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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

Oh boy did I absolutely LOVE when he called out Sadiq Khan, the man who once consulted in the defense of 9/11 conspirator and terrorist Zacharias Moussaoui. 


As per usual it's a false accusation. Pretty sloppy for a global leader. .coffee1.gif




In the circulating clip Khan referenced “three British men”, which should have been a primary clue that it did not have anything to do with the 2001 hijackers. Some versions of this rumor claimed he defended Zacarias Moussaoui, a French citizen (about whom Khan was clearly not speaking in the video). Moussaoui was one of several people sometimes described as the “20th hijacker,” charged and convicted as a conspirator in the attacks in the United States. That claim appeared first in 2016, at which time the Guardian reported Khan’s firm did not represent Moussaoui but consulted on his defense.


However, that particular video has nothing to do with Khan’s purported defense of Moussaoui, or anyone else linked to the 11 September 2001 hijackers or co-conspirators. Khan did not “defend” Moussaoui (either verbally or in any legal capacity), and the circulating clip was unrelated to claims linking London’s mayor to the tragedy.



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how can you work out the trump and family  sick minds

son tells people they can survive in the golf course business only with Russian finance 

the other day when they want to calm the heat 

trumps son on fox says 

dems are not even people?

when did the parents take the dummy's away from there children

i think they still share them with son in law

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Off-topic posts removed.   Continuing to troll, deflect and make other attempts at highjacking the thread will get you suspended.   It will not be a short suspension, I might add.  

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8 hours ago, iReason said:

Donald Trump 'yells at TVs in the White House' about Russia investigation

Confidantes say the US President is furious about the press coverage (sub-title)


"Donald Trump has reportedly been yelling at TV sets in the White House as he becomes "increasingly angry" about an investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the US presidential election."


"Confidants and advisers close to Mr Trump said his fury was mounting at the probe and he had been yelling at TV sets about its press coverage."



Yelling at T.V. sets.



The guy belongs in a straight jacket...

He is running out off stamina.

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11 minutes ago, Ruffian Dick said:

To be fair, he's not the first person in the world to yell at a TV set.


And I hope he goes away soon.

True.  Whenever I see his smirking face on the TV I need to change channels before I throw something at it.

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20 hours ago, heybruce said:

""Yes, he's politically incorrect.  Which is costing our nation a lot."

How so? "


Well, he "twitter attacked" the mayor of London for advising people to stay calm.  Do you think that helps relations with a top tier ally?


He took credit for the Mid-East moves against Qatar even though Qatar hosts the largest US base in the Mid-East, and Qatar is no more guilty of supporting terrorism than our friend Saudi Arabia.  Not a good idea.


As mentioned, he routinely insults democratic allies and complements autocrats, damaging US credibility as a leader in the democratic world. 


Shall I go on?


"The MSM has been exposed for airing fake news multiple times. I can provide you with numerous examples if you'd like. This goes back years. Only recently this issue was brought to the forefront by Trump and we have been waiting for someone to call them out for some time now."


Yes, please give examples of MSM intentionally reporting fake news and failing to offer a retraction.  While your at it, give examples of what you consider to be reliable news sources that never err in their reports.

I replied to this with a detailed list of examples. It was deleted.

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Who knew a Trump presidency would create so many problems?


I knew.  Even before he announced his candidacy, I knew he was a highly flawed person.  Yet, it was during the Rep Debates that Trump's serious character flaws shone.  Republicans watching must have been cheering, because lots of them voted in favor of Trump.   To paraphrase Churchhill; never before have so many, been so duped, by such a dangerous clown.

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22 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Who knew a Trump presidency would create so many problems?


I knew.  Even before he announced his candidacy, I knew he was a highly flawed person.  Yet, it was during the Rep Debates that Trump's serious character flaws shone.  Republicans watching must have been cheering, because lots of them voted in favor of Trump.   To paraphrase Churchhill; never before have so many, been so duped, by such a dangerous clown.

I also knew, but held back criticism until after the first 60 days or so.  We've both been proven correct.  Sadly, many can't see the problems he's creating.  Still amazes me.


