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Ohio State attacker stewed over the treatment of Muslims


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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


         You're not getting the point.  According to Trump; any country where there's terrorist activity is a terrorist nation.  The US has terrorist activity, so therefore, by his definition, it's a terrorist country, and thereby subject to immigration restrictions.   Now take it a step further, and look at terrorist acts in the US recently committed by non-Muslims.   The recent cop shootings in Texas, for example.  There was also the McVey bombing in Oklahoma, and the shootings in movie theaters and schools - all committed by non Muslims.   Include the abortion clinic bombings, and there are more terrorist-like activities in the US committed by right-wing Christians than by Muslims. Enabling nearly every American to have as many guns as they want - exacerbates the problem.


        I believe in being vigilant and vetting people who want to enter the US, whether as tourists or seeking to reside.  However, different than Trump, I'd like to see it done sensibly, not with a broad brush that can easily victimize good people, while allowing bad people to slip between the cracks. 

I see your point. I think you would do better if you do not take what the Donald says literally. While a lot of salt is not good for your health, a grain with anything he says might make for a less stressful life.

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15 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

        Trump and his ever-twisting spokespeople have been saying a Trump administration will ban Muslims from entering the US, "Until we can figure what the hell is going on."   Oh wait, almost forgot, Trump's spokespeople tweaked that, later, to mean:  "the US will ban Muslims from terrorist countries."  They conveniently don't articulate which countries those are.  Note;  the 9-11 bombers came out of Germany - so is the US going to ban Germans from entering?


       The biggest irony is: THE US IS A TERRORIST COUNTRY.   I'm American, but I'm also realistic.  According to Trump's parameters, NO AMERICANS WOULD BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE US.   Put that in your pipe and smoke it.



Thank but no thanks, I don't smoke shit.

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The stupid runs deep in "stupid-stitious" people. Islamic believers leading the pack. Violent ignorance such as this and worse will continue until civilization STOPS placing ridiculous religious beliefs on undeserved pedestals and granting them special status. Ancient and subjective superstitious beliefs promote mass ignorance at very best and batshit crazy violence, murder, misogyny, retarded development and regressive behavior at worst. The bullet was the optimal conclusion. :coffee1:

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3 hours ago, bark said:

This guy, thinks Terrorist will never come near him. And who knows. Sitting in restaurant, could happen, etc.


Got to work on them comprehension issues.


"The guy" actually doesn't think that. And as posted, had already been through some of the misfortune you wished upon him. Surprisingly or not, these events did not lead to seeing things your way. What he does think is that you have not established any coherent argument as to why the terrorist's family ought to be persecuted.


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1 minute ago, Morch said:


Got to work on them comprehension issues.


"The guy" actually doesn't think that. And as posted, had already been through some of the misfortune you wished upon him. Surprisingly or not, these events did not lead to seeing things your way. What he does think is that you have not established any coherent argument as to why the terrorist's family ought to be persecuted.


Ok, no problem.

Here we go.

Not sure if you remember about 20 years ago. Israel was target by terrorist who, bombed, restaurants and bars,almost every weekend. The Israels made a statement which said. " Any terrorist, or suicide bomb, who attacked any place in Israel. They would blow up homes of the families of these terrorists". Over the next few months, the bombs continued. Each time the homes and or businesses of the families, were destroyed. The bombing stopped 100 % within a few months. 

Understand, the eye for an eye theory. So instead of blowing up homes, the USA hits them Financially. 

Hoping for the same result.

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5 minutes ago, bark said:

Ok, no problem.

Here we go.

Not sure if you remember about 20 years ago. Israel was target by terrorist who, bombed, restaurants and bars,almost every weekend. The Israels made a statement which said. " Any terrorist, or suicide bomb, who attacked any place in Israel. They would blow up homes of the families of these terrorists". Over the next few months, the bombs continued. Each time the homes and or businesses of the families, were destroyed. The bombing stopped 100 % within a few months. 

Understand, the eye for an eye theory. So instead of blowing up homes, the USA hits them Financially. 

Hoping for the same result.


Only trouble is things never happened the way you described them. Violence never completely stopped. You're making things up. There's no "same result" to hope for.


If the family is not involved, and the terrorist is already dead, what would be the point? What would be the legal or moral basis?


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1 minute ago, Morch said:


Only trouble is things never happened the way you described them. Violence never completely stopped. You're making things up. There's no "same result" to hope for.


