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11 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:


what would be a good amount? 1000GBP?

It really depending of your life style, as you yourself mentioned in your opening post that a 4,000 baht/month aprtment in BKK is not worth living in, but some people do.


For £720 a month, about 30,000 baht, you can surviwe in Thailand – many Thais live here for less – but you will probably never be happy with that life.


For £1,000, i.e. slightly more than 40,000 baht a month, you can have an acceptable life, if you do not aim for too high life style; but it's always a question of priority like, appartment/bungalow comfort, kind of food, visit to pubs, fun and (lady) company in soi Nane and like, etc.; because you cannot have it all for that kind of money.


Coming for a month and having reasonable quality accommodation and food, and some fun, you easily shall count 100,000 baht and up; it's only little over 3,000 baht a day, and that won't buy you that much, so you can just count up what you wish for, and how long time you can afford for the money you have...


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I must be doing something wrong.
I have no problem staying here spend around 18k a month.
I dont watch my spending or do without anything.
Of course if you want to waste money pay 15k up for rent in Sukvit and pay city prices..up to you.
Can get the same quality 2 bedroom appartment in condo building in the suburbs for half that. 

Not wrong just not desirable . Living in the "burbs" here is not like the burbs from your country where you can pop down to your local and a few beers with like minded people
The burbs of Bangkok are an alien world and very few want it

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5 hours ago, Dexlowe said:

The expert on frugal living is the much missed canarysun -- do a search for his moniker and read his posts. Some people derided him for his efforts to live on sweet beggar all (actually, he had no choice), but he did so with great humor, and great enjoyment, which he passed on to us all. He taught us how you don't need a lot of money to appreciate this country.


Perhaps living frugally resulted in.......if he hasn't been heard from in a while? or it all became too much and he returned from whence he came? Why come to Asia to live on the edge? I don't see the point.


Perhaps living frugally resulted in.......if he hasn't been heard from in a while? or it all became too much and he returned from whence he came? Why come to Asia to live on the edge? I don't see the point.

Exactly why come to a developing or a 3rd world country if your not going to take a step up from your own country life style ? Presumably being able to rent a plaything would have been a big part but no way the super cheap Charlies would be able to afford It

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Renting very nice apt in Ramkhamhaeng for 6k a month. Very nice area, very clean, real people with real jobs, maybe 1 bar I've seen walking about (split time between Jomtien and BKK). I have no huge need to be around farangs, drunk or sober. I moved from Phra Kanong to Jomtien in '04, thought jeez this place is expensive, and not much quality either, by comparison. BKK is expensive if you only eat farang restaurants, drink lots, whore aplenty.

 So OP needs either more money, or to use brains with bit more discretion.

22 minutes ago, dhream said:

Cambodia  and Myanmar are NOT cheaper than here and they are utter site holes.  numbeo.com is my evidence. as were boots on the ground there.

Yes the are. There are higher prices in major capital cities but overall the cost of living is much lower. If it was not the case why on earth do you think so many workers from Myanmar and Cambodia are in Thailand? They come because the low salaries they are given by Thai standards have higher value back home. Unless of course you know of some other reason why...


I find even Manila is cheaper then Bangkok, and the Philippines is growing at a rapid rate and will overtake Thailand in GDP in the coming 1 to 3 years.


Also, there are "utter shitholes" in every country, including Thailand. The fact is the countries surrounding Thailand such as the ones we have mentioned are less developed and therefore life can be more difficult due to infrastructure. But if that does not bother you then there are very cheap places to live.

13 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:

I have £720 a month 

I make that about 25,000 Bt..  is that right.. if so.. you would have a pretty spartan life here.. .  even in Isaan... not a lot of money left for honey..  

1 minute ago, Laza 45 said:

I make that about 25,000 Bt..  is that right.. if so.. you would have a pretty spartan life here.. .  even in Isaan... not a lot of money left for honey..  

Depends on exchange rate but it is closer to 30k,, still not a lot though. Can be done for sure but no room for any unplanned stuff to be paid for. Then again back in the UK I can't see how its possible to even rent somewhere yet alone pay bills and just feed yourself. 


In the UK you need at least 2000GBP (90,000 BAHT APPROX) a month to simply live an ok (ish) life. At lease thats my opinion...



4 minutes ago, Laza 45 said:

I make that about 25,000 Bt..  is that right.. if so.. you would have a pretty spartan life here.. .  even in Isaan... not a lot of money left for honey..  


Just a tad over 31000 baht based on Bangkok Bank's rate this weekend.  If and when the exchange rate regularised to about 50 baht to the pound then you're looking at 36000 baht. 


