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Prosecutors ask judge to allow Cosby's accusers to testify


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Prosecutors ask judge to allow Cosby's accusers to testify



NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) — Bill Cosby used his fame to gain the trust of women before knocking them out with pills and drinks so he could sexually assault them, prosecutors argued Tuesday as they sought to persuade a judge to allow 13 of his accusers to testify in his upcoming sexual assault trial.


Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele told a judge he wants the accusers' testimony to show Cosby had a lengthy history of drugging and molesting young women.


"The defendant has engaged, over the course of decades, in a signature pattern of non-consensual sexual assaults on young women who were in an unconscious state due to an intoxicant that the defendant administered to them," Steele argued.


Cosby, who is 79 and has been married for decades, is charged with sexually assaulting a woman at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004.


His lawyers want the accusers barred from taking the stand at his spring trial. The defense is expected to attack the women's credibility and relevance when his lawyers make their arguments on Wednesday.


Judge Steven O'Neill must decide whether to permit all or some of the women to testify under a state law that allows prosecutors to call witnesses of alleged prior bad acts. The accusers include onetime aspiring actresses, a cocktail waitress and a flight attendant and are among 50 women who have come forward with accusations against Cosby since prosecutors reopened the 2004 case last year.


The hearing was testy from the start, with the judge twice warning the lawyers to maintain decorum after courtroom shouting matches that centered on the defense team's practice of publicizing the names of the accusers.


Steele clashed with Cosby lawyer Brian McMonagle over the defense's insistence on identifying accusers by name in public documents and a court hearing. Steele suggested Cosby's lawyers were publicizing them in an attempt to intimidate the women.


McMonagle said many of the women had already gone public with their allegations.


"These are witnesses in a trial," he argued. "They are not children."


The judge ultimately ruled Cosby's lawyers could identify 11 of the women by name since they'd already told their stories publicly. He said two of the women have remained out of the spotlight and shouldn't be identified in court.


Later, Steele blew up at the defense over the positioning of a projection screen, saying Cosby's lawyers had it placed so the women's names would be seen by dozens of reporters in the courtroom gallery. McMonagle said courtroom staff positioned the screen, but he agreed to remove accusers' names from a planned presentation.


The judge said he'd be forced to call in sheriff's deputies if the lawyers couldn't behave.


The case began a decade ago when Temple University employee Andrea Constand filed a police complaint against Cosby, her friend and mentor, over an encounter at his home. A prosecutor at the time declined to file charges.


But authorities reopened the case last year after scores of women raised similar accusations and after Cosby's damaging deposition testimony from Constand's lawsuit became public. The judge last week said the deposition was fair game at trial, arming prosecutors with Cosby's testimony about his affairs with young women, his use of quaaludes as a seduction tool and his version of the sexual encounter with Constand the night in question.


The judge must walk a fine line in weighing the accusers' testimony, given a 2015 state Supreme Court ruling that threw out a Roman Catholic Church official's child endangerment conviction because the Philadelphia trial judge let too many priest abuse victims testify about the alleged church cover-up.


The defense has questioned the women's motivation, noting many are clients of celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, who has suggested Cosby should put up a $100 million settlement fund for potential sexual assault and defamation claims.


Allred said last week her clients have a duty to testify if the court wants to hear from them. She called the defense's dismissal of their accounts "out of context or just plain wrong."


Cosby, once known as America's Dad for his top-rated family sitcom, "The Cosby Show," which ran from 1984 to 1992, was noticeably more engaged and animated Tuesday than at previous hearings.


Unsolicited, he blurted out "1937" and then shouted "July 12!" when the judge asked the lawyers for his date of birth.

He chimed in again a few minutes later when the judge and the lawyers were trying to figure out the location of a hotel mentioned by one accuser.


"The Drake is in Chicago," Cosby interjected.


Cosby greeted security officers with a joke before Tuesday's hearing, quipping, "Don't tase me, bro," as they wanded him on his way into court.


The AP doesn't typically identify people who say they're victims of sexual assault unless they have come forward publicly, as Constand has done.

