not?


What possible good could that do. You have four years to build your case. Why now?

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@ClutchClark and Gary A:

Protests are a way for people to have their voices heard. They send a message that warns that people won't just roll over if he truly tries to enact some of his more radical ideas. They are a message to Trump, his supporters, and to politicians. It's a message to Republicans who may soon find themselves in a position where they either need to stick with the party and vote on some very questionable policies, or if they want to stand against them.


As far as message boards and what good does it do, there are some guys who will support Trump no matter what. There are others who didn't like Hillary, simply voted Republican, etc. I've had many people tell me things leading up to the election like asking to show them proof that Trump was a bigot, etc. They felt like he was just putting on a show, and that when he got into power it would be business as usual. As he continues to fill his cabinet with questionable individuals, as the racial tension grows, some of those individuals are going to start questioning if they made the right choice. Them having as much information as possible will help them make that choice. Silence in this case means acceptance. There are a lot of people who won't accept bigotry. They won't accept the U.S. closing their eyes on climate change and destroying the planet. And it is their right not to accept it and to make their voice heard. It's funny when people are happy to hear some opinions, but want silence when it comes to others. It's a message board, it's intended for these types of discussions.


I personally doubt Trump makes it through four years. He's too much of a loose cannon, has too much dirt. He'll eventually step in it the wrong way and will wind up being impeached. Normally he'd be safe from that with Republicans owning congress, but he has a lot of enemies on the Republican side as well, who would probably be happier dealing with Pence than Trump. The protests are a reminder to everyone that a large portion of America is not on board with the alt-right policies and that will matter if it comes to that.



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3 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I can only speak for myself but holding these riots and having social outbursts against VP-elect Pence are not winning my sympathy or support.




That goes for most Americans. The MSM/left have cried wolf too many times and no one is listening to their lies anymore. 

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11 hours ago, tropo said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump is secretly happy about all the riots and protests going on right now. He will gain support as Clinton/Democrat supporters prove to one and all they are the deplorables.


Indeed. The hypocrisy of the sore losers are much of the reason Trump won in the first place.

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6 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

@ClutchClark and Gary A:

Protests are a way for people to have their voices heard. They send a message that warns that people won't just roll over if he truly tries to enact some of his more radical ideas. They are a message to Trump, his supporters, and to politicians. It's a message to Republicans who may soon find themselves in a position where they either need to stick with the party and vote on some very questionable policies, or if they want to stand against them.


As far as message boards and what good does it do, there are some guys who will support Trump no matter what. There are others who didn't like Hillary, simply voted Republican, etc. I've had many people tell me things leading up to the election like asking to show them proof that Trump was a bigot, etc. They felt like he was just putting on a show, and that when he got into power it would be business as usual. As he continues to fill his cabinet with questionable individuals, as the racial tension grows, some of those individuals are going to start questioning if they made the right choice. Them having as much information as possible will help them make that choice. Silence in this case means acceptance. There are a lot of people who won't accept bigotry. They won't accept the U.S. closing their eyes on climate change and destroying the planet. And it is their right not to accept it and to make their voice heard. It's funny when people are happy to hear some opinions, but want silence when it comes to others. It's a message board, it's intended for these types of discussions.


I personally doubt Trump makes it through four years. He's too much of a loose cannon, has too much dirt. He'll eventually step in it the wrong way and will wind up being impeached. Normally he'd be safe from that with Republicans owning congress, but he has a lot of enemies on the Republican side as well, who would probably be happier dealing with Pence than Trump. The protests are a reminder to everyone that a large portion of America is not on board with the alt-right policies and that will matter if it comes to that.




We can all predict away. You don't think he'll make it through 4 years. I predict he'll do 8. Maybe he'll change the constitution and do 12.:clap2:If he doesn't make 8, it will be due to his age and health considerations, not impeachment.


(OK, I've had my crystal ball fun)


At first, everyone was saying he can't make nominee, then there was no way that he'll make president, now he won't make 4 years.


LOL> will people ever give up on betting against Trump? It's a bad bet... and then we have to endure pages and pages of hate posts. Perhaps the moderators could dedicate a thread to anti-Trump therapy with no moderation. A flame forum - enter at your own risk.