Seems Trump is losing control of his congressional supporters:






Senate passes Russia sanctions bill, pushing back against Trump

The Senate was nearly unanimous on Thursday passing a bill that would slap Russia with new sanctions and give Congress the power to review any White House attempts to roll them back.


The measure is widely seen as a rebuke to Trump, as it hits Russia with new sanctions to punish Moscow for its interference in US elections, as well as over Moscow's aggression in Ukraine and Syria.



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1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

I replied to this with a detailed list of examples. It was deleted.


For good reason I suspect. 

Given the fact that the sixteen alt-right propaganda commentary you-tube channels you listed are not "news" sources.


As you claimed.


"While your at it, give examples of what you consider to be reliable news sources that never err in their reports."


What you posted did not even come close to addressing that question.


I looked at them.


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20 minutes ago, iReason said:


For good reason I suspect. 

Given the fact that the sixteen alt-right propaganda commentary you-tube channels you listed are not "news" sources.


As you claimed.


"While your at it, give examples of what you consider to be reliable news sources that never err in their reports."


What you posted did not even come close to addressing that question.


I looked at them.


That was one of the most bizarre list of sites I've ever seen.  Definitely not news.  Just opinion pieces from some really strange people. 


IMHO, that's one of the biggest problems we have today.  Nut job websites spewing bizarre stuff.  Sadly, some read it and like it.


Sure, MSM sites do err in their reports.  But it's pretty rare.  Their vetting process is pretty good.  I'll never forget ZeroHedge.  Some here loved it.  Then it was outed as sensational news done just to make clickbait to generate money. LOL  Amazing at how many fell for it.

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President Trump’s White House Media Blackout Has Reporters Talking Mutiny

After Sean Spicer banned live broadcasts of press briefings, many long-suffering White House correspondents are openly wondering whether it’s worth the hassle anymore. (sub-title)


"On Monday, reporters were barred from broadcasting live video or audio during the afternoon White House press briefing,

the second briefing at which journalists were explicitly banned from making audio broadcasts since the previous Thursday."


"Press secretary Sean Spicer, flanked by counselor Kellyanne Conway and former Apprentice agitator-turned-communications liaison Omarosa Manigault, explained that the president’s appearance earlier with the president of Panama was enough for the whole class to share."


'Spicer’s decision to ban live broadcasting of the press briefing is the latest in a series of attempts to curtail transparency and visibility at the White House.'



The press secretary banning the press? Whatta punk.


It's only gonna get worse Spicey. Get out while you can...


Quite a contrast from the JFK days where he personally held 30 to 40 minute press conferences weekly.

Video and audio of all 64 of them here:



Remove this unacceptable, incompetent, boorish, inept occupier of the White House.

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10 minutes ago, iReason said:

President Trump’s White House Media Blackout Has Reporters Talking Mutiny

After Sean Spicer banned live broadcasts of press briefings, many long-suffering White House correspondents are openly wondering whether it’s worth the hassle anymore. (sub-title)


"On Monday, reporters were barred from broadcasting live video or audio during the afternoon White House press briefing,

the second briefing at which journalists were explicitly banned from making audio broadcasts since the previous Thursday."


"Press secretary Sean Spicer, flanked by counselor Kellyanne Conway and former Apprentice agitator-turned-communications liaison Omarosa Manigault, explained that the president’s appearance earlier with the president of Panama was enough for the whole class to share."


'Spicer’s decision to ban live broadcasting of the press briefing is the latest in a series of attempts to curtail transparency and visibility at the White House.'



The press secretary banning the press? Whatta punk.


It's only gonna get worse Spicey. Get out while you can...


Quite a contrast from the JFK days where he personally held 30 to 40 minute press conferences weekly.

Video and audio of all 64 of them here:



Remove this unacceptable, incompetent, boorish, inept occupier of the White House.



I used to think George Orwells 1984 was a work of fiction, It appears to be a factual documentary and Spicers "how to " guide.