-- © Associated Press 2016-12-14
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37 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

would think a guy with that much cash could just pay for it. Dr huxtable must have been careful administering the durgs as there were no reported overdoses.

Its all about the power over the woman, He would get no pleasure from consensual sex.

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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

hard to really understand. i like to get some action without much effort and then not have any problems after. cosby seems to prefer the opposite.

Most rapists do it for the power high they get, nothing to do with money or risks of problems. I like you like it easy, convienent, and risk free.

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20 hours ago, Grubster said:

Its all about the power over the woman, He would get no pleasure from consensual sex.


Put away your Penguin Freud. If he drugged them, there would be no power involved at all - any more than having sex with a blow-up doll.

It was just for relaxation, because a lot of people are uptight about sex. Alcohol is the normal expedient in such situations, as all responsible adults know. Quaaludes presumably work even better.

In any sexual situation there comes a point when you identify  compliance. This can be extremely subtle. It can't be judged years later by anyone who wasn't in the room, especially when society's mores and attitudes have changed in the meantime.

These women are just pitching for a settlement from a super-rich guy. If they had a complaint they should have made it at the time. They weren't children. All these cases should be kicked out.

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1 hour ago, ddavidovsky said:


Put away your Penguin Freud. If he drugged them, there would be no power involved at all - any more than having sex with a blow-up doll.

It was just for relaxation, because a lot of people are uptight about sex. Alcohol is the normal expedient in such situations, as all responsible adults know. Quaaludes presumably work even better.

In any sexual situation there comes a point when you identify  compliance. This can be extremely subtle. It can't be judged years later by anyone who wasn't in the room, especially when society's mores and attitudes have changed in the meantime.

These women are just pitching for a settlement from a super-rich guy. If they had a complaint they should have made it at the time. They weren't children. All these cases should be kicked out.

If Cosby can't get Trump for a character witness, he should ask for you.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

If Cosby can't get Trump for a character witness, he should ask for you.


And for a character assassination, I guess you're the man.


Why assume the worst? Human nature alone can paint the picture: he identified compliance (which could be a word, a glance, a bit of body language - not to mention the fact that they were in an intimate situation in his home and in hotel rooms) then he made with the relaxation technique. He is rich and famous - why would he need to do otherwise?


This won't get far. The courts are well familiar with retributive guilt and sexual blackmail by women.

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3 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:


Put away your Penguin Freud. If he drugged them, there would be no power involved at all - any more than having sex with a blow-up doll.

It was just for relaxation, because a lot of people are uptight about sex. Alcohol is the normal expedient in such situations, as all responsible adults know. Quaaludes presumably work even better.

In any sexual situation there comes a point when you identify  compliance. This can be extremely subtle. It can't be judged years later by anyone who wasn't in the room, especially when society's mores and attitudes have changed in the meantime.

These women are just pitching for a settlement from a super-rich guy. If they had a complaint they should have made it at the time. They weren't children. All these cases should be kicked out.

Sorry you are wrong, way wrong.  Are you so sure that if it had happened to you, that you would have jumped up to accuse a very popular, rich and prominent man, who you know will make a fool of you with the best attorneys money can buy on a world wide stage. These perpetrators knew they could rely on their fame and fortune to keep there victims silent.  So you think all the priests were innocent too?

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Nobody says anything for years until one woman speaks up and Cosby pays her huge money to keep her mouth closed. Then they all come flying out of the wood work. 


These woman may have legitimate claims against Crosby. I don't know. But if that is the case they should have spoke up years ago and not when money starting floating around.


Personally I think there credibility is ruined because of that. Didn't bother them enough to speak up about when it happened but sure does 30 years later when the smell of money roles into the picture, is hard to accept or believe. 

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9 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:


Put away your Penguin Freud. If he drugged them, there would be no power involved at all - any more than having sex with a blow-up doll.

It was just for relaxation, because a lot of people are uptight about sex. Alcohol is the normal expedient in such situations, as all responsible adults know. Quaaludes presumably work even better.