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1 hour ago, jcsmith said:

Protests are a way for people to have their voices heard. They send a message that warns that people won't just roll over if he truly tries to enact some of his more radical ideas. They are a message to Trump, his supporters, and to politicians. 


One thing I am not sure you are understanding is we are hearing your voices and finding them offensive to our sense of fair play. Amongst politicians there is no such thing as fair play; however, at the personal level that we conservatives live our daily lives, fair play is integral and we don't see the protestors as sharing that value set.  Values are important to us.


We don't need to be warned. The President-Elect does not need to be warned. The simple fact is you have no choice but to "roll over" in the same way we Republicans had to "roll over" when Obamacare was forced upon us. Your only avenue to protest now comes on the Senate floor.  Welcome to what is called the grown-up world where you don't always get what you want and temper tantrums are only viewed as an embarrassment. 


The election is over. Trump won. The Republicans won. That was the message. Republicans got the message. We are scratching our heads trying to understand why you (in a collective sense) are still not getting it. Do you, collectively, just have so little experience with the political process to not understand its over and the losing party voices now don't get to be heard until the next election? 


The tone of your entire post is sort of comical to this old geezer. It attempts to suggest we should have some kind of fear of you. If you will accept a bit of wisdom on the matter, obama is now done. The DoJ will no longer be used to further a political agenda. Law & Order will now be returning to the Land. Blocking traffic, burning cars and businesses, looting and other acts against society will once again be considered criminal acts and land you in jail.

Edited by ClutchClark
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48 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


One thing I am not sure you are understanding is we are hearing your voices and finding them offensive to our sense of fair play. Amongst politicians there is no such thing as fair play; however, at the personal level that we conservatives live our daily lives, fair play is integral and we don't see the protestors as sharing that value set.  Values are importsnt to us.


We don't need to be warned. The President-Elect does not need to be warned. The simple fact is you have no choice but to "roll over" in the same way we Republicans had to "roll over" when Obamacare was forced upon us. Your only avenue to protest now comes on the Senate floor.  Welcome to what is called the grown-up world where you don't always get what you want. 


The election is over. Trump won. The Republicans won. That was the message. Republicans got the message. We are scratching our heads trying to understand why you (in a collective sense) are still not getting it. Do you, collectively, just have so little experience with the political process to not understand its over and the losing party voices now don't get to be heard until the next election? 


The tone of your entire post is sort of comical to this old geezer. It attempts to suggest we should have some kind of fear of you. If you will accept a bit of wisdom on the matter, obama is now done. The DoJ will no longer be used to further a political agenda. Law & Order will now be returning to the Land. Blocking traffic, burning cars and businesses, looting and other acts against society will once again be considered criminal acts and land you in jail.


You may be hearing it and finding it offensive, not everyone does. As far as values... What are exactly are those values in supporting Trump? Values like grabbing them by the snatch? Values like trying to ban an entire religion from entering the country? Like trying to rehabilitate homosexuals? Like trying to criminalize abortion? Or is it just like not protesting. Consider that Trump called for protests after Obama won in 2012 election...


I think you are confusing things here with regards to protests and the reason for them. There's a big difference between Obamacare and banning groups of people. Huge difference don't you think? Trump is being protested because of his radical policies and the negative affect that they will have on a lot of people. If Romney had won for example in 2012, there wouldn't be mass protests. Trump is a completely different situation.

Again your trying to silence an opinion. Straight out of the Nazi playbook. I gave my opinion like I always do, and then have now had to have like four posts justifying my right to give an opinion. And of course your leap to suddenly trying to call protesters criminal when they have largely been peaceful.


Politicians absolutely do need to fear the people. They rely on votes to stay in office. As far as individual Trump supporters, I never said or stated anything like that, another leap on your part. I'm absolutely against bully tactics or any type of violent protests. That isn't going to solve anything. I'd much rather discuss issues with people and try to influence them in that way. When the facts aren't on your side though, some people will turn to try to silence them.

Edited by jcsmith
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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


One thing I am not sure you are understanding is we are hearing your voices and finding them offensive to our sense of fair play. Amongst politicians there is no such thing as fair play; however, at the personal level that we conservatives live our daily lives, fair play is integral and we don't see the protestors as sharing that value set.  Values are important to us.


