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No experience needed: Trump taps Carson for HUD secretary


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On 12/6/2016 at 11:48 AM, Ulysses G. said:

I really don't care, which kind of fairytale he believes in!

...and he is an idiot!

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...and the dumbing down continues:


At a breakfast fund-raiser at Manhattan’s Cipriani 42nd Street, Mr. Trump on Wednesday gave a tantalizing hint at the inaugural festivities to come for a reality TV star-turned-president: The helicopter grand entrance.

The president-elect said he was paid a visit a day earlier by Mark Burnett, the executive producer of “The Apprentice,” the reality show that helped make the president-elect a household name. Mr. Trump told the crowd that Mr. Burnett proposed reinventing the inauguration with a helicopter taking off from New York City, according to an attendee.

Mr. Burnett, who is known for producing shows like “Survivor,” “The Voice” and “Shark Tank” as well, also told Mr. Trump that he should consider a parade up Fifth Avenue.




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17 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

...and the dumbing down continues:


At a breakfast fund-raiser at Manhattan’s Cipriani 42nd Street, Mr. Trump on Wednesday gave a tantalizing hint at the inaugural festivities to come for a reality TV star-turned-president: The helicopter grand entrance.

The president-elect said he was paid a visit a day earlier by Mark Burnett, the executive producer of “The Apprentice,” the reality show that helped make the president-elect a household name. Mr. Trump told the crowd that Mr. Burnett proposed reinventing the inauguration with a helicopter taking off from New York City, according to an attendee.

Mr. Burnett, who is known for producing shows like “Survivor,” “The Voice” and “Shark Tank” as well, also told Mr. Trump that he should consider a parade up Fifth Avenue.





As cringeworthy as it is to have to digest the ramblings of someone with "no filter", there is one benefit. People who have no unexpressed thoughts tend to be without guile. Doesn't mean they might not try to get over on you but you oughta see it coming a mile away.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


The man is a brain surgeon and a genius - hardly "ignorant".



Ben Carson is a "genius'.  What has he achieved that shows he has advanced human understanding in a major way?  I think it's very to say he's very intelligent. But so are a lot of illiterate people. The question at hand isn't the power of his intellect but what he knows. And he demonstrated during his campaign that he's abysmally ignorant about the issues.  

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


As cringeworthy as it is to have to digest the ramblings of someone with "no filter", there is one benefit. People who have no unexpressed thoughts tend to be without guile. Doesn't mean they might not try to get over on you but you oughta see it coming a mile away.


True, but it gives me little comfort. The thing is, once they've picked their mark, con men invariably telegraph their intentions. If the con man has picked his mark properly  (in this case, the majority of the white population), it doesn't matter because they are going to ignore the warnings.


For example, Trump often ended his rallies with The Stones' "you can't always get what you want"


It may not matter, because those who "see it coming" will not be in a position to stop "it"


As has been said, "while Liberals took Trump literally but not seriously, his supporters took him seriously, but not literally." Both are right as well as wrong, but for different reasons.



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8 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


For example, Trump often ended his rallies with The Stones' "you can't always get what you want"



I didn't know that but I appreciate you telling me. I'm in stitches.


Better than handing out a manifesto entitled "To Serve Man" I guess.

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3 hours ago, lannarebirth said:
4 hours ago, Thakkar said:

For example, Trump often ended his rallies with The Stones' "you can't always get what you want"



I didn't know that but I appreciate you telling me. I'm in stitches.


Better than handing out a manifesto entitled "To Serve Man" I guess.


There's more: at one rally he told the crowd, "I love the poorly educated!"


He was taunting his marks by calling them rubes to their faces. How did they respond? They cheered! Go to that clip and watch his smug face as the crowd cheered. Con men delight in this kind of taunting. 


I myself was once briefly taken in by a con whose company was called "Knonman Services" —it was right there in the name!


Trump is an out and out con artist, but his marks will never see it. Read his "Art of the Deal" with a critical eye; the clues are right there, though he may not have intended to put them there. 

