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Trump son-in-law's family donated to Israeli settler groups


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Trump son-in-law's family donated to Israeli settler groups



JERUSALEM (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump's son-in-law co-directs a family foundation that has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Jewish settlement organizations in the West Bank, according to tax records.


Trump has said Jared Kushner, who serves as a close adviser, could help negotiate a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. The donations by Kushner's parents' foundation could complicate his ability to be an impartial broker.


The Israeli daily Haaretz on Monday first reported the donations by the family foundation, which Kushner and his siblings direct with their parents.


The U.S. and most of the international community consider settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem to be illegal or illegitimate and obstacles to peace. The Palestinians seek both territories, captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war, for their hoped-for state.


But Trump has signaled he may alter decades of U.S. policy. The Republican Party's platform rejected "the false notion" that Israel is an occupier, and an adviser to Trump on Israel affairs has said Trump does not perceive settlements, home to roughly 600,000 Israelis, to be an impediment to peace.


According to tax records, the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation donated at least $38,000 between 2011 and 2013 to the American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva, the fundraising arm of a Jewish seminary in Beit El, a West Bank settlement.


The Beit El Yeshiva Center is associated with Arutz Sheva, also known as Israel National News, a news organization affiliated with the Jewish settler movement.


On Tuesday, a manager at the seminary declined to comment about the Kushner family's donations and asked a visiting team of Associated Press journalists to leave.


In 2012 and 2013, the Kushner family foundation donated a total of $15,000 to the Etzion Foundation, which operates three Orthodox Jewish study institutions in West Bank settlements. In 2011, the family donated $5,000 to Ohr Torah Stone, an Orthodox Jewish educational institution in the West Bank settlement of Efrat.


The family also donated at least $298,600 to the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, an organization that runs educational and cultural programs for Israeli soldiers, between 2010 and 2012, according to the tax records.


The organizations are registered as non-profits in the U.S. and charitable contributions to them are both legal and tax exempt.


Risa Heller, a spokeswoman for the Kushner companies, declined to comment on the donations to West Bank settlement groups.

"Charles and Seryl Kushner are extremely generous and have given away over $100 million to charitable causes including hospitals, schools, non-profits and religious institutions," Heller said.


The donations are a small part of the Kushner's philanthropic activities. The family has also donated to Israeli hospitals, Israel's national Holocaust memorial, and cultural institutions like the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and a leading Israeli art school.


But to Palestinians, the donations have added to fears that the Trump administration will not be sympathetic to their cause.


"If anyone was foolish enough to believe that a Trump administration might succeed in negotiating a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, this is further evidence of their delusions," said Diana Buttu, a Palestinian political analyst and former adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.


Associated Press writers Rhonda Shafner in New York and Steve Peoples in Washington contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-12-07
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All good news. Trump will be a friend to Israel and recognize Jeruselem as their eternal capital.

About time that the  Palestinians paid for stsrting the conflict in the first place, rejecting the UN offer in 1947, attacking the new country of Israel and decades of terrorism ever since. 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

All good news. Trump will be a friend to Israel and recognize Jeruselem as their eternal capital.

About time that the  Palestinians paid for stsrting the conflict in the first place, rejecting the UN offer in 1947, attacking the new country of Israel and decades of terrorism ever since. 

You didn t wait long before ranting the same thing again and again.... Where in the article is there any mention of Trump speaking ab out Jerusalem as eternal capital? Should we go further back in Time before the Pharao to be sure you make your point about SETTLEMENTS in the WEST BANK ?

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Lets get this part straight - I am not nor ever was a Trump supporter. Nor am I a supporter of stories that have really not much to do with a candidate or office holder. Yeah, so what if his son-in-law sent money to some political organisation. What is Trump supposed to do in that situation? Impose his will on who is daughter marries? Force the person his daughter marries not to donate to organisations that he does not like?


Well, media, if there is no way in which Trump could change the situation, at least not ethically or legally, then there is no story here other than some guy who donated money. Now will the media stop writing stories about Trump except those that actually matter?

