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Working Visa For Us

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I have benefitted from the sound advice from this forum for a year or so now and am wondering if there is an equivalent website for the US.

Unfortunately I have now left the LoS and am looking to move to the States with my American gf in 6 months or so. I won't be going down the Gerard Depardieu route - green-card marriage isn't really an option (call me a romantic).

I am a British Citizen & hold a professional qualification (ACA). Could you learned souls point me in the right direction for some advice as to how to work in the US?

In the meantime I will continue be a regular visitor to this forum - always good for a chuckle.

Thanks in advance,


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Don't know about a forum but here is the govt website, now that its not called INS I don't know what the name is anymore! Good luck, I have a British friend who works in a camp for the disabled every year and he has a work permit (not green card but something else) as well as another British guy who has something similar, believe these are both sponsored. Also, I believe you can enter the country on a tourist visa and petition to change your status from within the country but am not 100% sure on that.

Visas to USA

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Guest chingy

what state are you going to be in? the first thing you need is a car new car, use car doesn't matter, with out one you won't be able to do anything, start buying sunday papper all the new employment start on sunday papper.

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Thanks for the link sbk - v helpful.

It looks like the green card lottery is out of the question - it's a no go for UK citizens (even after all Tony has done for Dubya (!) :o )

I hope to work in San Fran, but at the moment I'm in London (it's freezing). I'll be here for 6 months or so - enough time to get some cash together & work out whether a move Stateside is feasible. Unless I can organise sponsorship from here I guess I'll go over the pond on a tourist visa & take it from there.

I realise this has nothing to do with Thai visas, but appreciate the help.



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Can you give us an Idea of what your skill set is? The job market it the bay area can be very competitive.

It sounds like you are shooting for an H-1B visa. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but one of the first questions you will get asked when looking for a job is "Are you legally eligible to be working in the US, and can you document that you are." For most employers, a "no" would typically end any consideration.


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Sure Drew,

I'm a Chartered Accountant (a failed lion tamer) - qualified in the City of London & worked both in Oz & Thailand - I hoped the international flavour of my experience would work in my favour.

This feels a bit like a job interview :o . Do you need to know my hobbies??

I understand that business visas were available for a select few of such qualified folk.



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Just trying to get a feel for what area you're looking in. I know a few folks in that line of work (West Coast), and I've dropped them an Email on your behalf..

I hate to say this, but I think your best bet would be one of the multi-nationals (pricewaterhouse/coopers). They would be in the best position to qualify you as a "needed skill" and open the VISA door for you.

Or heres a thought, look for a dot-com or other business with overseas (UK) operations. You might be able to back door you way into a Job Visa.


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H1B is what you need. You can not apply for one, your employer must apply and prove that they tried to fill the position with local talent but failed. Bachelors degree or equivalent work experience is required.

Because of the patriotic winds blowing at the moment, many employers do not sponsor H1B workers. A european company with offices in the US may be a good bet.

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