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18 hours ago, Trouble said:

I would feel good about an article that just reported the facts and just the facts.  Opinion belongs on the editorial page. Editorial pages used to have opinions of both sides of a particular issue.  My view of journalism that it should include the 5 w's (who, what, when, why, where) and how.  Journalism used to provide the information so an individual reader would have facts and make his own conclusion. That is certainly not the case in news today.  Whether it is MSNBC, FOX,  CNN or the newspapers, fact is gone and opinion is vicariously supported. That is what I objected to as it seems it is not a news piece but an opinion piece.  No objectivity in the article whatsoever no matter which side of the issue you are on.  If that was the case it should have been labeled as an opinion story.  It was not.


News articles sometimes incorporate too much of the reporter's positions, fair enough. Reporting just the facts, without any context whatsoever does not strike me as good reporting though. At least one of them 5 w's (why) is bound to be somewhat influenced by the author's take.


I'm even sure what what exactly counts for "opinion" in your (and other posters) book - which parts of the OP referring to Carson aren't factual, or exhibit too much (in your view) by way of opinion? The basic issue discussed is Carson not having a previous experience to do with his new job. Far as I can tell, this is not even debated. There could be differing views of Carson's potential, but these would be more opinion based. The assertion that he does not have relevant experience is fact.


A bit off topic, perhaps - IMO, just the facts was something which worked (sort of) in the past. Nowadays, the sheer amount of information available to the public is staggering. This massive change in quantity did not see a similar shift in people's ability to analyze and process it. This dynamic is very easy to observe on TVF - some instances, posters present "plain details" without relevant context, other occasions posters heap mountains of irrelevant details that serve to obfuscate issues. Same thing with quoting partisan sources, not to mention "fake" and propaganda ones.

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On 12/7/2016 at 4:27 PM, ilostmypassword said:

I have brushed my teeth twice a day for most of my life. Hey, I'm qualified to be a dentist. I drive a car. I'm qualified to be an automotive engineer.  I've taken medicine. Why, I'm virtually a doctor. And not just a doctor. I'm pretty handy at carving meat with a knife. Therefore, I'm a surgeon. I think I'll apply for the medical vacancy left by Ben Carson.


On 12/7/2016 at 4:33 PM, ilostmypassword said:

And will you let me operate on you? I doubt it. But you have no problem with a man who has no knowledge of the complexities housing run a multibillion dollar organization.  How is he any more qualified to run HUD than he is to run Ford Motors?



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Well, let's all assume that the Trump Administration will be a total disaster and that all of his appointees will be totally incompetent.  Then we can all wake up tomorrow and pack our bags for Canada.  That's where we should be going because America doesn't need people who are as hysterically negative as we are.  Let's leave to country to people who can square their shoulders and work to make the country better.

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Well, let's all assume that the Trump Administration will be a total disaster and that all of his appointees will be totally incompetent.  Then we can all wake up tomorrow and pack our bags for Canada.  That's where we should be going because America doesn't need people who are as hysterically negative as we are.  Let's leave to country to people who can square their shoulders and work to make the country better.

Love it or leave it huh?
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What's all this about Carson?


He grew up poor in the very ghettos he will be in charge of. And he knows nothing about them?


He managed to pull himself up by his bootstraps and get through college, medical school, and then on to become a neurosurgeon. It's apparent he's a genius.


He works for a big time real estate developer who will be the first POTUS in my lifetime with a goal of cleaning up the inner cities. Trump's knowledge of the business and Carson's knowledge of the culture are a perfect match.


Both men are very hard workers who don't know how to quit. Donald Jr. said "The way to get my father to do something is to tell him it can't be done." People could have told Carson that what he did couldn't be done.


My money is on this duo to do more for the inner cities than anyone has in 100 years. Just watch.



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32 minutes ago, NeverSure said:

What's all this about Carson?


He grew up poor in the very ghettos he will be in charge of. And he knows nothing about them?


