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Pedophile English football coach raped Thai school boy, claims former footballer


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Most of the sports offer a good chance for a phedo, so do the schools. Swimming, rhythm gymnastics just to name two of them. Football is highlighted. Hollywood and generally the entertainment industry is jammed with phedo stories. 
Sad, very sad, but we can do nothing against bad blood ....

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14 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I assure you that the utterly crass attempt at finding humour in such an appalling story is based on an ignorance of the truth.


Or it's just plain BS if you prefer.

Hold on now Bunky. ellis said, “Premier League ,  now  called  Pedophile League”

To which you said, “Just checked, no it's not”

To which I replied, “I just saw it in print”

And, I did see it in print, ellis said it.

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30 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Hold on now Bunky. ellis said, “Premier League ,  now  called  Pedophile League”

To which you said, “Just checked, no it's not”

To which I replied, “I just saw it in print”

And, I did see it in print, ellis said it.

Read what i wrote and then try to comprehend it.


Use my user name properly.


Not a request.

Edited by Bluespunk
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15 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

What can one even say about this? Too bad Roper is already gone. And Eddie Heath. And Jimmy Savile. All swine. All responsible for destroying many, many lives of young boys. Hope they are able to find and prosecute some of the responsible parties, who are still alive. It appears to be alot bigger than any of us could have ever imagined. Thankfully, some very courageous victims are speaking out, finally. And I hope some of the clubs who have paid hush money face massive penalties, and that some of the officials who were complicit spend many, many years in prison, where they will be treated very well by their fellow inmates, and really made to feel at home. 

Yes, tend to think they'll "get the point" from the other inmates.

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On 03/12/2016 at 8:14 PM, spidermike007 said:

John McCabe says that he was raped repeatedly in his six months at Medomsley – by Husband and by other men who have never been prosecuted. But he will not get his chance to tell his story to the inquiry because he was 18 at the time. That is why he and other Medomsley victims have told their lawyers they will boycott the inquiry.

In Goddard’s memo this week, she said she hoped her resignation would provide the opportunity to reassess the remit of the public inquiry. McCabe is one of many former Medomsley inmates who want to see the detention centre separated and given a public inquiry of its own. “I cannot stand by and see victims, who were detained by the state and abused by the state at Medomsley, stand before an inquiry that is not fit for purpose,” he says. As far as McCabe is concerned, only once they have all had the opportunity to have their say can they start to repair themselves.

Amazing story.
Amazing suppression of the facts, at the highest levels. My guess is that too many people would be implicated, and many are in positions of power and wealth. You just do not want to call out the rich and powerful, now do you? Pretty atrocious stuff. Really an abomination, and a boil on the face of British culture and society, though plenty of this kind of abhorrent behavior seems to go on in the US, and many other places. 

All the while I thought the anglo-saxon were good people. They are sick aren't they?

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On Sunday, December 4, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Suradit69 said:


It seems the British police have a history of ignoring or burying such accusations, sometimes for decades, until forced to act by media coverage. Even then the follow-up often gets bogged down in procedure and pressure not to dig too deeply.



Hmmmm ........English foot ball clubs and the Catholic church seem to have a lot in common ..I surmise.


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very bad. there could have been really good talented sportsman footballers that could have achieved so much more for their country, families and themselves but were destroyed by these pigs exploiting their powers. 


worst still they come here and neighbouring countries to exploit the poor and prey on the young here as well.

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22 hours ago, ChoakMyDee said:


You have no understanding of what it's like to be a victim of abuse.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk


You have no idea what you are saying - please never say that to anyone that you don't know. I'm being very controlled in my response and hope you understand why you shouldnt say that no one else understands!

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