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How to get deposit money back from a dodgy landlord?


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On 12/4/2016 at 0:26 AM, brianp0803 said:

About 4 months later,  2 weeks before the end of December, she started sending me reminders about rent.  I ignored them since rent was not due for 2 more weeks.  About a week later she started calling me.  I ignored the calls because I felt I did not need to pay rent early.

On New Years Eve, I came home with a friend and groceries for a party that night.  She came knocking on my door.  I did not want to talk with her and ignored her.  She started pounding on the door and yelling.  I ignored her.  Then she went and got the police.  The she repeated pounding on the door many times.  She tried to open my door with her keys, but the lock was sticky and she was unable to open my door (but she tried)


When I saw the police I opened the door.  I asked why the police came.  She said she told them there was a burglar in my home and I was tied up and they must come quickly.  I called her "liar" in Thai in front of the police.  The police man just smiled.  She lied and told me rent was due on the 30th of the month and I was late and I must go and get her.  I told her I would transfer the money the next day.  She said no - and she would wait for me to go and get cash.  She insisted because I was a teacher I got paid early and I should pay her early.

I later found my lease and it states rent is due on the 1st of the money and a penalty if not paid by the 5th.  She must give 2 days notice before coming to my room.  She have many rentals, I am sure she knew the truth about when rent was due.  She just wanted to get paid early.

I told her she violated the lease.  I moved out the next money without warning.  I was not comfortable that she felt she could use her keys to enter my room any time she wanted for any reason. I may have left the air conditioner on and the windows open.  I knew she would not return my deposit.




After the policeman smiled when you called her a liar in front of him, what was his role after that?

No problem with her making a false police report that you were tied up by robbers?

What did she hope to gain by having him along?

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If you have all receipts fore paid the rent, then you take these to the Tax Office and then I promise you, you get your money back. Your Landlord shall pay 15% Tax of what you pay in rent and Tax Office comes home to this owner and the owner most pay 15% Tax + 60% penalty tax :). Just a mate off me who had that problem down here in Phuket and he had all the receipts for 4 years back and he got his money the day after Tax office had  been and visiting the owner. GO TO TAX OFFICE THEY BE WERY HAPPY.

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On 4.12.2016 at 9:46 AM, al007 said:

Sadly you appear to have been screwed, but remember this is Thailand


So far as I understand the defamation laws here are almost as difficult as the laws preventing comments on the royal family


Be careful as I understand it, even if you tell the full truth, under the defamation laws the person you are naming has the right to bring not only a civil action but also a criminal action against you, and you already know your landlord is not a nice person


I would like to name and shame a hospital for medical malpractice but I believe it is too dangerous, even using internet cafes and VPNs, these defamation laws protect the crooks


Unfortunately you have now moved, and are having difficulty getting your deposit back, something that seems the norm in Thailand


You would have been better to agree the increase, and stay, so as not to loose your deposit and at the end of the term stop paying the rent so as to TAKE your deposit back


I am not a lawyer and only give advice based on my understandings and simple common sense


Move on put this behind you, otherwise you will be beaten up more mentally


Good Luck

If you have all receipts fore paid the rent, then you take these to the Tax Office and then I promise you, you get your money back. Your Landlord shall pay 15% Tax of what you pay in rent and Tax Office comes home to this owner and the owner most pay 15% Tax + 60% penalty tax :). Just a mate off me who had that problem down here in Phuket and he had all the receipts for 4 years back and he got his money the day after Tax office had  been and visiting the owner. GO TO TAX OFFICE AND THEY WILL BE WERY HAPPY.

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On 4.12.2016 at 9:46 AM, al007 said:

Sadly you appear to have been screwed, but remember this is Thailand


So far as I understand the defamation laws here are almost as difficult as the laws preventing comments on the royal family


Be careful as I understand it, even if you tell the full truth, under the defamation laws the person you are naming has the right to bring not only a civil action but also a criminal action against you, and you already know your landlord is not a nice person


I would like to name and shame a hospital for medical malpractice but I believe it is too dangerous, even using internet cafes and VPNs, these defamation laws protect the crooks


Unfortunately you have now moved, and are having difficulty getting your deposit back, something that seems the norm in Thailand


You would have been better to agree the increase, and stay, so as not to loose your deposit and at the end of the term stop paying the rent so as to TAKE your deposit back


I am not a lawyer and only give advice based on my understandings and simple common sense


Move on put this behind you, otherwise you will be beaten up more mentally


Good Luck

If you have all receipts fore paid the rent, then you take these to the Tax Office and then I promise you, you get your money back. Your Landlord shall pay 15% Tax of what you pay in rent and Tax Office comes home to this owner and the owner most pay 15% Tax + 60% penalty tax :). Just a mate off me who had that problem down here in Phuket and he had all the receipts for 4 years back and he got his money the day after Tax office had  been and visiting the owner. GO TO TAX OFFICE AND THEY WILL BE WERY HAPPY.