He managed to pull himself up by his bootstraps and get through college, medical school, and then on to become a neurosurgeon. It's apparent he's a genius.


He works for a big time real estate developer who will be the first POTUS in my lifetime with a goal of cleaning up the inner cities. Trump's knowledge of the business and Carson's knowledge of the culture are a perfect match.


Both men are very hard workers who don't know how to quit. Donald Jr. said "The way to get my father to do something is to tell him it can't be done." People could have told Carson that what he did couldn't be done.


My money is on this duo to do more for the inner cities than anyone has in 100 years. Just watch.



Your understanding of the scope of HUD is absurd.

trump clearly picked the sleepy man who self admitted incompetence to run any such large agency to GUT IT.  



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45 minutes ago, NeverSure said:

What's all this about Carson?


He grew up poor in the very ghettos he will be in charge of. And he knows nothing about them?


He managed to pull himself up by his bootstraps and get through college, medical school, and then on to become a neurosurgeon. It's apparent he's a genius.


He works for a big time real estate developer who will be the first POTUS in my lifetime with a goal of cleaning up the inner cities. Trump's knowledge of the business and Carson's knowledge of the culture are a perfect match.


Both men are very hard workers who don't know how to quit. Donald Jr. said "The way to get my father to do something is to tell him it can't be done." People could have told Carson that what he did couldn't be done.


My money is on this duo to do more for the inner cities than anyone has in 100 years. Just watch.




That's not exactly how HUD works now. In the biggest city near me it works like this. The largest campaign donators to the Mayoral campaign are developers. Once ensconced the Mayor works with HUD to build new subsidized housing for the largest new immigrant voting block. In my city that was previously the Vietnamese, now it is Somalians. HUD provides grants and guaranteed loans to the builder who got the city to use their powers of eminent domain to clear a large area for them to build in. The developer then builds townhouses or "City Houses" at a density not otherwise allowed by law. The new tenants live in homes that would otherwise cost $450,000 - $550,000 for about $400/mo. They never, ever leave these homes. Either through grandparents or kids they continue to live in these homes forever at a cost of next to nothing. That is today's HUD.


I once had a relationship with HUD whereby I rented 18 homes under their Section 8 housing program. At that time it worked very well for me, the tenant and I think HUD. I accepted a little bit less than the market rate, the homes were a little bit better than others on offer and well maintained. The tenants were happy I was happy and maybe HUD too. I did discriminate however, only taking seniors.


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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Your understanding of the scope of HUD is absurd.

trump clearly picked the sleepy man who self admitted incompetence to run any such large agency to GUT IT.  




A "Sleepy Man".


I can't imagine how hard one must work to get the grades it takes to get into medical school much less to graduate from there. Then only the tops in the class can go on to become a brain surgeon.


One of my best friends is a retired heart surgeon. The guy simply doesn't know how to quit and has no ability to procrastinate. That's what it takes to accomplish what he did.


This will be the first presidency in our lifetime when anything was done for our inner cities other than to mine them for Democrat votes while breaking promises. Carson certainly can't do any worse than those who come before him for the past 100 years.


The "experts" who have been in charge of HUD for the past 50 years have done nothing but make things worse, worse and worse.



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5 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


That's not exactly how HUD works now. In the biggest city near me it works like this. The largest campaign donators to the Mayoral campaign are developers. Once ensconced the Mayor works with HUD to build new subsidized housing for the largest new immigrant voting block. In my city that was previously the Vietnamese, now it is Somalians. HUD provides grants and guaranteed loans to the builder who got the city to use their powers of eminent domain to clear a large area for them to build in. The developer then builds townhouses or "City Houses" at a density not otherwise allowed by law. The new tenants live in homes that would otherwise cost $450,000 - $550,000 for about $400/mo. They never, ever leave these homes. Either through grandparents or kids they continue to live in these homes forever at a cost of next to nothing. That is today's HUD.


