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Rich guys in, poor guys out


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Thailand tourism woes. (First 15 minutes of video below) TAT new catchphrase 'smart tourism for smart traveller' 


Some interesting comments from the TAT in the video around the 12 minutes mark.


There just wanting more revenue now, not so much interest in tourist numbers.


Rich guys in, poor guys out. 



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6 mins in...Tourism is destroying Thailand.

How about tour operators limiting numbers and visits to sites? 

Tourists taking coral. Go on Youtube on snd watch Thai guided going down and bringing up coral.

I love Thailand and Thai people generally but there is always an excuse or someone else to blame.

How about keeping your own house in order?

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Currently there is some "rumble" on the visa front. (New Long Term visas in the making)

- If they should decide to phase out the 1 year extensions simultaneously, then we will know for sure that from now on it would strictly be:


For now, we 'll just have to wait and see.


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Guys.. guys..... guys wise up...:smile:

All these long threads and numerous posts e.g. the latest Uber Visa

They benefit who?

Anyone with a smidgin' of experience here knows.

Regarding Thais ... Watch what they do .....not what they say  !!

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I think you should educate the locals first on pollution.Typical thinking of blaming somebody else.

Watching the vdo further amazed to see the Ko Samui incinerator still broken down,how many years now,8 maybe.Spending a bit of tourism money on that would help.If he thinks he is shipping that pile to the mainland,tell him he is dreaming.

Edited by louse1953
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Seems more like unwillingness to spend a few of the billions of baht gained from tourism on environmental issues. Water treatment plants can handle waste? Build more. duh. Too much solid waste? Ever hear of recycling? Do it many places, but outside of Thailand so must be suspect.... so much easier to blame tourists rather than focus on means to handle these issues that they can control, such as pollution, development, etc. Major barrier is flood of brown envelopes that stop or redirect funds to alternative uses.

 They want tourists to spend more on the less attractive? They will go to other tropical Asian countries instead.

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10 hours ago, Boycie said:

There just wanting more revenue now, not so much interest in tourist numbers.


Well, isn't that why countries spend money to attract tourists ... to bring in more money? They're not doing it for charitable or humanitarian reasons. Given a choice between a 1000 backpackers and 100 'rich folk', which option do you think most countries would go for?

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16 minutes ago, Docno said:

Well, isn't that why countries spend money to attract tourists ... to bring in more money? They're not doing it for charitable or humanitarian reasons. Given a choice between a 1000 backpackers and 100 'rich folk', which option do you think most countries would go for?

But in the long term, "backpackers" can become rich people. Sustainable tourism is based a lot on returning visitors.

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

well tourism numbers should drop once they finally stamp out prostitution as the minister of tourism says she is going to. should help the coral reefs but i fear all the bargirls going back up to esan to grow rice may over supply the market and even further drive down prices.

Forget stamping out prostitution she is just stamping her feet. Kill the Golden Goose goodbye Golden Eggs. If the film above is correct by 2030 there could actually be a shortage of bar girls. 

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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

Forget stamping out prostitution she is just stamping her feet. Kill the Golden Goose goodbye Golden Eggs. If the film above is correct by 2030 there could actually be a shortage of bar girls. 

well there is already a shortage of under 30 year old ones. seeing a slow change in pattaya over the last years. not a good sign, they are aging like i am.

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Just now, williamgeorgeallen said:

well there is already a shortage of under 30 year old ones. seeing a slow change in pattaya over the last years. not a good sign, they are aging like i am.

Your aging more gracefully though. Being a bar girl has a best before date. They must hurry and make hay while the sun shines otherwise its back to rice making on the family patty. 

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3 hours ago, gamini said:

its thier country. why shold they not want a better class of retiree. same as most countries.



a retiree is a retiree. who care if they are affluent or educated??  the idea is to relax and enjoy life. if thai's cared so much about quality expats-retirees they would raise the quality of their own education and society. a high% of pensioners - expats interface with thai bar gir girls or the likes which frankly is their own business and if they are happy who cares.

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3 hours ago, gamini said:

its thier country. why shold they not want a better class of retiree. same as most countries.

Yes it is their country. They really seem to believe that the richer you are the better class of retiree you are. There are lots of retirees richer than me, but it does not make them a better class of retiree than me. Yes, LOS, Land of Stupidity right enough.

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All this speculating.

I would be more afraid of when they bury the king, I think, and I'm no expert this is when the s££t will hit the fan.

I'm going back to the uk end of December, I've got my eye on a place that I want to go see in France just in case, I can't see into the future but I would sooner have a back up plan, 

I've still got a couple of houses in the uk, but I like the look of the place in France, 

I personally note personally think Thailand has had its day! It's been a good place to lay my hat for a long time, now time for a change

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Just because a 'smart tourist' may also be a wealthy tourist, it doesn't automatically make them smart by spending lots of money on products they can get back home.  The smart tourist would be getting to know the locals and their culture, and perhaps eating som tam in a night market, not spilling champagne in in a 5 star concrete isolation camp.  


That person might be wealthy because he is 'smart' with money management, and invests their money in a place where they can actually own what they buy.



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If the incenerator is broken, why dont they just fix it...?

Instead they want to have a train of trucks going in and out of the area to transport it to another location, which then needs to deal with it???


Drive some of the soi's where tourists dont flock and you can see garbage piling up... from the locals...!

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15 hours ago, Mooner said:

6 mins in...Tourism is destroying Thailand.

How about tour operators limiting numbers and visits to sites? 

Tourists taking coral. Go on Youtube on snd watch Thai guided going down and bringing up coral.

I love Thailand and Thai people generally but there is always an excuse or someone else to blame.

How about keeping your own house in order?

Well mass tourism is destroying Thailand. Its not about numbers it should be about quality. Willing to pay much more for my visa if the Thai government would promise to seriously thin out the low quality foreigners not limited to tourists alone. Also the foreign criminals and other forms of low life foreigners.

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9 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

Well mass tourism is destroying Thailand. Its not about numbers it should be about quality. Willing to pay much more for my visa if the Thai government would promise to seriously thin out the low quality foreigners not limited to tourists alone. Also the foreign criminals and other forms of low life foreigners.


Now up to 238 posts, all with exactly the same message, give it a rest!!!

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I am a so called "low life' as by definition anybody who frequents "bars" or talks with "bar girls" has to be a "low life".


... I also speak 5 languages, have a master degree from a university and employ 7 Thai people, but that's not relevant I guess

because I am not drinking champagne or frequent 5 star hotels or restaurants and I am also done with temples.

I am guilty as hell on being a real low life ...


This whole discussion is so much BS it's just funny !

It's about greed greed and greed again and nothing else !

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5 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

well tourism numbers should drop once they finally stamp out prostitution as the minister of tourism says she is going to. should help the coral reefs but i fear all the bargirls going back up to esan to grow rice may over supply the market and even further drive down prices.

Is that such a bad thing? Really work for a living instead of cleaning out the empty headed foreign walking ATM's ?

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