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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'

Chris McGreal

The Guardian


Donald Trump used anger over a rigged economic system to reach the White House – but now his opponents are using similar arguments against him


WASHINGTON: -- The rhetoric is familiar: the demands to take the country back. The railing against an out-of-touch elite. The anger at a rigged economic system.


But now the insurgent cries that propelled Donald Trump to the White House have been taken up by stunned opponents as they try to galvanise anger and fear over his election into a strategy to resist his policies and remake the left as a credible political alternative.


The rhetoric is familiar: the demands to take the country back. The railing against an out-of-touch elite. The anger at a rigged economic system.


But now the insurgent cries that propelled Donald Trump to the White House have been taken up by stunned opponents as they try to galvanise anger and fear over his election into a strategy to resist his policies and remake the left as a credible political alternative.


Full story: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/20/donald-trump-protests-economy-opposition


-- The Guardian 2016-11-21

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Very similar to what's happening in Britain and later it will spread to other countries in Europe....

The stunned losers are just a bunch of out of touch so called elites who seem unaware of what is happening in the real world, or if they are aware they don't give a hoot about the normal person in their country. :partytime2:

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I've been certain from immediately after the historic UPSET win by trump, that this kind of thing would develop. Some people objected to the word RESISTANCE because they incorrectly felt that necessary means inciting violence, but it's been clear to me that's exactly what is developing and appropriately so ... a RESISTANCE. Normal political channels just won't work ... trump owns it ALL, except for filibuster power in the senate, which can be taken away as well. 


So, really, whether you call it a passionate opposition or resistance, it doesn't matter much. It's happening, coherent tactics and strategies will emerge (not there yet), and it will be very persistent.  OK, maybe I'm being optimistic that it will become coherent and focused because if not, it won't be worth a hill of beans. 

Edited by Jingthing
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The majority of the electorate did not vote for Trump. In fact almost 75% of eligible voters did not vote for Trump. Of those that did vote, about 1,800,000 more votes for Clinton have been counted so far, with more mail in ballots and provisional ballots still being counted. He did not receive a 'mandate' from the voters. In fact, he did not even have a plurality, much less a majority. He is only the 'winner' due to the form of voting that exists in the USA. The Electoral College meets on December 19 to cast their ballots. Still time for an upset as some US states require the Electoral College members to vote for their states winner, while some certainly do not. While it's possible that an upset may still occur to benefit Clinton, it's highly unlikely. You think the Democrats are 'sore losers'? If that turnabout were to occur, you'd see real violence from Trump supporters if enough of the Electoral College voters were to alter their votes based on the information that the poplular vote went to Clinton and not to Trump. If allowed to vote freely the results could be reversed.

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The liberals may just take a page from the Republican handbook, which blocked and resisted just about anything Obama proposed. That was their strategy. However, "the elite" includes those with that title are elite because of intelligence etc. Why is elite (or liberal, for that matter), seen as negative term? I would prefer an elite doctor to treat me, an elite carpenter to build my house, etc. "Make America average again"?

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2 hours ago, Maverell said:

Very similar to what's happening in Britain and later it will spread to other countries in Europe....

The stunned losers are just a bunch of out of touch so called elites who seem unaware of what is happening in the real world, or if they are aware they don't give a hoot about the normal person in their country. :partytime2:



I would not call a bunch of "Scottish Independence Loonies" who could not accept the result of the Scottish Independence referendum "Elites":tongue: 

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2 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

We played by the rules, we won, get over it.   Reality plain and simple.

We have the constitutional right to dissent. Accept that. Reality plain and simple. 


Accepting that he will be our president is not the same thing as worshiping him, Il Duce style. 


I accept that he legally won, even though Hillary Clinton now leads in the popular vote by about 1.7 MILLION votes. 

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17 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

The liberals may just take a page from the Republican handbook, which blocked and resisted just about anything Obama proposed. That was their strategy. However, "the elite" includes those with that title are elite because of intelligence etc. Why is elite (or liberal, for that matter), seen as negative term? I would prefer an elite doctor to treat me, an elite carpenter to build my house, etc. "Make America average again"?

Don't have the votes for that. That's why there is the feeling that a movement OUTSIDE conventional politics is needed. 

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43 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

 It's happening, coherent tactics and strategies will emerge (not there yet), and it will be very persistent.  OK, maybe I'm being optimistic that it will become coherent and focused because if not, it won't be worth a hill of beans. 


Persistent, of course. If you're used to free stuff you want to keep getting it. A large number will always want to believe in the promise of free stuff, don't know a thing about money management, and so fight to make those promises come true. Never coherent because it rests on a fundamental contradiction which The Iron Lady summed in a nutshell: "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money [to spend]." Already the National Debt has ballooned to about 20 trillion. So the strategy will stay focused on printing money, borrowing money, taxing the productive (tired of having their tax dollars wasted), and redistribution. The faithful will persist in believing that's rational and coherent rather than contradictory and self-defeating.

Edited by JSixpack
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27 minutes ago, ehs818 said:

The majority of the electorate did not vote for Trump. In fact almost 75% of eligible voters did not vote for Trump. Of those that did vote, about 1,800,000 more votes for Clinton have been counted so far, with more mail in ballots and provisional ballots still being counted. He did not receive a 'mandate' from the voters. In fact, he did not even have a plurality, much less a majority. He is only the 'winner' due to the form of voting that exists in the USA. The Electoral College meets on December 19 to cast their ballots. Still time for an upset as some US states require the Electoral College members to vote for their states winner, while some certainly do not. While it's possible that an upset may still occur to benefit Clinton, it's highly unlikely. You think the Democrats are 'sore losers'? If that turnabout were to occur, you'd see real violence from Trump supporters if enough of the Electoral College voters were to alter their votes based on the information that the poplular vote went to Clinton and not to Trump. If allowed to vote freely the results could be reversed.