I once had a relationship with HUD whereby I rented 18 homes under their Section 8 housing program. At that time it worked very well for me, the tenant and I think HUD. I accepted a little bit less than the market rate, the homes were a little bit better than others on offer and well maintained. The tenants were happy I was happy and maybe HUD too. I did discriminate however, only taking seniors.



I'm aware of HUD and think much must change. Years ago I had friends who leased their rental units to HUD. HUD then "rented" them out as subsidized housing themselves. HUD did all of the repairs for damages which were often substantial. HUD returned the units to my friends in top shape. I don't know if they still do that but it was a fiasco.


Democrats use those big cities and housing projects to keep poor people in today's equivalent of the plantation. Once given housing, food stamps and subsistence income with no apparent hope of getting out, the people will vote for their captors to keep getting their benefits. Their captors are Democrats.



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Yeah, we've heard that noxious right wing propaganda before. Saying it a million times more doesn't make it the truth. 

Sounds like you agree with me. The main point of picking Carson, other than than the obvious token black man thing, is to GUT the agency. An agency that though not perfect does lots of important work. 

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

This job ain't brain surgery. He's not a fit. Any rational person can see that.




So you hire someone with a college degree in something like urban planning but who has no real world experience with the ghetto? You get an idealist who also is totally unqualified.


Your dire predictions about so much (including that Hillary would be the next POTUS) will just continue to be proven mistaken.



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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, we've heard that noxious right wing propaganda before. Saying it a million times more doesn't make it the truth. 

Sounds like you agree with me. The main point of picking Carson, other than than the obvious token black man thing, is to GUT the agency. An agency that though not perfect does lots of important work. 


I could point you to several homes, of only people I happen to know, where the household income is in excess of $150,000 and they live in homes valued at $450,000-$550,000 for about $400/mo. You can call me a liar if you want but it is not "right wing propaganda". Forget about the Black folks in the projects, that's passe. They've been moved to the suburbs for the newest cadre of dedicated voters who they had to provide better housing for. Ironically, this is the best thing that could have ever happened to the Black folks, being screwed over by their "benefactors". Now they get to live in the real world where we're all equals.

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Dr Carson and Don the Prez have something in common...lawsuits. Guess that is what makes him specifically qualified. All that arbitration experience will come in handy.


Ben Carson Was Sued for Malpractice at Least Eight Times



Ben Carson's patients claim malpractice in star doctor's path to politics



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13 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Dr Carson and Don the Prez have something in common...lawsuits. Guess that is what makes him specifically qualified. All that arbitration experience will come in handy.


Ben Carson Was Sued for Malpractice at Least Eight Times



Ben Carson's patients claim malpractice in star doctor's path to politics




Think about it. Dr. Carson is a Neuro Surgeon. Not only that but if I recall correctly he is a Pediatric Neuro Surgeon. On average a Neuro Surgeon will be sued for malpractice once every 5 years. Dr. Carson was a Pediatric Neuro Surgeon who tended too take on really tough cases. Think of the unfairness a parent must be feeling about their child's condition coupled with the long shot at affecting a cure. Those numbers then become fairly understandable.




You be the judge. I can't put myself in these parent's shoes:



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4 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Think about it. Dr. Carson is a Neuro Surgeon. Not only that but if I recall correctly he is a Pediatric Neuro Surgeon. On average a Neuro Surgeon will be sued for malpractice once every 5 years. Dr. Carson was a Pediatric Neuro Surgeon who tended too take on really tough cases. Think of the unfairness a parent must be feeling about their child's condition coupled with the long shot at affecting a cure. Those numbers then become fairly understandable.




You be the judge. I can't put myself in these parent's shoes:




True dat.


Do you think Dr Carson passed Calculus?



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6 minutes ago, Silurian said:


True dat.


Do you think Dr Carson passed Calculus?




Yes I do, and I'm giving him extra credit for that. Trump?  I'm not so sure. A REAL Business degree would include it, and I'm thinking Wharton ought to, but to hear him, I'm not so sure.

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