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I 'm asking for the demolitiom of Waterfront building


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This building is a danger and put people in danger. There are just too many workers, cars, tourist... around it.

It has a crane on top and it will fall one day. The whole building could collapse like the 911 World Trade Center

This building is useless and ugly so why keep it? Sorry if a topic has already been created, just saw it too late

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Yeah, good luck pattaylover ...


I have been watching "them" to try to fix flooding for the last 22 years, wich affects everybody in pattaya !


And we all know how successful they have been with that ...


So why should they take down a building ? Unless some HiSo Thai gets hurt by it, nothing will happen ...





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If they ever finish it, it will be a beautiful building and one of the few in Pattaya that has any architecture going for it.  If they ever finish it, it will be a landmark and Pattaya's 'signature' building--which every city should have.   I realize my opinion will probably be in the minority but that's ok.  History shows that some buildings and structures that have ended up as landmarks were disliked at first by some and that's the case here, too.  What's intolerable is the indecision going on regarding the building--just ridiculous.

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