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

All good news. Trump will be a friend to Israel and recognize Jeruselem as their eternal capital.

About time that the  Palestinians paid for stsrting the conflict in the first place, rejecting the UN offer in 1947, attacking the new country of Israel and decades of terrorism ever since. 

BTW. They had a peace broker but the Zionists killed him 1948 as they wanted to take all the land from the Palestinians already living there, a land that the Brits gave to the Jews without asking the Palestinians already living there!

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

All good news. Trump will be a friend to Israel and recognize Jeruselem as their eternal capital.

About time that the  Palestinians paid for stsrting the conflict in the first place, rejecting the UN offer in 1947, attacking the new country of Israel and decades of terrorism ever since. 

I assume you are not sympathetic to the argument that Palestinians were driven away from their land because of European forces, that were feeling guilty for letting the Nazi problem get out of hand, that as "wiedergutmachung" created a place where Jewish war survivors could live separately, (and not in Europe, so competition in business would not be as strong as before) ?

Also, and kindly correct me if I am wrong (I am not a historian), it seems that after the Middle Age European interventions until the 1940-ies, the area of Palestine / Lebanon / Israel was relatively peaceful with peoples of several religions living close to each other?

So, who is the aggressor ?

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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

All good news. Trump will be a friend to Israel and recognize Jeruselem as their eternal capital.

About time that the  Palestinians paid for stsrting the conflict in the first place, rejecting the UN offer in 1947, attacking the new country of Israel and decades of terrorism ever since. 


Trump said he will. Nothing happened yet. Seems it's ok to celebrate Trump's words, but not to criticize them.

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4 hours ago, humqdpf said:

Lets get this part straight - I am not nor ever was a Trump supporter. Nor am I a supporter of stories that have really not much to do with a candidate or office holder. Yeah, so what if his son-in-law sent money to some political organisation. What is Trump supposed to do in that situation? Impose his will on who is daughter marries? Force the person his daughter marries not to donate to organisations that he does not like?


Well, media, if there is no way in which Trump could change the situation, at least not ethically or legally, then there is no story here other than some guy who donated money. Now will the media stop writing stories about Trump except those that actually matter?


Trump previously opined that his son in law could be useful in negotiating a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. This is a problematic point of view on several levels.


For starters, Kushner does not actually have any experience in anything resembling negotiations on this level, nor any other diplomatic experience. Then, there's the issue of family members of the POTUS not being allowed to hold administration office - there might be some legal workarounds, but they are yet to be applied. This touches on Trump's family members involvement in government, and the on issues relating to possible conflict of interest. Last but not least, the relevance of the OP is in exposing (not that it was a secret) Kushner's leanings. To imagine that he could be seen as a non biased mediator is, at best, a joke.


So this is not about Trump having control of which donations people close to him make, but of picking (or rather, musing about picking) them to play roles which they are clearly unfit for. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict angle is hardly relevant, the story is really more to do with Trump's style of running his transition team, and how it might apply for running the country.




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31 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Actually nothing has happened yet so shouldn't we just wait and see what Trump actually does?


Well, yes and no.

As this seems to be how Trump goes about many issues - airing half-cooked half-factual or plain nonsense notions - perhaps less a matter of dealing with each instance, but addressing the "tactic". Can be seen as nothing happened, or can be seen as creating more uncertainty  and doubt. Not to mention pointlessly encouraging antagonism, at times. Can't see the benefits, personally.

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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

All good news. Trump will be a friend to Israel and recognize Jeruselem as their eternal capital.

About time that the  Palestinians paid for stsrting the conflict in the first place, rejecting the UN offer in 1947, attacking the new country of Israel and decades of terrorism ever since. 

Truly bizarre. When people criticize Trump on the basis of who he has chosen to for various posts, you maintain that we should wait and see what he actually does.  Yet here, you are predicting on exactly the same basis.

