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Gardasil Approved/available In Thailand?

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Yes, and it's only recommended for girls from 9-19.

Really - I did not know that.

I work for the rival to this one - it will be out next year and gives better protection but there is a lot of mis-information about - the Lancet has a good article on this.

I know for a fact we are trialling it on age groups outside the above ie older.

Its also being looked at for women already infected with HPV

Should men also have it is another question not yet answered.

As for warts yes HPV can cause them but HSV is probably worse - they are testing a vaccine for this too.

Dengue is the one people are looking forward to in Thailand


The reason for the young age is that the vaccine only prevents HPV, it does not cure it. Accordingly, unless your company has achieved a Noble prize winning breakthrough, there is no cure for HPV. I'm not sure why the vaccine is not recommended for your men too, but that might be your tact for success.


Of course its a prophylactic vaccine and not a therapeutic vaccine (we have a few of those on trial for lung and breast cancers) but there may be value in vaccinating those already exposed to HPV - there are numerous strains as you will well know.

As for the age thing - why stop at 19? - many women will not have it at a later age so why not vaccinate them?

As for Noble prizes I am sure we have some but Nobel prizes? - I have had the privilege of seeing Nobel prize winners at HQ though invited for a visit.

Reccomending it for men is probably a good idea but that would likely come from KOP's - however given the health economics of it and the fact that many governments will not vaccinate women routinely it may be a long way off.


"As for the age thing - why stop at 19?"

I misspoke; the upper age limit that the vaccine ia approved is 24.

"As for Noble prizes I am sure we have some but Nobel prizes?"

Opps, I misspelled.

"Reccomending it for men is probably a good idea but that would likely come from KOP's - however given the health economics of it and the fact that many governments will not vaccinate women routinely it may be a long way off."

The product was not approved for use in men. The developer has submitted test data, and the FDA is reviewing it. I'm not sure what you mean by "health economics", but as the #1 or #2 cancer killer of women, that's more than enough reason to use it. Why would you hold governments responsible for vaccinations? The US government is considering adding it to the recommend childhood vaccination schedule, however, several groups of radical moralists are trying to prevent it. They are convinced that a vaccine that prevents 90% of the cervical cancer cases will promote promiscuity.


I do not hold govt's responsible for vaccines but it is a fact that the public market is much bigger than the private market. If the US is going to put it on the list of standard paediatric vaccines that is good - other govts are considering it just as they have done with the rota vaccine.

The point you make regarding the moralists is an excellent one - it is this prejudice that has to be overcome. Its a bit like the condom debate in a way.


I think that is the reason that it was approved for women first. For men, HPV is an annoyance. For women, it can migrate to cervical cancer. I hope that can come up with a vaccine for prostate cancer, something even the moralists can't argue with.



I just asked a senior medic who I would think would know about these things and they told me Gardasil is not yet approved in Thailand but it will be very soon.

Its approved in Singapore

As for a prostate cancer vaccine - yes that would be wonderful and research is going on but in very early stages - phase 1 I think or it might even be pre-clinical.

After having my first internal for this at the weekend I would be glad of this rather than the Dr poking around up there to check ;-)

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