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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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13 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:



Clearly this poster is a re-tread and one of the mad Trump fanboys who obviously went over the line in a past incarnation. But here we have a post that tells us Mr. Trump is keeping his promises and this is causing those who were against him to start supporting him. "at least the people I know and myself too". So we have a perfectly reasonable 'independent' non Trump supporter who is now supporting him and who then goes on to post a link to an article that supports this claim.


Who are the writers at American Lookout? Well very quickly we are told that they write the stuff that other will not. Need any more hints? They then go on to say that their writers have previous experience at Gateway Pundit, a known fake news site and Breitbart, whose notoriety is now universal and the admired platform for the white supremacists.


The only thing worse than someone trying to run a scam on you is for that person to be so transparent incompetent that it is essentially an insult to the reader's intelligence.


So that was Pepe's 6th post. Lo and behold, it only took Pepe until the very next post before he went full bore trump fanboy, or should I say full trump fanboy boor. All of this with the whole, President for 8 years, wake up and smell the coffee and finally the 'get used to it' - the endless Alt Right crowing after 8 November.


Pepe is finally revealed.


What is further interesting is that a couple days ago, when Pepe appeared, his avatar was the frog. Here is what the Anti-Defamation League has to say about Pepe the Frog:


"In recent years, with the growth of the "alt right" segment of the white supremacist movement, a segment that draws some of its support from some of the above-mentioned Internet sites, the number of "alt right" Pepe memes has grown, a tendency exacerbated by the controversial and contentious 2016 presidential election. Though Pepe memes have many defenders, the use of racist and bigoted versions of Pepe memes seems to be increasing, not decreasing."



But now the avatar is showing us a poor peasant farmer presumably Mexican or at least the users impression of a poor Mexian peasant farmer complete with Sombrero and vague look.


Well Newbie, welcome to the culture wars TVF style although I am sure we have crossed swords in your previous life. I wonder who you were. So many antagonists from those days have gone silent. They all couldn't have been Russian internet trolls surely. We will just have to monitor your tone and style and see if we can guess.


I wonder who it could be? Hmmmm!


4 hours ago, Pepe1 said:

I won't address all of your foolish points, but will address the PS.

The topic is about the "resistance."  The whole reason the resistance exists is because people have not gotten over the President Trump victory, so my comment is totally on topic.

Well it sounds like Ulysses G to me - 100% Welcome back Ulysses, your new moniker is much more suitable.

Edited by Andaman Al
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4 hours ago, Morch said:


"Clearly this poster is a re-tread..."




"I am sure we have crossed swords in your previous life. I wonder who you were. "




"We will just have to monitor your tone and style and see if we can guess."







Your cooking utensil fetish leaves you on the periphery of the issue.


From my post: The only thing worse than someone trying to run a scam on you is for that person to be so transparent incompetent that it is essentially an insult to the reader's intelligence.


Retreads are an inexpensive alternative to purchasing new tires. I have no issue with that. Such a transparently crude attempt to sucker readers is my issue. And like I indicated, the poster only kept it up for one post before going full on trump crazy.

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Here's how I picture it:


A few months down the road, when Trump finally realizes he's been a failure on every facet of leading the USA, when the economy tanks, he can't get anything passed in congress, there are massive on-going demonstrations in D.C. and all major cities throughout the US, .......he'll have a private moment with Melania.


She'll say to him; "Donald, you know you're a winner.  You always win....."

Donald:  "But Melania darling, I'm not winning now, and....."

Melania; "Shut up you moron. Listen to me! You can win.  You're better than all those politicians.  If you don't like the noise of the protesters, you can do what Nixon did, hide away in a dark sound-proof room.  But you cannot resign.  I need to maintain the position of First Lady.  My cosmetic lines are just now taking off in Russia and China.  If you resign, my sales will go down the drain."


Next morning, Donald issues a tweet:  "Melania says I can't quit.  So I'm staying the course. Obama was a disaster. Only I can make America great again."

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How the RESISTANCE is doing so far considering a historical perspective. Some bright spots but hardly any definite indication of beating the evil of trumpism before it does a massive amount of DAMAGE.

Basically, we need more republicans, more people that voted for trump, to get with the program and help fight the evil of trumpism. As the republicans control the government totally.




What the 20th Century Tells Us About Trump

Timothy Snyder on the president’s endgame and how effectively Americans are resisting so far.

Turning to the present, what have you made of the resistance that we’ve seen in the first two months to Trump?


