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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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8 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Put your money where your mouth is and show me one post where I've attacked anyone for copying and pasting something.


You appear very confused.

Perhaps some sort of reading comprehension malfunction...



P.S. Nice deflection of Andaman Al's question to you. NOT.

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During and after the 2016 election, friends in the immigration restriction movement would remonstrate: "Donald Trump is the only hope we have, don’t you see that?”


I’d answer, “He’s betrayed everyone else who ever trusted him. What makes you think you will be special?” And today, President Trump confirmed my dark view: He’s just inflicted near-lethal damage on any hope of enduring immigration reform in the national interest.


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4 minutes ago, iReason said:


You appear very confused.

Perhaps some sort of reading comprehension malfunction...



P.S. Nice deflection of Andaman Al's question to you. NOT.

Did Andaman not accuse me of being one of those people that attack you for 'copying and pasting facts' ?

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2 minutes ago, iReason said:




Are you going to answer his question?

yes he did. 


If you're referring to the question of what good I see in Trump or what good he's done you can find my opinions on the issue a few pages back. I'm not going to retype or copy and paste because you're too lazy to go find them yourselves.

Don't like it? Too bad, not my problem.

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


There was no attempt to "summarize the issues", or include all facets which relate to the US political scene, past, present and future. Making everything only about one issue or the other is often off mark, and the same goes for the above. People vote the way they vote for a whole lot of reasons. Belittling and denigrating about half of them as clueless and/or racists may give some posters a moral erection, but not that much of a turn on for me. That's apart from such discourse not leading anywhere, and not being aimed at achieving anything beyond sticking it to the opposition.  


Did you read the recently posted wish list by the latest "conservative" on this thread?  The Koch brothers and other the  billionaires of their ilk are rubbing their hands in glee on the success of a long term program to obscure their true intentions by demonizing others. 


I don't think that pointing out that masses of people have been used to further an economic policy that is against their self-interest under the guise of perpetuating a destructive racist fear mongering legacy is "denigrating" them. 


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1 minute ago, thaihome said:


Did you read the recently posted wish list by the latest "conservative" on this thread?  The Koch brothers and other the  billionaires of their ilk are rubbing their hands in glee on the success of a long term program to obscure their true intentions by demonizing others. 


I don't think that pointing out that masses of people have been used to further an economic policy that is against their self-interest under the guise of perpetuating a destructive racist fear mongering legacy is "denigrating" them. 



Someone opines something, someone posts something. In your mind it seems to reflect the views of anyone who voted for Trump. Good luck with that. Assuming that all those who voted for Trump were duped, or that they did not have a different set of priorities than yours, is similarly off mark. Not all those who voted for Trump are racists, not all are clueless. One thing that's pretty obvious from this topic and others is that posters have a hard time accepting others may hold different views, without denouncing these with hell bent fury. Considering the stereotypes tossed about, that would be an attitude more befitting Trump supporters, but eh.

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32 minutes ago, Morch said:


Someone opines something, someone posts something. In your mind it seems to reflect the views of anyone who voted for Trump. Good luck with that. Assuming that all those who voted for Trump were duped, or that they did not have a different set of priorities than yours, is similarly off mark. Not all those who voted for Trump are racists, not all are clueless. One thing that's pretty obvious from this topic and others is that posters have a hard time accepting others may hold different views, without denouncing these with hell bent fury. Considering the stereotypes tossed about, that would be an attitude more befitting Trump supporters, but eh.

You continue to put words in my mouth and make my statements generalizations about every person that voted for Trump.  In fact, my original post specifically said that some voted for other reasons besides Trump's racist dog whistles.  


You would hard pressed to deny that a significant demographic of the US population votes based on those racist policies dispite the fact those politicians are also promoting an economic agenda that is not in their supporters best interest.  


Kris Kobach,  Kansas secretary of state, is prime example of this. While promoting a anti-immigration policy under the guise of non existent voter fraud he has fully supported the Republican economic policy that has all but bankrupted the state of Kansas and virtually destroyed both the education and health systems in the state. But again, I do not think that pointing this out is in any way "denigrating" those that voted for him. It is done in the hope they will eventually realize their mistake. That hope is alive with the recent veto override of the tax legislation that is needed to bring Kansas back. 


That is not to say that some here are indeed guilty of what you incorrectly accused my posts of doing.


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6 minutes ago, thaihome said:

You continue to put words in my mouth and make my statements generalizations about every person that voted for Trump.  In fact, my original post specifically said that some voted for other reasons besides Trump's racist dog whistles.  


You would hard pressed to deny that a significant demographic of the US population votes based on those racist policies dispite the fact those politicians are also promoting an economic agenda that is not in their supporters best interest.  