In any sexual situation there comes a point when you identify  compliance. This can be extremely subtle. It can't be judged years later by anyone who wasn't in the room, especially when society's mores and attitudes have changed in the meantime.

These women are just pitching for a settlement from a super-rich guy. If they had a complaint they should have made it at the time. They weren't children. All these cases should be kicked out.

At last! Someone who I agree with on this subject. You took the words right out of my mouth. 

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5 hours ago, Grubster said:

Sorry you are wrong, way wrong.  Are you so sure that if it had happened to you, that you would have jumped up to accuse a very popular, rich and prominent man, who you know will make a fool of you with the best attorneys money can buy on a world wide stage. These perpetrators knew they could rely on their fame and fortune to keep there victims silent.  So you think all the priests were innocent too?

If that is the case then why speak up now? Cosby is just as rich (or richer) and famous like before. Or does paying off one of his accuser with big money have anything to do with that?

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32 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Nobody says anything for years until one woman speaks up and Cosby pays her huge money to keep her mouth closed. Then they all come flying out of the wood work. 


These woman may have legitimate claims against Crosby. I don't know. But if that is the case they should have spoke up years ago and not when money starting floating around.


Personally I think there credibility is ruined because of that. Didn't bother them enough to speak up about when it happened but sure does 30 years later when the smell of money roles into the picture, is hard to accept or believe. 

I have the same misgivings, but its possible that the women thought they wouldn't be believed at the time as he was a rich and popular celebrity.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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11 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

I have the same misgivings, but its possible that the women thought they wouldn't be believed at the time as he was a rich and popular celebrity.

I would agree with you if things have changed since then, so my question would be what has changed? He can still get the best lawyers money can buy verse them with no money. He still carries a lot of power and wealth. 


Like somebody pointed out already when this took place they were not children. They were adults! They went to a married man's house or hotel alone dressed to the nines and agree to have drinks with him. What did they expect would or could happen? Maybe getting drugged wasn't in there plan. But whatever did happen it was not enough for them to go to the police and report it at this time.


An 18 year old woman named Desiree Washington went to the Police right away about a rape charge with Mike Tyson. She had no worries or problems doing that even with his power and wealth. To be honest I would have been a lot more afraid of Mike Tyson then I would be of Bill Cosby. Who packs a bigger punch here?  


I am sorry but I just don't buy this we were too afraid to speak up before. Before what? Before he paid off one of his accuser which is the only thing I can see that changed. Because then they could now get a lawyer to work pro bono and go after his money on a commission basis. . 

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7 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I would agree with you if things have changed since then, so my question would be what has changed? He can still get the best lawyers money can buy verse them with no money. He still carries a lot of power and wealth. 


Like somebody pointed out already when this took place they were not children. They were adults! They went to a married man's house or hotel alone dressed to the nines and agree to have drinks with him. What did they expect would or could happen? Maybe getting drugged wasn't in there plan. But whatever did happen it was not enough for them to go to the police and report it at this time.


An 18 year old woman named Desiree Washington went to the Police right away about a rape charge with Mike Tyson. She had no worries or problems doing that even with his power and wealth. To be honest I would have been a lot more afraid of Mike Tyson then I would be of Bill Cosby. Who packs a bigger punch here?  


I am sorry but I just don't buy this we were too afraid to speak up before. Before what? Before he paid off one of his accuser which is the only thing I can see that changed. Because then they could now get a lawyer to work pro bono and go after his money on a commission basis. . 

I agree.  Hard not to be suspicious about motives when people only complain after they've heard about someone else getting a lot of money as a result of their accusation.

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28 minutes ago, Credo said:

I always find it interesting when something bad happens to someone how it always seems to be their own fault.   It's not.   The point of this whole thing is about whether he is guilty or not.   


This whole think is about getting some easy money from a wealthy man and lawyers who are willing to work for you for free to help you get that. 

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5 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I would agree with you if things have changed since then, so my question would be what has changed? He can still get the best lawyers money can buy verse them with no money. He still carries a lot of power and wealth. 


