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What do you do here that you'd never (probably never) do back home?


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On 12/11/2016 at 9:41 AM, 4MyEgo said:


1) It works both ways, you are also adding value (BIG TIME) to her life, never forget that


2) When the going gets tough, remember who is boss, never allow a female to tell you otherwise, you are BOSS !


3) Loads of fish in the sea, and she must always know that when she raises her head to strike 555

I think I must have jinxed myself in writing that.  A few days ago I would have described a fairy tale.  Today she's having a strop.  She 'says' it's because I drink beer too much.  That I interpret as 'too often', not too much, as I'm a lightweight compared to many.

I did some introspection and thought...well I did have one more that night (1, not 2 or 3), and I did speak a little loud to a particular farang that was w'nkered and I told him I didn't want to interact with him for 24 hours after which I would have had time to let his obnoxious behaviour blow over, but that was all.  I wondered if the issues were about rag week, but then it occurred to me it was each time someone else did something (there was another one swearing about Thais and Buddhism and I asked him to back off with his rant, and posed a couple of counter claims to give him a way out), then it dawned on me that she was losing face each time (as she perceived things), and her saying too much beer really means she doesn't like the company I was keeping and was bored sitting with a bunch of old farangs drinking and mouthing off.  It's not the best pass time of course, but it's the only social interaction I get so when I'm there I drink beer.  If I stayed home I wouldn't drink anything, but I still wouldn't have any quality time since conversations usually involve interrupting a game on her phone or making it last more than 3 minutes and giving her a headache making her think a little.


She's with the rellos at the moment as Grandpa is in hospital and she thinks she has to take care of me when I'm quite capable of doing everything myself, but I guess she has that issue of needing to be needed and everything would collapse if she's not there (which is true of the village responsibilities, but not here).

Anyhow, thanks for the reminder.  That would have been standard fare for me 15 years ago when I had to actually work for the attention of the fairer kind.  Game being somewhat different here I've got lax and need to check the ropes before it goes adrift.

Direct talk doesn't work so well with Thais unless it's full on confrontation, so I'll have to dream up a couple of hints to get her to put herself back in line rather than me kicking her heals back over the line.

Thank you once again for the no nonsense approach.  You don't get much of that to the baht these days.

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Make love to a man. Not appealing back home but some of the ladyboys who've had the snip and adams apple removed are near impossible to tell what gender they are. So I must have crossed the line somewhere since being here. Does that bother me. No, its 2017 not 1817 its the way of the modern world we live in. I think in another 20 years we'll be having sex with robots. Live today, not tomorrow.

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At home I used to give my collars and cuffs a quick doing before putting them in the machine, here it's the collars and armpits. And there are other things but I would rather not say even on an anonymous internet forum.

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Pay to have my laundry done. Eat out every meal. Ride a motorbike. Get a massage. Drink a beer outside of a restaurant or private residence (probably be jailed 5 years and given mandatory alcohol therapy). Watch what I say about some political subject. Eat various strange foods. See an elephant chained by the side of the road and drive by without stopping.

Listen to "country" music.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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9 minutes ago, grollies said:
On 1/5/2560 at 3:42 PM, anotheruser said:

Have a completely over inflated sense of my own self worth, even when I am sober. 

'Over inflated' should be hyphenated thus:




And I'm sober

In any case, the 'over' is redundant..

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5 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

I wouldn't be able to pick at other people's grammar back home but people seem to do so here. :)

I haven't got a clue what any of that meant.


My Latin mistress would be turning in her grave.

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