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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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5 hours ago, iReason said:

A massive majority of Americans voted against him. :laugh:

In a big way.

A massive majority?

I would not call 2% massive, slim maybe.

In a big way?

What does that even mean?

Less than 58% even bothered to vote at all. 


Edited by kevkev1888
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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, trump -- please just leave. Not wanted. Not appreciated. Take the hint!

I think what most people fail to realize is; People such as I didn't vote for Trump as much as I voted against Hillary Clinton.  It was a roll of the dice. I just didn't want 8 more years of Obama. As an American veteran of 22 years, I have to think about how it was under a Democratic President. In so many words, horrible.

  As an American, that was and is my choice.  In my mind, it wasn't a good choice either way.   Because of those two and I blame both. The country is tearing itself apart.

This forum is a small example.  I hope the majority of it is just fun banter, but even still some evil things have been said. I wonder how many would speak in such tones face to face.  I would hope none.

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23 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

A massive majority?

I would not call 2% massive, slim maybe.

In a big way?

What does that even mean?

Less than 58% even bothered to vote at all. 


The margin among voters was only 2% between him and Hillary.  Many didn't vote, and some voted for others.  So a majority did not vote for Trump.  No matter how you cut it.




Voter turnout at 20-year low in 2016


26.3% of eligible voters voted for Trump.  Less than Hillary, and far from a majority.

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19 minutes ago, kowpot said:

I think what most people fail to realize is; People such as I didn't vote for Trump as much as I voted against Hillary Clinton.  It was a roll of the dice. I just didn't want 8 more years of Obama. As an American veteran of 22 years, I have to think about how it was under a Democratic President. In so many words, horrible.

  As an American, that was and is my choice.  In my mind, it wasn't a good choice either way.   Because of those two and I blame both. The country is tearing itself apart.

This forum is a small example.  I hope the majority of it is just fun banter, but even still some evil things have been said. I wonder how many would speak in such tones face to face.  I would hope none.

Based on how things are turning out now, would you still vote for Trump?  I didn't vote as I didn't like either candidate.  We've had terrible choices for president for many years now.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Based on how things are turning out now, would you still vote for Trump?  I didn't vote as I didn't like either candidate.  We've had terrible choices for president for many years now.

That is a hard question, but a fair one.  I think I would in all good conscience would have to do a write in. I would not want either one of them.  But, Trump is president.  I always go by the saying,  " don't have to respect the person,  respect the office".  

Sanders in my view was too socialistic for me.  

I for the life of me, still can't see how any of this came to be.  I keep thinking I am going to wake up and it was all a dream. 

Just to be clear. I never think of myself as a republican but a conservative.  

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4 hours ago, kowpot said:

As an American veteran of 22 years, I have to think about how it was under a Democratic President. In so many words, horrible.

As you are opening up your true thoughts then lets be really honest. It was actually horrible under a President that throughout his entire term never received one iota of support from the Republicans. The sky is blue but the Republicans would have voted it pink if it meant going against Obama. You have a totally failed system of Government now in the USA. The Democrats will now be as equally obstinate for ANY Republican President. You have to be honest and admit that is true - it is fact and McConnel was the ring leader.


The precedent was set during Obama's term. The Affordable care act was never going to be perfect (but look how difficult and 'complex' it has been for Republicans to get any progress after 7 years of promising) BUT if both sides of Government had worked for the people and co-operated in resolving the issues when they reared their ugly head, the USA would already be on the way to having a health care system that everybody would be ok with and people would get the care they need.


So was it because Obama was a Democrat or because the Republicans saw him as the n***** in the White House? Sadly, I think it was the latter which is a bit of a shame really. As regards "Statesmen" the USA has rarely ever been represented as well as it was with Obama - just poll the rest of the World!


Now you are stuck with a pathological liar who is beyond doubt trying to create his 'dynasty' to rival the likes of the Kennedy's and the Bush's (in his tiny mind at least), just wait till his sons, daughter and son-in law get on the political trail looking for office.