We don't need to be warned. The President-Elect does not need to be warned. The simple fact is you have no choice but to "roll over" in the same way we Republicans had to "roll over" when Obamacare was forced upon us. Your only avenue to protest now comes on the Senate floor.  Welcome to what is called the grown-up world where you don't always get what you want and temper tantrums are only viewed as an embarrassment. 


The election is over. Trump won. The Republicans won. That was the message. Republicans got the message. We are scratching our heads trying to understand why you (in a collective sense) are still not getting it. Do you, collectively, just have so little experience with the political process to not understand its over and the losing party voices now don't get to be heard until the next election? 


The tone of your entire post is sort of comical to this old geezer. It attempts to suggest we should have some kind of fear of you. If you will accept a bit of wisdom on the matter, obama is now done. The DoJ will no longer be used to further a political agenda. Law & Order will now be returning to the Land. Blocking traffic, burning cars and businesses, looting and other acts against society will once again be considered criminal acts and land you in jail.


One of your best posts ever and that is saying alot. Thanks for a voice of sanity.

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1 hour ago, jcsmith said:


Again your trying to silence an opinion. Straight out of the Nazi playbook. 


That is utter nonsense .The Nazis used torture and murder to silence opinions. Clutch Clark uses logic. What is wrong with allowing the President elect the chance to get in office and see how things go before starting useless protests and riots every single day just because they lost the election?

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It is those protesters constitutionally protected freedoms that give them the right to do so. They can't force him out of office. But they absolutely can voice their opinions. And many of them are there because of the threat that Trump poses to their lives. As I said before this isn't about your average policies. It isn't about political parties. It is about a President-elect whose policies (if he implements them) would have serious negative affects on a large portion of the population.


I'm certainly not in support of people rioting or committing acts of violence, but protesting is a different story. Considering Trump himself called for protests four years ago after Obama won (whose policies would have far less of a negative affect on anyone), it is amusing to me that so many of you think the protests are uncalled for. 

As for the Nazi statement, burning books and silencing critics was their approach to prevent knowledge or outside ideas from spreading. The real question though is why are people trying to tell others that they should no longer voice their opinions simply because they disagree with them? And that's only coming from one direction. 

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2 hours ago, jcsmith said:


You may be hearing it and finding it offensive, not everyone does. As far as values... What are exactly are those values in supporting Trump? Values like grabbing them by the snatch? Values like trying to ban an entire religion from entering the country? Like trying to rehabilitate homosexuals? Like trying to criminalize abortion? Or is it just like not protesting. Consider that Trump called for protests after Obama won in 2012 election...


I think you are confusing things here with regards to protests and the reason for them. There's a big difference between Obamacare and banning groups of people. Huge difference don't you think? Trump is being protested because of his radical policies and the negative affect that they will have on a lot of people. If Romney had won for example in 2012, there wouldn't be mass protests. Trump is a completely different situation.

Again your trying to silence an opinion. Straight out of the Nazi playbook. I gave my opinion like I always do, and then have now had to have like four posts justifying my right to give an opinion. And of course your leap to suddenly trying to call protesters criminal when they have largely been peaceful.


Politicians absolutely do need to fear the people. They rely on votes to stay in office. As far as individual Trump supporters, I never said or stated anything like that, another leap on your part. I'm absolutely against bully tactics or any type of violent protests. That isn't going to solve anything. I'd much rather discuss issues with people and try to influence them in that way. When the facts aren't on your side though, some people will turn to try to silence them.


Did you just wake up after a deep sleep?


Have a good read over most of the Trump threads in this forum since he won the election. They're full of vile, hatred spewing posts seemingly written by crazed lunatics. They serve no purpose other than to vent the deep felt sorrow of sore losers and insult the opposite party.


If only these people were mature enough to give the new President a chance and at least wait until he's sworn in and has done something to deserve derision.

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23 minutes ago, tropo said:

Did you just wake up after a deep sleep?


Have a good read over most of the Trump threads in this forum since he won the election. They're full of vile, hatred spewing posts seemingly written by crazed lunatics. They serve no purpose other than to vent the deep felt sorrow of sore losers and insult the opposite party.


If only these people were mature enough to give the new President a chance and at least wait until he's sworn in and has done something to deserve derision.

Pleeze.   The threads about Hillary Clinton were hardly filled with love and compassion.


The fact of the matter is that Trump has unleashed the festering hate and given it a voice that didn't need to be amplified.   

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