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President Trump’s White House Media Blackout Has Reporters Talking Mutiny
After Sean Spicer banned live broadcasts of press briefings, many long-suffering White House correspondents are openly wondering whether it’s worth the hassle anymore. (sub-title)
"On Monday, reporters were barred from broadcasting live video or audio during the afternoon White House press briefing,
the second briefing at which journalists were explicitly banned from making audio broadcasts since the previous Thursday."
"Press secretary Sean Spicer, flanked by counselor Kellyanne Conway and former Apprentice agitator-turned-communications liaison Omarosa Manigault, explained that the president’s appearance earlier with the president of Panama was enough for the whole class to share."
'Spicer’s decision to ban live broadcasting of the press briefing is the latest in a series of attempts to curtail transparency and visibility at the White House.'
The press secretary banning the press? Whatta punk.
It's only gonna get worse Spicey. Get out while you can...
Quite a contrast from the JFK days where he personally held 30 to 40 minute press conferences weekly.
Video and audio of all 64 of them here:
Remove this unacceptable, incompetent, boorish, inept occupier of the White House.

Impeach this buffoon today!!!
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3 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:



I used to think George Orwells 1984 was a work of fiction, It appears to be a factual documentary and Spicers "how to " guide.

A free press is what I think helps make Western nations great.  It's a critical part of a true democracy.


Spicer seems to be on the way out.  To where, is not known, but just read a CNN article that says Trump is not happy with him.  This BS sounds like it's coming from Trump and Bannon.

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A quick challenge, lets see how many "Trump" impeachable offences can be found, solely, in the 1st amendment.


The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.


This action stopping recording of press conferences would have to be seen as infringing on the freedom of the press.

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4 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

I replied to this with a detailed list of examples. It was deleted.

Yes, I read it but it was deleted before I could reply.  It listed as examples of MSM reporting fake news as:


1.  All news outlets reported President Duterte of the Philippines called President Obama a "Son of a whore", then reported he backtracked and claimed  the phrase was directed at someone else.  For some reason reports on the apparent target of the slur then the backtracking counts as fake news in your book.


2.  A MSM outlet that cited an unreliable source for a story then printed a retraction.


3.  You disagreed with subjective assessments of crowd sizes and camera angles when covering Trump rallies, but you didn't give specific examples.


4.  You claim Anderson Cooper did a "live" Sandy Hook interview before a green screen, but you didn't give a link or other means to identify the interview.


None of the above is fake news.  Fake news is the fictional report, widely circulated by many including General Flynn, that Hillary Clinton was running a child prostitution ring out of pizza restaurant basements. Fake news is the "expert" on Fox News who claimed Obama was illegally wiretapping the Trump campaign.  Fake news is Trump claiming, without proof, that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Obama. 


These and other fake news reports have the defining characteristics of being totally baseless, never being retracted, and only believed by the gullible.


You also agreed with Trump insulting the mayor of London for urging citizens to stay calm.  Was he supposed to advise panic?  This shows that neither you nor Trump have the intelligence to be President.


I didn't get around to checking your "news" sources, but it appears that iReason and craig3365 did. 


You had some other nonsense, but I think this covers most of it.

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GOP data firm left 198 million Americans’ voter info unprotected


"A Republican data analytics firm left a massive cache of voter information exposed on a publicly accessible server."


"The 1.1-terabyte database belonging to Deep Root Analytics contained the names, birthdates,

home addresses, phone numbers and registration information of more than 198 million Americans."


"During the 2016 election, Deep Root partnered with Data Trust, the Republican National Committee’s designated data firm,

to model the 2008 and 2012 electorates."




Edited by iReason
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I lived through Obama you'll survive Trump


Not equivalent.



 Yeah, that’s a problem.


Yeah. I would think there are basic requisites for the office that he fails to live up to, but this is just, probably the most serious example of where his limitations are really frightening. "








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9 minutes ago, dutchisaan said:

Please stop trolling!


As I have stated before, once the faithful Trumpeteers have completely exhausted their one dimensional rhetoric,

they resort to pointless prattle...







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Poll: Trump's job approval rating drops to 36%


"President Donald Trump's job approval rating has dropped to 36% due to Americans' negative reaction

to his handling of the Russia investigations, a new CBS News poll has found."


"When CBS last polled Trump's job approval rating in late April, his approval rating was 41%."
"The drop is partially due to his dwindling support among Republicans."
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Off-topic posts and replies have been removed.  


Apparently some members are going to have to be put on suspension in order to quit going back to an endless discussion of Hillary Clinton.  


Please stay on topic.  

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