I wrote the 20 lessons in November. ... With the resistance, I guess there are two ways it’s been better than Germany in the ’30s, which is kind of my benchmark.

OK, this wasn’t just a symbolic moment. We may actually be losing the Constitution, which I think a number of folks who voted for Trump would actually care about.




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2 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

He's certainly succeeded in making America grate again.  He's grating on everyone.  Hopefully he won't be putting the country in the grate as well.

He has definitely impacted the national psyche in an extremely negative way. 

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Listening and reading the news, internet, TV and radio every day, it seems the left really have nothing. Everything they've tried against Trump has not worked. He's not a politician, all of their playbooks for republicans bounce off of him like a nerfball, clearly, this is one of the best times to see political history being made.

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8 minutes ago, stander said:

Listening and reading the news, internet, TV and radio every day, it seems the left really have nothing. Everything they've tried against Trump has not worked. He's not a politician, all of their playbooks for republicans bounce off of him like a nerfball, clearly, this is one of the best times to see political history being made.

Has not worked?

I don't think anyone was expecting instant results.


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8 minutes ago, stander said:

Listening and reading the news, internet, TV and radio every day, it seems the left really have nothing. Everything they've tried against Trump has not worked. He's not a politician, all of their playbooks for republicans bounce off of him like a nerfball, clearly, this is one of the best times to see political history being made.

This has nothing to do with left or right.  It's got everything to do with what's right and wrong.  And so far, what's Trump has done has been wrong.

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1 hour ago, stander said:

Listening and reading the news, internet, TV and radio every day, it seems the left really have nothing. Everything they've tried against Trump has not worked. He's not a politician, all of their playbooks for republicans bounce off of him like a nerfball, clearly, this is one of the best times to see political history being made.

Just look at the amazing success he's having with Trumpcare!

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

This has nothing to do with left or right.  It's got everything to do with what's right and wrong.  And so far, what's Trump has done has been wrong.

So far what Trump has done has been right. 

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Let me help out Pepe1 here.Trump has done things, and the things have been right. Now you satisfied?



Well, Trump does know more about everything than anybody else.  Heck, who doesn't when their source of info is Breitbart! LOL:w00t:

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43 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

You didn't reply to my last request to show what he's accomplished....

He's managed to waste a lot of paper and ink writing Executive Orders that tossed in the bin.   Oh, and then there is the bandwith he has managed to waste.   

Edited by Credo
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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's how I picture it:


A few months down the road, when Trump finally realizes he's been a failure on every facet of leading the USA, when the economy tanks, he can't get anything passed in congress, there are massive on-going demonstrations in D.C. and all major cities throughout the US, .......he'll have a private moment with Melania.


She'll say to him; "Donald, you know you're a winner.  You always win....."

Donald:  "But Melania darling, I'm not winning now, and....."

Melania; "Shut up you moron. Listen to me! You can win.  You're better than all those politicians.  If you don't like the noise of the protesters, you can do what Nixon did, hide away in a dark sound-proof room.  But you cannot resign.  I need to maintain the position of First Lady.  My cosmetic lines are just now taking off in Russia and China.  If you resign, my sales will go down the drain."


Next morning, Donald issues a tweet:  "Melania says I can't quit.  So I'm staying the course. Obama was a disaster. Only I can make America great again."

I would love to see it play out this way boomerangutang but something tells me that this pathological President, and especially his advisers, particularly Bannon, have some more sinister scenarios in mind.


With the budget priority on defence spending is it just speculating to infer that this administration is gearing up for some real conflict? North Korea perhaps? Who knows, but there is nothing like a bit of armed conflict to deflect to scrutiny and criticism away and pull the patriotism card. Thatcher and the Falklands, G W Bush and Iraq come to mind.


Just on the slash and burn budget: no hint of the trillion dollar public works program that the great Donald promised right through his campaign. Military spending first.


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Yes the chances of major war(s), internal and/or external is very high with any autocratic demagogue and that's what we've got now. It's the perfect way to crush all dissent. trump already has his internal boogeymen ...  the non Breitbart/Fox part of the press, Muslims and Mexicans, and part of his rabid base expanding that to academics, Jews, gays, liberals, and blacks. 

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4 hours ago, stander said:

Listening and reading the news, internet, TV and radio every day, it seems the left really have nothing. Everything they've tried against Trump has not worked. He's not a politician, all of their playbooks for republicans bounce off of him like a nerfball, clearly, this is one of the best times to see political history being made.

The 30's in Germany was also a "best" time to see history being made.

May we live in LESS interesting times ... :coffee1:

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The 30's in Germany was also a "best" time to see history being made.

