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I am married to a Thai. I get my non O (single entry) in Vientianne. I show them marriage paper and get the visa next day. At the Thai border they give me 3 months. After 3 months I went to suan plu and apply for an 1 year extension. This is now 7 months ago and still not got any extension. First I have to wait for a police visit, then find someone who will confirm that we live together. We don't know anybody in this city so I went to a doctor and offer him whiskey and money for go to the policestation and confirm that we stayed together. Last time I went to suan plu (I have to go every 30 days until I get the extension) they gave me a paper and told me to give it to policestation. The police say they forget my paper and will send the paper to Immigration soon.

In one of the topic it's written that I can do the 90day report by post.

The immigration officer said I have to bring my wife and report together every 90 days(after I get extension). We want to travel around in Thailand and not settle down somewhere for long time. I am a little f##### up about all this visa, reporting, police etc. My Q is:

If I leave Thailand and broke my extension, can I went to eks Vientianne or Penang, show my marriage paper and get a non O visa every 3 month and then not have to extend or report. Just leave every 3 months get a new non O and go back to Thailand?

I see in one of the latest topic, that after 3 touristvisa you must leave Thailand for six moths. What about if you leave every months and return after five minute for another 30 day?

Best regards


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Don't know what they would think of you asking for a 3 month visa every 3 months but it could probably be done.

Do you have money in bank here/income from overseas or a job/work permit per extension requirements? They do not normally take more than a couple of months if all is in order. If you had a bank deposit and then used it that might be the reason for delay.

Believe there may have been a misunderstanding on the 90 day report as that can be done by mail or giving passport/form to someone else and your wife does not have to do anything. They may have understood you to be asking about extension each year; which does require your wife to be with you.

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My income is about 60k transfer to my ThaiBank monthly from my governments health insurancefund. This have been done regular about 6 years now and I also

have money in my bank enough to retired, but not 50 yet.

I understood that my wife have to go with me to immigration and report every 90days or does she only have to come with me when I apply for new extension?

I get confused when I talk with "farangs", allways different answerd, but more confused when I asked in Immigration. Nongkhai gave me one answer, suan phlu another one, and every officer have their own "rules".

Thats why I feel it is more easy if I can do it my way.


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You should only need wife with you when you apply for extension of stay (tm7). For the 90 day address report you can report yourself, have someone take passport/form to immigration or use the mail (detailed list of what is needed can be obtained from reporting room 401).

Believe you should already have made a few reports if your extension has been ongoing for 7 months and you have not crossed a border (filled out tm6) in that period. There is a fine of up to 5,000 baht for late reporting and if late you have to do yourself. I would try to get everything in order and ask if they know of any reason it is taking so long to approve. It probably is that local police report they are waiting on but they may not say anything until asked. I would also bring a handful of photos together in your home as that may also help.

I would not try to go back to visa runs if you can avoid it.

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