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Road rage: Shots fired as Honda Jazz driver takes aim at couple who wouldn't let him push in


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And the person in the red car can not be mature enough ( seldom are they ever mature enough  ) to back off and let the moron in front of them speed off and be done with it ....Jai Yen, Jai Yen

But No ...You clearly see the moron in the red car aggressively chasing after the moron in the white car ...and in effect, you have moron number 1 in the red car aggravating the hell out of moron number 2 in the white car while both morons are making matters all the worse.

Video evidence is conclusive.


Judge Roy Bean, Law West of the Pecos says:

50 Lashes for the both of them for sheer stupidity and moronic behavior and endangering the lives of other citizens in the immediate vicinity leading up to and during the altercation.

Plus, Moron number 1 will have his license revoked for a period of 2 years and the car impounded for 6 months.

Plus, Moron number 2 will have his gun confiscated and pay a fine of 20,000 baht and 1 year in prison while his license will be revoked for 2 years and the car impounded for 6 months.



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51 minutes ago, gemguy said:

And the person in the red car can not be mature enough ( seldom are they ever mature enough  ) to back off and let the moron in front of them speed off and be done with it ....Jai Yen, Jai Yen

But No ...You clearly see the moron in the red car aggressively chasing after the moron in the white car ...and in effect, you have moron number 1 in the red car aggravating the hell out of moron number 2 in the white car while both morons are making matters all the worse.

Video evidence is conclusive.


Judge Roy Bean, Law West of the Pecos says:

50 Lashes for the both of them for sheer stupidity and moronic behavior and endangering the lives of other citizens in the immediate vicinity leading up to and during the altercation.

Plus, Moron number 1 will have his license revoked for a period of 2 years and the car impounded for 6 months.

Plus, Moron number 2 will have his gun confiscated and pay a fine of 20,000 baht and 1 year in prison while his license will be revoked for 2 years and the car impounded for 6 months.



Licence and impoundment after release from the slammer.

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What happened prior to the start of this video to promote a 'race' between both cars?

Both drivers were acting very poorly, though it seems common on Thai roads.

I am not condoning the use of a weapon being used, though it looks like the 'video taker' driver was instigating a response.

If the Honda driver was doing something wrong on the road, then send the film in to the police, don't act just as stupid and then cry wrong doing.

2 wrongs are portrayed here, the worst is the use of a firearm, the other is bad driving from both parties.

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11 hours ago, fruitman said:


The gun sticking out of the car is not the same as the bb-gun on the desk, it's much shorter...he had all the time to swap it though.


I would like to see a pic of that lady who says "uehhhhh" when he rams his car into the Jazz....she likes her driver doing it because that's the right thing to do (if you're Thai).

my thoughts exactly, he might have switched guns......?!?!

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10 hours ago, DM07 said:

It's just Thais being Thais!

No need to read the story anymore!


Very Likely, a Little Fellow waving a BIG GUN around, to compensate for an inadequacy in his panties.

Chances are the poor little chap also fires BLANKS. 

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Living here for 10 years, I will never ever understand the Thai mentality of "not letting you in"....never ever, even if it takes them longer! Unfortunately, I have adopted their approach and just take the view, "stop or we will collide, cos I ain't stopping"....not been shot at.....yet!

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21 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Ahh, the old pushing-in-and-throwing-a-tantrum-when-you-don't get-your-way trick. Happens everywhere but they have it down pat here. :wink:

Another wacko,lock him up and throw away the key!

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When I was growing up, my mother and father always told me how special I was. When I asked them what was so special about me, they always said you are a boy. Boys are special. Boys are great. You will not have to prove yourself. Very little will be asked of you in this lifetime, as you are the chosen gender. You are chosen one. Kids only have to be told that kind of drivel for so long, before they start believing it. Just another case of a boy being raised thinking the was special. The normal rules of society do not apply to him, because he was from the half of Thai society that is so far above the other half. And the truth is that the women here are so far superior to most of the men. On so many levels. They keep this country from grinding to a complete halt, on a daily basis. That is what Thai boys need to start hearing, from a very early age. You just do not amount to much at all, until you prove yourself.


