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We are not seeking enemies – Putin


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We are not seeking enemies – Putin

Catherine Hardy




MOSCOW: -- Russian President Vladimir Putin has given his highly-anticipated annual address to the country’s Federal Assembly.


Putin said he was ready to work together with US president-elect Donald Trump on an “equal” basis.


“I am counting on joining forces with the United States in the fight with the real, not made-up, threat of international terrorism”, he noted. He also stressed that Russia was looking to make friends, not enemies.


In a speech largely devoted to domestic issues, he suggested that there were signs that economic declines were levelling out and expressed a desire to continue to fight corruption.


Why does the president do this?


The annual state-of-the-union-style address will be the 23rd event of its kind in Russia’s modern history.


It is the 13th speech delivered by Vladimir Putin.


The president’s annual address has become a tradition after Boris Yeltsin first delivered it in 1994.


By tradition, it is be given in the St George Palace of the Kremlin.


According to the Russian constitution, the country’s leader is obliged to inform the Federal Assembly once a year about the current state of the country.


It is his constitutional duty to give an evaluation of the current state of affairs in the country and identify key domestic and foreign policy objectives.

What does the speech usually focus on?


The most important domestic issues.


However, foreign policy has come up during previous years.


Who was there?


Lawmakers from both chambers.


The gathering is also attended by high representatives from Russia’s judiciary, the Public Chamber, the Audit Chamber and representatives of the Church.


There were also be 500 journalists attending, according to the TASS news agency.



The president’s spokesman was vague about what exactly Vladimir Putin will touch on.


“Addresses by the president to the Federal Assembly are a traditional format, but no speech is like any other, so, of course, this year it will be completely different in terms of content, yet keeping a Putin-style main core,” Peskov told journalists.


As a result, there were various predictions about topics:


  • The Russian economy
  • The Syrian crisis
  • Russia’s Trump-era relations with the US


What Putin said


After speaking for an hour on domestic policy, Putin turned to focus on foreign policy.


“We hope to join efforts with the United States in the fight against a real rather than dreamt up threat – global terrorism,” he said.


He added that Russia would stand up for its own interests abroad but had no intention of getting involved in any geopolitical confrontations – despite the continued involvement in the conflict in Syria and over Ukraine.


In an apparent call for calm, Putin said: “We are not seeking and have never sought enemies. We need friends.”


What they were saying


“I think the president will pay serious attention to the issue of overcoming the financial crisis, the subject of the development of Russia’s economy,” – Andrey Isaev, deputy chief of the parliamentary faction of the governing United Russia Party.


“I think our position towards the US and the EU will also be voiced. Perhaps we will also hear comments and suggestions for constructive cooperation with Western partners,” – Vladimir Dzhabarov, first deputy chief of the Russian Federal Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-12-02
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He added that Russia would stand up for its own interests abroad but had no intention of getting involved in any geopolitical confrontations – despite the continued involvement in the conflict in Syria and over Ukraine.


Too funny.  What about Georgia?  Moldova?  And now talks about Montenegro.









PODGORICA, Montenegro — After multiple but unproven accusations that President Vladimir Putin of Russia is working hard to destabilize America’s friends in Europe, a pro-Russia mercenary detained in Montenegro is slowly spilling his guts — and providing the first insider’s account of what authorities in this tiny Balkan nation say were Russian efforts to sow mayhem.


As for domestic issues, they seem to be getting worse:



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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:


This, for me, is the most interesting aspect of what is going on at the moment. I lived in Russia from 2001 to 2009 and saw a huge jump in standards of living over that time. Corruption was rampant and obvious, but everyone was content with Putin because, at a personal level,  their lot was generally improving. Since the collapse of the rouble, Putin has, of course, ramped up the 'Us v the World' rhetoric, but things are not getting any easier back home - as evidenced by the dearth of Russians in Thailand over the past couple of years. I wonder how long the patience of the population will last.