Kris Kobach,  Kansas secretary of state, is prime example of this. While promoting a anti-immigration policy under the guise of non existent voter fraud he has fully supported the Republican economic policy that has all but bankrupted the state of Kansas and virtually destroyed both the education and health systems in the state. But again, I do not think that pointing this out is in any way "denigrating" those that voted for him. It is done in the hope they will eventually realize their mistake. That hope is alive with the recent veto override of the tax legislation that is needed to bring Kansas back. 


That is not to say that some here are indeed guilty of what you incorrectly accused my posts of doing.



You were saying something about dog whistle politics? :coffee1:

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2 hours ago, Morch said:

Nobody keeping you from moving on. Treating your posts on this matter as "honest" is optional, and my choice is to view them otherwise. Nothing in your tiresome "clarification" is relevant to the point, and most of the "clarification" rests on doubtful assumptions. Making a connection between the exchange and the latest shooting is another low, emoticons notwithstanding. 

So sad to read your once again personal insulting commentary, which adds little to the thread except to feed the behavior and outlook of anyone who is not in the Camp of Political Opinion Turned Personal Hatred... The environment of hate and its chronic encouragement via inflammatory, vitriolic commentary and your dismissal of the effect of those words, and distancing yourself and all others on both sides of these political arguments is how events like the baseball field shootings occur. Your response is shameful and disheartening to say the least. 



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12 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

So sad to read your once again personal insulting commentary, which adds little to the thread except to feed the behavior and outlook of anyone who is not in the Camp of Political Opinion Turned Personal Hatred... The environment of hate and its chronic encouragement via inflammatory, vitriolic commentary and your dismissal of the effect of those words, and distancing yourself and all others on both sides of these political arguments is how events like the baseball field shootings occur. Your response is shameful and disheartening to say the least. 






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18 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

So sad to read your once again personal insulting commentary, which adds little to the thread except to feed the behavior and outlook of anyone who is not in the Camp of Political Opinion Turned Personal Hatred... The environment of hate and its chronic encouragement via inflammatory, vitriolic commentary and your dismissal of the effect of those words, and distancing yourself and all others on both sides of these political arguments is how events like the baseball field shootings occur. Your response is shameful and disheartening to say the least. 



You have a short memory. I have never witnessed hatred on here like the hatred that was spewed out concerning HRC. I am not an HRC fan, but nevertheless the conduct on here was disgraceful.


Regarding the baseball shooting, of all the shootings that occur today in the USA 50% will be carried out by Republicans and probably 50% by Dems (probably higher for Republicans actually as they have more guns). I am more concerned about the 2 year old that shot her 7 year old cousin in the head last week than some muppet trying to take out politicians. What's your priority?

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Pro-Trump media ignores president's broken immigration promise


"The Department of Homeland Security announced Thursday night that the Trump administration would maintain an Obama-era program providing protection to undocumented immigrants brought to the US illegally as children by their parents -- but it's unlikely those who consume the news through conservative media outlets have a clue."


"The news that President Donald Trump had decided not to deliver on a key campaign promise, at least for the moment, was covered widely by traditional media outlets such as CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times"


"The story was nowhere to be found on the the front pages of Breitbart or the Drudge Report, FoxNews.com did not appear to cover it on its home page either."




Keep them Lemmings in the dark...

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5 hours ago, Rigby40 said:


Off the top of my head here's what I support:

The wall, tighter immigration(if not a complete temporary pause in immigration) from Muslim majority countries, more deportations of illegals(criminals first priority, don't mind keeping ones with ZERO criminal record), he's politically incorrect(political correctness is demonstrably dangerous), he speaks his mind(for better or worse!), he gave a huge middle finger to the establishment media(you'll find that we're sick and tired of the MSM have been for years YES that includes Fox News for a lot of us), defunding Planned Parenthood(I am PRO-CHOICE but I don't want my tax dollars going to someone's abortion) and he doesn't seem like your typical phony politician, the type of guy you could shoot the s*** with, you know 'relatable'.


One thing I will concede to the anti-Trumpers(and even some of his supporters) is that they said it would be too hard for him to pass his policies due to lack of cooperation from establishment dems and repubs. We're seeing this happen right now in regards to the immigration ban.

Interesting. I'd guess you do represent the thoughts of most Trump supporters. Sadly, what Trump has promised was only to get elected. He's a con man and many fell for it. Like you, they are upset with the "establishment " and fell for Trump's BS hook, line and sinker.


Trump is in this for Trump. He could care less about the masses. Except for when they clap for him on stage.


You say you don't like a phony politician. Well, Trump is the worst of the lot. Cross him as a friend and you are gone. As you probably already know.