Perhaps Oprah is what the US needs deserves after all!

Edited by Andaman Al
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Flynn's Pursuit Of Immunity Means He May Be Willing To Tell All About Trump And Russia

I think General Flynn may now be a dead man walking. He needs to watch out for Russians carrying spike tipped umbrella's!





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A bit of good news out of Trump.  Hope he can pull this off:





Trump executive orders tackle trade abuses ahead of meeting with Chinese president


Trump's executive orders will initiate a large-scale review of the causes of the US's trade deficits with some of its largest trading partners and order stricter enforcement of US anti-dumping laws to prevent foreign manufacturers from undercutting US companies by selling goods at an unfair price.


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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

I think General Flynn may now be a dead man walking. He needs to watch out for Russians carrying spike tipped umbrella's!






NYC or Philly mobsters too

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26 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:


A bit of good news out of Trump.  Hope he can pull this off:





Trump executive orders tackle trade abuses ahead of meeting with Chinese president


Trump's executive orders will initiate a large-scale review of the causes of the US's trade deficits with some of its largest trading partners and order stricter enforcement of US anti-dumping laws to prevent foreign manufacturers from undercutting US companies by selling goods at an unfair price.



But that is the glory of capitalism and the Chinese have learned it quickly. Trump is someone that has fed the system, HE and his family have employed Chinese workers over US workers.


I am buying more popcorn in case China calls in its debt with the US -------- now that would be fun.

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5 hours ago, kowpot said:

That is a hard question, but a fair one.  I think I would in all good conscience would have to do a write in. I would not want either one of them.  But, Trump is president.  I always go by the saying,  " don't have to respect the person,  respect the office".  

Sanders in my view was too socialistic for me.  

I for the life of me, still can't see how any of this came to be.  I keep thinking I am going to wake up and it was all a dream. 

Just to be clear. I never think of myself as a republican but a conservative.  


" don't have to respect the person,  respect the office".  


That's difficult to ask of people, when the president himself doesn't show such respect.

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Typical guy from the Trump administration.  Flynn admits that anybody who accepts immunity is guilty! LOL






Watch: Flynn likened immunity to guilt in 2016

In a 2016 interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Michael Flynn said "When you are given immunity ... you probably committed a crime."





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7 hours ago, Morch said:


" don't have to respect the person,  respect the office".  


That's difficult to ask of people, when the president himself doesn't show such respect.


" White House officials have said Mr. Trump goes to his clubs and restaurants because he is comfortable there, but critics increasingly argue that the visits are priceless advertising and that Mr. Trump and his family are using the presidency as a way to enrich themselves."



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trump train?

More like presidential train WRECK!



Trump’s failing presidency has the GOP in a free fall

It is now dawning on Republicans what they have done to themselves. They thought they could somehow get away with Trump. That he could be contained. That the adults could provide guidance. That the economy might come to the rescue. That the damage could be limited.



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File this under WHY we resist.


The term alt-right officially defined. 

The alt-right movement directly linked to the trumpist movement including the most powerful adviser to the so called president itself, 



a political movement originating on social media and online forums,composed of a segment of conservatives who support extreme right-wing ideologies, including white nationalism and anti-Semitism (oftenused attributively): the face of the alt-right;


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31 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

File this under WHY we resist.


The term alt-right officially defined. 

The alt-right movement directly linked to the trumpist movement including the most powerful adviser to the so called president itself, 




"a political movement originating on social media and online forums....


Sounds like a description of the so-called "resistance" as well.

But seriously, political movements do not "originate" in any meaningful way from "social media and online forums". These are neither causes nor starting points.

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28 minutes ago, Morch said:


"a political movement originating on social media and online forums....


Sounds like a description of the so-called "resistance" as well.

But seriously, political movements do not "originate" in any meaningful way from "social media and online forums". These are neither causes nor starting points.

It sounds to me that you lack basic knowledge about the origins of the alt-right movement. The definition got it correct.