Like somebody pointed out already when this took place they were not children. They were adults! They went to a married man's house or hotel alone dressed to the nines and agree to have drinks with him. What did they expect would or could happen? Maybe getting drugged wasn't in there plan. But whatever did happen it was not enough for them to go to the police and report it at this time.


An 18 year old woman named Desiree Washington went to the Police right away about a rape charge with Mike Tyson. She had no worries or problems doing that even with his power and wealth. To be honest I would have been a lot more afraid of Mike Tyson then I would be of Bill Cosby. Who packs a bigger punch here?  


I am sorry but I just don't buy this we were too afraid to speak up before. Before what? Before he paid off one of his accuser which is the only thing I can see that changed. Because then they could now get a lawyer to work pro bono and go after his money on a commission basis. . 

"Maybe getting drugged wasn't in there plan. " (sic)


Which part of unknowingly being doped with a stupefying drug to enable sex being wrong don't you understand?

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10 hours ago, halloween said:

"Maybe getting drugged wasn't in there plan. " (sic)


Which part of unknowingly being doped with a stupefying drug to enable sex being wrong don't you understand?

What proof do you have that she was an unwilling participant in taking drugs and having sex, or even being unconscious at the time to not make her own decision? Because she said so some 25 or 30 years later after this event and the cat is out of the bag after one woman made this claim and walked away with a lot of free money from Cosby?  


These were all mature women at the time! What we know for sure is that nobody held a gun to their heads and forced them to go their, or forced them to do anything. But totally on their own free will they went to a married man's house, or hotel room, knowing full well his wife was not there, dressed to the nines and drank alcohol with him, and perhaps even took drugs with him later on to. What did they expect would happen next? They would sit down and play Parcheesi or Checkers?


Maybe Cosby tricked them into believing they were going to get a lot more out of him at this time then they got, and later disappointed nothing came of this other than a one night stand. Gosh! I wonder how many men are out there that lied trying to get into a woman's pants before?


If you are going to lock up every man for having sex with a woman who was not in her full senses due to being on a drug,  then heaven forbid if you were ever with a woman who was having a drink of alcohol and in which you had sex with her later. If they did that there wouldn't be enough men walking around today and out of jail to repopulate the planet. 

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23 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

If that is the case then why speak up now? Cosby is just as rich (or richer) and famous like before. Or does paying off one of his accuser with big money have anything to do with that?

I'm sorry obviously all these lady's made up these story's . Good luck in life. Bye.

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11 hours ago, Grubster said:

I'm sorry obviously all these lady's made up these story's . Good luck in life. Bye.

Well, they have had 25 or 30 years time to do it. 


Let's face it! Bill Cosby was unfaithful to his wife. Even he admits that. Being rich and famous he probably could and did sleep with a lot of different women during his career and life-time. Being in a position where he could make a movie star overnight I am sure also gave him a lot of power over women.


If you want to be a movie star lets go to the casting couch first. I wonder how many Producers and Directors used that line? Or how many movie stars this has actually happened to, if not all. Perhaps not an ethical way of doing business but I am sure it still goes on today. I also wonder how many women slept with there boss or co-worker to try and get ahead in there job and life.


Can all these women now cry rape 25 to  30 years later because they didn't get what was promised or didn't get ahead like they thought they would? Or now see a possibility they can sue these people and walk away with a lot of free cash? So I really don't see this being much different than that.


These women were all adult women. Nobody forced them to go there or have sex with anyone. But they all willingly went to a married man's house or hotel room, knowingly without his wife being present, dressed to the nines, and all sat and willingly had drinks with him. None of them claim that Cosby forced them to have sex. None got pregnant. They only claim they were drugged and incapacitated and therefore unable to make their own decision and thus an unwilling sex partner. 


I am sorry but to me an unwilling partner is one who would not go their in the first place. Who is forced in the room by knife or at gun point. Who does not dress in a sexy dress first before she goes their and on purpose or willingly drinks alcohol with her rapist first. Rapes like this do happen. All that I am saying is that you are going to have one hell of a time trying to prove it to a jury.     .  

