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Trump begins backing off campaign vows on Clinton, warming


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Trump begins backing off campaign vows on Clinton, warming



NEW YORK (AP) — Two weeks after his election victory, President-elect Donald Trump began backing off campaign promises Tuesday, including his hard line on climate change and his vow to jail "Crooked Hillary" Clinton that had brought thunderous "Lock her up" chants at his rallies.


A top adviser said Trump is now focused on matters that are essential in setting up his administration, not on comments he made during the heat of the campaign.


After a year blasting The New York Times, Trump submitted to an interview with reporters and editors at the Times office. Among the topics covered, he:


— Pushed back against questions about conflicts that could arise due to a lack of separation between his government post and his many businesses, declaring that "the law's totally on my side, the president can't have a conflict of interest."


— Took his strongest stance yet against the "alt-right," a term often used as code for the white supremacist movement. Though members are celebrating his victory, he said, "It's not a group I want to energize. And if they are energized, I want to look into it and find out why."


— Spoke positively not only of fellow Republicans in Congress — "Right now they are in love with me" — but also of President Barack Obama, who he said is "looking to do absolutely the right thing for the country in terms of transition."


Trump, who left late Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving at his estate in Florida, also continued to work to populate his incoming administration, tweeting that he was "seriously considering" former GOP presidential rival Ben Carson to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development.


Adviser Kellyanne Conway said earlier on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that Trump is "thinking of many different things as he prepares to become the president of the United States, and things that sound like the campaign aren't among them."


His interview comments on a possible prosecution of his former foe Clinton stood in stark contrast to his incendiary rhetoric throughout the campaign, during which he accused her breaking laws with her email practices and angrily barked at her that "you'd be in jail" if he were president.


"I don't want to hurt the Clintons, I really don't," Trump said in the interview. Sympathetically, he said, "She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways."


Though he declined to definitively rule out a prosecution, he said, "It's just not something that I feel very strongly about."


Trump had vowed throughout the campaign to use his presidential power to appoint a special prosecutor to probe his Democratic rival for both her reliance on a private email server as secretary of state and what he called pay-for-play schemes involving the Clinton Foundation. Adviser Conway signaled to congressional Republicans earlier Tuesday that they should abandon their years of vigorous probes of Clinton's email practices and her actions at the time of the terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya.


"If Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that's a good thing," she told reporters at Trump Tower in New York.


But some of his conservative supporters strongly disagreed.


If Trump's appointees do not follow through on his pledge to investigate Clinton for criminal violations he accused her of, "it would be a betrayal of his promise to the American people to 'drain the swamp' of out-of-control corruption in Washington," said the group Judicial Watch.


And Breitbart, the conservative news site whose former head, Stephen Bannon, is now a senior counselor to Trump, headlined its story about the switch with "Broken Promise."


FBI Director James Comey has declared on two occasions there is no evidence warranting charges against Clinton. Justice Department investigations are historically conducted without the influence or input of the White House.


As for global warming, Trump has repeatedly questioned the idea, suggesting at times that it is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese to hurt U.S. manufacturers with environmental regulations.


But on Tuesday, he said he would "keep an open mind" about pulling the United States out of the landmark, multi-national Paris Agreement on climate change — he'd said in the campaign he would yank the U.S. out — and he allowed, "I think there is some connectivity" between human activity and climate changes.


He said his own businesses are "unimportant to me" in comparison to the presidency, but he also said he now believes he could continue to run them at the same time if he wanted.


There have been concerns raised about conflicts of interest since many of the businesses are subject to government actions in the U.S. and abroad. But he said he would be "phasing" control over to his grown children, although "in theory I could run my business perfectly and then run the country perfectly. There's never been a case like this."


Earlier Tuesday, it was confirmed that Trump's charity had admitted it violated IRS regulations barring it from using its money or assets to benefit Trump, his family, his companies or substantial contributors to the foundation.


According to a 2015 tax return posted on the nonprofit monitoring website GuideStar, the Donald J. Trump Foundation acknowledged that it used money or assets in violation of the regulations during 2015 and in prior years. The tax filing, first reported Tuesday by The Washington Post, didn't provide details.


On another topic, the president-elect, who has been criticized for being slow to denounce racist acts done in his name, said, "I disavow and condemn" a recent "alt-right" conference in Washington where some attendees raised their arms in a Hitler-like salute while chanting "Heil Trump."


Associated Press writers Steve Peoples in New York and Laurie Kellman and Eric Tucker in Washington contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-23
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2 minutes ago, Shot said:

^^Too late. Get use to it......President Donald Trump.

Immature banal drivel. It is nothing to do with 'getting used to it', I frankly don't give a crap and if Americans want him they can allow him to lead them and their economy to hell in a hand basket. However as a man who has been elected based on what his supporters were warned were a pack of perpetual lies, which now transpires to be true, I do not think he will get as far as the oval office. Simple. SO how about you 'get used to it'. You support a pathological liar, what a sad reflection on your life.