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22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It sounds to me that you lack basic knowledge about the origins of the alt-right movement. The definition got it correct.


It sounds to me that you're assuming a whole lot. Political movements do not come about without actual, real world causes. Placing it as some sort of internet phenomenon is misguided and even dangerous.

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It sounds to me that you're assuming a whole lot. Political movements do not come about without actual, real world causes. Placing it as some sort of internet phenomenon is misguided and even dangerous.

I didn't say it was limited to online activity now that it has emerged . Agree to disagree on this one.
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trump has been CRAZY tweeting even more than usual lately.

I don't get how trumpists think that kind of childish behavior is OK in a president.

I can't accept him. Period. 



When will Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd and @NBCNews start talking about the Obama SURVEILLANCE SCANDAL and stop with the Fake Trump/Russia story?

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On March 31, 2017 at 6:34 AM, kevkev1888 said:

A massive majority?

I would not call 2% massive, slim maybe.

In a big way?

What does that even mean?

Less than 58% even bothered to vote at all. 

Massive and in a big way would mean: 3,000,000.


Let's talk about slim shall we? :laugh:



1 2.png

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Trump leaves without signing executive orders, ignores Flynn questions


"President Donald Trump abruptly walked out of the Oval Office Friday without signing executive orders on trade, as he dodged questions about whether he wants the Department of Justice to grant immunity to Michael Flynn, his former national security adviser."


"Mr. Trump didn’t acknowledge questions from CBS News’ chief White House correspondent Major Garrett as he stepped out of the Oval Office and into the next room, leaving a folder with the orders on his desk. Vice President Mike Pence snatched the folder and followed him out the door."


“Mr. President, today with your tweet, were you trying to tell the Justice Department to grant immunity to Michael Flynn?” asked Garrett, the White House pool reporter for the order signing."




The Huckster in Chief flees.

The walls are closing in... :laugh:

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President Trump Has Tried Nothing and He’s All Out of Ideas


"Donald Trump is sick of losing. More than 70 days into his tenure, the president has yet to autograph a major piece of legislation. He lost his pseudo–Muslim ban to the courts, Obamacare repeal to the House GOP, and his national security adviser to a scandal that casts a shadow over his entire administration."


"Now, his party is struggling just to keep the government open through the end of next month, and his approval rating is dipping lower than Obama’s ever did."


"Trump recognizes that his patented management strategy of defaming his enemies, pitting his underlings against one another in a perpetual game of Last Sycophant Standing, and leveraging his celebrity to con the gullible just isn’t a recipe for success on Capitol Hill."




He's got nothin'.


Throw this incompetent buffoon out.

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Adam Schiff, potential hero of the resistance?

Of course we know of no smoking gun as yet that proves trump campaign / Russian COLLUSION. Plenty of SMOKE though. Follow the leads, and let us see either way.




How Adam Schiff Became An Unlikely Threat To Trump’s Presidency — And Isn’t Going Away

He is a soft-spoken moderate who has emerged as the unlikely face of resistance to President Trump — and could become a bona fide threat to the Donald’s presidency as the probe into Russia’s interference in the election explodes.

California’s Adam Schiff is meticulous and detail-oriented. He’s not the type of firebrand partisan attack dog likely to storm the doors of the White House in full partisan hue and cry, or to engage in shouting matches with Republicans on national television.






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One of trump's only hopes now of avoiding a total presidential meltdown (unless Kremlingate does that anyway) would be working with democrats. 


But now that things are so TOXIC (OK, more toxic, they were already toxic before trump was elected) will the democrats play ball with the afraid of boos "president" that's too afraid of humiliation to throw out the opening day pitch for the Nationals?






The Crisis of Trumpism

Now that the initial health-care bill has gone down, there’s loose talk from the White House of wooing Democrats, but a lot has transpired in the course of the past few months that makes this much harder. Most importantly, the left-wing “resistance” to Trump is fully activated and prepared to exact punishment on any quislings.



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