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Thai man who beat woman with a barbell is a suspected murderer


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Thai man who beat woman with a barbell is a suspected murderer



Pictures: Manager Online


BANGKOK: -- A Thai man who beat his girlfriend in a jealous rage is thought to be a wanted murderer from another case.


Officials from the Paweena Foundation for abused women and children were called in by the younger sister of a woman referred to as "Nok", 30.


She had met a man in Bangkok four years ago and they lived together.


He was usually kind to her but when he had a drink his personality changed.


He would beat her but because she loved him he was never reported to police.


But last week the husband, named as Sakchart Kertkaew, 30, escalated the violence. Following an altercation in a Ram Intra restaurant he attacked Nok with a barbell at their home knocking her unconscious, reported Manager Online.


Fortunately a security guard found her and took her to hospital where she is recovering.


Now after investigations by Paweena Hongsakul, the president of the foundation that bears her name, and Bangkok police it has been discovered that Sakchart is wanted for a 2009 murder in Lopburi. 




There is a long standing warrant out for his arrest.


Police said he had fled the couple's condo in Ram Intra and they were trying to track him down.


He had no job and was apparently living on handouts sent from his mother who was working abroad in the Netherlands.


Source: Manager Online

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-12-08
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“He would beat her but because she loved him he was never reported to police.

"He had no job and was apparently living on handouts sent from his mother…”



This guy seems to have lived his life being supported by enablers. He just picked out a woman who was like his mother, who was willing to overlook his bad character flaws. Especially his sense of entitlement by way of being the son in a Thai family. Very typical of most abusive relationships, no matter what the culture. However, it appears to be promoted and more accepted in this part of the world. The sons are untouchable and the daughters pay the price.



Edited by jaltsc
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12 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:



Not changed, emerged. 


Not necessarily.


Alcohol and personality changes



The way a person reacts to alcohol seems to depend on such things as their genetics, constitution, neurological system, and many other imponderable factors.

In contrast to those who are the happy drunks are those who become rageful when they are drinking. How quickly they become rageful also varies according to the same variable factors mentioned above. For some, rage can begin after one drink while for others, it may take many drinks. For those who experience this release of aggression after drinking the speed of the onset of their belligerence may depend on their recent mood and stress level.


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10 hours ago, seahorse said:


Not necessarily.


Alcohol and personality changes



Nope. Going to agree with Bluespunk on this one.

Alcohol brings out your true nature, or at least what you would like it to be without inhibitions.

Your quotation largely points to enablers and to the speed of onset.

Personally I tend to sit in the corner and smile at the silliness of life.


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Just another case of a boy being raised thinking the was special. The normal rules of society do not apply to him, because he was from the half of Thai society that is so far above the other half. And the truth is that the women here are so far superior to most of the men. On so many levels. They keep this country from grinding to a complete halt, on a daily basis. That is what Thai boys need to start hearing, from a very early age. You just do not amount to much at all, until you prove yourself.

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1 hour ago, jaltsc said:

“He would beat her but because she loved him he was never reported to police.

"He had no job and was apparently living on handouts sent from his mother…”



This guy seems to have lived his life being supported by enablers. He just picked out a woman who was like his mother, who was willing to overlook his bad character flaws. Especially his sense of entitlement by way of being the son in a Thai family. Very typical of most abusive relationships, no matter what the culture. However, it appears to be promoted and more accepted in this part of the world. The sons are untouchable and the daughters pay the price.



I wonder if mummy ever even remotely suggested he get off his backside and find a job ?

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9 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Nope. Going to agree with Bluespunk on this one.

Alcohol brings out your true nature, or at least what you would like it to be without inhibitions.

Your quotation largely points to enablers and to the speed of onset.

Personally I tend to sit in the corner and smile at the silliness of life.