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Immature banal drivel. It is nothing to do with 'getting used to it', I frankly don't give a crap and if Americans want him they can allow him to lead them and their economy to hell in a hand basket. However as a man who has been elected based on what his supporters were warned were a pack of perpetual lies, which now transpires to be true, I do not think he will get as far as the oval office. Simple. SO how about you 'get used to it'. You support a pathological liar, what a sad reflection on your life.


Amazing, how much you can tell about me with my 9 word post. I didn't say anything about supporting  anyone.

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Trump needs to stay out of the AG's office, let the chips lie where they fall.  If the Clinton's have done nothing wrong, as Hillary professes again and again, than should be no problem.  If what happened was illegal then appropriate sentences needed handed out.  If it was just unethical  or  just "bad optics", than laws need written to ensure this level of scum-baggery is not allowed to happen again.


Congress will continue their investigations as they are duty bound and it would look too political if they stopped after the election.

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Many are saying that Trump is simply removing himself from the equation to make sure it doesn't appear that he's carrying out a vendetta.


Take note however. No president in history has ever prosecuted anyone. It's not his job. So what's he really saying?


The FBI, DOJ, AG etc. aren't supposed to be politically directed as they have been for the past eight years. Let's see what a new non-corrupt FBI and DOJ and AG do when they are above having secret meetings on airplanes with Bill Clinton in strange places.


Time will tell.



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Every fact checker, every rational thinking person, every investor or sub-contractor or banker he has ever dealt with has told the public for years that Donald Trump lies constantly.


Now the press is reporting that he is going back on a promise to investigate Clinton, one of the central themes of his campaign.


I have to ask, "Why is anybody surprised?" He is well-known as a serial liar. Are these people who voted for him based on his promise to lock Hillary Clinton up naive? All the chanting at the rallies was just pure theatre. But the disciples actually believed it. They were unable to distinguish between Trump the Showman and reality.


Donald Trump is there to enrich himself and his family and to control and boost his image and profile which is primarily what he sells. He is not there to run the country, to put in place policies he believes in or to give direction to America. For Trump, it is 100% self-interest.


I am more concerned by the stunning statement he thinks there is no conflict of interest in him being President and running a business (with many overseas interests!!). That is scary stuff. No doubt his supporters with their blind religious zeal will lap it all up. I will wait for somebody from the Republican Party to point out how wrong this is. I think  I might be waiting a long time.

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What Trump said is that he isn't interested in prosecuting Clinton regarding her email server. However, DC Whispers has THIS To say:


"That does not mean the matter of the still-ongoing FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation is concluded, though... In fact, that investigation is rumored to be far-reaching and will continue regardless of the Trump administration’s statements regarding Hillary Clinton’s private email server.


The Clintons are fading into political insolvency. Barack Obama is packing his bags and preparing for his “don’t forget about me” tour. Republicans control both Congress and the White House, as well as a majority of state governors and legislative bodies.


The tide has turned. The Age of Trump begins…"


More at link above.




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38 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Turning your back on campaign promises says a lot about him.  It's hard to trust him if he doesn't follow through.  Though, many are glad he isn't!  LOL

Actually it's a time worn campaign tactic...the last I checked, Gitmo was still open and the seas are still rising.

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1 minute ago, Briggsy said:

The above blogspot, linked by Neversure, is one of those echo chamber alt-right faux news sites in which Tea Party members can have their views reconfirmed over and over like an addict needing their fix.


Ah yes. Shoot the messenger is the time worn tactic of those who have no real rebuttal.


Just what part of what they said do you refute?



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On 11/23/2016 at 8:15 AM, OMGImInPattaya said:

Actually it's a time worn campaign tactic...the last I checked, Gitmo was still open and the seas are still rising.

At least an effort was made!  Trump is backing off even before he starts.  LOL

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30 minutes ago, NeverSure said:

Many are saying that Trump is simply removing himself from the equation to make sure it doesn't appear that he's carrying out a vendetta.


Take note however. No president in history has ever prosecuted anyone. It's not his job. So what's he really saying?


The FBI, DOJ, AG etc. aren't supposed to be politically directed as they have been for the past eight years. Let's see what a new non-corrupt FBI and DOJ and AG do when they are above having secret meetings on airplanes with Bill Clinton in strange places.


Time will tell.



Wow. DC whispers say this.  The D.C. Whispers? Good source. On a similar note, did you know that there's a pizzeria in Washington D.C. where a child abuse ring is led by Hillary Clinton and John Podesta?



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President Elect Trump sees no need to beat a lame and politically dead Hillary horse...and it was never within his power as President to throw her in jail. Boeregard may sick some of his prosecutors on her if he thinks it's warranted and the Republican Congress could investigate her but as I expected, the Pres. himself is taking the high road.

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4 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


Ah yes. Shoot the messenger is the time worn tactic of those who have no real rebuttal.


Just what part of what they said do you refute?