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3 hours ago, KKr said:

I assume you are not sympathetic to the argument that Palestinians were driven away from their land because of European forces, that were feeling guilty for letting the Nazi problem get out of hand, that as "wiedergutmachung" created a place where Jewish war survivors could live separately, (and not in Europe, so competition in business would not be as strong as before) ?

Also, and kindly correct me if I am wrong (I am not a historian), it seems that after the Middle Age European interventions until the 1940-ies, the area of Palestine / Lebanon / Israel was relatively peaceful with peoples of several religions living close to each other?

So, who is the aggressor ?

peace became eroded after the Balfour agreement, and further with the transfer agreement (Havaara agreement). Yes, they once lived in relative peace. Sad eh?

Edited by gemini81
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Jews and Arabs were living in peace. Now they have a Jewish state were around half the population believe that Jews are the chosen people and thus have rights to all the land. Not so far from what the Nazis believed about Europe and white people.


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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Truly bizarre. When people criticize Trump on the basis of who he has chosen to for various posts, you maintain that we should wait and see what he actually does.  Yet here, you are predicting on exactly the same basis.


I am predicting based on what he has said he will do. Much different from stating things that will happen with no evidence other than partisan hatred.



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1 hour ago, narak34 said:

Jews and Arabs were living in peace. Now they have a Jewish state were around half the population believe that Jews are the chosen people and thus have rights to all the land. Not so far from what the Nazis believed about Europe and white people.


Another excellent example you have provided where Israel demonization bleeds into antisemitism. :sick:


Reference for those that don't understand:


Natan Sharansky, when he was the Israeli minister of Jerusalem and Diaspora affairs, developed a simple formula that he called the “3D test” to help distinguish legitimate criticism of Israel from anti-Semitism: demonization, double standards, and delegitimization.

Sharansky included the portrayal of Israel as a Nazi state within his definition of “demonization”: “When the Jewish state is being demonized; when Israel’s actions are blown out of all sensible proportion; when comparisons are made between Israelis and Nazis and between Palestinian refugee camps and Auschwitz-this is antisemitism, not legitimate criticism of Israel.”





As far as Kushner. Well he's an ORTHODOX American Jew. Such Jews are more likely to be on the right wing political spectrum regarding Israel policy. I'm confident the majority of American Jews who are mostly more liberal and overwhelmingly rejected trump, would not support expansion of Israeli west bank settlements. 


That said, there are many decent human beings living in the west bank -- Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Not all Arabs living there are crazed terrorists and not all Jews living there are extremist monsters either. That's a fact that isn't changing anytime soon. So as far as charity to organizations there, it depends on what they're doing. Something like a school or a synagogue ... what's wrong with that? 

Edited by Jingthing
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/7/2016 at 10:51 PM, Jingthing said:

Reference for those that don't understand:


Natan Sharansky, when he was the Israeli minister of Jerusalem and Diaspora affairs, developed a simple formula that he called the “3D test” to help distinguish legitimate criticism of Israel from anti-Semitism: demonization, double standards, and delegitimization.

Sharansky included the portrayal of Israel as a Nazi state within his definition of “demonization”: “When the Jewish state is being demonized; when Israel’s actions are blown out of all sensible proportion; when comparisons are made between Israelis and Nazis and between Palestinian refugee camps and Auschwitz-this is antisemitism, not legitimate criticism of Israel.”




So a Zionist defines what he believes is and is not legitimate criticism of the Zionist Jewish state and we all have to abide by those rules? You really do want all the cakes and eat them don't you. You have engaged in some of the most direct criticism of Trump and the Right Wing in the USA and that is ok, but as soon as someone criticises zionists you climb on your high horse.


Talking of Zionism and Trump, you said:


On 12/7/2016 at 10:51 PM, Jingthing said:

As far as Kushner. Well he's an ORTHODOX American Jew. Such Jews are more likely to be on the right wing political spectrum regarding Israel policy. I'm confident the majority of American Jews who are mostly more liberal and overwhelmingly rejected trump, would not support expansion of Israeli west bank settlements. 