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1 hour ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Well, they have had 25 or 30 years time to do it. 


Let's face it! Bill Cosby was unfaithful to his wife. Even he admits that. Being rich and famous he probably could and did sleep with a lot of different women during his career and life-time. Being in a position where he could make a movie star overnight I am sure also gave him a lot of power over women.


If you want to be a movie star lets go to the casting couch first. I wonder how many Producers and Directors used that line? Or how many movie stars this has actually happened to, if not all. Perhaps not an ethical way of doing business but I am sure it still goes on today. I also wonder how many women slept with there boss or co-worker to try and get ahead in there job and life.


Can all these women now cry rape 25 to  30 years later because they didn't get what was promised or didn't get ahead like they thought they would? Or now see a possibility they can sue these people and walk away with a lot of free cash? So I really don't see this being much different than that.


These women were all adult women. Nobody forced them to go there or have sex with anyone. But they all willingly went to a married man's house or hotel room, knowingly without his wife being present, dressed to the nines, and all sat and willingly had drinks with him. None of them claim that Cosby forced them to have sex. None got pregnant. They only claim they were drugged and incapacitated and therefore unable to make their own decision and thus an unwilling sex partner. 


I am sorry but to me an unwilling partner is one who would not go their in the first place. Who is forced in the room by knife or at gun point. Who does not dress in a sexy dress first before she goes their and on purpose or willingly drinks alcohol with her rapist first. Rapes like this do happen. All that I am saying is that you are going to have one hell of a time trying to prove it to a jury.     .  

No you are saying much more than that, you are blaming the victim plain and simple, I am not saying some women haven't done this for money but many of these women do not need any money. Why would they do this.  Yes women and men sleep with their bosses for personal gain, what does that have to do with rape? If your dentist raped your wife while under than maybe I could tell you it was your wives fault for being good looking? You are very correct that it is nearly impossible to prove this type of rape.  

           You are also saying that any woman that enters a mans office or home alone should know that she is now a willing sex partner. After all why would they be there if not for sex.

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1 hour ago, Grubster said:

No you are saying much more than that, you are blaming the victim plain and simple, I am not saying some women haven't done this for money but many of these women do not need any money. Why would they do this.  Yes women and men sleep with their bosses for personal gain, what does that have to do with rape? If your dentist raped your wife while under than maybe I could tell you it was your wives fault for being good looking? You are very correct that it is nearly impossible to prove this type of rape.  

           You are also saying that any woman that enters a mans office or home alone should know that she is now a willing sex partner. After all why would they be there if not for sex.


Victims should be blamed when they are to blame, which is to say when they are not really victims except of their own weaknesses.


To encourage anyone who makes wrong choices, and regrets it, to pursue litigious sympathy-seeking is to relinquish all adults of any sense of responsibility for their own actions.

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7 hours ago, Grubster said:

No you are saying much more than that, you are blaming the victim plain and simple, I am not saying some women haven't done this for money but many of these women do not need any money. Why would they do this.  Yes women and men sleep with their bosses for personal gain, what does that have to do with rape? If your dentist raped your wife while under than maybe I could tell you it was your wives fault for being good looking? You are very correct that it is nearly impossible to prove this type of rape.  

           You are also saying that any woman that enters a mans office or home alone should know that she is now a willing sex partner. After all why would they be there if not for sex.

If my wife went to a married Dentist Man's House or Hotel Room in a sexy dress, knowing full well that his wife wasn't home, and sat and had alcoholic drinks with him, or took drugs with him, you bet I would ask her a few questioned about it. Wouldn't you? So your scenario of her being in a Dentist Chair and being drugged, or walking into some office, is not near the same as this. 


I am not blaming these so called Victims or the Accused, because to be honest I am not even sure a crime was committed here. You on the other hand are sure one has. The way I see it and as it stands now, it is Cosby's word against theirs. He has a motive to lie but so do they. So since there was no witnesses, and neither can be believed, then you have to look at the next part.