As for the political grid lock, it was no different for Obama. Same BS. A problem that needs to be changed. Let's get a politician in there that promises to deal with this. And then delivers. Not just hire relatives and billionaires to make it worse.

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10 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

defunding Planned Parenthood(I am PRO-CHOICE but I don't want my tax dollars going to someone's abortion) and he doesn't seem like your typical phony politician, the type of guy you could shoot the s*** with, you know 'relatable'.

Nice, so are you happy with your tax dollars being spent on blowing up innocent women and children in the Middle East? Save a foetus but no worries blowing up 25 Pakistanis. Isn't America just great again!


I like this one Rigby.



and he doesn't seem like your typical phony politician, the type of guy you could shoot the s*** with, you know 'relatable'.

He is not a phoney politician as he is not a politician, but he is one of the most phoney humans that exist. As for you finding him 'relatable', it shows where you are on the scale of behaviour. Are you also fond of grabbing pussy, incestuous desires and 13 year old girls? Can you relate to that Rigby40? Your Parents must be proud of you  :coffee1:

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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Interesting. I'd guess you do represent the thoughts of most Trump supporters. Sadly, what Trump has promised was only to get elected. He's a con man and many fell for it. Like you, they are upset with the "establishment " and fell for Trump's BS hook, line and sinker.


Trump is in this for Trump. He could care less about the masses. Except for when they clap for him on stage.


You say you don't like a phony politician. Well, Trump is the worst of the lot. Cross him as a friend and you are gone. As you probably already know.


As for the political grid lock, it was no different for Obama. Same BS. A problem that needs to be changed. Let's get a politician in there that promises to deal with this. And then delivers. Not just hire relatives and billionaires to make it worse.

When you say I fell for his BS, you haven't shown me how that's true in regards to the issues I support him on and the things I like about him.

•The wall is still yet to come and I certainly wasn't under the impression that it would go up in his first year.

•I was happy with his plans for a temporary immigration ban

•More illegals are being deported , there's now a huge movement of supporters against sanctuary cities and they're feeling the pressure

•He's still politically incorrect

•He continues to call out the MSM

•Planned Parenthood is set to be defunded

•Trump is nowhere near as phony as Clinton or Obama, I disagree big league here.


Please show me how, of the issues I support him on and the qualities I like about him, I fell for his BS. If you can provide an argument detailing how I am not in fact happy with the points made above and how I was duped into this state of satisfaction(of which you're about to help me break out), thus far, then we're getting somewhere. Until then it just sounds as if you're projecting your own dissatisfaction and contempt for Trump onto me and his supporters.


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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Nice, so are you happy with your tax dollars being spent on blowing up innocent women and children in the Middle East? Save a foetus but no worries blowing up 25 Pakistanis. Isn't America just great again!


I like this one Rigby.


He is not a phoney politician as he is not a politician, but he is one of the most phoney humans that exist. As for you finding him 'relatable', it shows where you are on the scale of behaviour. Are you also fond of grabbing pussy, incestuous desires and 13 year old girls? Can you relate to that Rigby40? Your Parents must be proud of you  :coffee1:

Nope, like a lot of anti-Trumpers you're clueless as to what the majority of Trump's constituency believes. 

I would love nothing more than for us to get out of the Middle East. We should have never gone in to begin with, we have no business meddling in their affairs or the affairs of any other country. No more wars.

Thanks for putting your ignorance out here on display for the rest of us though.

Oh and Pakistan isn't even part of the Middle Eastern region, instead of throwing hissy fits all day here because you still haven't come to terms with who the American people elected as their president, why not go study some geography?


Yes I'm extremely fond of grabbing women by the ________(fill in blank, use imagination) when they let me. And I let them do the same. Problem?


Don't like incest or 13 year old girls. So??

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There is an article in "Foreign Policy Magazine" with an intriguing title:   http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/06/16/donald-trump-is-proving-too-stupid-to-be-president/ 


It has lots of examples to support the title, and concludes with:


" The 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that if the vice president and a majority of the cabinet certify that the president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” he can be removed with the concurrence of two-thirds of both houses. That won’t happen, because Republicans are too craven to stand up to Trump. But on the merits perhaps it should. After nearly five months in office, Trump has given no indication that he possesses the mental capacity to be president. "


Unfortunately Trump will have to dig himself and the country into a deeper hole before the Republicans in Congress act.

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Trump’s Business Ties in Persian Gulf Raise Questions About His Allegiances

President Trump has done business with royals from Saudi Arabia for at least 20 years, since he sold the Plaza Hotel to a partnership formed by a Saudi prince. Mr. Trump has earned millions of dollars from the United Arab Emirates for putting his name on a golf course, with a second soon to open.


He has never entered the booming market in neighboring Qatar, however, despite years of trying.