May we live in LESS interesting times ... :coffee1:

Now, you're just posting nonsense.  :bah:  

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I'm trying to think of one thing that's good about Trump being prez.  It's a tough assignment.


I thought it was good that he took a call from the Taiwanese prez.  But then, a week later, weak-kneed  Trump reneged and kow-towed to Beijing.   He's got the spine of a slug.


On the other hand, it's easy as pie to ascertain what he's doing wrong.  So many things, you could put them on a roulette wheel and spin it.  

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12 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

I'm trying to think of one thing that's good about Trump being prez.  It's a tough assignment.


Um, he serves as an example of how NOT to be a president?


A cautionary tale for future generations?


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22 minutes ago, rijb said:

Now, you're just posting nonsense.  :bah:  

With respect for your opinion rijb, I don't think it is drawing a long bow to remember that ongoing economic decline, burgeoning unemployment, collapse of industry after industry, huge income gulfs between the super rich and average citizens are the building blocks of authoritarian movements and, indeed, in some cases, outright fascism.


Trump and his entourage are certainly advocating more authoritarian measures, less respect for democratic traditions, including the free press, and certainly more militarism. There are certainly parallels in history and they aren't very pleasant ones.

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27 minutes ago, Godolphin said:

With respect for your opinion rijb, I don't think it is drawing a long bow to remember that ongoing economic decline, burgeoning unemployment, collapse of industry after industry, huge income gulfs between the super rich and average citizens are the building blocks of authoritarian movements and, indeed, in some cases, outright fascism.


Trump and his entourage are certainly advocating more authoritarian measures, less respect for democratic traditions, including the free press, and certainly more militarism. There are certainly parallels in history and they aren't very pleasant ones.

Trump supporters, and detractors, are giving him too much credit.  He'll be a very short, ugly blip in the history of the world.

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8 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Your cooking utensil fetish leaves you on the periphery of the issue.


From my post: The only thing worse than someone trying to run a scam on you is for that person to be so transparent incompetent that it is essentially an insult to the reader's intelligence.


Retreads are an inexpensive alternative to purchasing new tires. I have no issue with that. Such a transparently crude attempt to sucker readers is my issue. And like I indicated, the poster only kept it up for one post before going full on trump crazy.


Hi @Tep

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Nazi(s) in the white house?

Calls to fire close trump adviser Gorka (good buddy of Breitbart propagandist alt-right white nationalist Bannon) because of his Nazi ties back in Hungary.

I would like to see both Gorka and Bannon fired but don't expect it. That's trump being trump, surrounding himself with such hateful sleazeballs.


Gorka failed to disclose his Nazi ties at immigration interviews. That can still be pursued today even though he is now a citizen. He still may have been eligible to become a citizen if he had disclosed them but his legal problem now that it's come out that he failed to disclose them. 




The National Jewish Democratic Council called on Trump to fire Gorka and said it seems that the “extreme vetting” measures the president is suggesting for immigrants were not applied on Gorka’s case. “It is outrageous for someone who has sworn loyalty to another country, is a member of a racist and anti-Semitic group, and very possibly lied in his immigration interview, to serve in the White House,” the group said in its statement.






Sebastian Gorka, who sits in the Trump White House as deputy assistant to the president just five years after becoming a U.S. citizen, has faced growing controversy about his academic and professional credentials. Critics have also highlighted his past association with racist and anti-Semitic figures in Hungary, where he lived as a citizen for many years before coming to the United States. Questions have been raised, too, about whether he has been granted the security clearances that would ordinarily be necessary for someone working as the president’s chief counter-terrorism consultant.




EXCLUSIVE: Nazi-Allied Group Claims Top Trump Aide Sebastian Gorka As Sworn Member




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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I am flattered that you think that I am an angel. I do, of course have no idea what you are talking about. Since you purposefully miss the point I was making, I will not belabor it and will move on.


Sure is a pity that Chuckd no longer posts.



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Yet another case where trump's attacks on others are really about himself.

Reference in the link to poll saying 58 percent of Americans are embarrassed by trump. Too bad having an embarrassing so called president isn't grounds for impeachment!




Trump once said we were ‘led by very, very stupid people.’ He’s finally right.

This tragicomedy adds irony when you consider that the main character is the same one who campaigned by saying “they laugh at our stupidity” and “we are led by very, very stupid people” and “I have the best words, but there’s no better word than ‘stupid.’ ”

Now the world has reason to laugh at us — because we’re with stupid.



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