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Run In With A Thai


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1. Don't do anything. Don't be an idiot and turn this into some petty war.

He might be willing to go a lot further than your are.

2. I think its important to recognise yes the person is Thai. But how much is it a 'Thai issue' this could of happened anywhere in the world. People like him are everywhere!

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as Mark "Chopper" Read has said.

Its not the tough people you should worry about upsetting, its the crazy muthers you have to be careful about. A tough person may bash you, a crazy person might kill you and your hole family

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I think it is out of order encouraging Dave to sabotage this blokes car, but...................

pour milk into the vents under the windscreen, when that goes off the car is going to stink like rotten sick and he won't be able to get rid of the smell. :D blindin' :D:o

Edited by Robski
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Yeh look at Donz. you wouldn't want to drop dirty water on his motor would you? :D:o:D:D

nobody would even think about trying it.

I would make you pay 10000 Baht just for me letting you live

In that case, you should change your signature - IS DON, IS BAD :D

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Yeh look at Donz. you wouldn't want to drop dirty water on his motor would you? :D:o:D:D

nobody would even think about trying it.

I would make you pay 10000 Baht just for me letting you live

In that case, you should change your signature - IS DON, IS BAD :D

Thats a good idea actually. I may change it to that later, or Is Don Is God

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I have read all the wonderful stories about how to take revenge.

However think carefully, it is not worth risking the health of yourself, your partner, and your property.

Brush off the incident, it was only 250 Baht.

The best thing to have done would have been to let your Thai partner deal with the whole matter, and not have gotten involved, even in the cleaning or the financial pay-out.

:o Pay for someone who is treating you like sh1t for nothing and then send a woman, your own wife/girlfriend to deal with it???

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I was cleaning the walls of one of my balconies with my wife...

Perhaps none of this trouble would have occurred if you'd used a mop instead.


Better still ... don't clean the balcony ... could have spent that 250Baht on some nice cold beers instead ... :D

At last.. a sensible reply ! :D

totster :o

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As we are all joking.

One thing I did to a friend was put 2 of those well known gay stickers on the back of his vehicle. I did it for pay back. It worked well; however, it would work better as a payback to idiots.

I don't know what thais do for the countries universal code for them to identify gays here.

Maybe have your wife get a license plate that reads " I like bananas". Then you replace his real plate with his new plate.

Es mucho funny. Los hotos le gustan!!

Edited by Head Snake
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And also that she was a much easier target, and it would probably be her that had something happen.

Exactly. Small guy with a fragile ego and short fuse - sounds to me like when he saw the dirty truck he worked himself up into a lather and started shooting his mouth off to his GF about how he was going to make you pay, big-time. Then when you offered to clean the truck it threw him for a loop. He had to ask for a couple of hundred baht just so he wouldn't lose face with his GF. He'd probably rather die (or murder) than lose face.

If you'd called the police they might have taken a long time to come. They might have sided with the Thai guy for some reason. At any rate the caller usually has to make it worth their while for coming. It's possible the stick was mainly to scare your wife into paying up. It's possible he hoped he could provoke you into throwing the first punch and then he'd call the cops and screw a lot of money out of you. Maybe he does this kind of thing a lot.

I wouldn't listen to all the keyboard warriors suggesting revenge, if I were you. The guy will guess it's you and he'll be prepared to take a feud far further than you will. Don't lower yourself to his level. The way it ended was hardly fair to you but (unless you actually know some police personally) it was probably the best ending possible for you and your wife. If you can, I'd move out and away from this nutter so you and the wife can relax.

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Was this in Pattaya? I find that Thais in Pattaya are usually quick to demand monetary payment for petty things.

2000Baht? Thats the long time rate.

250Baht? Thats the price of 2 beers.

If this was Sriracha or a smaller town, it would probably be 50 baht for 2 Changers :o

The 250 could very well be equivalent to a full days pay for the sh*thead.

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Would anyone have done the same thing in their home country?

OK...Clean the guys car,that would be enough.

But to actually give in and allow him to take money out of your hand after???...<deleted>?

Do you really think that every Thai guy you meet will have an army of gangsters ready to back him up with bigger sticks and a lust for farang blood?

When in Rome....blah blah.....etc.Set fire to the pick-up!

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personally i agree with the last poster,you should not have backed down because he carries a stick.if i had been in your situation i would have understood his annoyance.i would have offered to pay somebody to clean it(i would not have done it myself as he probably would enjoy that)however as soon as somebody(anybody)threatens me with violence (especially when my wife or gf is there with me and therefore also threatened)i would have given him a lesson in street violence he would not of been keen to repeat.perhaps this is just my english working class upbringing,i was taught to face violence with violence when required,but never be the instigator of trouble.sure things are different here, but you have to stand up for yourself wherever you live in this world.i would have sent my gf away straight away,if anybody is going to be subject to violence it will be me.personally i think you did the wrong thing.

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Regardless whether or not the original situation could have been or should have been handled in a different manner is now a moot point.

If i were you i would ignore the advice on how to get back at this guy buy doing things to his truck etc. You will get in to something that you cant get out of and may find things esculate to a level that you realy don't want.

Forget about it and move on with your life, if you start trouble the guy will in my opinion probably be willing to take it much further than you and it could become a dangerous sittuation for you and your wife.

You owe it to your wife not to put her in such a sittuation. Relax, be happy and enjoy your time. Let others destroy themselves with anger, hatred and other negative feelings. Ultimatly they only damage the beholder.

Just be careful when you start painting the balcony.

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This topic is interesting reading and most of the replies and suggestions have been from people out of touch with the reality of where they are.

