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Prison suicides in England and Wales 'reach record levels'


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37 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Then, I guess you would not be in favor of my suggestion for eliminating penitentiaries all together.  That's right, absolutely no need for prisons; so there would be no recidivism, no suicides, no such thing as an ex-convict.


Not if it involves killing them all, no.  By the way, what is stopping you from doing these things yourself instead of encouraging others, cowardliness?

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21 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Not if it involves killing them all, no.  By the way, what is stopping you from doing these things yourself instead of encouraging others, cowardliness?

Now you jump to conclusions, and continue to cast aspersions. Are you really that envious of me?

Please try to get hold of yourself. There must still be something of value left in your life.  Try a few more uncivil comments, that may make you feel better.

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57 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Now you jump to conclusions, and continue to cast aspersions. Are you really that envious of me?

Please try to get hold of yourself. There must still be something of value left in your life.  Try a few more uncivil comments, that may make you feel better.


You ruined your own reputation by suggesting encouraging prisoners to commit suicide could be beneficial.  And I did not jump to a conclusion, I merely gave an answer to one possible meaning of your ambiguous comment.  As for your other comments, hypocrisy would be the word.

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On 12/2/2016 at 5:46 PM, Shawn0000 said:


You ruined your own reputation by suggesting encouraging prisoners to commit suicide could be beneficial.  And I did not jump to a conclusion, I merely gave an answer to one possible meaning of your ambiguous comment.  As for your other comments, hypocrisy would be the word.

So, now I have ruined my reputation too; sorry, I tried to let this go, but . . .


I believe suicide is every person’s right—who else should be free to take your life? I do not consider suicide the coward’s way out or a violation of some moral dictum. Suicide can be a rational decision. If I had a terminal illness in which the quality of my life continued to wane, or if the cost to keep me alive would mean my family would be left with nothing from me; suicide is a logical choice to me. If I felt I had reached a point in my life where I can only cause others pain and suffering, I would consider suicide to relive their pain—and my pain from hurting them.


I believe being a convict brings shame upon yourself, your family and your friends. It only shows your inability to succeed in a civilized world. Being a convict broadcasts your own stupidity—too stupid to get ahead legally and too stupid to get away with a crime. If I were a convict, in a system of 74% recidivism; where even if released I could not get a decent job and only the dregs of society would associate with me, I would consider myself terminally condemned and continually bringing shame upon my loved ones.


If I were given a chance to do something for my family and for the society I forsook; I would take it—or at least seriously consider it. The example I stated was to strike a deal with the penal system where a percentage of the cost of incarcerating me for the term adjudicated would be given to my family. Thus, my suicide would not only give my family some financial help, but would save society some tax monies.  I could go out with something of which to be proud.  This is my opinion, it’s the only opinion I can have.


Just because you do not agree does not make me a criminal, a terrorist, or ruin my reputation as you have stated.  Your comments only show your narrow mind.

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35 minutes ago, smotherb said:

So, now I have ruined my reputation too; sorry, I tried to let this go, but . . .




I believe suicide is every person’s right—who else should be free to take your life? I do not consider suicide the coward’s way out or a violation of some moral dictum. Suicide can be a rational decision. If I had a terminal illness in which the quality of my life continued to wane, or if the cost to keep me alive would mean my family would be left with nothing from me; suicide is a logical choice to me. If I felt I had reached a point in my life where I can only cause others pain and suffering, I would consider suicide to relive their pain—and my pain from hurting them.




I believe being a convict brings shame upon yourself, your family and your friends. It only shows your inability to succeed in a civilized world. Being a convict broadcasts your own stupidity—too stupid to get ahead legally and too stupid to get away with a crime. If I were a convict, in a system of 74% recidivism; where even if released I could not get a decent job and only the dregs of society would associate with me, I would consider myself terminally condemned and continually bringing shame upon my loved ones.




If I were given a chance to do something for my family and for the society I forsook; I would take it—or at least seriously consider it. The example I stated was to strike a deal with the penal system where a percentage of the cost of incarcerating me for the term adjudicated would be given to my family. Thus, my suicide would not only give my family some financial help, but would save society some tax monies.  I could go out with something of which to be proud.  This is my opinion, it’s the only opinion I can have.




Just because you do not agree does not make me a criminal, a terrorist, or ruin my reputation as you have stated.  Your comments only show your narrow mind.



As I said, your ideals fit well with ISIS, they too offer the chance to commit suicide for a financial reward for the family.  Not sure why you take that as calling you a terrorist, just as I cant understand how you fail to grasp that I did not call you a criminal but someone who was suggesting others commit the crime of encouraging suicide, you are on the defensive due to your failure to understand basic English, I can't help you further.

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