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Trump begins backing off campaign vows on Clinton, warming


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4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Yes. Remember GHW Bush's famous "no new taxes" that got him the job in 1988?... and summarily dismissed 4 years later?



Although he did oppose the creation of new taxes as president, the Democrat-controlled Congress proposed increases of existing taxes as a way to reduce the national budget deficit. Bush negotiated with Congress for a budget that met his pledge, but was unable to make a deal with a Senate and House that was controlled by the opposing Democrats. Bush agreed to a compromise, which increased several existing taxes as part of a 1990 budget agreement.

At least he tried and didn't break his promises even before taking office! LOL

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1 hour ago, NeverSure said:

... Republicans control both Congress and the White House, as well as a majority of state governors and legislative bodies. ...

And then there's the mid-term elections for which we are eternally grateful.


History has shown that having only 'one team' in complete control doesn't achieve very much.


Certainly no recipe for some fanciful golden age or great American renaissance.

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

This man simply cannot become President, and I do not believe he will. He has more than one screw loose.

American people voted for him. Lots of screws laying around the country.

He is the Next President of the USA.

Good bye illegals, and take your drugs with you.

Sun is shining on the country. God is with him.

Trump, Trump , Trump.

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Trump is a businessman. He told anything possible and contradictory to get elected- to be able to fill his pockets and fill those of his friends. The lobbies he claims to fight are now returning to Washington to grant his favors.

The country is in the fog because Trump can change course at any time. He will listen to each adviser between thirty seconds and a minute and make decision, listening to his guts.

His promises to renovate infrastructures to boost employment -  were already in Obama's boxes but  Republicans were blocking on principle. Ironically, Trump could realize this project Obama was politically unable, for lack of majority.


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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Turning your back on campaign promises says a lot about him.  It's hard to trust him if he doesn't follow through.  Though, many are glad he isn't!  LOL


It's kind of circular: Dems hate his racist rhetoric, and the yahoos who voted for him love him for it.  But now no noose for Hillary, no border wall, and hey, the Muslims are still here!  His 2nd amendment people may be his nemesis.  On the other hand, even though he revealed all the racist stuff was a lie, the Dems are still going to hate him for it.  It's only a matter of time before BOTH parties are chanting "lock him up."


I'm hoping it all hits critical mass well ahead of Jan 20th.



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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Immature banal drivel. It is nothing to do with 'getting used to it', I frankly don't give a crap and if Americans want him they can allow him to lead them and their economy to hell in a hand basket. However as a man who has been elected based on what his supporters were warned were a pack of perpetual lies, which now transpires to be true, I do not think he will get as far as the oval office. Simple. SO how about you 'get used to it'. You support a pathological liar, what a sad reflection on your life.


2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

you have 3, 720 posts!


1350 posts and honest to god I don't think I have ever read 1 single positive thing from you about the USA. 


You say you "don't give a crap" and I would think as a foreigner this would be true, but yet, you seem to be a self appointed expert on everything America and seem to have all the solutions for every issue. You don't. 


There are a hell of a lot more reasons people voted for Trump other than "Lock her up!" or "Build a Wall". 


Most of the people complaining about Trump "Backing Off Campaign Vows" are people that were never Trump supporters in the first place and are looking for every single avenue & reason to beat the war drums. 

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1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

Every fact checker, every rational thinking person, every investor or sub-contractor or banker he has ever dealt with has told the public for years that Donald Trump lies constantly.


Now the press is reporting that he is going back on a promise to investigate Clinton, one of the central themes of his campaign.


I have to ask, "Why is anybody surprised?" He is well-known as a serial liar. Are these people who voted for him based on his promise to lock Hillary Clinton up naive? All the chanting at the rallies was just pure theatre. But the disciples actually believed it. They were unable to distinguish between Trump the Showman and reality.


Donald Trump is there to enrich himself and his family and to control and boost his image and profile which is primarily what he sells. He is not there to run the country, to put in place policies he believes in or to give direction to America. For Trump, it is 100% self-interest.


I am more concerned by the stunning statement he thinks there is no conflict of interest in him being President and running a business (with many overseas interests!!). That is scary stuff. No doubt his supporters with their blind religious zeal will lap it all up. I will wait for somebody from the Republican Party to point out how wrong this is. I think  I might be waiting a long time.


"What's good for General Bullmoose is good for the USA" comes to mind. Those of a certain age might recognize the quote from Li' Abner. General Bullmoose at that time was General Motors, today Trump investments.

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35 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Yes. Remember GHW Bush's famous "no new taxes" that got him the job in 1988?... and summarily dismissed 4 years later?


Somewhere during those four years, when someone in the press asked him about his reversal, he said "read my hips," which I interpreted as a blue-blooded way to say "kiss my ass."



