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Trump salutes Carrier _ and himself _ for saving jobs


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I would hope a Trump Administration would never allow such goings on but I am fearful that the 'Chinese model' will be replicated time and time again. unless the Federal government puts into place hard labor laws that will be enforced- not much is going to change. unquote I would comment to not count your chickens before they are hatched but in this case I fear all the chickens are already dead in the water. 

P.S You can hope till the cows come home. 

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13 hours ago, bassman said:

Will be a Merry Christmas for the 1000 folks whose jobs were saved.  Good on Trump continuing to keep his campaign promises.  Now just where has Obama been the last 8 years while jobs were exported?


Maybe this will answer your question:



trump carrier obama auto deal.jpg

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If Trump continues on the path that the conservatives have been on since Reagan than he will be the last republican president for a long time. It was the working class that got him elected and if he sells them out than he and the republicans will take a big dive.

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16 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Bernie Sanders:   “Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States. Why? Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives.”


Here's another one of Bernie's tweets published on BBC News concerning his team: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38168382


It looks like the swamp is about to be expanded rather than drained.


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1 hour ago, Grubster said:

If Trump continues on the path that the conservatives have been on since Reagan than he will be the last republican president for a long time. It was the working class that got him elected and if he sells them out than he and the republicans will take a big dive.


LOL> more predictions of doom & gloom before he has been sworn in. Before he has chosen his cabinet.


One thing has become glaringly obvious on this forum. Many members badly want him to fail. Why? Probably just so they can say "I told you so".


I'll wait 200 days before I make my assessment.

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1 minute ago, tropo said:

LOL> more predictions of doom & gloom before he has been sworn in. Before he has chosen his cabinet.


One thing has become glaringly obvious on this forum. Many members badly want him to fail. Why? Probably just so they can say "I told you so".


I'll wait 200 days before I make my assessment.

I supported Trump, what did I say to make you think that of me? I supported him because he said he would make fair and equal tariffs to bring jobs back to the US. My only prediction in my statement is based on the chance that he does not keep that promise and continues the beat down of the working class.

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7 minutes ago, tropo said:

LOL> more predictions of doom & gloom before he has been sworn in. Before he has chosen his cabinet.


One thing has become glaringly obvious on this forum. Many members badly want him to fail. Why? Probably just so they can say "I told you so".


I'll wait 200 days before I make my assessment.


I think that is fair comment.  Although it is not a matter of wanting him to fail.  I think it is more about the blind faith being put in someone like him to "improve" the lives of the people who have voted for him.  Time will tell and at least he has backtracked on most of the controversial  stuff he promised in his campaign.  If there are people who want him to fail then I am not one of them. I would like to see him kicked out of office but that is not the same thing.  I have some great friends who are American and  I worry for them if he fails.

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20 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

I predict there will be protests at the self-congratulatory rallies Trump is putting on for himself.


Here's a little tidbit:  Romney and Trump went to a high class restaurant to talk.  As usual, Trump forbids press corps from covering his activities.  He only wants press coverage when it lavishes him in praise, hence the crafted set pieces like the air conditioning company showcased in this topic.


While at the restaurant, both Romney and Trump ate frog legs.  Yes, Trump is draining the swamp, and eating what squiggles around in the mud.


Mitt's facial expressions says "uh-oh, I think my last fart left a stain."

Trump has the expression of a sadistic convict who just met his new, wimpy cell mate.



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22 hours ago, Silurian said:


Who paid? Try the US Tax Payers. Oh, and guess who profits?


"... the president-elect, Trump’s transition costs are paid for via $7 million in Congress-appropriated funds. If he picked up the check, the answer to who really paid the bill is a simple one—US taxpayers."


When Donald Trump has a $600 work dinner at a Trump property, who pays? And who profits?



Here's what "The Groper" is really interested in:


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This hasn't hit the Thaivisa news section yet, but I am starting to have second thoughts about this guy.


His latest sucking up to Taiwan can have some serious repercussions.


Shouldn't he concentrate on making America great again instead of tweeting and stirring international relations which he promised he wouldn't do?



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9 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

This hasn't hit the Thaivisa news section yet, but I am starting to have second thoughts about this guy.


His latest sucking up to Taiwan can have some serious repercussions.


Shouldn't he concentrate on making America great again instead of tweeting and stirring international relations which he promised he wouldn't do?




I'm not sure I'd call it "sucking up". Apparently he accepted a call of congratulations from Taiwan's recently, democratically elected president. He then congratulated her in turn. That seems to me what civil governments might do towards one another. That it incenses Beijing probably says more about how perverse we've allowed our international affairs to become in the interests of selling cheap shitty products then it does about the act itself. 

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Trump has business interests in Taiwan.


This is a pattern you are going to see again and again. Trump using the Office of the President to help his business interests.


There is no great mystery or strategic shift here.


You have already seen it in action, Russia, Israel, Pakistan, the promotion of the Trump Organisation leveraging the powers that he will hold as President.


This is subjugating the interests of America.

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Sarah Palin: Trump's Carrier deal is 'crony capitalism'


"In an op-ed for the website Young Conservatives, the former Alaska governor allowed that the details behind the manufacturer’s decision to keep some 1,000 jobs in Indiana at the president-elect’s behest, rather than move them to Mexico, are not yet clear."


"But touting the value of free markets, Palin signaled her disapproval if it was a case of “political intrusion using a stick or carrot to bribe or force one individual business to do what politicians insist.”


