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Disadvantages Of Having Dual Nationality?

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A friend of mine said I should check this out, just in case you know, to save any future complications. He said that dual nationality may have been advantageous at one time, but now it's not really a good idea, he said check it out nonetheless. So folks, do I stand to lose anything? Pros and cons?

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One bit of information that would help is the name of the 2 countries. I assume one would be Thailand, which seems to tolerate dual nationality, but there are many others that do not. As long as both allow it, even if by omission, then I don't see how there could be any cons.


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A friend of mine said I should check this out, just in case you know, to save any future complications. He said that dual nationality may have been advantageous at one time, but now it's not really a good idea, he said check it out nonetheless. So folks, do I stand to lose anything? Pros and cons?

What are the two countries in question and what is your age ( re military obligations )

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Military obligations aside (good thought Dr) the pros far outweigh the cons. The visa issues become less of a hassle, you get more pages in the passport as you have 2 to choose from. The number of countries you can visit increases (depending on the 2 nationalities this could cover pretty much the world). Tax issues can be overcome and the list goes on.


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I would say get into the law of thailand and it's traditions to see if you can became one with it. And into the relations between both countries as well.

IF you are not able to stand up for thailand and be a good citizen, just don't do it, unless you are one of those who just want to profit from the benefits the country can offer you, putting aside the duties. :o

I'm also double nationality but one doesn't get in the way of the other. I love my both countries with my hearth and for both I'll stand up when need arises. :D

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My wife has a Thai passort and an Aussie passport.I see no disadvantages.

It gives her a residence options in 2 places(good contingency).

And the visa free travel makes things such less of a hassle.If we decide on a whim to go on holiday to Hawaii, Japan etc.. then we can go that instant, no waiting around in immigration offices and all the assocaited hassles.

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Which counties regarding your double nationality,if I may ask.?

I thought you were from Holland and Holland is not allowing?

I ask this because my son would be in a simular situation in the future.

Pls PM me if it should be confidential


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The two countries in question are Thailand (obviously) and the United Kingdom. I'm also 20 years of age. Thanks for the feedback guys.

Leave it until you are older unless you fancy a stint in the military. If you do it now, Thailand will want you to do national service.

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Anamore, of course I would abide by the laws and Thai tradition. I would never think otherwise.

dr_Pat_Pong, I'm well aware of the national service factor, in fact I would actually love to serve my country (call me crazy). I think it would be a great experience and getting this passport is more of a means to do so, rather than getting the passport first and being lumped with the military service.

Hopefully, the military folks will be completely unforgiving, so they'll still take me and whoop my ass regardless of my basic ability to communicate in Thai, lol.

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Anamore, of course I would abide by the laws and Thai tradition. I would never think otherwise.

dr_Pat_Pong, I'm well aware of the national service factor, in fact I would actually love to serve my country (call me crazy). I think it would be a great experience and getting this passport is more of a means to do so, rather than getting the passport first and being lumped with the military service.

Hopefully, the military folks will be completely unforgiving, so they'll still take me and whoop my ass regardless of my basic ability to communicate in Thai, lol.

Contact the military attache at the Thai Embassy in London and discuss your interest in doing national service. Good luck.

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