Edited by RuamRudy
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5 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


This, for me, is the most interesting aspect of what is going on at the moment. I lived in Russian from 2001 to 2009 and saw a huge jump in standards of living over that time. Corruption was rampant and obvious, but everyone was content with Putin because, at a personal level,  their lot was generally improving. Since the collapse of the rouble, Putin has, of course, ramped up the 'Us v the World' rhetoric, but things are not getting any easier back home - as evidenced by the dearth of Russians in Thailand over the past couple of years. I wonder how long the patience of the population will last.

The current propaganda about the evil West is done to keep the suffering population under control.  They've been doing this for many years and are experts at it.  Sadly, many fall for it! LOL 

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

The current propaganda about the evil West is done to keep the suffering population under control.  They've been doing this for many years and are experts at it.  Sadly, many fall for it! LOL 

While the current propaganda about the Evil Russia is clearly not working at all...:sleep:

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7 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

While the current propaganda about the Evil Russia is clearly not working at all...:sleep:

What propaganda?  Their invasion of Ukraine?  Bombing of Georgia?  Territory grab in Moldova?  Bombing in Syria?  Meddling in Montenegro?  All true...


Their neighbors are quite concerned about this:


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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

What propaganda?  Their invasion of Ukraine?  Bombing of Georgia?  Territory grab in Moldova?  Bombing in Syria?  Meddling in Montenegro?  All true...


Their neighbors are quite concerned about this:


Well about Ukraine maybe you should read a bit about Kossovo war and see what Europe did...exactly what Russia is doing with Crimea...but it is the bad bear this time...Bombing in Syria? the only country which is here LEGALLY, as Russia was invited by Syria leader, you know something the US and Europe don't care at all (Irak, Syria, Libya, Iran,...)

As for bombing of Georgia and Moldova, it is time for the "good cheery bunnies" of Europe and US to clean their own house before bad mouthing about Russia..do you really want a list?

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17 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

Well about Ukraine maybe you should read a bit about Kossovo war and see what Europe did...exactly what Russia is doing with Crimea...but it is the bad bear this time...Bombing in Syria? the only country which is here LEGALLY, as Russia was invited by Syria leader, you know something the US and Europe don't care at all (Irak, Syria, Libya, Iran,...)

As for bombing of Georgia and Moldova, it is time for the "good cheery bunnies" of Europe and US to clean their own house before bad mouthing about Russia..do you really want a list?

Kosovo is another topic.  And no, it's nowhere near what Russia did with Ukraine.  Russia has taken territory from a sovereign nation.  I don't think the EU has taken property from any country.  LOL


No list needed.  That's off topic.  This is about Putin and Russia.  So you are agreeing Russia bombed Georgia?

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Worth a read:






Conspiracy-related posts form the bulk of all comments on the majority of videos published by RT online. Although Fox News has supported conspiracy theorists[4] including Birthers,[5] Russia Today is the only international news organisation that promotes conspiracy theories on an industrial scale. For example there is a compilation of, originally no less than 56 Russia Today YouTube videos on 9/11 (7 now deleted).[6] The majority publicise, and clearly support, conspiracy theories. The remainder involve other criticisms of the United States.


RT regularly features interviews with cranks as experts on various subjects. The conspiracy theories that it gives publicity to are generally those that portray the US as deeply amoral, malicious and/or doomed to failure but, as a government mouthpiece of the world’s No. 1 fossil fuel supplier, RT has also featured global warming conspiracy theory proponents e.g. Piers Corbyn,[7]Christopher Monckton,[8][9] and Patrick Michaels.[10] Other examples are in a compilation of 7 videos on “Climategate.”[11]




Gotta love this:


Mindful of RT's unfortunately accumulating reputation as batshit insane propaganda, the same government department has launched the totally unrelated SputnikNews, which will surely not gather a similar image as the home of gibbering delusion, with headlines like "US Anger With RT Will Start World War Three".[38] Possibly.


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12 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Kosovo is another topic.  And no, it's nowhere near what Russia did with Ukraine.  Russia has taken territory from a sovereign nation.  I don't think the EU has taken property from any country.  LOL


No list needed.  That's off topic.  This is about Putin and Russia.  So you are agreeing Russia bombed Georgia?