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17 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

"What's good for General Bullmoose is good for the USA" comes to mind. Those of a certain age might recognize the quote from Li' Abner. General Bullmoose at that time was General Motors, today Trump investments.


Wow!  Thanks for bringing this up.  I've been saying the US right wing can't do funny political satire, while the left can't do hair-on-fire talk radio (just ask Al Gore).  But the only contradiction to the former is Al Capp.  I started 'getting' his political jokes when I was a teenager (1960s), and even though I was 180 degrees against his views I was able to laugh at his stuff.


The keeper of the Dogpatch bank, Henry the Founder, died, and the bank was taken over by his kids, Jane and Peter...




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Just now, NeverSure said:

What Trump said is that he isn't interested in prosecuting Clinton regarding her email server. However, DC Whispers has THIS To say:


"That does not mean the matter of the still-ongoing FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation is concluded, though... In fact, that investigation is rumored to be far-reaching and will continue regardless of the Trump administration’s statements regarding Hillary Clinton’s private email server.


Kellyanne Conway Confirms Trump ‘Doesn’t Wish to Pursue’ Hillary Charges


"Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway confirmed the show’s earlier report that the incoming Trump administration will not pursue charges against his general election opponent Hillary Clinton for her use of an unauthorized email server while secretary of state and on any of the alleged wrongdoing involving her and her family’s charitable organization the Clinton Foundation."


"Look, I think he’s thinking of many different things as he is preparing to become president of the United States,

and things that sound like the campaign aren’t among them.” 




You've been had. :laugh:

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2 hours ago, NeverSure said:

Many are saying that Trump is simply removing himself from the equation to make sure it doesn't appear that he's carrying out a vendetta.


Take note however. No president in history has ever prosecuted anyone. It's not his job. So what's he really saying?


The FBI, DOJ, AG etc. aren't supposed to be politically directed as they have been for the past eight years. Let's see what a new non-corrupt FBI and DOJ and AG do when they are above having secret meetings on airplanes with Bill Clinton in strange places.


Time will tell.




I think what he's really saying is "I won't look at your foundation if you don't look at mine".

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Trump begins backing off campaign vows on Clinton, warming...... and maybe torture


D.Trump said he was "very impressed" when retired General James Mattis said that "a pack of cigarettes and two beers" would be enough to make the suspects talk rather than torture like waterboarding




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2 hours ago, NeverSure said:

Many are saying that Trump is simply removing himself from the equation to make sure it doesn't appear that he's carrying out a vendetta.


Take note however. No president in history has ever prosecuted anyone. It's not his job. So what's he really saying?


The FBI, DOJ, AG etc. aren't supposed to be politically directed as they have been for the past eight years. Let's see what a new non-corrupt FBI and DOJ and AG do when they are above having secret meetings on airplanes with Bill Clinton in strange places.


Time will tell.




The POTUS is head of the Executive Branch of US Government.


Executive branch definition: The branch of federal and state government that is broadly responsible for implementing, supporting, and enforcing the laws made by the legislative branch and interpreted by the judicial branch.

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1 hour ago, bark said:

American people voted for him. Lots of screws laying around the country.

He is the Next President of the USA.

Good bye illegals, and take your drugs with you.

Sun is shining on the country. God is with him.

Trump, Trump , Trump.

No, the electoral college will vote for him. Clinton is substantially ahead of him in the popular vote. The American people voted for Clinton.

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

No, the electoral college will vote for him. Clinton is substantially ahead of him in the popular vote. The American people voted for Clinton.


Trump won more States. 


Trump won more Electoral Votes.


Trump won the Presidency. 

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

No, the electoral college will vote for him. Clinton is substantially ahead of him in the popular vote. The American people voted for Clinton.

Yes you are right. You are correct. Good job. But that does not matter. 

But she is not President !

It is Trump. Love him, and Love your country.

He will turn the country around for the better of all ( the people that matter ) people.

Get over it. You have four years to plan.


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1 hour ago, Strange said:



1350 posts and honest to god I don't think I have ever read 1 single positive thing from you about the USA. 


You say you "don't give a crap" and I would think as a foreigner this would be true, but yet, you seem to be a self appointed expert on everything America and seem to have all the solutions for every issue. You don't. 


There are a hell of a lot more reasons people voted for Trump other than "Lock her up!" or "Build a Wall". 


Most of the people complaining about Trump "Backing Off Campaign Vows" are people that were never Trump supporters in the first place and are looking for every single avenue & reason to beat the war drums. 

Sad losers. I say, give him a chance. America can only get better.

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He's got what he wanted, the Trump name franchised to the the White House.


Dad would've been so proud.


Now he can sit back while others manage the "business".


He will be burnt out or dead within 2 years if he actually tries to do the "job".



