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Koh Samet: No mafia here say operators as tourist arrivals tumble


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4 hours ago, smedly said:

NoinMafia.....itn.. it is so endemic they dton't even see that it is there

Ok but It's not the type of mafia that kills like In Mexico or other countries, high prices are In many Island arround the world during high season but there nobody says It's mafia...here they use that word In a very wide way and foreigners think It Is dangerous for their lives ...instead It's just for the pocket but Infact people can choose If do or buy or not something....

In this way the Army will destroy their own land

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10 minutes ago, itsuptome said:

The main thing I wonder when I read a story like this is how these Thai journalism outlets manage to stay in business when they don't even appear to have heard of the concept of investigative journalism.

They parrot these absurd claims being made by random jetski operators and make zero effort to do any actual research into the validity of said claims.

Who would pay for this junk?

I think they know far more than you think.




The illegal piers reportedly brought in 200,000 baht every month to island officials, who also used them to pocket 40 percent park entry fees, according Natthaphol Rattanaphan of the Marine National Park Department.


After the relocation of staff, Samet national park saw an increase of 4.8 million baht in revenues last month, four times what was collected in the same period a year ago, Natthaphol added.



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3 hours ago, Lupatria said:

Even though Sicily is part of the much hated west, they adopt the name change: There is no Mafia there is only "La Familia".


Rebranding is always the last, desperate measure to get away from a bad smell. But a rose, by any other name...

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Sadly, most people in places like Samet, have come to believe that graft and extortion are normal business practices. Hence, I can almost understand their indignation at being called a mafia island.

Edited by fstarbkk
Damend autocorrect!
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59 minutes ago, MaxiMaxi said:

Ok but It's not the type of mafia that kills like In Mexico or other countries, high prices are In many Island arround the world during high season but there nobody says It's mafia...here they use that word In a very wide way and foreigners think It Is dangerous for their lives ...instead It's just for the pocket but Infact people can choose If do or buy or not something....

In this way the Army will destroy their own land

A man named K. Dum or something similar who was the collector and underhand business manager of Surachai loan company Rayong (i.e. he fed things like illigal gambling debts into the Surachai company) is wanted by the police (???!!!) for the attempted murder of K.Surachais daughter who is a member of the Kings bench in Rayong after she twigged him trying to personalise a multimillion baht property deal from the Surachai company's assets. He and four other men beat her up and left her for dead in a local reservoir as reported on this board, so killing is definitely on the cards tor the Thai mafia. But she wasn't dead. The Thai police have not apprehended him.

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35 minutes ago, spacebass said:

My ex wife worked at an all night casino on Koh Samet she told me was run by the mafia, tied in to the local loan sharks etc. 

'cos she could not read this article:

Koh Samet: No mafia here say operators as tourist arrivals tumble

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There's a lot of tourist places in the world where the local mafias make sure things run smoothly, no guests get beat up (at least in public), petty crime and theft get nipped in the bud, and the vendors conform to behavior that keeps the tourist money rolling in for everyone.


Silk Street in Beijing comes to mind.  Las Vegas and Atlantic City and other Jersey beaches to some degree- especially in the pre-family days.


I don't get that sense at any of the Thai tourist areas I've visited, except maybe Chinatown and Chatuchuk.

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5 hours ago, mortenaa said:

No Mafia? Haha. Ask one of the taxi drivers on the island. He'll give you an honest opinion. 

I have not been there for  some time, but can some one tell me how many Taxi's drive around that island (small island) ????

Last time I was there I could have spent all my time searching and I wouldn't have found one. :smile:


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1 hour ago, ianf said:

When the military toured the bars in Central Chiang Mai soon after the coup, they asked the bar owners to whom and how much were they paying the various police interests. To a man (or woman) they all answered "nothing" when in reality they were paying thousands each month to 4 different police operations. Too scared to tell the truth. Same at Samet??