In order to even have a rape charge you need an unwilling partner. What actions do you see from these women leading up to this so called crime that have you totally convinced you that they were unwilling, including even taking this drug and coming forward with a rape charge 25 or 20 years later? Gosh! I have no idea what it feels like to be raped, but if I was I think I would come forward right away and go to the Police. Like 18 year old Desiree Washington did when she was tricked into going to the Hotel Room of Mike Tyson, and was raped there.


Were is there Doctors Testimony that they showed signs of rape? Were is there witnesses that they told what happened to them right away? Where is the witnesses that Cosby told what he had done to them? All that I am saying is that before I throw some 86 year old man in prison for the rest of his life, I need more proof then just her word. Or at least some actual signs or proof they were an unwilling partner.


No Personal Gain? Tell that to the Gym Instructor who sued Crosby and he paid her an undisclosed amount of money to keep quiet. By-the-way, this was not an admission of guilt. When you are a celebrity like Cosby, even being unfaithful to your wife can cause you a great deal of troubles. Cosby has already lost awards and honorary degrees over this court case. Perhaps he deserves that. But I am just not convinced he should go to jail for the rest of his life over this yet.  



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I also find it interesting that many people seem to think these women will get some sort of a big pay out.   If he is convicted, he may go to jail (or may not), but there is no financial settlement on the horizon.   



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4 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

If my wife went to a married Dentist Man's House or Hotel Room in a sexy dress, knowing full well that his wife wasn't home, and sat and had alcoholic drinks with him, or took drugs with him, you bet I would ask her a few questioned about it. Wouldn't you? So your scenario of her being in a Dentist Chair and being drugged, or walking into some office, is not near the same as this. 


I am not blaming these so called Victims or the Accused, because to be honest I am not even sure a crime was committed here. You on the other hand are sure one has. The way I see it and as it stands now, it is Cosby's word against theirs. He has a motive to lie but so do they. So since there was no witnesses, and neither can be believed, then you have to look at the next part.


In order to even have a rape charge you need an unwilling partner. What actions do you see from these women leading up to this so called crime that have you totally convinced you that they were unwilling, including even taking this drug and coming forward with a rape charge 25 or 20 years later? Gosh! I have no idea what it feels like to be raped, but if I was I think I would come forward right away and go to the Police. Like 18 year old Desiree Washington did when she was tricked into going to the Hotel Room of Mike Tyson, and was raped there.


Were is there Doctors Testimony that they showed signs of rape? Were is there witnesses that they told what happened to them right away? Where is the witnesses that Cosby told what he had done to them? All that I am saying is that before I throw some 86 year old man in prison for the rest of his life, I need more proof then just her word. Or at least some actual signs or proof they were an unwilling partner.


No Personal Gain? Tell that to the Gym Instructor who sued Crosby and he paid her an undisclosed amount of money to keep quiet. By-the-way, this was not an admission of guilt. When you are a celebrity like Cosby, even being unfaithful to your wife can cause you a great deal of troubles. Cosby has already lost awards and honorary degrees over this court case. Perhaps he deserves that. But I am just not convinced he should go to jail for the rest of his life over this yet.  



Yes my scenario is exactly the same as this, your wife has been raped in the dentists chair, this has happened many times. You would blame her though, I'm proud of you. 

          No you are the one who said it should all be thrown out of court, meaning he is totally innocent NO. Where is the motive for a rich lady to make this accusation, Do you really think she wants her family and friends to know about this?

         And you use Desiree as an example, you mean the girl that was jumping up and down in nothing but a teddy, telling Tyson on his balcony how she loved him and then went up to his room thinking What?

        No I am not convinced yet either, never said I was, I never said hang him, but you said throw it all out of court.

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10 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

If my wife went to a married Dentist Man's House or Hotel Room in a sexy dress, knowing full well that his wife wasn't home, and sat and had alcoholic drinks with him, or took drugs with him, you bet I would ask her a few questioned about it. Wouldn't you? So your scenario of her being in a Dentist Chair and being drugged, or walking into some office, is not near the same as this. 