Well Kossovo is the same yes... read the history of the war about it and come back afterward it would be better.

Yep Russia bombed Georgia, and I am not all for the Bear, I am just tired to read that Russia is the big bad bear while UN, EU and USA are the white knights in armor...if you think so well propaganda works well...And it is not OT as it is about Russia being seen as the war monger of the world while the poor NATO countries ruled by the US from abroad because of its financial contribution, are just "defending themselves".

It is a bit more complicated than that

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1 minute ago, DavidVincent said:

Well Kossovo is the same yes... read the history of the war about it and come back afterward it would be better.

Yep Russia bombed Georgia, and I am not all for the Bear, I am just tired to read that Russia is the big bad bear while UN, EU and USA are the white knights in armor...if you think so well propaganda works well...And it is not OT as it is about Russia being seen as the war monger of the world while the poor NATO countries ruled by the US from abroad because of its financial contribution, are just "defending themselves".

It is a bit more complicated than that

I know about Kosovo well.  Just back from 5 weeks in that area, including Serbia.  Been to every country in that region except Slovenia.  Wonderful part of the world.


I don't know where anybody has said the UN, EU and US are white knights in armor!  Too funny.


NATO countries ruled by the US from abroad?  I think they'd disagree with you on that one! LOL  The US doesn't have that much power!

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

I know about Kosovo well.  Just back from 5 weeks in that area, including Serbia.  Been to every country in that region except Slovenia.  Wonderful part of the world.


I don't know where anybody has said the UN, EU and US are white knights in armor!  Too funny.


NATO countries ruled by the US from abroad?  I think they'd disagree with you on that one! LOL  The US doesn't have that much power!

Well if you knew really about Kossovo you would have told me what happened there then and why Russia use this war as a "precedent" for its Crimea intervention, you would also know that Serbian Milosevic has been cleand of all charges discretly a couple of months ago.

Well too bad but most of the NATO countries agree about US influence on them, because NATO main finance incomes come from US and when someone put the money, they expect to have their money used in the way they want, not just give them so they can protect themselves...as I said, propaganda works both ways quite well

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25 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

Well if you knew really about Kossovo you would have told me what happened there then and why Russia use this war as a "precedent" for its Crimea intervention, you would also know that Serbian Milosevic has been cleand of all charges discretly a couple of months ago.

Well too bad but most of the NATO countries agree about US influence on them, because NATO main finance incomes come from US and when someone put the money, they expect to have their money used in the way they want, not just give them so they can protect themselves...as I said, propaganda works both ways quite well

Impossible to use Kosovo as a reason to invade Ukraine.  And they invaded Ukraine for completely different reasons.  What has Kosovo got to do with Russia? 


Link for Milosevic please.  Unless it's related to this:



Be careful with your news sources. 


I see no propaganda when saying the US provides most of the funding for NATO.  That's well know and well vetted.  Not propaganda.  Where's your source that says NATO does not use funds to help protect fellow members?




Go to table 6b.  It shows where NATO spends it's money.  No propaganda.

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4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Impossible to use Kosovo as a reason to invade Ukraine.  And they invaded Ukraine for completely different reasons.  What has Kosovo got to do with Russia? 


Link for Milosevic please.  Unless it's related to this:



Be careful with your news sources. 


I see no propaganda when saying the US provides most of the funding for NATO.  That's well know and well vetted.  Not propaganda.  Where's your source that says NATO does not use funds to help protect fellow members?




Go to table 6b.  It shows where NATO spends it's money.  No propaganda.

I won't write the causes and results of Kossovo/Serbian war, go on wikipedia, read it, see why Russia uses it as a precedent for Crimea, up to you if you don't want.

Milosevic: Wikipedia

USA funds most of NATO, therefore wants NATO to acts the way USA wants. NATO helps NATO countries and sometimes bombs countries as well (Libya is an exemple).If you think there is no propaganda on UE/NATO/US side of the fence and only in Russia, I think it is useless to continue this discussion further


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Many Americans are trapped in the Cold-War mind set or they simply believe what they are told.