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12 minutes ago, Strange said:


Only people shouting this are the no-trump camp. 

And apart from yourself, bark and possibly NeverSure, most other noisome Trumpeters have become curiously, suddenly reticent. Even Coulter has had a serious, and public W T F?  moment

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1 hour ago, freebyrd said:

Is anyone really surprised that he's already doing U turns?

Not a U turn.

He just thought it was better not to run the old lady over with a Bulldozer .

He is Trump " The man with a Heart of Gold ".

I heard that he made a deal with Bill Clinton.

No jail for Hilary and Bill will tell where he left the White House " Little Black Book ".


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1 hour ago, Strange said:


Most of the people complaining about Trump "Backing Off Campaign Vows" are people that were never Trump supporters in the first place and are looking for every single avenue & reason to beat the war drums. 


Exactly right. Personally, I am glad he is backing off from some of his campaign rhetoric. Do the sensible thing to make America great again is much more important.



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8 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

And apart from yourself, bark and possibly NeverSure, most other noisome Trumpeters have become curiously, suddenly reticent. Even Coulter has had a serious, and public W T F?  moment


I think some of the reticent behavior isn't by choice if you catch my drift. 


The demographic here on TVF is hardly a measuring tool for US public opinion. Seriously. 


Im talking about the anti-trump posters on here and the media headlines that are in the press, but also the chosen headlines for this forum. 


I could also say the same about a couple of the progressive posters that I literally have not seen in the news section since November 9th. 

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People must be naive if they rant on about u-turns regards what was said on the campaign trail. ALL politicians and non-politicians running for office alike big-up ideas in order to get in, in ALL parts of the world. The US certainly doesn't have a monopoly on that score. He's not even in yet, nothing has been denounced as gospel but folk are clobbering him left and right. I think whatever he does, he can't do a worse job than at least the last four potus' - the last (current) one was a special letdown. And at least he's not a boring, PC-yabbering, liberal, leftist loon!

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16 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

And apart from yourself, bark and possibly NeverSure, most other noisome Trumpeters have become curiously, suddenly reticent. Even Coulter has had a serious, and public W T F?  moment


I think they're just bored with all the tripe talk. We had it with the remoaners in the UK. You just ignore them in the end.

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4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

This man simply cannot become President, and I do not believe he will. He has more than one screw loose.

Although I agree with you, I do think he won the election fair and square and we just have to deal with it. When he goes too far (which I believe he will at some point) they can deal with it legally. Until then all you can really do is make your voice heard and hope for the best.

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3 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

 Although I agree with you, I do think he won the election fair and square and we just have to deal with it. When he goes too far (which I believe he will at some point) they can deal with it legally. Until then all you can really do is make your voice heard and hope for the best.


I believe his voice on many topics related to the US has been heard. 

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22 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

I think whatever he does, he can't do a worse job than at least the last four potus' - the last (current) one was a special letdown. And at least he's not a boring, PC-yabbering, liberal, leftist loon!


He certainly can. Now in my lifetime (which started with Nixon) I'd rank Obama #3 among the presidents. Despite republicans fighting him tooth and nail in congress, the tea party, I just don't see how people can pretend he did such a bad job. His campaign started facing housing, economic and employment crisis, all which improved significantly under his watch. He may not have been a great president but he certainly wasn't a poor one. In my lifetime I'd put Reagan at #1 (imo he was perfect for the cold war era), and Clinton and Obama right at #2 and #3, followed by Bush Sr. (who wasn't great either but the list of guys after that was worse in G.W., Carter, Nixon and Ford).

Trump can absolutely do a worse job than any of those guys. That doesn't mean he will, but he has potential to be the worst president in U.S. history, and he also has potential to surprise people like me and do some good things. He's definitely the most dangerous choice of president though in my lifetime. 

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4 hours ago, NeverSure said:

What Trump said is that he isn't interested in prosecuting Clinton regarding her email server. However, DC Whispers has THIS To say:


"That does not mean the matter of the still-ongoing FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation is concluded, though... In fact, that investigation is rumored to be far-reaching and will continue regardless of the Trump administration’s statements regarding Hillary Clinton’s private email server.


The Clintons are fading into political insolvency. Barack Obama is packing his bags and preparing for his “don’t forget about me” tour. Republicans control both Congress and the White House, as well as a majority of state governors and legislative bodies.


The tide has turned. The Age of Trump begins…"


More at link above.




Unfortunately he has picked a stage too big for his ego.  Now the transparency begins.  He is foremost a mediocre businessman, and a poor actor.  Yup, that's what we got with our "crooked system".  His foundation is a complete scam used to settle lawsuits.  Don't forget that this is all under investigation as well.  He doesn't want to prosecute the Clintons because he doesn't want the same for himself.

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