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Naked Farang


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5 hours ago, iamkanga said:


Take that to the local cop shop. 


With a Thai friend.


And a few thousand Baht.


This is indecent exposure, and certainly illegal. Just expect the local cops to need a little motivating.

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So, I'm curious, just why exactly is the fact that the guy is fat so important to your story?  I mean, by logical extension, if you had a little daughter and son, I guess it would be just fine for them to be exposed to the tan, athletic penis of a buff, handsome, farang guy in his 20s with washboard abs, but not to the "fat, disgusting old fellow" you're so obsessed with?


In general, I think your obsession with this guy (and his ass crack) maybe says a little more about you than it does about him...

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Section 388

Whoever, doing any shameful act in public by indecently exposing oneself's person, or by committing the other indecent act, shall be fined not out of five hundred baht.


Not my translation of the code but looks like Frenchie would have to pay a fairly good rate if he wishes to continue to swing his gonads 


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So, I'm curious, just why exactly is the fact that the guy is fat so important to your story?  I mean, by logical extension, if you had a little daughter and son, I guess it would be just fine for them to be exposed to the tan, athletic penis of a buff, handsome, farang guy in his 20s with washboard abs, but not to the "fat, disgusting old fellow" you're so obsessed with?
In general, I think your obsession with this guy (and his ass crack) maybe says a little more about you than it does about him...

How is that a logical extenion. I am simply describing what I am seeing. I don't want to see anyones cock in a public place. This is not a locker room.
But for the record I do find "fat" unappealing including the stuff I see in the mirror. I can assure you that there are plenty of fat people around the pool every day but they like the beautiful people keep their reproductive organs covered. So take your misguided PC crap elsewhere.
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Look live and let live, would you be complaining  so much if it were a sexy young lady, I doubt it


You are letting this man disturb you unnecessarily, and live rent free inside your head


Treat the whole thing as a joke


In Turkey many gross German women walk around on the beach naked, its awful but we can choose not to go there


You choose to live here and enjoy it I trust, if this is your worst problem be very grateful


You can always move, but then maybe something worse will happen to upset you


Happy Christmas,  (Keep your curtains closed !)

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Take a few photos of him undressing or showing his private parts on the sun bed.


Then deposit anonymously in the Juristic Office mailbox   and in a few other mailbox of condo owners.


I am pretty sure there will be some reaction from Thai with family in he building.


Do not take the photos from your balcony.  Pool side  and discretion  better.



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16 hours ago, taotoo said:

What's his nationality? Have seen this from Scandinavians before ....


Scandinavians, Germans, virtually the whole of northern Europe in fact. People from all those countries would not find it particularly unusual to see other people naked when swimming or sunbathing or changing. and neither would I.


I dont really see what all the fuss is about myself, and I dont see what the big deal is about there being children around: half the entire population of the planet has dangly bits and there is no reason why children should not be aware of that.


If the OP doesnt like looking at fat people he should have got a condo with a city/sea view rather than a pool view. When I bought mine I specifically avoided having any sort of view closely overlooking a pool or any other building for that very reason.


All that said, Thais are ridiculously prudish but it is their country and so "when in Rome" does apply.

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17 hours ago, mcfish said:

Yesterday at jomtien beach was having a beer at sunset and similar fat arsed old farang just drops his swimmer's displaying his miniature dick to everyone.. It's Thailand where the female toilet cleaner mops the floor right next to you.. No big deal for thais

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Public displays of nudity is a big deal for Thais, but generally they avoid the conflict.


Just an ill mannered guy I guess and unless someone warns him that exposing himself in front of children, and having a parent report him to the police may be embarrassing.

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I have just read some of your other posts, because I feel you are in great pain


and quote you

"Thanks but I have zero plans for long term at the moment 6 months is my max and I cant see any situation where I would buy. So I guess my test live is 6 months!"


In your previous thread it was suggested maybe a hotel initially, you chose not to go that route, there you would have had a manager to resolve your problems


You are only staying short term, and say test live, so the test live has fallen below your expectations, but it was a test


May I suggest a little bored, you are very fortunate to be retired so early, find yourself a nice young lady, ( or even a bad young lady!)


You come from Australia I believe where you have some of the most wonderful beaches and ocean , maybe you need to go home, but remember you will take yourself with you


In any case good luck

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17 hours ago, Crossy said:

If renting the juristic needs to apply pressure to the landlord to get his tenant to behave or actually terminate his tenancy.

If he is doing something illegal then the police should be informed. If not, on what basis would an owner be justified in terminating a written or verbal rental agreement?