Why Should Putin see Natos continued eastward March as anything to rejoice about? That March comes with troop build ups and spy planes.

Walk a mile in Putins shoes. I would bet things look alot different. 

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2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


This, for me, is the most interesting aspect of what is going on at the moment. I lived in Russia from 2001 to 2009 and saw a huge jump in standards of living over that time. Corruption was rampant and obvious, but everyone was content with Putin because, at a personal level,  their lot was generally improving. Since the collapse of the rouble, Putin has, of course, ramped up the 'Us v the World' rhetoric, but things are not getting any easier back home - as evidenced by the dearth of Russians in Thailand over the past couple of years. I wonder how long the patience of the population will last.

One might wonder where they got the money to get here and survive. Not every old Tom Dick or Boris can stay unless they have dough rubles bahts. 

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8 minutes ago, NickJ said:

Many Americans are trapped in the Cold-War mind set or they simply believe what they are told.

Why Should Putin see Natos continued eastward March as anything to rejoice about? That March comes with troop build ups and spy planes.

Walk a mile in Putins shoes. I would bet things look alot different. 

Seriously?  Trapped in the cold war mind set?  Many don't even remember those times! LOL


What they do see is invasions by Russia into several sovereign countries.  With denials from Putin about this.  Remember when he said there were no troops in Crimea?  Oops...later admitted there were.  No troops in Eastern Ukraine?  Oops...they are there on their personal holiday. :cheesy:  And of course the close flybys.  No propaganda there.


NATO is marching eastward because the former Soviet satellite states remember what life was like under Russian rule.  And it wasn't good.  They want protection.  No propaganda.

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1 minute ago, NickJ said:

Spouting propaganda.  Try really looking at it from both sides.

Believe me. There is a happy peaceful medium.

Liberals love stoking the flames to draw attention.

So you are saying Russia didn't invade Ukraine?  Georgia?


But agreed, do try to look at this from both sides.

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2 hours ago, NickJ said:

Many Americans are trapped in the Cold-War mind set or they simply believe what they are told.

Why Should Putin see Natos continued eastward March as anything to rejoice about? That March comes with troop build ups and spy planes.

Walk a mile in Putins shoes. I would bet things look alot different. 


Or perhaps Putin is the one trapped in a Cold War set of mind.

Just trying to look at it from a different point of view, eh?

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5 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

Putin:  "Our bankers and hackers own Trump.  And the U.S. thought it won the cold war.  Trump has reversed that for us."


Anyone who thinks the Cold War actually ended hasn't learned from their (recent) history.


In 1918, Germany surrendered and spent the next 20 years re-arming and getting their finances in order.  How long ago since the USSR collapsed?  So, it's bigger than Germany and it's taking longer...

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I think the Super Boogeyman and Super Hero stuff is overdone.  yeah, Russia is a powerful country and nuclear power. And it has a leader.  but it is a little bit more nuanced than that...

let's hope ****my**** point of view rules as Trump is totally untested in these waters.... and seems to buy into this stuff for real.  that is scary. 

where's does all of this really originate? maybe by some believing in a Super Super Hero who designed and controls ****all**** of what we experience.... and he did that apparently about 14 billion years ago... 4.5 billion if you just care about the Earth.... if you buy that then Putin and other Super Heroes and Boogeymen make sense... I guess!


Edited by maewang99
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4 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

One might wonder where they got the money to get here and survive. Not every old Tom Dick or Boris can stay unless they have dough rubles bahts. 


Those who came on vacation (i.e. the working class) would take a bank loan of eye watering value then go on holiday, spend every last rouble and then go home to pay back the loan. As soon as they could get the next loan, it was holiday time. For the longer term residents, working - legally and illegally would be the main way.


The governor of the city I lived in, however - per year he was said to spend one month in the city, 5 months in Moscow and 6 months in Australia, where his wife and children were permanently esconsed.  

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