Not wrong just not desirable . Living in the "burbs" here is not like the burbs from your country where you can pop down to your local and a few beers with like minded people
The burbs of Bangkok are an alien world and very few want it

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I live in the Burbs. Not far from Baan Thap Chang airport link.

There's a lot if plusses. The ability to go running/cycling outdoors without pollution is nice.

Being one of the few farangs in the village means people tend to go out of their way to talk to you. It's like being a minor celeb.

Not having to battle traffick each day is nice and when we do go into town we can hop on the train or the motorway to town. Plenty of taxis around too.

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1 hour ago, HampiK said:

About 13 years ago, the cheapest Appartements I found which I still was happy that time was about 7'500 baht.

I guess by now a similar style is more expensive.. That was very nice... had a small kitchen with fridge a big bed and a living area space. It was a studio with about 25-30 m2.


Now I think I still could live in a condo like that.. but not feel that happy anymore, and want something better. Because we don't know exactly what the OP need that he can  stay it's difficult. And we also don't know if his 4'000 baht was overpriced or not. Maybe it is possible for him to found a 4'000 baht condo which he would be happy...


But Bangkok is for sure more expensive than Pattaya in terms of condo prices


Not sure where you lived, but I rent a 38 sqm secure furnished aircon studio with balcony 2 mins from skytrain that is a 15 min ride to Asoke for 4900 a month. Very nice building with security and no crap. I could go cheaper, because there are plenty out there but I am happy with the place I have. Some guys need 2 bedrooms minimum and that is OK for them. So if you do a bit of hunting there are places like that everywhere.

Yes the are. There are higher prices in major capital cities but overall the cost of living is much lower. If it was not the case why on earth do you think so many workers from Myanmar and Cambodia are in Thailand? They come because the low salaries they are given by Thai standards have higher value back home. Unless of course you know of some other reason why...
I find even Manila is cheaper then Bangkok, and the Philippines is growing at a rapid rate and will overtake Thailand in GDP in the coming 1 to 3 years.
Also, there are "utter shitholes" in every country, including Thailand. The fact is the countries surrounding Thailand such as the ones we have mentioned are less developed and therefore life can be more difficult due to infrastructure. But if that does not bother you then there are very cheap places to live.

No way you can compare those shot holes to Bangkok! They should be at least half of the price. I live on sukhumvit 12 years and it has world class restaurants malls, health care and a zillion 5 star hotels and amazing sky train transport

those lawless places like manilla should have a permanent tourist warning. And think Cambodia has only 1 descent shopping mall lol

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11 hours ago, nausea said:

I would suggest you take the current required income for retirement here - 64,000 baht a month (roughly £1500 at current exchange rates), as a minimal ballpark figure for a comfortable lifestyle. Of course, many people live on a lot less, and many on a lot more. The impression I get is that c. 30,000 baht is the minimum survival level, whilst to really live it up you need 100,000 baht or more.

No way can easily live on 20K a month no problem. see the hi - so farang expects everyone to live like them, anything lower and you become a " Non quality tourist" according to them. So really instead of coming on here with your plans I suggest you formulate your plans do it for a year and report back then. 

2 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Depends on exchange rate but it is closer to 30k,, still not a lot though. Can be done for sure but no room for any unplanned stuff to be paid for. Then again back in the UK I can't see how its possible to even rent somewhere yet alone pay bills and just feed yourself. 


In the UK you need at least 2000GBP (90,000 BAHT APPROX) a month to simply live an ok (ish) life. At lease thats my opinion...



It really depends on how you expect to live..  if you are happy to live in a rural town.. rent a cheap shophouse.. buy your food in the market.. drink a few beers you would probably get by ok.. but if you want to support a ying, eat & drink in bars & restaurants and have holidays it would be a struggle..  it would help if you had a bit of a lump sum to get set up.. buy a motorbike (a car is out of the question on that sort of money).. buy a few things for your home  etc..  It really depends a lot on the individuals expectations and ability to live like the locals do basically.. that is what I think anyway..   

14 minutes ago, Laza 45 said:

I make that about 25,000 Bt..  is that right.. if so.. you would have a pretty spartan life here.. .  even in Isaan... not a lot of money left for honey..  

Most expats pay too mutt for 'honey' because; they have to.

It's the premium the 'honey' charges for living with a male that would not, or could not, hold his own with women anywhere else, let alone back home.

So I wouldn't gloat old boy... 


I don't spend a 1000 B a day . What on ? I shop, eat at one or two nice clean restaurants practically every day, buy tons of lovely fruit. I don't go to bars ,I rarely have a drink, because of health, not because I'm against it. I have a proper massage twice a week, and use the beauty salons. Though I do pay a lot of rent, as I like a super clean modern condo with great pool. The day when I can rent on a yearly basis will cost me much less. I have no real budget, and do as I like really, but spending over 5 to 7  hundred a day for me is the max.ps, not including trips to Bangkok and islands where I obviously spend much more.