And 75% didn't vote for Hilary either. She appears to have a tad more votes % wise but lost because the USA doesn't and never has used the first past the post post based on simple numbers.


Had Hilary won, would the 25.6% or thereabouts that voted for her claim that she had a majority, and that the system was perfect? Probably. Never heard Hilary, Obama, Bernie or any other democrat leader or celebrity grouse about the US system till she lost.


Sore losers who despite their name refuse to accept democracy when it doesn't give them the result they want. There idea of democracy is everyone must do as they say as they always no best. Regardless of any reality and what people think. And now they are paying for that arrogant complacency.

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3 hours ago, Maverell said:

Very similar to what's happening in Britain and later it will spread to other countries in Europe....

The stunned losers are just a bunch of out of touch so called elites who seem unaware of what is happening in the real world, or if they are aware they don't give a hoot about the normal person in their country. :partytime2:

If your calling Trump a true winner God help us all. 

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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

We have the constitutional right to dissent. Accept that. Reality plain and simple. 


Accepting that he will be our president is not the same thing as worshiping him, Il Duce style. 


I accept that he legally won, even though Hillary Clinton now leads in the popular vote by about 1.7 MILLION votes. 


He won't be the first, or even the last, to be elected POTUS whilst his opponent received more votes. And on a turnout where 47% didn't bother voting for either.


But that's your system. Applied to both candidates. Obama never tried to alter it in the last 8 years.

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I am not contesting the legitimacy of the electoral college or the legality of the trump win. 

Mentioning Hillary Clinton's popular vote win simply gives power to the reality that even though trump completely controls the government, a majority segment of the people don't support most of his agenda (at least as stated in the campaign). So no mandate.

Remember, he's the MOST UNPOPULAR president elect in U.S. history and it's likely to go downhill from that before very long at all. 

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Looks like the liberals will only understand their folly in 4 or 8 years when their candidate of choice finally wins an election, and all hell breaks lose because elections will be meaningless/redundant by then. Everybody knows the nu system of those who throw the biggest hissy-fit can choose the president is somewhat limited in its merits(compared to the old system of democratic elections choosing the President). 

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I am all for democracy and that the acceptance for that one side wins must be there for a country to maintain their form of state. In this case there is another thing to worry about, and that is the capability of Trump as a president. On the other hand there has been many of that kind in the history of USA. However, this might be the beer that shouldn´t have been drunken.

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Trump didn't really win.  He won in the same rigged system he was crying about when he thought he was going to lose.  There will always be a group that's not happy, but Trump was crying all the way through his campaign.  Hilarious.  He will spend more time of his presidency getting upset about what people are saying about him than leading the country.  A billionaire actor is going to change the system?  Weak

Edited by Redline
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3 hours ago, Maverell said:

Very similar to what's happening in Britain and later it will spread to other countries in Europe....

The stunned losers are just a bunch of out of touch so called elites who seem unaware of what is happening in the real world, or if they are aware they don't give a hoot about the normal person in their country. :partytime2:

So you Trump suckers don't have a problem with a man saying to a 10 year old girl 'I am going to date you when you are 10 years old'? or saying that his star status entitles him to sexually assault woman?  or plead  to terminally ill people to 'vote for me before you die'?  Well, you are easily pleased and easily reeled in.  Old white men, what hope?

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Just now, Redline said:

Trump didn't really win.  He won in the same rigged system he was crying about when he thought he was going to lose.  There will always be a group that's not happy, but Trump was crying all the way through his campaign.  Hilarious.  He will spend more time of his presidency getting upset about what people are saying about him than leading the country.  A billionaire actor is going to change the system?  Weak

Yep! There we got it. Hilarious, Actor and Weak! That just doesn´t sounds as good characteristics for a choise of president.

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1 hour ago, ehs818 said:

The majority of the electorate did not vote for Trump. In fact almost 75% of eligible voters did not vote for Trump. Of those that did vote, about 1,800,000 more votes for Clinton have been counted so far, with more mail in ballots and provisional ballots still being counted. He did not receive a 'mandate' from the voters. In fact, he did not even have a plurality, much less a majority. He is only the 'winner' due to the form of voting that exists in the USA. The Electoral College meets on December 19 to cast their ballots. Still time for an upset as some US states require the Electoral College members to vote for their states winner, while some certainly do not. While it's possible that an upset may still occur to benefit Clinton, it's highly unlikely. You think the Democrats are 'sore losers'? If that turnabout were to occur, you'd see real violence from Trump supporters if enough of the Electoral College voters were to alter their votes based on the information that the poplular vote went to Clinton and not to Trump. If allowed to vote freely the results could be reversed.

California has a population of 38 million people , aproximately 38 percent Hispanic (plus loads of illegal immigrants) Trump won more states than lying Hillary and the electorial college is based on how many states are won to determine the winner. We are not going to award the victory to Hillary because one state California has more population than any other state in the country ,even Texas has only 28 million people. If a candidate barely won ALL the other states California could force a win by popular vote since they have the most population. Thats not going to happen

The losers should sit back shut up and see how things run for 6 months to a year if the country is doing badly then immpeach him . Oh by the way up untill California votes were counted Trump was leading the popular votes as well as electorial.

4 other US Presidents lost the popular vote but won by electorial college counts including George Bush.

Edited by Tony125
needed to add more info
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