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59 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

When you say I fell for his BS, you haven't shown me how that's true in regards to the issues I support him on and the things I like about him.

•The wall is still yet to come and I certainly wasn't under the impression that it would go up in his first year.

•I was happy with his plans for a temporary immigration ban

•More illegals are being deported , there's now a huge movement of supporters against sanctuary cities and they're feeling the pressure

•He's still politically incorrect

•He continues to call out the MSM

•Planned Parenthood is set to be defunded

•Trump is nowhere near as phony as Clinton or Obama, I disagree big league here.


Please show me how, of the issues I support him on and the qualities I like about him, I fell for his BS. If you can provide an argument detailing how I am not in fact happy with the points made above and how I was duped into this state of satisfaction(of which you're about to help me break out), thus far, then we're getting somewhere. Until then it just sounds as if you're projecting your own dissatisfaction and contempt for Trump onto me and his supporters.


In summary, you support him on the idiotic policies that do minor damage to the US, and completely ignore his more disastrous actions undermining relationships with allies, flattering dictators and other autocrats, giving China a free pass on everything (dominating Asia, establishing world trade rules, continuing the massive trade deficit that Trump railed against in his campaign), abandoning established standards of ethics and transparency, etc. 


How do you feel about someone as insecure, uninformed and erratic as Trump being able to start a nuclear war with no one being able to stop him?  Maybe he'll decide it's a great way to secure his name in history.

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Trump airlines,

Trump vodka,

Trump mortgage,

Trump university,
and now
Trump mexican wall.
He has unfortunately not the 10 billions as he has said.
But his 1.1 billion would already be enough for the first construction phase.
So Donald dish out  your money for your project, and we would believe you.
Foam beater and hot-air merchant high 100.

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

Trump airlines,

Trump vodka,

Trump mortgage,

Trump university,
and now
Trump mexican wall.
He has unfortunately not the 10 billions as he has said.
But his 1.1 billion would already be enough for the first construction phase.
So Donald dish out  your money for your project, and we would believe you.
Foam beater and hot-air merchant high 100.

Sorry to add a little more clarity but the 1.1 billion is in assets that are owned via huge loans from Banks. If the banks called in their loans Trump wouldn't have a pot to pee in.

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7 hours ago, heybruce said:

In summary, you support him on the idiotic policies that do minor damage to the US, and completely ignore his more disastrous actions undermining relationships with allies, flattering dictators and other autocrats, giving China a free pass on everything (dominating Asia, establishing world trade rules, continuing the massive trade deficit that Trump railed against in his campaign), abandoning established standards of ethics and transparency, etc. 


How do you feel about someone as insecure, uninformed and erratic as Trump being able to start a nuclear war with no one being able to stop him?  Maybe he'll decide it's a great way to secure his name in history.

Well, that was a big nothing burger. Let me know when you can present a real argument against any of the points I made.

I'd be happy to consider your perspectives in relation to mine but these ramblings just don't cut muster.

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Trump administration: Sheriff David Clarke withdraws from homeland security post


"David Clarke, the controversial sheriff and self-described “Trumpster”, has removed himself from consideration for a senior position at the department of homeland security."


"At Trump’s inauguration celebrations in January, Clarke told a crowd the only time he would reach across the aisle to work with liberals would be to “grab one of them by the throat”.


"Clarke has been criticised for alleged neglect in his law enforcement position following the deaths of four inmates at the Milwaukee County jail in the past year."



C'ya, you pathetic bigot.

Go back and crawl under the rock you slimed out from under.

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Commission on Civil Rights to probe Trump administration enforcement


"The US Commission on Civil Rights announced Friday that it will investigate the Trump administration's enforcement of civil rights, saying it has concerns about the impact of proposed budget and staff cuts across the federal government."


"The independent government agency, which is tasked with monitoring federal civil rights enforcement, unanimously approved a two-year probe into whether the cuts will allow federal civil rights offices to perform their duties under the law."
"The administration's budget would reduce money for civil rights-related offices in several agencies, making cuts of 15% and 23% in some cases, and would eliminate the EPA's Environmental Justice program and the nonprofit Legal Services Corp., which supports civil legal aid for low-income Americans, the commission said."
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Six resign from presidential HIV/AIDS council because Trump 'doesn't care'


"Six members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS have angrily resigned, saying that President Trump doesn’t care about HIV."


"The group said that the administration “has no strategy” to address HIV/AIDS, doesn’t consult experts when working on policy and “pushes legislation that will harm people living with HIV and halt or reverse important gains made in the fight against this disease.”


"The group noted that Trump took down the Office of National AIDS Policy website when he took office and hasn’t appointed anyone to lead the White House Office of National AIDS Policy."



No one appointed?

Whatta surprise...

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