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Bill Gates says Trump has the opportunity to be like JFK


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"Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy" was a remark made during the 1988 United States . A statement that applies here to. Bill Gates just personifies how low the rich will stoop to curry favor its truly incredible and disgusting at the same time. I thought better of him. I guess he wants to bring all his foreign money back to the US as the EU and other countries are eyeing it in the form of taxes owing to them. They are clutching at every straw available under current world conditions. Like a scared rabbit he wants to scurry back to his own rabbit hole with his money intact. More money just seems to increase the vileness in people. 

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3 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

"Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy" was a remark made during the 1988 United States . A statement that applies here to. Bill Gates just personifies how low the rich will stoop to curry favor its truly incredible and disgusting at the same time. I thought better of him. I guess he wants to bring all his foreign money back to the US as the EU and other countries are eyeing it in the form of taxes owing to them. They are clutching at every straw available under current world conditions. Like a scared rabbit he wants to scurry back to his own rabbit hole with his money intact. More money just seems to increase the vileness in people. 

Now we will see a lot of truth....

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On 12/14/2016 at 6:50 PM, Luckysilk said:

Most of us pre-election didn't bother voicing our optimism about President Elect Trump because the far left screams and tosses out every slur under the sun calling us racists or homophobes.


Now Mr. Gates is being a good American and is behind our new President Elect Trump and is speaking about positive things. 


Would be nice if we returned to the same values we had under JFK.


I can only imagine the chaos our country would be in if that woman won.


"That woman" didn't collude with a foreign enemy power in order to facilitate being elected.  Ronald Reagan is surely rolling over in his grave--he won the Cold War, and now the keys of our country have been handed over to the Russians.

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he sounds like he's being very careful what he says.....

and he isn't the only one... and it was like that with the media all along.

mostly fear of lawsuits, but later maybe Nixon type stuff.... FBI, tax audits.... in fact, that's the analogy I would use.... not just that stuff but the personalities especially....  Trump is a loner, like Nixon. that's what sticks out the most.


Edited by maewang99
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21 hours ago, Johpa said:


Sounds more like Gates understands that with Trump flattery will get you just about anywhere. So why not hope to gain some sliver of positive influence with Trump. A potentially good strategic action on the part of Gates.




Indeed, doesn't take a degree from Wharton to see a little smoke up his ass goes all the way to his infamous hairdo.


You might remember in the 1990s MS was found guilty (by Congress) of running a monopoly.  Beginning that very day the proud members of the Senate were standing in line to have an audience with Mr Gates.  Let's see, a million-dollar contribution to each, that's 100 million bucks to get the entire Senate in your corner.  Small expense with a multi-billion $$ company.  Smart chap that Mr Bill.



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1 hour ago, bendejo said:


Indeed, doesn't take a degree from Wharton to see a little smoke up his ass goes all the way to his infamous hairdo.


You might remember in the 1990s MS was found guilty (by Congress) of running a monopoly.  Beginning that very day the proud members of the Senate were standing in line to have an audience with Mr Gates.  Let's see, a million-dollar contribution to each, that's 100 million bucks to get the entire Senate in your corner.  Small expense with a multi-billion $$ company.  Smart chap that Mr Bill.



Congress doesn't find anyone guilty of anything with the exception of impeachment of certain federal officials..  Determining guilt and innocence is a function of the judicial branch.

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Maybe he was referring to how we were bought to the very edge of oblivion by Jack's stubborn bravado when he refused to back down even after little Nikita offered concessions in a nuclear standoff in the Mediterranian. The only reason we avoided WWIII was because the Soviet submarine capt made the executive decision to not fire when he lost contact with land. Jack blew the whole thing out of proportion due to an yuuuuge ego and ignorance.  


Lets just hope that we will not have to deal with 5 years of Pence trying to clean up the mess Trump makes by getting in fights with enemies that he cant be bothered with trying to understand.


And please quit referring to him as a successful businessman. Watching the value of your huge chunk of prime real estate in Manhattan that your daddy gave to you rise exponentially in value while you launch an endless string of failed and fraudulent businesses does not make you a success. Neither does exploiting bankruptcy laws to pocket money while ripping of everyone ignorant enough to do business with you.

Edited by RaoulDuke
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On 12/15/2016 at 3:15 PM, smotherb said:

Yeah, he couldn't be too much like JFK, Marilyn Monroe is dead

Yes she is but the Donald's stock in the "I want to sleep with someone powerful" club just went up a few points. Its the roadies thing only on a higher level. 

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On 12/15/2016 at 8:29 AM, Johpa said:


Sounds more like Gates understands that with Trump flattery will get you just about anywhere. So why not hope to gain some sliver of positive influence with Trump. A potentially good strategic action on the part of Gates.

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Gates can buy and sell Trump any day--I doubt he needs a sliver of influence

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