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Motorcycle "freedom fighters" block Bangkok road over police complaints


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Motorcycle "freedom fighters" block Bangkok road over police complaints



Picture: Daily News


BANGKOK: -- A 100 strong group of motorcyclists, fed up with police in Bangkok over petty fines, blocked a key intersection on Sunday demanding action.


The group known in Thai as "Klum Plot Aek Cho Song Lor" or "Liberation for those on two wheels" converged on a fine paying booth under the expressway on Rama IV road in the capital, reports Daily News.


But after a long meeting when top brass met with a man at the centre of the accusations they dispersed happily when told by a commander: "Police and the public are brothers and sisters!"


The demonstration came after an online post from a man called Owat Khwathai who had been fined after travelling in the right lane - a common way for the constabulary to extract fines from motorcyclists in Thailand.


Many motorcylists prefer the right lane due to the inherent dangers of keeping to the left.


But that was not all - some days after the incident, and intending to pay the fine, Owat had met the same cop - Supachai Kritsanaseranee - outside the Queen Sirkit Convention centre at yet another checkpoint.


This time Owat tried to talk to the cop about the problems of travelling in the left lane but was spoken to rudely and largely ignored. 


Then it was alleged that the officer drove off over Owat's foot before proceeding down the road the wrong way. Much of this was on a video.


The motorcycle liberation group were furious about the lack of respect and understanding from the force that led to yesterday's demonstration.


Region 2 commander Suphat Jorajantheuk showed up with other top brass to receive the complaint then met with Owat for three hours to listen to his grievances. 


Suphat conceded that police should speak politely with the public and must keep their cool at all times.


It was decided to set up a meeting with the two protagonists this week to iron things out. Also being investigated are claims that Owat had his bike keys taken from him.


When Suphat emerged and faced the crowd he said: "The police and the public are brothers and sisters". 


Essentially his words are a standard format that appeals to Thais and translates more like "we are all in this together".


He was roundly cheered by the crowd who applauded then happily dispersed.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-11-28
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2 hours ago, webfact said:

The demonstration came after an online post from a man called Owat Khwathai who had been fined after travelling in the right lane - a common way for the constabulary to extract fines from motorcyclists in Thailand.


Many motorcylists prefer the right lane due to the inherent dangers of keeping to the left.

So they are upset about being fined for breaking the law?


Double the fines and enforce with more vigour I say.

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I have been pulled over while in BKK on my bike for the same reason. I ride a 1000cc bike and feel much safer riding in the right lane and not the left lane with all the smaller bikes. I think that it is stupid so called law that bike have to ride on the left. I have as well be pulled up for the same issue in Rangsit and was explained that all bikes have to ride between the white line and the roads edge on the left which for me is very unsafe. I am going to continue to keep riding in the same lane as i always do and i have read the so called road rules booklet and there is nothing stating that bike have to ride on the left in the emergency stopping lane. 



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My Owat is correct. It is inherently more dangerous to ride in the left lane. When I started riding here I was in two separate accidents. One involving a taxi and one involving a bus. I was in the left lane as i should be and they were in the middle lane. Both times once they sawsomeone raise their hand to flag the taxi or bus they become blind and no matter what is in the way, they dodge over to get that fare. Luckily I wasn't seriously hurt either time. I started riding in the right lane and have been accident free since. What should happen is the law reviewed based on statistics on accidents involved in the left lane and those occurring in the middle or right lanes. I'm sure there is a huge difference.

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The specific clauses of the law are a death-trap. Riding full-left is a nightmare scenario for any biker that thinks about safety. Not only is is logically flawed, it sets up a superiority-complex in all other drivers. The last thing Thai roads need is the excuse for justifying "It's only a bike thinking" in the poorly skilled drivers here.



35 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

So they are upset about being fined for breaking the law?


Double the fines and enforce with more vigour I say.

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Good on them. When i lived in bkk it was a nightmare. I was forced to put my bike on a ferry instead of go over the bridge which i refused to do. Idiots!. Wheres the logic?. The bib are ruthless and try and extort money. At one point i was told i was working illegallyy so better pay up. I was told i think im a tough guy so the copper put his hand on his gun and all the cops came running and i didnt even say boo. Seriously?...

Something needs to be done country wide. The police are useless. Never there when needed for the public only to aid the corrupt public servants and so on. Disgrace.

Im all for laws to be enforced. Selectively though is a big no no.


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3 minutes ago, DualSportBiker said:

The specific clauses of the law are a death-trap. Riding full-left is a nightmare scenario for any biker that thinks about safety. Not only is is logically flawed, it sets up a superiority-complex in all other drivers. The last thing Thai roads need is the excuse for justifying "It's only a bike thinking" in the poorly skilled drivers here.



Then enforce all the laws and make no exceptions for anyone.

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ask why you were pulled over,

ask the officer for his ID.

Do not speak any Thai,

break out the book of all the driving laws.

And you'll be on your way.

There is no law that says you have to ride a motorcycle

in the blind spot of every other vehicle, that would be stupid.

This setting up road blocks where two lanes turn into 3 lanes because a lane on the left magically appears is entrapment and dangerous.

Carry a video camera mounted to your helmet and let them know you want their name and ID and speak clearly for the camera.