I cannot believe that man would not let me cut in front of him. Why doesn't he realize how special I am?

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16 hours ago, diehard60 said:

This is because:

1. The average Thai has no driving edicate.

2. They have no real drivers training.

3. They have no respect for anyone else on the road.

4. They have no respect for themselves

5. They have no respect for the Thai Police.

Also.....you forgot the : Monkey See, Monkey Do factor that more or less sets the precedent that forms their attitude and mentality about driving and therefore their driving conduct seen and witnessed on the roads and highways throughout the nation.

I watch them and their driving antics all the time...... from my vantage point in the back of the taxi.....lol....as I would never want to drive myself here in Thailand.


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On 12/10/2016 at 9:46 AM, gemguy said:

Also.....you forgot the : Monkey See, Monkey Do factor that more or less sets the precedent that forms their attitude and mentality about driving and therefore their driving conduct seen and witnessed on the roads and highways throughout the nation.

I watch them and their driving antics all the time...... from my vantage point in the back of the taxi.....lol....as I would never want to drive myself here in Thailand.


By riding shot gun or in the back seat of a taxi you will never understand Thai drivers. Sorry my friend. 

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1 hour ago, diehard60 said:

By riding shot gun or in the back seat of a taxi you will never understand Thai drivers. Sorry my friend.

You are entitled to your opinion ..even if it is wrong and small minded....lol

35 years coming to Thailand and 28 years living in Thailand makes me more than qualified after seeing and observing and or witnessing exactly how the Thais drive and how they conduct themselves on the roads and their attitudes and mentalities having witnessed all of it on a everyday basis.

Does not matter if you are passenger or driver, you see and witness the same or similar things ......just seen in different places and different times ...unless I am a passenger with you then we would witness the same things in the same places at the same time.

As a matter of fact if you are a passenger you have all the more opportunity to look around all over the place and witness things that you as a driver would not witness as you should be totally focused and focused specifically on "Your Safe Driving Conduct"......and  "Your Defensive Driving Conduct" ...rather than be sightseeing and gawking at the pretty girls, style of driving conduct...lol

When I am in the back seat of a Taxi I can be looking around at anything I want and

look all around myself ..360 degrees...and look at far more than you can and witness events that you would be missing ...that is if you are watching what you are doing and not watching some side show attraction while diverting your attentions where they should not be...including talking and texting on your cell phone, which I have no doubt that you do commonly operate when you are driving while also looking at the pretty girls while driving....I easily surmise.....hmmmmm.......

You could, eventually,  be amongst many that have an accident because you were looking at something other than looking ahead and minding your driving...such as gawking at an accident while passing by an accident that was cause by some guy gawking at some girl(s) and caused an accident....if you can comprehend that scenario.

Anyhow, You are wrong....but I am not sorry you are wrong...lol


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On 12/8/2016 at 0:07 PM, trogers said:

King Solomon would had solved this problem in a blink. Sentence both drivers to a downgrade of driving licence - 10 years permit to drive only bullock carts...

The 2 drivers would have been driving again soon, without licences.

That is why King Solomon kept to domestic law.



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13 minutes ago, Travel2003 said:

The 2 drivers would have been driving again soon, without licences.

That is why King Solomon kept to domestic law.




Driving without a valid license - a very serious offence in the eyes of the Thai justice system... ?


If the case would even reach the justice system, or ended up as tea...

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3 hours ago, Travel2003 said:

The 2 drivers would have been driving again soon, without licences.

That is why King Solomon kept to domestic law.



Yes....and wildly driving their bullock carts like men possessed with one of them "shooting arrows"  in the sky as a warning to back off and allow his bullock into the fast lane.



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