I am not blaming these so called Victims or the Accused, because to be honest I am not even sure a crime was committed here. You on the other hand are sure one has. The way I see it and as it stands now, it is Cosby's word against theirs. He has a motive to lie but so do they. So since there was no witnesses, and neither can be believed, then you have to look at the next part.


In order to even have a rape charge you need an unwilling partner. What actions do you see from these women leading up to this so called crime that have you totally convinced you that they were unwilling, including even taking this drug and coming forward with a rape charge 25 or 20 years later? Gosh! I have no idea what it feels like to be raped, but if I was I think I would come forward right away and go to the Police. Like 18 year old Desiree Washington did when she was tricked into going to the Hotel Room of Mike Tyson, and was raped there.


Were is there Doctors Testimony that they showed signs of rape? Were is there witnesses that they told what happened to them right away? Where is the witnesses that Cosby told what he had done to them? All that I am saying is that before I throw some 86 year old man in prison for the rest of his life, I need more proof then just her word. Or at least some actual signs or proof they were an unwilling partner.


No Personal Gain? Tell that to the Gym Instructor who sued Crosby and he paid her an undisclosed amount of money to keep quiet. By-the-way, this was not an admission of guilt. When you are a celebrity like Cosby, even being unfaithful to your wife can cause you a great deal of troubles. Cosby has already lost awards and honorary degrees over this court case. Perhaps he deserves that. But I am just not convinced he should go to jail for the rest of his life over this yet.  



 Can't wait to hear your defense of Rolf Harris, and it's a real shame Michael Jackson won't be making the news any more.

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8 hours ago, Grubster said:

Yes my scenario is exactly the same as this, your wife has been raped in the dentists chair, this has happened many times. You would blame her though, I'm proud of you. 

          No you are the one who said it should all be thrown out of court, meaning he is totally innocent NO. Where is the motive for a rich lady to make this accusation, Do you really think she wants her family and friends to know about this?

         And you use Desiree as an example, you mean the girl that was jumping up and down in nothing but a teddy, telling Tyson on his balcony how she loved him and then went up to his room thinking What?

        No I am not convinced yet either, never said I was, I never said hang him, but you said throw it all out of court.

Your a funny guy! First you take sides against a Guy (Cosby) who has not been convicted of anything yet, and side with a Guy (Tyson) who was convicted of rape and spent time in prison for that. Me Thinks you have this backwards? None of these women claim to have been raped in a Dentist Chair, so forget about that already. 


Actually I didn't say this should be thrown out of court. That was somebody else who said that. But not to say I totally disagree with that if the judge decided to do that. Making a rape charge some 25 to 30 years after the fact seems a bit suspicious to me. Especially if there doesn't seem to be a good reason for that. After all, Cosby is not some Mafia King Pin.  


What Motive? Since when does a high school gym instructor makes so much money she would turn down an easy half Million Dollars or so? Where have you been? Cosby has already been sued by one of these so called "Rich Women"  but paid her an undisclosed amount of money to be quiet about it. Who else on your list of Rich Women would turn down a million dollars?   

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6 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Your a funny guy! First you take sides against a Guy (Cosby) who has not been convicted of anything yet, and side with a Guy (Tyson) who was convicted of rape and spent time in prison for that. Me Thinks you have this backwards? None of these women claim to have been raped in a Dentist Chair, so forget about that already. 


Actually I didn't say this should be thrown out of court. That was somebody else who said that. But not to say I totally disagree with that if the judge decided to do that. Making a rape charge some 25 to 30 years after the fact seems a bit suspicious to me. Especially if there doesn't seem to be a good reason for that. After all, Cosby is not some Mafia King Pin.  


What Motive? Since when does a high school gym instructor makes so much money she would turn down an easy half Million Dollars or so? Where have you been? Cosby has already been sued by one of these so called "Rich Women"  but paid her an undisclosed amount of money to be quiet about it. Who else on your list of Rich Women would turn down a million dollars?   

Your mind is made up on this, I hope this sort of thing never happens to a girl or woman in your life. Cheers.

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