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Khon Kaen abbot to be defrocked after pictures emerge of him "making merit" with a young woman


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Khon Kaen abbot to be defrocked after pictures emerge of him "making merit" with a young woman



Image: Video screenshot


KHON KAEN: -- A well known abbot of a downtown Khon Kaen temple is going to be kicked out of the monkhood.


Pictures of him with a young woman started doing the rounds of social media.


Finally he was unable to deny they were him in layman's clothing, reports Sanook.


Now the 54 year old abbot of Srisawang Nonthan temple faces summary defrocking.


The case has caused much consternation among Buddhists in the north eastern town. Rumor was rife that the pictures online were of Phra Kru Ophasthammawiphat.


He was seen arm in arm with a young woman at a wedding and other places.


Yesterday he was finally confronted by lay temple elders and had to admit it was him.


He said he had left the temple for a few months "retreat" and was "making merit" with the young woman.


The story was shared 30,500 times online.


Reuang Surasiang, 75, who interviewed the errant abbot said he would now face defrocking after he admitted the indiscretion at a meeting.


Source: Sanook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-12-07
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Another monk getting his leg over and thinking it is ok because i am a monk.

A  monk is just the same as any other man, he has feelings/ urges for women.

Only thing is monks are supposed to be celibate, and most of them indulge.

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I remember when I first came here and encountered some monks. Some in the temples were okay. Friendly enough. But quite often, the monks I encountered walking around Bangkok came across as arrogant and egotistical. I knew nothing of Buddhism except that monks were supposed to be humble and live with very little. It was quite a shock when waiting for a taxi for 10 mins and some monks just pushed right in front of me and took my taxi. Not even a nod of thanks or sorry. 


I had a foreign friend who told me: "Monks are very important in Thailand. Thai people respect them very much. You must respect them". Well, the problem with any group of people who 'must' be respected is that they may feel they're above the average man. That feeling can breed arrogance and contempt for others. It can even make people feel like superstars who can do no wrong. Evidently, with social media, seems to be more and more of the case. 


"You should respect a man's faith in the same way you would respect his opinion that his wife is very beautiful and his kids are very smart" 



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2 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

' Making Merit ', well that's a new name for it !

And "bar fines" will now be referred to more respectfully as "make merit fines". That will be sure to make some feel less guilty about paying them.

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Another monk getting his leg over and thinking it is ok because i am a monk.

A  monk is just the same as any other man, he has feelings/ urges for women.

Only thing is monks are supposed to be celibate, and most of them indulge.

Whats de frocking problem? He was just celibating with his girlfriend. 

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27 minutes ago, ezzra said:

No problem there... jus shave his head and join the monkhood for 3 months

to atone for his sins... hang on a minute.. he's a monk already... so now what?

Actually, a Thai person told me about the 227 rules a monk is supposed to live by. There are four or five heinous acts which class that person as immediately no longer a monk, even if they refuse to disrobe.

1. killing a person, or advising someone else to kill (such as advising a woman to have an abortion.)

2. Any sex (where the male member enters into any orifice, human or animal)

3. stealing

4. causing the monkhood to split and be in discord (causing the demise of faith and Buddhism)

So this abbot is actually not an abbot and hasn't been since he had sex. Wearing civilian clothes is also an offense but not heinous. Every day he had been living as a monk, but not a monk, he is guilty of deception. The huge karma will almost guarantee him a rebirth in hell for a very long time.


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Quite different from the Cambodian monk I met while teaching at a university in the USA. He insisted on walking to the campus from his apartment, which was several city blocks away. When I asked him why he didn't take the shuttle, he said "....it's good exercise and a monk should not be hauled around like a CEO".  I found this quite funny and humble. Such a different attitude. This man was very serious about avoiding any hint of ego. :smile:

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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

Another monk getting his leg over and thinking it is ok because i am a monk.

A  monk is just the same as any other man, he has feelings/ urges for women.

Only thing is monks are supposed to be celibate, and most of them indulge.

Come on he was off duty on a sabbatical when he sinned



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4 minutes ago, silent said:

Come on he was off duty on a sabbatical when he sinned




So you are saying it is ok if i fancy getting my leg over just take a few days off.

Go bang a woman then back to the temple, i am a good monk now.:post-4641-1156693976:

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12 minutes ago, colinneil said:

So you are saying it is ok if i fancy getting my leg over just take a few days off.

Go bang a woman then back to the temple, i am a good monk now.:post-4641-1156693976:

It looks like 10 minutes ago I again incorrectly assumed a level of intelligence that doesn't really exist

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I remember when I first came here and encountered some monks. Some in the temples were okay. Friendly enough. But quite often, the monks I encountered walking around Bangkok came across as arrogant and egotistical. I knew nothing of Buddhism except that monks were supposed to be humble and live with very little. It was quite a shock when waiting for a taxi for 10 mins and some monks just pushed right in front of me and took my taxi. Not even a nod of thanks or sorry. 
I had a foreign friend who told me: "Monks are very important in Thailand. Thai people respect them very much. You must respect them". Well, the problem with any group of people who 'must' be respected is that they may feel they're above the average man. That feeling can breed arrogance and contempt for others. It can even make people feel like superstars who can do no wrong. Evidently, with social media, seems to be more and more of the case. 
"You should respect a man's faith in the same way you would respect his opinion that his wife is very beautiful and his kids are very smart" 

My wife respects monks a bit except the one I pointed to puffing away on a cigarette in the wings of the temple before coming out to do his thing for our group. We were at a temple we quite enjoyed, the first one she took me to and we continued to frequent it often.
Maybe she said "not good" but that was the end of it until the next time I suggested we go there on a Sunday as we normally would and she said no because she didn't feel good about it anymore.
I learned something about betraying her right then.
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