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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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Someone leaked a story about Sean Spicer’s latest effort to stop White House leaks : " Tired of all the unflattering stories citing anonymous sources, White House press secretary Sean Spicer made an attempt to stop the leaks by summoning his staff for a phone check."



Trump Condemns Anonymous Sources as Staff Demands Anonymity

"However, members of his White House team regularly demand anonymity when talking to reporters"




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17 hours ago, Gene1960 said:

Wow.  That's a must read.  Very scary.  As I've said! LOL  From that article?



 It specialises in “election management strategies” and “messaging and information operations”, refined over 25 years in places like Afghanistan and Pakistan. In military circles this is known as “psyops” – psychological operations. (Mass propaganda that works by acting on people’s emotions.)


And some are worried about the FBI/CIA surveillance programs.  How about this one.  It's way worse.



On its website, Cambridge Analytica makes the astonishing boast that it has psychological profiles based on 5,000 separate pieces of data on 220 million American voters – its USP is to use this data to understand people’s deepest emotions and then target them accordingly. The system, according to Albright, amounted to a “propaganda machine”.



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17 hours ago, Gene1960 said:

And this is even scarier.



Sam Woolley of the Oxford Internet Institute’s computational propaganda institute tells me that one third of all traffic on Twitter before the EU referendum was automated “bots” – accounts that are programmed to look like people, to act like people, and to change the conversation, to make topics trend. And they were all for Leave. Before the US election, they were five-to-one in favour of Trump – many of them Russian. Last week they have been in action in the Stoke byelection – Russian bots, organised by who? – attacking Paul Nuttall.

And people think MSM is fake.  Wow.  I'll stick with MSM from now on.

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25 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:


Dow Jones stock index hits best winning streak in 30 years. Trump bump.


Yes, all those people who voted for Trump because their wages were too low are going to benefit massively from a bump in the stock market. Just like the Wall Street billionaires he's appointed to manage economic issues.

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Welcome to the daily resistance calendar. To paraphrase what Hillary Clinton recently said and I predicted from day one of trump's win by a minority of votes, this is about resistance and persistence, a persistent resistance. Until trump can be DUMPED. 

As long as it takes. Maybe as long as four years. If he gets reelected, well, forget about everything I suppose. 



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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, all those people who voted for Trump because their wages were too low are going to benefit massively from a bump in the stock market. Just like the Wall Street billionaires he's appointed to manage economic issues.

Main Street will follow behind Wall Street. As it does Wall Street will slow/reverse some.

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In this photo taken by an AFP photographer, Kellyane Conway is casually kneeling on the sofa, keeping her shoes, when the president takes the pose for a photo with leaders of lycées and historically black universities.



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If anyone needs a reminder on what a cheese-dick-breath Trump is, watch this video.  



            It's plain that all the vices Trump is guilty of (and he should know best) ....he dumps on others.  I've known people like that.   For example:  the preacher who is secretly a pedophile, is the person shouting loudest in the pulpit against pedophilia.  That's Trump in a nutshell.  All the devious things he does clandestinely, are what he falsely accuses his opponents of doing.   On top of that, he constantly interrupts others, out-shouts them, .....but we all knew that already.  


          I honestly think Bernie Madoff is a better person than Trump.  Maddoff only ripped people off for money.   Trump is ripping off America in a thousand grievous ways.  Everyone who voted for Trump should look at themselves in the mirror and cry out loud, for being so anti-American.

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Fake news? More like fake president. 




Does Trump know he’s president?

You might think the president would be fully engaged in some of these issues, but you’d be wrong. Instead, he has been waging a ridiculous war against the media. His cries of “fake news” may play well with the base, but he’s not running for president at the moment. He’s supposed to be doing the job.



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Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- resisting trump by resisting aging.

You go girl! I mean you STAY girl on the supreme court!



Johnson’s niche makes him perhaps the world’s only personal trainer whose job it is to ensure that his clients keep riding the bench, and probably the one whose work is most consequential, whether you’re rooting for or against the liberal justices staying on the job. A number of precedents that have long been fundamental to the American legal landscape, like Roe v. Wade, and more recent landmarks, like the 2015 split decision legalizing same-sex marriage, would likely be out the window should Trump get the chance to replace one of the court’s four liberal justices.



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Paranoia strikes deep as the Clown in Chief gives an interview to his favorite "news" show, Fox and Friends:


Trump: Obama and former aides behind protests, leaks


"Trump, during an interview with “Fox & Friends,” blamed Obama acolytes and the ex-president himself for the organized demonstrations that have sprung up nationwide since the Nov. 8 election, and also for the politically embarrassing leaks that have hindered Trump’s messaging."


“I think that President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it,” Trump said. And some of the leaks possibly come from that group, you know, some of the leaks – which are very serious leaks, because they’re very bad in terms of national security.”


"Trump didn’t provide evidence to support the charge."



No evidence again? Whatta surprise... :whistling:

This guy is losing it.

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What a bunch of hypocritical nonsense from the failed progressive liberals who are a dying breed in America - thankfully! They should be afraid - very afraid! America has soundly rejected them and Trump is the one we elected to bring the hammer down on their idiocy and nonsense! And he's doing a great job so far!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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39 minutes ago, Dale59 said:

What a bunch of hypocritical nonsense from the failed progressive liberals who are a dying breed in America - thankfully! They should be afraid - very afraid! America has soundly rejected them and Trump is the one we elected to bring the hammer down on their idiocy and nonsense! And he's doing a great job so far!

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Yes, trump is really big on scaring people so you really don't have to say be afraid.

It is not only liberals that deeply oppose trump, but also many moderates and traditional conservatives. 

There is a minority that identify as his base but historically speaking his support level is very very low for a new president. 

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Just now, Dale59 said:

They should be afraid - very afraid! America has soundly rejected them


Typical erroneous nonsense from a uninformed Trumpeteer. (No surprise there)


Given the fact  that Trump was soundly rejected by the majority of the populace.


And given the fact  that the incompetent man-child garnered one of the lowest Electoral College percentages in American history.


While the chronic liar that is Trump, claimed to have won "by a landslide".


And obviously, you lapped it up and spewed it here. :laugh:


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5 hours ago, Dale59 said:

What a bunch of hypocritical nonsense from the failed progressive liberals who are a dying breed in America - thankfully! They should be afraid - very afraid! America has soundly rejected them and Trump is the one we elected to bring the hammer down on their idiocy and nonsense! And he's doing a great job so far!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

He's doing a terrible job so far.  Pretty much the worst few months of any president.  And remember, a majority of American's did not vote for him.  So he's representing a minority.  Which is shrinking according to the plunging approval ratings. LOL

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22 hours ago, Opl said:

In this photo taken by an AFP photographer, Kellyane Conway is casually kneeling on the sofa, keeping her shoes, when the president takes the pose for a photo with leaders of lycées and historically black universities.



White trash in the White House, sad. Is her line secure? But...but...but Clinton emails.

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18 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Trump resistance message:


at exactly midnight tonight and for the next week, same time, crank out Oasis Stop Crying Your Heart Out really LOUD!


that will get the Trumpets!

That is not a resistance song.

One that is going viral is known as FDT ( YG & Nipsey Hussle)

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