“When government steps in arbitrarily with individual subsidies, favoring one business over others, it sets inconsistent, unfair, illogical precedent,” she asserted.  :whistling:



Looks like looney tunes won't be getting that VA Secretary job...  :laugh:

Edited by iReason
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1 hour ago, iReason said:

Sarah Palin: Trump's Carrier deal is 'crony capitalism'


"In an op-ed for the website Young Conservatives, the former Alaska governor allowed that the details behind the manufacturer’s decision to keep some 1,000 jobs in Indiana at the president-elect’s behest, rather than move them to Mexico, are not yet clear."


"But touting the value of free markets, Palin signaled her disapproval if it was a case of “political intrusion using a stick or carrot to bribe or force one individual business to do what politicians insist.”


“When government steps in arbitrarily with individual subsidies, favoring one business over others, it sets inconsistent, unfair, illogical precedent,” she asserted.  :whistling:



Looks like looney tunes won't be getting that VA Secretary job...  :laugh:

Or indeed was it because she didn't get the job!


I hope Trump puts out an angry misogynistic tweet. Let the infighting begin recommence.

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1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

Or indeed was it because she didn't get the job!


I hope Trump puts out an angry misogynistic tweet. Let the infighting begin recommence.


I hope  you are correct, four years of Kellyann Conway is going to be bad enough,  don't know if I could take  stomach  4 years of Caribou Barbie 

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5 hours ago, Silurian said:

I can't believe I am actually going to do this...but guess who just lambasted the Carrier deal...


Sarah Palin: Trump's Carrier deal is 'crony capitalism'




LOL she might be drunk or "off her meds" again. :-) 

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5 hours ago, Silurian said:

I can't believe I am actually going to do this...but guess who just lambasted the Carrier deal...


Sarah Palin: Trump's Carrier deal is 'crony capitalism'




Ohhhhhhhhhhh I get it... she's angry that the Groper didn't grab her pu&$*_( and feels left out. :-(  Why else would she get this clear? 

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17 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Hopefully people will soon be just as embarrassed to post Krugman quotes as they should be about posting Infowars quotes. 


Alex Jones:


  • Tired conspiracy theories
  • Racism
  • Anit-Semitism
  • Distrust of science
  • Claims government creates and "steers" tornadoes
  • Proposes that we live in a totalitarian police state
  • Proposes that we're all being controlled by a shadow cabal of Zionist Illuminati manipulating government agencies to spy on our every move and dumb us down with chemtrails and fluoridated water
  • "False flag" nonsense
  • New world order paranoia

... and many more.







Yeah, those are the same thing.


You could have just offered up some actual criticism of the comparison, if you had any.  But failing that, I suppose the 'shoot the messenger' gambit was all that was left.



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On 12/2/2016 at 5:58 PM, sujoop said:

Why do Republicans get angry when taxpayer money is allocated to disadvantaged or disabled people etc but have no problem when taxpayer money is given to multi-billion dollar corporations and their backers? If Obama had done something along these lines, they would have been screaming 'tax hikes/protectionism/redistribution, shut down Washington!!!' (but in this case, re-distributed to a mega corporation on the backs of tax payers, so ok, no problem;).


That is exactly what Paul Ryan said when Obama did the same thing:



[President Obama] wants to raise yet another $2 trillion in taxes and give even more special carve-outs to his favorite industries. Our tax code should not pick winners and losers. 


But now, for some reason he's totally okay with it:



I'm pretty happy that we're keeping jobs in America, aren't you?" Ryan said, adding that he believes his friend, Vice President-elect Mike Pence, played a key role in the deal as the current governor of Indiana. "I think it's pretty darn good that people are keeping their jobs in Indiana instead of going to Mexico.


I wonder which way the wind will blow tomorrow.

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3 hours ago, attrayant said:


Alex Jones:


  • Tired conspiracy theories
  • Racism
  • Anit-Semitism
  • Distrust of science
  • Claims government creates and "steers" tornadoes
  • Proposes that we live in a totalitarian police state
  • Proposes that we're all being controlled by a shadow cabal of Zionist Illuminati manipulating government agencies to spy on our every move and dumb us down with chemtrails and fluoridated water
  • "False flag" nonsense
  • New world order paranoia

... and many more.







Yeah, those are the same thing.


You could have just offered up some actual criticism of the comparison, if you had any.  But failing that, I suppose the 'shoot the messenger' gambit was all that was left.




Krugman is an ultra partisan hack, That's why the NYT is forced to put all his columns in the Op-Ed section. Twitter was made for people like him and Trump.

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I never thought I would hear the words "I agree with Sarah Palin" coming out of my mouth.


I didn't agree with Obama bailing out the automotive companies, equally I don't agree with this.


United Technologies, the parent company are a huge defense contractor so if you you couldn't squeeze them without giving huge subsidies is awful statement, and precedent. Lets wait to see who's next in line to threaten to move without a subsidy?


For Trump, it's great politics in this age of populism. Interesting to hear how the GOP free marketeers can spin this

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           Trump relished praise for supposedly keeping 1,000 Carrier jobs in the US.  What he's not telling you is he promised a shitload of tax deferments to Carrier for that to happen.  What about the next 10,000 businesses who, truthfully or not, say they're planning to move operations overseas?   Will Trump quickly offer tax incentives to them also?   Who pays for those tax holidays?  American tax-payers.


         But waitacottonpickinminute:  Trump plans to drastically lessen taxes for rich people, himself, his family, and corporations.   So which taxpayers will have to wind up paying for Trump's tax give-aways to corporations?   Middle class taxpayers, that's who.    


        Trump's tax plan will plunge the US into deficits of about 1 trillion dollars for each of the next 10 years.  Many important federally funded programs will be trashed or cut-back:  Parks Service, DOE, FDA, HUD, Interior, NASA, school lunches for inner city kids (to name a tiny fraction), .....all to help very rich folks like Trump and his family continue to avoid paying taxes.

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