Well what do you say with the appointment of the new settlement loving, right wing zionist bankruptcy lawyer as Ambassador to Israel? Doesn't matter how much the 'liberal American Jews' will not support expansion of the illegal settlements. It seems with Trump, Kushner and Friedman the whole show is set up! What now Jingthing? Sqweeming and sqweeming about nasty people who criticise Zionist Israel is not really going to make a blind bit of difference. I bet Kushner and Ivanka have plans already for a theme park - Trumpland, once they have got Daddy to help clear out the West Bank. Lets get rid of the pesky Palastinians, but lets not criticise a Government that builds a wall through villages and practices apartheid of being a Nazi state - ooh that's just too much.


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On 12/7/2016 at 1:02 PM, Ulysses G. said:

All good news. Trump will be a friend to Israel and recognize Jeruselem as their eternal capital.

About time that the  Palestinians paid for stsrting the conflict in the first place, rejecting the UN offer in 1947, attacking the new country of Israel and decades of terrorism ever since. 

Nail your colours to mast. It is a good thing 'cepting balance and perspective on the biggest parts of how this ramifies. But that is what you like. How this unravels, none of us will be around for. 


This is how you can be pro Trump but hate every other thing he stands. One single issue and adjust everything else. Troubled times ahead.

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On 12/7/2016 at 9:54 PM, narak34 said:

Jews and Arabs were living in peace. Now they have a Jewish state were around half the population believe that Jews are the chosen people and thus have rights to all the land. Not so far from what the Nazis believed about Europe and white people.



Your astounding knowledge of history is breathtaking. Would have made a great fantasy movie. Arabs and Jews were not exactly living in peace. Even if you bothered placing it in a time frame, it would still be wrong. At best, it can be said that tensions were of a different form.


Most Israelis do not advocate genocide of all the Palestinians or Arabs. Before the usual suspects pop in with their expected nonsense, every country got it hotheads, vileness and extremists. A good way to judge the above would be the existence of a sizeable Arab minority within Israel.


Your Nazi comparison is acknowledged as the the usual bating attempt.

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59 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


So a Zionist defines what he believes is and is not legitimate criticism of the Zionist Jewish state and we all have to abide by those rules? You really do want all the cakes and eat them don't you. You have engaged in some of the most direct criticism of Trump and the Right Wing in the USA and that is ok, but as soon as someone criticises zionists you climb on your high horse.


Talking of Zionism and Trump, you said:



Well what do you say with the appointment of the new settlement loving, right wing zionist bankruptcy lawyer as Ambassador to Israel? Doesn't matter how much the 'liberal American Jews' will not support expansion of the illegal settlements. It seems with Trump, Kushner and Friedman the whole show is set up! What now Jingthing? Sqweeming and sqweeming about nasty people who criticise Zionist Israel is not really going to make a blind bit of difference. I bet Kushner and Ivanka have plans already for a theme park - Trumpland, once they have got Daddy to help clear out the West Bank. Lets get rid of the pesky Palastinians, but lets not criticise a Government that builds a wall through villages and practices apartheid of being a Nazi state - ooh that's just too much.



Posters may criticize whatever they like, it's simply helpful to actually have a clue rather than spew hatred. Zionism can be criticized on many grounds. The equating to Nazism, however, is without merit, and it's main attraction is that it relies on the connection between Jews and Zionism, thus supposedly making the criticism have more shock value. The same goes for the usual Apartheid comparisons - if and when Israel annexes the West Bank, without granting full citizenship to the Palestinians, you'd have a point. Or, alternatively, if Israel at any point applies the opposite to it's Arab minority.


Perhaps better to keep in mind that not all Israelis are Jews, not all Israelis are Zionists, not all Israelis support right wing policies or the illegal settlements. For that matter, not even all Zionists support the illegal settlements. But guess such distinctions would be lost on posters preferring simplified versions or emotional tirades.