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Never had problems getting deposits back in this country.

i always believed that was because you're just more likely to run into shenanigans when you're renting shitting 6K fan rooms from someone the local motosai introduced you to but the OP's rent isn't exactly peanuts so maybe I just got lucky.


That being said, the suggestions about going to the tax office are more or less on the money.

I doubt many landlord chancers will be declaring the income they receive from leasing their property.


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3 hours ago, nasa123 said:

If you have all receipts fore paid the rent, then you take these to the Tax Office and then I promise you, you get your money back. Your Landlord shall pay 15% Tax of what you pay in rent and Tax Office comes home to this owner and the owner most pay 15% Tax + 60% penalty tax :). Just a mate off me who had that problem down here in Phuket and he had all the receipts for 4 years back and he got his money the day after Tax office had  been and visiting the owner. GO TO TAX OFFICE THEY BE WERY HAPPY.



Better than Shame and Name,


Moral is if you rent,( and I do not), KEEP YOUR BILLS and RECEIPTS, ( always insist on written receipt when paying rent) this will likely guarantee you get your deposit back, PLEASE SPREAD THE MESSAGE


I have not experienced not getting deposits back, but from what I have heard and read it appears to be a big problem in Thailand


It can probably also help if your landlord starts being unreasonable, it is always good to have that hidden ace up your sleeve  !  !  !  !


Very cheap insurance

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Take all of your receipts I hope you have , or go to your bank and get a printout of the rent paid (Date) to it`s account. So you will you bring the contract and god picture of the house  house Nr or apartment Nr , and a good  image of the street, then go to the tax office and report them If you have 1 Thai you trus take them whit you, that's what it takes to get the money back. And next time if you pay 3 mount you send a letter in the Post EMS you move out 3 mount ,then you 100 %  pay back, writhing god Contract in Thailand are nr 1 fore you never trust 1 singel Thai about money.

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On 12/6/2016 at 7:16 PM, buick said:

i find this a bit hard to believe.  what area did you rent and how much was your deposit ? 


you can tell who is likely to rip you off at the time of moving in ?  i realize i have a cynical view, i assume they will all rip me off, regardless of country but perhaps worse in thailand.  but your comment doesn't make much sense to me (my brain is not working at all times so i apologize in advance).


i'm just wondering, not trying to be argumentative.


I have rented condos 3 times in Bangkok , 2 times in Pattaya and 1 time in Chiang Mai .  Never been cheated , always got my deposit back .  I think you will find that most owners are trustworthy.. But if you try to rent in typical tourist areas you could get into trouble.  I always make sure to read the contract and ask the landlord for the bank account details to transfer the monthly rent. So I get my receipts for everything , including the deposits. 







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***all smiles in LOS.....


Got it back!  I did mention a visit to el amphur and the Tax office but I sent it via WhatsAp and it only had one light tick mark which means she cancelled her account or blocked me but didn't get the message I suppose which is a good thing I guess.  Then I sent an email again mentioning the Consumer Protection Department.  We never emailed and it was given to me by a tenant who went through a few month ordeal to get their deposit back.  The email was never answered back.


She did friend me on the app line a few weeks ago and I had forgotten which is a good thing because she would have received some mildly threatening messages (the same one I sent to her What'sAp).  Message apps suck.


Then on the agreed date I was told it would be deposited by check.  Of course it was a 4 day weekend so I wasn't sure if I was getting a bunch of lip service.


 In the end it's just best to have the ole "cold heart".  It wasn't in my account Friday and I thought about hounding her throughout the weekend but that would have been a bit douchey considering the holiday and circumstances best to just let her relax with family and if she is telling me the truth I will get it Tuesday and if not I would have hounded her and went to the El Amphur and all that.


Ok, so that's the 6th time I rented in BKK and probably the 12th time in Thailand and I have never had a major problem.


If you're looking in Ari Do not rent from "100 year old" Park from an agent whose name implies "happiness" in English but I assure you you'll find no joy renting from this place.


Thanks for all the advice! 

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