If the family is not involved, and the terrorist is already dead, what would be the point? What would be the legal or moral basis?


You don't get dude. It set example for the future. If you know that even after you die, all your family will be affected by your actions, maybe they will think twice before doing it. It is one thing to kill yourself; and another 100 % worse for your family to be destroyed. What the States is doing now is not working.

I don't care what you think. As you should not care what I think.

But when another topic on Thai Visa said that USA will soon let in 400 Syrians. And I said it was 400 to many. 

It got about 10 likes. So many people agree with me.

Just ask any Trump supporter.

And if you are not an American, you will not understand. USA is a country of immigrates , and for over 200 years, we have welcomed people from England, France, Italy, Spain, China, THailand, Peru, etc. Without any terrorism.

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1 minute ago, bark said:

You don't get dude. It set example for the future. If you know that even after you die, all your family will be affected by your actions, maybe they will think twice before doing it. It is one thing to kill yourself; and another 100 % worse for your family to be destroyed. What the States is doing now is not working.

I don't care what you think. As you should not care what I think.

But when another topic on Thai Visa said that USA will soon let in 400 Syrians. And I said it was 400 to many. 

It got about 10 likes. So many people agree with me.

Just ask any Trump supporter.

And if you are not an American, you will not understand. USA is a country of immigrates , and for over 200 years, we have welcomed people from England, France, Italy, Spain, China, THailand, Peru, etc. Without any terrorism.


Nah, I'm pretty sure I get it alright.


You claim that it serves as a deterrent, not actually supporting that assumption with facts. You assume rational considerations directly apply to potential terrorists (and specifically those motivated by religious beliefs), without any shred of evidence that this is so.


Applying stricter vetting of immigrants is one thing, witch-hunting by mere association is another.


Making populist comments is not the same thing as being right, nor does the number of "likes" indicate the merit of a post.


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1 minute ago, Morch said:


Nah, I'm pretty sure I get it alright.


You claim that it serves as a deterrent, not actually supporting that assumption with facts. You assume rational considerations directly apply to potential terrorists (and specifically those motivated by religious beliefs), without any shred of evidence that this is so.


Applying stricter vetting of immigrants is one thing, witch-hunting by mere association is another.


Making populist comments is not the same thing as being right, nor does the number of "likes" indicate the merit of a post.


Yes, I have seen the Light. 

Ding, Dong the witch is Dead.


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6 hours ago, bark said:

This guy, thinks Terrorist will never come near him. And who knows. Sitting in restaurant, could happen, etc.

Firstly I dont understand why my post was included in your reply.

I simply said that if what was alleged was true, this guy was an idiot. If he was reacting to persecution resulting from islamophobia his actions will only further inflame the situation, and create even more islamophobia, and more persecution.

What did that had to do with anything you said?

Second    boomerangutang said:


Trump and his ever-twisting spokespeople have been saying a Trump administration will ban Muslims from entering the US, "Until we can figure what the hell is going on."   Oh wait, almost forgot, Trump's spokespeople tweaked that, later, to mean:  "the US will ban Muslims from terrorist countries."  They conveniently don't articulate which countries those are.  Note;  the 9-11 bombers came out of Germany - so is the US going to ban Germans from entering?


       The biggest irony is: THE US IS A TERRORIST COUNTRY.   I'm American, but I'm also realistic.  According to Trump's parameters, NO AMERICANS WOULD BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE US.   Put that in your pipe and smoke it


 I am not one to put word in an other man's mouth, but if I understand correctly he makes a couple of points,

one, how does one decide which are the terrorist countries?Could America be considered a terrorist country , and if so would they have to contain themselves.

If I am correct with my assessment on Boometangutans post, then, what doe your reply has to do with any of the above? Hence the Huhh?

So let's examine the definition of Terrorism, 

  1. the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Please tell me, does anything America does fit within the above definition? 

And one additional question that brings me back to my original post in this thread, does the Ohio State attackers reaction to Islamophobia and  our reaction to terrorism serve to reduce both, or to expand it ? 

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On 30/11/2016 at 0:52 AM, ezzra said:

Now that you're in the after life, take it with Muhammad the profit,  and ask him how's that  his teaching gone so wrong by so many people supposedly crying out his name while committing despicable atrocities on their fellow human beings? in the name of god?...


The Koran is full of verses from Muhammed exhorting his fellow muslims to cut of infidels' heads and strike terror into their hearts. So his teaching hasn't gone wrong, the Somalian was directly following it.

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