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49 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:



What exactly is the difference between the Nazi's and the Zionists exactly? The Nazi's may have had better uniforms, but what part of the 'deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation", is truthfully different? Is rounding up and gassing any more lethal or evil than using precision bombing and carpet bombing techniques in areas where residents, women and children are penned in and have no escape?


I was with an Israeli businessman in Bangkok a few weeks ago (until he wanted to go in to crazy horses and ask the Mamasan to find him a 14-15 year old at which point I promptly made my excuses and left him). After a few beers and some he said to me "I never do business with other Israeli's or Jews, we are evil cheating ba*****s". Then he laughed saying "you have to be careful with us", I kid you not. He wondered why we have subsequently not given him a very substantial order. Is he an anti-semite? Or is it ok for him to say that? A bit like only blacks can say the N word?


The fact is there are bad people everywhere, but your defence of some truly wicked people running a wicked Government is rather sickening.




You're either ignorant or trolling. Perhaps simply so hate filled, that you'd say anything.


There is nothing in Zionism that calls for genocide of Palestinians. There was no genocide of Palestinians carried out. There is a large Arab minority within Israel. And Palestinian population figures are rising, not rapidly dropping. You are of course, ignoring the fact that the Jews of Europe were not engaged in a violent struggle against Nazi Germany, whereas the Israeli and the Palestinians are.


Your convenient anecdotal personal experience with specific Israelis are supposed to be...what? A testimony about all Israelis? All Jews? There are bigots and idiots everywhere, even without the added touch of perversion.


Ethnic, religious and minority groups often joke about themselves in ways which they do not find acceptable, or amusing, when coming from "outsiders". Many Thais are like that too.


Seems that like other posters, you cannot differentiate between criticism on the Israeli government and its policies vs. criticism on Israel, or Zionism as a whole.

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The positive thing, sort of, of these disgusting Jew hating posts rearing their ugly heads, is that they expose the reality of the deep connection between Israel demonization and hatred of Jews. I'm not suggesting, of course, that normal criticism of Israeli government policies, as one might criticize any government's policies is Jew hatred. 

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


Zionism does not call for the genocide of the Palestinians or the Arabs. The Nazis had this element on board. Troll on.

Zionism is a racist/religionist supremacist movement whose aim is a predominantly Jewish State. In order to achieve that, Zionists have already ethnically cleansed Palestinians twice creating thousands of casualties and millions of refugees. The biggest Israeli war crime of all is not allowing Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, while transferring their own Jewish population into Palestinian land on the West Bank...all contravening the Geneva Convention.


Trump's son-in-law and his family are part of this war crime, and if the Trump administration changes US foreign policy and approves this, then his government too is liable to prosecution before the ICC.


There are clear conflicts of interest, and I think some of Trump's recent appointments and apparent change of policy is unnecessarily plunging the USA into troubled times ahead. Nor will his decisions (recognizing the annexation of Jerusalem) advance the peaceful resolution of this conflict.

Edited by dexterm
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5 hours ago, dexterm said:

Zionism is a racist/religionist supremacist movement whose aim is a predominantly Jewish State. In order to achieve that, Zionists have already ethnically cleansed Palestinians twice creating thousands of casualties and millions of refugees. 


Perhaps the Palestinians and 5 Arab armies should not have declared war, attacked them and vowed to wipe them off the face of the earth. Actions have consequences. 

Good to hear that Trump's family support Israel as well as the new ambassador. Trump's stance will be a welcome change after the hateful rhetoric of the far left in the Democratic party. 

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16 hours ago, dexterm said:

Zionism is a racist/religionist supremacist movement whose aim is a predominantly Jewish State. In order to achieve that, Zionists have already ethnically cleansed Palestinians twice creating thousands of casualties and millions of refugees. The biggest Israeli war crime of all is not allowing Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, while transferring their own Jewish population into Palestinian land on the West Bank...all contravening the Geneva Convention.


Trump's son-in-law and his family are part of this war crime, and if the Trump administration changes US foreign policy and approves this, then his government too is liable to prosecution before the ICC.