Yes MSNBC, NYT, Politico, 538, et al., with their 99% Hillary win predictions, are much more reliable and trustworthy  :tongue:

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For those who aren't Americans and who may not know, The US celebrates the annual Thanksgiving Day holiday on Thursday. The traditional meal is centered around a roast turkey. Every year as a tradition the POTUS "pardons" a turkey which is then returned to its home to live out its natural life.


With that background, Laura Ingraham had this to say on Twitter:



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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Immature banal drivel. It is nothing to do with 'getting used to it', I frankly don't give a crap and if Americans want him they can allow him to lead them and their economy to hell in a hand basket. However as a man who has been elected based on what his supporters were warned were a pack of perpetual lies, which now transpires to be true, I do not think he will get as far as the oval office. Simple. SO how about you 'get used to it'. You support a pathological liar, what a sad reflection on your life.

Oh, so what you are saying now, is that they are both pathological liars, not just Hillary?


AND.... Pray tell us what could possibly happen to prevent him getting to the Oval office?

Note: I said possibly, not exactly.  Yes, of course he could have a coronary or a stroke, but apart from that???  

After all the entire American loony religious right will be holding  daily prayer meetings to ensure his good health.  With their help, getting God on his side, what could possibly go wrong? 

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Turning your back on campaign promises says a lot about him.  It's hard to trust him if he doesn't follow through.  Though, many are glad he isn't!  LOL

All politicians, in my experience do this. I was involved in politics myself at one stage and had many dinners with politicians, and have been told by them, on more than one occasion, that once elected they  have a 'mandate'. The only risk they run is not being re elected.

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23 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Yes MSNBC, NYT, Politico, 538, et al., with their 99% Hillary win predictions, are much more reliable and trustworthy  :tongue:

First of all, where did they say that there was a 99% chance?

Secondly, there's a big difference between prognostication and historical facts. The former is a guess, the latter is a certainty.  Like the fact the the polling average called for a 2 percent margin for Clinton in the popular vote and based on current tallies it looks like it's going to be about 1.5%.

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35 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


Ah yes. Shoot the messenger is the time worn tactic of those who have no real rebuttal.


Just what part of what they said do you refute?



No real rebuttal necessary because no real facts.  However, we do know for a fact that the Trump Foundation paid for legal judgements directed against Donald Trump. 

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Turning your back on campaign promises says a lot about him.  It's hard to trust him if he doesn't follow through.  Though, many are glad he isn't!  LOL


Give it time. He said he isn't interested in the email server. That has nothing to do with the deep and ongoing FBI investigation into the Clinton "Pay for Play" foundation.


Trump can't prosecute anyone and if honorable, won't coerce anyone else into or out of doing it either.


The call for a Special Prosecutor or a Grand Jury is strictly within the jurisdiction of The Department of Justice. Trump will be appointing honorable people to head the FBI, DOJ and to be AG, so let's let it play out.



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Just now, NeverSure said:


Give it time. He said he isn't interested in the email server. That has nothing to do with the deep and ongoing FBI investigation into the Clinton "Pay for Play" foundation.


Trump can't prosecute anyone and if honorable, won't coerce anyone else into or out of doing it either.


The call for a Special Prosecutor or a Grand Jury is strictly within the jurisdiction of The Department of Justice. Trump will be appointing honorable people to head the FBI, DOJ and to be AG, so let's let it play out.



Honorable people like Jeff Sessions who prosecuted 3 black civil rights workers for vote fraud when he was a US attorney in Alabama. Jury took about 3 hours to toss out all charges.  And as for the FBI director, guess what? He's got a ten year appointment. So unless he resigns we are all stuck with him.

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Big deal….I predicted weeks ago that the donald would not prosecute crooked hillary….that was just election mind games to mess with her…..did you see her face when he said it?


There's a lot more important work to be done than focus on a corrupt woman who is already consigned to the garbage dump of history.



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9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

First of all, where did they say that there was a 99% chance?

Secondly, there's a big difference between prognostication and historical facts. The former is a guess, the latter is a certainty.  Like the fact the the polling average called for a 2 percent margin for Clinton in the popular vote and based on current tallies it looks like it's going to be about 1.5%.

Yes but until the electoral system is changed,  Americans will still continue to NOT get the president they popularly and individually vote for, at least about 1/2 the time.  Those 29 EC votes in  Florida have thrown a huge spanner in the works several times in the last 30 or so years.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Turning your back on campaign promises says a lot about him.  It's hard to trust him if he doesn't follow through.  Though, many are glad he isn't!  LOL

Yes. Remember GHW Bush's famous "no new taxes" that got him the job in 1988?... and summarily dismissed 4 years later?

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10 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Big deal….I predicted weeks ago that the donald would not prosecute crooked hillary….that was just election mind games to mess with her…..did you see her face when he said it?


There's a lot more important work to be done than focus on a corrupt woman who is already consigned to the garbage dump of history.



I read recently that the recommendation to do all mail through state servers was only a policy recommendation while Hillary was S.o.S. and did not become a legal requirement until after she had well left the job.  If so, the chance of prosecuting her for that were always slim.  There is heaps of other shady stuff from way back through to current time.  

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