Any  Thai will tell you the ridiculous laws that pertain only to motorcycles are not for safety reasons, but rather for purposes of extorting money.

Change the bloody laws, they kill!

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2 hours ago, bsdthai said:

Good on them. When i lived in bkk it was a nightmare. I was forced to put my bike on a ferry instead of go over the bridge which i refused to do. Idiots!. Wheres the logic?. The bib are ruthless and try and extort money. At one point i was told i was working illegallyy so better pay up. I was told i think im a tough guy so the copper put his hand on his gun and all the cops came running and i didnt even say boo. Seriously?...

Something needs to be done country wide. The police are useless. Never there when needed for the public only to aid the corrupt public servants and so on. Disgrace.

Im all for laws to be enforced. Selectively though is a big no no.



Almost half of the motocy's still uses the bridges where they are not allowed recently. And they are right in that, a motocy uses very little roadspace compared to the big cars (far too big) and the motocy drivers are much more concentrated than the cardrivers who play with their cellphones nonstop.


But the police is a complete joke, and the whole world knows it.

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:
6 hours ago, webfact said:

The demonstration came after an online post from a man called Owat Khwathai who had been fined after travelling in the right lane - a common way for the constabulary to extract fines from motorcyclists in Thailand.


Many motorcylists prefer the right lane due to the inherent dangers of keeping to the left.

So they are upset about being fined for breaking the law?


Double the fines and enforce with more vigour I say.




Read the law!



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People's stupidity never disappoints. 

There's this problem that has been going on for many years, that cops don't treat the public as brothers or sisters, but rob them and take advantage of them. 

But now one of them appears and says, we are brothers and sisters. Don't worry. 

Then the crowd applauds and happily disperses. 

No wonder, no real change takes place. 

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How about change the law so it improves safety rather than ignoring the fact that it puts lives at risk? "It does not matter which country you look at, the law is generally an ass - it needs to dragged kicking and screaming to fit the realities of where it is applied.", senior legal advisor to British government on taxation law, pension law, and credit law...


4 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Then enforce all the laws and make no exceptions for anyone.

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3 minutes ago, bangon04 said:

" they dispersed happily when told by a commander: "Police and the public are brothers and sisters!" "


but we were always told it is wrong to f*** your brothers and sisters......


Next time i'm short of teamoney i'll ask the Bib who's "arranging traffic" for some.

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Land Traffic Act, B.E. 2522 (1979)

Section 35 

The driver of a truck, passenger vehicle, motorcycle, vehicle of low speed or traveling at lower speed than those of other vehicles moving in the same direction, shall keep to the curbside of the roadway as close as possible.

If such a roadway is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction or has a bus lane specifically arranged on the left-hand side, the driver shall drive the vehicle in the outermost left-hand side lane or close to the bus lane, as the case may be.



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1 hour ago, DualSportBiker said:

How about change the law so it improves safety rather than ignoring the fact that it puts lives at risk? "It does not matter which country you look at, the law is generally an ass - it needs to dragged kicking and screaming to fit the realities of where it is applied.", senior legal advisor to British government on taxation law, pension law, and credit law...


Then get the law changed.


Until then break it by all means but don't whine about it when caught. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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13 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

So they are upset about being fined for breaking the law?


Double the fines and enforce with more vigour I say.

You obviously dont ride a bike in bkk. Ever been forced to sit behind a diesel bus thats in desperate need of a set of piston rings because unlike everyone else your not allowed to take the overpass? You can be forced to sit there as much as you like but ill take the over pass. One day i had to pull off the side of the road as i started to feel light headed and had a severe headache because of this exact situation and i always wore masks and held my breath when needed. This is a serious health risk that everyone seems to keep overlooking.

The police are way out of line a lot of the time. This is extortion of the public. They should protest the abuse because they have no other options. When i lived in bkk my wife would be on the phone making formal conplaints a couple of times a week, checking laws and so on regularly but all a waste. Still police do as they wish. Grabbing your hands and holding front breaks on, jumping on the back of your bike and things like this and then making up ridiculous claims of something you never did like being in the right lane which is actually the left with the far left a left turning lane. Doesnt take a genius to see these pricks need a taste of there own medicine if they wish to continue acting in this way. I think most people could careless as they sit in there fancy cars. Most bkk bikers are the life line of bkk. Hard workers, couriers, people just making an honest living. For me to get from home in to china town which was just 12km would take 3hours and just minutes on a bike. theres a lot to concider in this argument but the bikers have real problems with the bib its true. 

For all the laws that are broken that fines should be paid there is also a double standard. Check polices bikes, exhausts, removed mirrors, police never buckling helmets, never using blinkers, parking in no parking zones, riding on the right, etc, etc. By law they have to abide by it unless in an emergency situation so they all break the law if you actually watch. If they set an example and did the right thing people would be ok paying fines. These stupid pricks are just filling there pockets.

There is a scenario i forgot about but thought i should mention. I was pulled over and wouldnt hand over my license easily because i didnt do anything wrong. I was yelled at, yada, yada i was let go but warned i would be in trouble.I thought it was just scare tactics. A week later i got a fine in the mail for riding through a redlight of an intersection i had never been to. Turns out the name of the officer was the guy that warned me. My wife got on the phone and blasted this idiot and it was scraped but this is the mentality of these idiots. They have way overstepped the line.

Im with the bikers!


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