There are clear conflicts of interest, and I think some of Trump's recent appointments and apparent change of policy is unnecessarily plunging the USA into troubled times ahead. Nor will his decisions (recognizing the annexation of Jerusalem) advance the peaceful resolution of this conflict.


The usual copy pasted hate mongering slogans used for hijacking any related topic in order to present your agenda.


Zionism comes in many forms, hardly the unified construct you tout. There are Zionists opposing Netanyahu, there are Zionists who see the illegal settlements as a bane and danger to Israel. Similarly, not all Zionists are religious, even if the ones making the headlines are. Ignoring these different view simply makes your wilful ignorance obvious.


The usual one sided accounts of history are mere propaganda. Choosing to ignore any other aspect of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a hallmark of your tirades, but again - not going to change facts. There were and there are two sides, and they are still locked in violent struggle.


The above, of course, is not necessary to convey one's views on the OP, but by now it is obvious any opportunity will be taken to roll on yet another stock rant. These have become so predictable, that I'm quite certain of the reply which will be waiting on my return.


The US does not recognize the ICC's authority, and ICC proceeding take years if not decades before anything comes out of it. Save your nonsense threats to something concrete.


Finally, we are in agreement with regard to your last paragraph, its main points and theme included in previous posts.

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As mentioned in the OP, one of the beneficiaries of Trump's son-in-law's Kushner family tax free gifts is the American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva, currently being sued by Palestinians for $34.5 billion.

"The lawsuit argues that directly supporting Israeli settlements with tax-exempt charitable funds amounts to money laundering and tax fraud and aids and abets crimes including theft of Palestinian property, home demolitions, maiming, murder, ethnic cleansing and even genocide."



This is hardly a qualification for the impartial peace broker that Trump suggests his son-in-law could become.

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That Jared Kushner's family foundation supports illegal settlements in the West Bank shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.

There is outright war among Jewish groups over what is good for Israel and what is good for America. You need a score card to keep track these days. The Jewish Federations refused to attend the Conference of Presidents Hanukkah party at a Trump hotel, and so did all the liberal Zionists. The Anti Defamation League is squabbling on its right with Sheldon Adelson's ZOA and on its left with J Street. Jewish Voice for Peace, a non-Zionist group gains prestige and Israel is becoming such a controversial issue that even some Jewish Federations are running away from it. And young Jews of IfNotNow are shaming the leaders.

There's a growing sense among politicians that if a Democrat blows off Haim Saban or if Republicans turn their back on Sheldon Adelson, they can find someone else in the Jewish community.

Now that Trump is telling the Zionists, you can have the West Bank and East Jerusalem, there is going to be open opposition at last from major segments of the Jewish establishment over what is good for American Jews.

This is going to get a lot more interesting.

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Interesting to whom? Don't be snookered by the Israel demonization agenda. The vast majority of American Jews are politically liberal, anti trump bigly, supportive of Israel's right to exist and defend herself, and not supportive of expanding West bank settlements. That is a broad generalization of course but there is less division on that than some people are hyping.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Interesting to whom? Don't be snookered by the Israel demonization agenda. The vast majority of American Jews are politically liberal, anti trump bigly, supportive of Israel's right to exist and defend herself, and not supportive of expanding West bank settlements. That is a broad generalization of course but there is less division on that than some people are hyping.


Interesting to everyone - Jews included - who want to see the radical Zionist influence on American foreign policy ended.

Moderate Israelis and Jews worldwide are beginning to realize that a one-state solution will be the end of Israel as a Jewish majority state and a disaster for Jews everywhere.

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Interesting to everyone - Jews included - who want to see the radical Zionist influence on American foreign policy ended.
Moderate Israelis and Jews worldwide are beginning to realize that a one-state solution will be the end of Israel as a Jewish majority state and a disaster for Jews everywhere.
Dude you're simply spouting leftist talking points. I'm for a two state solution but you're wildly exaggerating things simply to support your agenda without any actual basis in reality.
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