There are plenty of renters, especially short-term renters during the high season, who have annoying behaviors of one sort or another. Getting a building manager or board to pressure owners to terminate these renters would then open the door to demands from others to boot out late night drunks and other crude buffoons who are a source of annoyance. Not sure how it would be enforced anyway, especially if the renter has a written contract. Would a corps of volunteer vigilantes physically remove him from his condo if he refused to leave? The police could hardly be involved without a court order or a complaint filed, which would bring us back to square one ... if he's doing something illegal, file complaint with the police.


I'm not defending the old git who keeps exposing himself, but I do doubt that expecting owners who depend on rental income to start policing the building by expelling tenants based on complaints is unlikely to end well and would probably set a precedent that would be even a bigger problem. 


Since I doubt the old git spends more than a few minutes per day exposing himself, the easiest solution for the O/P would be to step away from his balcony railing and make a cup of coffee when the show is about to begin. 



Edited by Suradit69
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19 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

If he is doing something illegal then the police should be informed. If not, on what basis would an owner be justified in terminating a written or verbal rental agreement?


The question is "Is what he is doing on private property illegal?". He may be in a "public" space (the condo common area) but is that classed as "in public" as the general public don't have free access? And for that matter, is wandering around in the buff actually illegal anyway?


He is almost certainly breaking condo bylaws which is the route which could be used to terminate a tenancy.


I'm no expert, but my opinion is that the course of action should be (we already seem to be at step 3):-

  1. Talk to him personally.
  2. Get the juristic to talk to him.
  3. Get the landlord to talk to him (contact with the landlord should be via the juristic) - If the landlord decides to terminate based upon his breaking condo bylaws that's up to him.
  4. Get the police involved.


I would always place getting the authorities involved as the last ditch effort once the diplomatic steps have been exhausted.


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Reminds me of a similar situation i encountered a couple of years back.


Met a girl.. went back to her condo block, took the lift to her floor and proceeded to walk along the corridor to her room. I look to my left and it seems someone has left their door to their condo open i look inside as i pass and i see a old farang guy sat on his sofa watching TV naked right in full view of anyone who walks past. I questioned my lady friend about it and she said he always does it. every day except when he goes out.. she said he wants to save on air conditioning costs by leaving the door open.


You cannot deny that Thailand does attract a disproportionate amount of weirdos, degenerates and all sorted nut jobs than our home country have..


In the UK & Europe maybe 1 in 10 people are freaks of nature..

In Thailand 1 in 5 Farangs are freaks.

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18 hours ago, iamkanga said:

Thanks Crossy. I know im probably pissing into the wind with this post... just hopeful to find something like the decency police!

the terminology is called "indecent exposure in public place", your neighbor is probably an exhibitionist...

you only have 2 legal options: 1/ warn him that you will make an official complaint and get this warning him on videotape and file a police complaint if he doesn't comply.

2/ don't warn him, just get it on videotape with all related surrounding , to make it clear to third party observers, file an official police complaint.

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3 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:

So, I'm curious, just why exactly is the fact that the guy is fat so important to your story?  I mean, by logical extension, if you had a little daughter and son, I guess it would be just fine for them to be exposed to the tan, athletic penis of a buff, handsome, farang guy in his 20s with washboard abs, but not to the "fat, disgusting old fellow" you're so obsessed with?


In general, I think your obsession with this guy (and his ass crack) maybe says a little more about you than it does about him...

Fact is he is naked in publicity AND fat on top of this.

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4 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:

So, I'm curious, just why exactly is the fact that the guy is fat so important to your story?  I mean, by logical extension, if you had a little daughter and son, I guess it would be just fine for them to be exposed to the tan, athletic penis of a buff, handsome, farang guy in his 20s with washboard abs, but not to the "fat, disgusting old fellow" you're so obsessed with?


So you're telling us you're fat? :whistling:


Interesting on here the folk that are upset with the op who is upset about some fat dude showing his arse and todger in public (which I find a perfectly logical reason to be upset). There's nowt queerer than folk.

Edited by daveAustin
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48 minutes ago, cheapskatesam said:

You cannot deny that Thailand does attract a disproportionate amount of weirdos, degenerates and all sorted nut jobs than our home country have..



The weirdos, degenerates and assorted nut jobs come from our home countries.  Do you think they are self-generated pod people?

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18 hours ago, Crossy said:

If the juristic has had a word and nothing has changed is he renting or an owner?


If renting the juristic needs to apply pressure to the landlord to get his tenant to behave or actually terminate his tenancy.


If an owner maybe it's time to "make friends" (i.e. buy a bottle) with a local cop, they probably don't have much power in the condo complex, but your new friend isn't going to know that :)

Indecent exposure is illegal here. As crossy says, a ticking off from a cooperative cop would likely curtail this disgusting behaviour.

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Download the following and put it on the

8 minutes ago, dbrenn said:

Indecent exposure is illegal here. As crossy says, a ticking off from a cooperative cop would likely curtail this disgusting behaviour.

I would print out the following and place around the pool entry


Edited by Paul Catton
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