Members of this forum should by now realise we are the ”FARNGS” and involving police in this kind of stupid squabble is not beneficial.

Take the Thai attitude.

The OP (apart from being more careful) when confronted by the truck owner should have innocently taken the attitude “What water? What dirt? What? What?”

Then when the guy pressed the point say “Not my water you, calling me a liar?”

Then go into a speech about how sad it is for a neighbor to accuse another of something like that and think a visitor to this lovely friendly country should be such a bad person. Shame on him (the truck owner)

The OP made the basic mistake of initially admitting fault, after that it was all down hill for him.

Living in the real word :o


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I know living a Condo, (as the poster does?) won't apply, but we have a "Red box" on our gate. We donate to the petrol fund of our local BiB and they check our property on a daily basis...(signed book) Money well spent, and not alot. Nobody Fcuks with this arrangement. We've got mobile numbers and it is 24/7. Never had to use it so far, but it keeps the wife "warm". I commend Dave on his restraint, were it me, I would now be a poorer man, but with the satisfaction that the aggressor would now have a choice of holes to fart from. :o


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calling the cops would have worked, in as far as it would prevent any grief in future.

As a farang, you are higher up the food chain than a pick up driver. The fact that he gets worked up about the car simply reflects that this is all he has got (as an observation...our guard downstairs is forever cleaning his tiny motor bike).

Having said that though, the copper probably would have insisted that you fork over 250 to the bloke, call it 'sundry and miscellaneous costs' as a token of compensation for you dirtying his car. I mean, no matter how much you cleaned it, he would have re-cleaned it again anyway...so you'd be compensating him for that extra work. But, with the coppers involved, if the bloke got angry again without cause, you'd be in the clear.

Remember this peoples, as a farang, in the scheme of things, you are above most and perceived 'equal' to a middle class Thai. Most people here only experience the negative side of things (ie...walking ATM machine, easy scam target etc etc). Big deal, many richer Thai's have leaches of poorer relatives who try it on all the time.

However, you also get the chance to be snobbish and uppity (if you so choose) when dealing with idiots and scumbags. Do it calmly though. Flout your status. You call the cop. You control the situation. Watch the little bloke shit his pants. It works, and it is fun.

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i think after having cleaned the guys truck up when he came back wanting money i would just walked away and closed the door,if he then started being violent,smashing the door etc then hes the one causing problems with signs of criminal damage.then call the old bill.But i do like the idea of revenge,when leaving(never to come back) slash tyres,windscreen ,glue locks,key paintwork,will cost him lot more than 2000 to get it fixed.

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calling the cops would have worked, in as far as it would prevent any grief in future.

As a farang, you are higher up the food chain than a pick up driver. The fact that he gets worked up about the car simply reflects that this is all he has got (as an observation...our guard downstairs is forever cleaning his tiny motor bike).

Probably not the best idea to use a person's automobile and the fact that he's worked up as the determining factor of his/her food chain status. Me might be an unemployed nobody or he might be home because he doesn't have to work or owns the entire soi.

Generally pick up truck drivers tend to the lower end, simply because they are cheap, but there are definitely folks out there with pickup trucks and short tempers (say, owners of some small construction companies, steel/aluminum/glass shops, auto garages, etc.) who will likely have more 'free passes' than your typical farang... who most locals well know are most likely 10,000 miles away from home with little or no local heft.

And regarding those red report police boxes, also well known that anyone can get one. Effective though if you're dealing with folks who don't have connections any higher that patrolman or 'jar or daab' at the local police station.

I still totally recommend calling the cops though as if anything, you'll at least be able to determine your opponent's status and again get it all on record (for instance if your own connections reside in other police districts). If only one patrol unit on motorcycle shows up and they have no idea who the guy/gal is, they don't show up and grovel at the other guy's feet while ignoring you -the one who called them-completely, if no other cops get involved (no higher ups), etc., you know you are both on the same playing field. (works both ways though, your opponent will also know that the police have no idea who you are either)


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Some good replys on this thread , the revenge comments I feel are made by those who would have wet their panties in any real confrontation.

Deal with the the reality of the situation.

I have been here off and on for 10 years . Had two instances with Thai guys , where I ate it.

One was a bar owner who was upset with me cause I walked into his place and took a girl out w/o drinking anything , he got in my face about it.

One was a motorcycle taxi guy trying to charge me more than our agreed upon price.

In the big picture , these were small nothing instances - so I let them flow like water off a ducks back.

They easily could have gotten a bit out of control.

The world I grew up in , if that world followed me here - things would have been very different.

This were verbal altercations with the possible threat of violence , I stood down - but would have and was more than willing to defend myself.

My concern is just that , defending yourself against someone waving a stick at you.

I really wanted to know what calling the cops would do as we may all be in a similar positon one day.

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Some good replys on this thread , the revenge comments I feel are made by those who would have wet their panties in any real confrontation.

Deal with the the reality of the situation.

I have been here off and on for 10 years . Had two instances with Thai guys , where I ate it.

One was a bar owner who was upset with me cause I walked into his place and took a girl out w/o drinking anything , he got in my face about it.

One was a motorcycle taxi guy trying to charge me more than our agreed upon price.

In the big picture , these were small nothing instances - so I let them flow like water off a ducks back.

They easily could have gotten a bit out of control.

The world I grew up in , if that world followed me here - things would have been very different.

This were verbal altercations with the possible threat of violence , I stood down - but would have and was more than willing to defend myself.

My concern is just that , defending yourself against someone waving a stick at you.

I really wanted to know what calling the cops would do as we may all be in a similar positon one day.

Recieving an admonishment from a sexpat, Gotta love it!!!

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