There are so few customers in the bars that I doubt they would make enough to live on and pay the staff if paying multiple thousands of baht to the usual suspects every month. Hundreds would be more like it at the moment.

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15 minutes ago, bokningar said:

I have not been there for  some time, but can some one tell me how many Taxi's drive around that island (small island) ????

Last time I was there I could have spent all my time searching and I wouldn't have found one. :smile:


???? How else do people get to the resorts with bags if they aren't using the taxis ( songtheaws )?

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23 minutes ago, impulse said:

There's a lot of tourist places in the world where the local mafias make sure things run smoothly, no guests get beat up (at least in public), petty crime and theft get nipped in the bud, and the vendors conform to behavior that keeps the tourist money rolling in for everyone.


Silk Street in Beijing comes to mind.  Las Vegas and Atlantic City and other Jersey beaches to some degree- especially in the pre-family days.


I don't get that sense at any of the Thai tourist areas I've visited, except maybe Chinatown and Chatuchuk.

I once stayed on a beach resort south of Hua Hin that was next to the house of the big boss of the local mafia. I was told it was the safest place to be.

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The problem in Thailand to fight against Mafia....whatever this Thai Mafia can be...many ot the "officials" are part of the Mafia, same the police and all these so called "big heads" nobody want to touch.


As long this structure has no consequence: as most of thai wrongdoing in any way

NOTHING will change!!!!!!!!!

Pour Thailand

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7 hours ago, borisloosebrain said:

They says there's no Mafia ....then say they've been working hard the last few years to get rid of dark figures and corruption. i.e.: Mafia.....55555 can't anyone just talk straight !

Mate, the dark  figures are the ghosts :D

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No Mafia........just bigger fish and little fish that work things out amongst themselves as to who gets the most money and who gets less money while they all find ways and means of making money and capitalizing quasi legally.

All else is somewhat irrelevant in the end while Laws and Regulations and Environmental issues are not their concern while bringing up such issues and pointing out the active perpetrators and or laying blame on all the many "fishy" and or sleazy participants involved  is a great loss of face for them.

The well deserved publicized indignities are naturally met with hostilities in an effort to absolve themselves of any wrong doing on their part

In their minds they have done nothing wrong...nothing at all while they will never admit any wrong doing and always try to shift the blame back on to those people rightfully attempting to correct the problems caused by all the fishy and sleazy conduct.

In their minds there were no problems until now....

So, who is to blame for the problem(s) ......????

Certainly not them, as that is how they are thinking.

A good example of the collective and widespread irresponsible and unaccountable mentality of the public at large in Thailand


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18 minutes ago, gemguy said:

No Mafia........just bigger fish and little fish that work things out amongst themselves as to who gets the most money and who gets less money while they all find ways and means of making money and capitalizing quasi legally.

All else is somewhat irrelevant in the end while Laws and Regulations and Environmental issues are not their concern while bringing up such issues while pointing out the perpetrators and or laying blame on all the many "fishy" participants is a great loss of face for them.

The well deserved publicized indignities are naturally met with hostilities in an effort to absolve themselves of any wrong doing on their part

In their minds they have done nothing wrong...nothing at all while they will never admit any wrong doing and always try to shift the blame back on to the people attempting to correct the problems caused by all the fishy conduct.

In their minds there were no problems until now....

So who is to blame for the problem(s) ......????

Certainly not them, is how they are thinking.

A good example of the collective and widespread irresponsible and unaccountable mentality of the public at large in Thailand


too many sangsom's?

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4 hours ago, MaxiMaxi said:

Ok but It's not the type of mafia that kills like In Mexico or other countries, high prices are In many Island arround the world during high season but there nobody says It's mafia...here they use that word In a very wide way and foreigners think It Is dangerous for their lives ...instead It's just for the pocket but Infact people can choose If do or buy or not something....

In this way the Army will destroy their own land

You did read about Koh Tao? No, not dangerous at all.:shock1:

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