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Are you guilty if your friend commit crime?


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7 hours ago, Docno said:

Are there really any cases like this in modern Britain?? I can imagine that if a group of armed men goes to a place to rob it (for example) and one of them kills a person, that the others will be attributed some degree of legal responsibility for the death. But if I happen to be sitting at a bar with a group of friends and one of them gets into a fight with a stranger who dies during that fight (let's say, by shooting), I can't see how I would be in any way responsible for that outcome. And I can't see how a developed country like Britain would hold me responsible in this day and age...

There are quite a few cases like this in Britain. Each case will obviously be tried on it's own merit but IIRC there was an appeal recently where someone was locked up in similar circumstances and the appeal failed. The scenario you give,i'm sure wouldn't end up with you going to jail, but if you hang around with people who carry knives and guns and someone eventually gets murdered then you will be deemed culpable just as the perpetrator is, and rightly so. Know your friends and keep away from gangsters.

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1 minute ago, sotonowl said:

There are quite a few cases like this in Britain. Each case will obviously be tried on it's own merit but IIRC there was an appeal recently where someone was locked up in similar circumstances and the appeal failed. The scenario you give,i'm sure wouldn't end up with you going to jail, but if you hang around with people who carry knives and guns and someone eventually gets murdered then you will be deemed culpable just as the perpetrator is, and rightly so. Know your friends and keep away from gangsters.

Sorry just seen the bit about the shooting in your post, yep, you're going down as well, don't hang around with people who carry guns.

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12 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Given they've been convicted, why would they need a lawyer? I'd say they've already been assisted in that regard.  He's only asking two questions in relation to Thai law, not about lawyers. :wai:


I read this and formed an opinion based on the context in witch it was written:


On 12/12/2016 at 10:03 PM, Kvanting said:

Now, everyone in the group are convicted to pay 400 000 THB each or serve 10 years in prison.


You probably know more than me about Thai Law, but that statement ^^ does not sound like a 'conviction' it sounds like a settlement option offered under a threat of 10 years. 


To me thats not a conviction at all. Hasn't even been decided by a court. Its an offer to make it go away. 


Personally, 400k sounds like a steal, but I would still advise anyone to lawyer up & shut up. "Friend" or not. 


I may be completely wrong as well. Its just what I interpreted. 

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8 hours ago, Strange said:


I read this and formed an opinion based on the context in witch it was written:



You probably know more than me about Thai Law, but that statement ^^ does not sound like a 'conviction' it sounds like a settlement option offered under a threat of 10 years. 


To me thats not a conviction at all. Hasn't even been decided by a court. Its an offer to make it go away. 


Personally, 400k sounds like a steal, but I would still advise anyone to lawyer up & shut up. "Friend" or not. 


I may be completely wrong as well. Its just what I interpreted. 



I may be wrong in my interpretation, however, I based it on the content of his post where he indicated that everyone was convicted, which suggests that the group was found guilty of a criminal offence.   


As I found the post to be somewhat ambiguous my initial response was to outline the possible charge applicable for a group involved in the crime of murder, which, together with a couple of other questions, is what he was querying, as well as the penalties that apply.


When noting the amount he indicated, B400k each, and the gaol time involved, which bears no similarity to the penalties that could be imposed I also asked if he got it mixed up;  was someone exaggerating or if what he alleged actually occurred.


Given that he has only responded once in some three (3) days to over thirty four(34) posts, I am now starting to doubt the legitimacy of the post.  Despite a number of the responses bearing no relevance to what he was asking, one would think, if he was legitimately concerned, then he would come back and at least clarify the situation, given that others had the courtesy to respond.  I hope I am not being too harsh but it does need some clarification. :wai:





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This is a form of "Joint Enterprise" which had legal forms in both the UK and the US and yes in the scenario you provide someone could be found guilty just by being present. Its a very grey law that many believe fringes into stepping on people's human rights but it also has its supporters. There are probably some high profile cases you could find on line for comparison, I believe it has been significantly reviewed in recent years and may even have been dropped in some places.

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On 12/13/2016 at 2:58 PM, Berkshire said:


Do you carry around a gun while in Thailand?  Do you know anyone who does?  I don't, on both counts. 


Exactly.  Plus, if the OP is hanging out with people who "happen to kill people," I think it's safe to say he's hanging out with the wrong people.

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On 12/13/2016 at 4:17 AM, manarak said:


I can only speculate your young friend may have been in one of these aggressive groups of students in Bangkok who think the city is a battleground where they must fight students from other universities.

In that case, he might be charged with "being a member of a criminal group/organization" - and if my speculation is accurate, I would support such a charge. Students should walk away from such dangerous groups.


True, and on the other hand, IMHO, students who are always looking, in gangs, to start violence and often violence against other innocent passive students and innocent bystanders (e.g. other bus passengers) and often carry guns and big knives etc., create, by their own actions and decisions a distinct and unacceptable sector of society and should be subject to severe but slidng scale punishments, and more severe in terms of those actually proven responsible for serious injuries, death etc.  


There's an interesting argument whether those in the these gangs who without hesitation start violence,who are proven to be involved in incidents but not convicted or causing injury or death, should also be punished. 

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