I agree. Alcohol brings out the real you. I knew a guy who was too nice and submissive when sober, but would get angry and pick fights when drunk. I told him that he needed to be more assertive when sober. Not in a bad way, but learn to put your foot down and get good at saying no. Unfortunately, not being too bright he couldn't bring himself to adapt. I guess the only smart thing he did was to avoid drinking and especially avoid binge drinking. I don't see him anymore as on the rare occasion he did drink he felt the need to tell me about all the people he'd like to throttle. 


If you really wanna know someone, get drunk with them. 




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26 minutes ago, ezzra said:

This sort of wife, spouse beating is going on a daily bases and everywhere

in huge numbers, 99.9% are not reported, just another day, another

battered woman, will it ever change? not by a long shot.....

I think we are slowly seeing changes. 


Only 50 years ago if the husband beat the wife, it was considered private family business and the Police stayed out of it. Often the woman didn't hold a job and had no place to run to even if she wanted. Social Assistance would just tell the wife and her kids to move back with the husband, and if he would still take her. Even family members would do that and tell her not to say or do things to make her husband so angry. Back then people were so unaware and so uneducated about Husband's Mental and Physical Abuse of his wife, and sometime Sexual Abuse. They all just turned and looked the other way.


I can't say it is the same now 50 years later. Things have improved in every area when it comes to abuse now. People and Family Members are aware of that now, and Police don't just keep a blind eye to this anymore either. Women have Women Shelters to go to now and Social Assistance doesn't force them to go back to an Abusive Home.


So all in all they have come a long way, although we still have a ways to go. Boys still need to be taught not to hit girls and girls still need to learn to report that when he does. But as long as we have stress, alcohol, and drugs, family abuse is never going to go away.  



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Ex muderer and still lose free to score the numbers higher and wonder without job  and a case on him how police still couldn't catch him all these years ? Women being assulted seems to be a regular story here in thsikabd andva very common practice, truly sad and wonder when all these will stop. Violence against women isn't any heroism that guys must understand and believe in it. 

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Just another case of a boy being raised thinking the was special. The normal rules of society do not apply to him, because he was from the half of Thai society that is so far above the other half. And the truth is that the women here are so far superior to most of the men. On so many levels. They keep this country from grinding to a complete halt, on a daily basis. That is what Thai boys need to start hearing, from a very early age. You just do not amount to much at all, until you prove yourself.

Just thinking, that according to the photo taken, he would have found out that there is nothing special with him by a look in the mirror. Just look like another one that grown up still thinking like a teenager after looking a few movies.

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1 hour ago, Nasrullah said:

Why have a dig?......emerged was fine by me......

What I think he was trying to say is changed is the same as emerged which, in this case, it isn't.


To say alcohol changed him into a violent thug is rubbish.


He hid his violent tendencies or at least exhibited control over them while sober.


However that control slipped while drunk, it appears, thus his true nature as a cowardly thug emerged. 


To say emerged and revealed are the same is true, hence the response I gave. 


Why he went into attack mode at that point is a mystery. 

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17 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

What I think he was trying to say is changed is the same as emerged which it isn't.


To say alcohol changed him into a violent thug is rubbish.


He hid his violent tendencies or at least exhibited control over them while sober.


However that control slipped while drunk it appears, thus his true nature as a cowardly thug emerged. 


To say emerged and revealed are the same is true, hence the response I gave. 


Why he went into attack dog mode at that point is a mystery. 

Yes......alcohol does you no favours  when these tendencies lie below the surface...


i think 'silent' woke this morning feeling a little bored.May have felt the need to have a dig   humour at someone.:smile:

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Thai men just can't get a break these days.


Wife-beaters, girlfriend beaters,step-son beaters, tail-gating ganbangers...and that probably covers only half the gamut.


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Thai society could start, by telling boys that if you hit a girl or a woman, you are a pussy. You will reveal yourself to be only half a man, who is most likely impotent, suffering from no self esteem, a coward, a punk, a weakling, and a fool. That kind of message just might get through to a population that seems obsessed with proving their manhood. Real men have nothing to prove. Real men know who they are. Real men treat women with kindness, respect, affection, and tenderness. Half men do not. 

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