6 minutes ago, dhream said:

Most expats pay too mutt for 'honey' because; they have to.

It's the premium the 'honey' charges for living with a male that would not, or could not, hold his own with women anywhere else, let alone back home.

So I wouldn't gloat old boy... 

Horse crap another really well thought out reply NOT

11 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:

seems excessive.. even when i'm in holiday mode i struggle to spend 2000 baht.. most days its less than 1000 baht with a spluge at the weekend partying. and im not a cheapskate on holiday

My brother spends least than 30k baht in 3 weeks as spending money in Thailand on his holidays. He doesn't buy much like clothes,  it's half decent hotels,  food and going out money but not going out to blow it. 

A few months ago you might remember my topic about living in Thailand for cheap..
Well yesterday i landed back in the UK after a nice 23 day trip.. 
A few days into my trip i went to look at a few apartments in the Suttisan area of Bangkok and they were 4000 baht and were complete shiteholes.. I could not imagine myself living in them..
I decided to scrap my plans and spend all my money on a 3 week holiday, i phoned emirates up and changed my return flight (£170 charge!! <deleted>)
I stayed in Dream hotel in Sukhumvit for a few nights (cracking breakfast buffet ) then i went to Hat Yai and then Koh Lipe and lived in a 400baht bungalow for 9 days...
I came back to bkk.. blew the last of my money in the remaining days in Soi Nana and i met a girl from Thai friendly 
I will be back in Thailand after xmas with a new plan.. Bkk is just too expensive for what it is.

And your point is? Got no money? Join the club.
3 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Horse crap another really well thought out reply NOT

Hit a nerve? :D

Have another beer for the pain, and try harder than sarcasm if you want to add anything of value. I don't mind a disagreement, but bring some effort to the table.

1 hour ago, mcfish said:

Not wrong just not desirable . Living in the "burbs" here is not like the burbs from your country where you can pop down to your local and a few beers with like minded people
The burbs of Bangkok are an alien world and very few want it

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


Exactly, which is why me and the few like minded people i know  out here like it so much ;0)

12 minutes ago, dhream said:

Hit a nerve? :D

Have another beer for the pain, and try harder than sarcasm if you want to add anything of value. I don't mind a disagreement, but bring some effort to the table.

A normal mandatory reply so predictable 

7 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

Well its sounds like most of your spending goes towards the profits of the bars. I think that explains everything.



You know Mitkof, That pic hits home a bit. I live in a condo near where I work and there is an Australian guy (as I have spoke to him a few times) and he digs through the trash like that. He is a nice enough fella but appears to have ran out of cash or something went sideways for him. My wife asked a bit about him to one of the office ladys here and they just said he needed work so they have him help.  I see him watering some times but mostly digging in the trash for bottles and plastic. No idea  where it all went bad for him. 

32 minutes ago, dhream said:

Most expats pay too mutt for 'honey' because; they have to.

It's the premium the 'honey' charges for living with a male that would not, or could not, hold his own with women anywhere else, let alone back home.

So I wouldn't gloat old boy... 


Well..I bet he dont miss having to 'hold' up 10kg of ugly belly fat while hes plugging away.

And thats Not talkin about holdin up his own.555




First living and taking a holiday in Thailand cannot be compared in the same way. There is no way that I could live the lifestyle I do when on vacation (unless I have a drink problem).


Its all about the individual how old you are, do you drink, smoke, do you like to eat in European restaurants etc... (the list could go on and on)


I would like to think I can live on a steady 50,000 a month when older (this is with out any real out goings apart from annual heath cover)  


You know Mitkof, That pic hits home a bit. I live in a condo near where I work and there is an Australian guy (as I have spoke to him a few times) and he digs through the trash like that. He is a nice enough fella but appears to have ran out of cash or something went sideways for him. My wife asked a bit about him to one of the office ladys here and they just said he needed work so they have him help.  I see him watering some times but mostly digging in the trash for bottles and plastic. No idea  where it all went bad for him. 

Something doesn't add up. Australia has very good welfare and air aisia often do dirt cheap one way fares, he would even get emergency money on day one from social security.
Sounds like he has mental health issues to me. He would be better off reporting himself for overstay and getting fed in jail whilst waiting for deportation. Maybe something yo could mention to him

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52 minutes ago, dhream said:

Most expats pay too mutt for 'honey' because; they have to.

It's the premium the 'honey' charges for living with a male that would not, or could not, hold his own with women anywhere else, let alone back home.

So I wouldn't gloat old boy... 


Have you ever been to Thailand!

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