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Philippines’ Duterte boasts he personally killed crime suspects


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Philippines’ Duterte boasts he personally killed crime suspects




MANILA: -- President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines is under scrutiny again after claiming he had personally killed crime suspects when he was a city mayor, to set an example to police.


His comments came at a dinner for business people on Monday.


Thousands have been killed in a crackdown on drugs in the country.


“In Davao I used to do it personally. Just to show to the guys that, if I can do it why can’t you? And I go around Davao with a motorcycle, with a big bike around and I would just patrol the streets and looking for trouble also,” Duterte said in English, before adding in the Tagalog language: “I was really looking for an encounter so I can kill.”


Afterwards a government minister described Duterte’s claims as “hyperbole”, saying he often exaggerated.


The government says the UN won’t be allowed to investigate claims of extrajudicial killings unless its envoy debates with the president.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-12-15
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This guy doesn't deserve to lead a country like the Philippines.  They deserve better.  He's just an insane criminal in government clothes.


He's been doing this for years:




The Mayor of Davao City has done nothing to prevent these killings, and his public comments suggest that he is, in fact, supportive.


— April 2009 UN General Assembly of the Human Rights Council, the UN report (Eleventh Session Agenda item 3, par 21), http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/11session/A.HRC.11.2.Add.8.pdf


Following Duterte's comments in relation to killing a person suspected of smuggling rice, the office of the President of the Philippines then under Benigno Aquino III issued a statement saying, “Killing a person is against the law. The President has been firm in the belief that no one is above the law. We must not resort to extralegal methods."[17]



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This man should be in a asylum for the critically insane and deranged psychopath,

he has no business in running a country of 100 million of mostly

poor and uneducated people, and someone should stop him now, by any means,

before he dose more damage......


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this guy is great he lets the criminal world know the rules they are used to and expected to be there have been removed.and no longer protect them he is letting them know if you play with peoples lifes it may cost you your life he cannot make it any clearer than that

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Just now, lovelomsak said:

this guy is great he lets the criminal world know the rules they are used to and expected to be there have been removed.and no longer protect them he is letting them know if you play with peoples lifes it may cost you your life he cannot make it any clearer than that

Unfortunately, what he's doing is against the law.  We have laws for a reason.  One of them is to make sure the people he kills are actually guilty.  So far, not all have been proven to be guilty.  And some, were just innocents caught up in the crossfire of extrajudicial gangs.  Not good.

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3 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

this guy is great he lets the criminal world know the rules they are used to and expected to be there have been removed.and no longer protect them he is letting them know if you play with peoples lifes it may cost you your life he cannot make it any clearer than that

Except that he isn't just promising to kill drug dealers, but also drug users. And this is without any judicial process.  And the killing has been overwhelmingly of poor slum dwellers. Not any upper class drug users. And we know that when similar programs were launched in other countries, it ended up with people being executed with the excuse that they were drug dealers but often really just out of enmity or greed.  

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16 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Unfortunately, what he's doing is against the law.  We have laws for a reason.  One of them is to make sure the people he kills are actually guilty.  So far, not all have been proven to be guilty.  And some, were just innocents caught up in the crossfire of extrajudicial gangs.  Not good.

you mlssed the point he is saying to the criminals that if you live outside the law then laws will not protect you this is the way it has to be dealt with no more mister nice guy there may well be some innocents die but many many more will be saved it is real life shoot out war and does have collateral damage

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7 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

you mlssed the point he is saying to the criminals that if you live outside the law then laws will not protect you this is the way it has to be dealt with no more mister nice guy


You've missed the point. No man is above the law of their country, including Presidents. Extrajudical killings are just that, extrajudicial. Due process of the law is being ignored


As other posters have stated, innocent parties can be victims in this climate and this has been the case in other countries that have carried out similar programs. I have too much respect for my fellow man, drug pusher/user or otherwise, to ever support this kind of policy, in any country, in any world, in any universe!


This is the road to madness!



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3 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

you mlssed the point he is saying to the criminals that if you live outside the law then laws will not protect you this is the way it has to be dealt with no more mister nice guy

And who gets to say if you are living outside the law? Death squads? Does this go for any crime? Or just the crimes of the poor and of political opponents?

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3 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

you mlssed the point he is saying to the criminals that if you live outside the law then laws will not protect you this is the way it has to be dealt with no more mister nice guy

Tell that to the parents of this 5 year old.  Duterte needs to go to jail for this.






A 5-year-old girl has become the youngest reported victim of the war on drugs in the Philippines, according to Human Rights Watch.

Danica May Garcia was shot to death in her family's store by two men on motorcycles, said police in Dagupan in Pangasinan province.
Their likely target? The girl's grandfather, according to a local official.


One reason this type of stuff is illegal.  Even in the Philippines.  What's really sick is he doesn't care.




Duterte says children killed in Philippines drug war are 'collateral damage'

‘With the policeman and the M16, it’s one burst, brrrr, and [he] hits 1,000 people there,’ explains Philippines president



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16 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Unfortunately, what he's doing is against the law.  We have laws for a reason.  One of them is to make sure the people he kills are actually guilty.  So far, not all have been proven to be guilty.  And some, were just innocents caught up in the crossfire of extrajudicial gangs.  Not good.

you mlssed the point he is saying to the criminals that if you live outside the law then laws will not protect you this is the way it has to be dealt with no more mister nice guy he has declared war has innoccent casualties

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Just now, lovelomsak said:

you mlssed the point he is saying to the criminals that if you live outside the law then laws will not protect you this is the way it has to be dealt with no more mister nice guy he has declared war has innoccent casualties

Calling something a war doesn't make it one. This is just organized slaughter of people who are targeted by the government. These things always end badly.  And most of those targeted are just drug abusers not dealers.  And they are overwhelmingly poor and powerless.

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16 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Calling something a war doesn't make it one. This is just organized slaughter of people who are targeted by the government. These things always end badly.  And most of those targeted are just drug abusers not dealers.  And they are overwhelmingly poor and powerless.

i see this arquement as more conjecture than truth sorry

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1 minute ago, lovelomsak said:

he did not start this but he has balls to make an effort to end it

You'll never stop drug use by killing innocent people.  Not even dealers and users.  That's a lesson learned by the US on their war on drugs.  Didn't work. 


Also, many are killed by others due to grudges.  The excuse is they were dealers, but they weren't.  Again, who knows.  Thus, the reason it needs to be adjudicated in a court of law.  Hopefully, you understand that.

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Just now, Caveat Emptor said:

The BBC reports his supporters will defend his speech as just ' bravado ' but it's just as dangerous as it encourages others to copy The Boss as if he's saying it then it must be ok.

Yes, lead by example.  And his is a terrible one to follow.

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In the Philippines, , you can now kill your enemy,  just make sure you claim he was a druggie. Basically murder has been legalized.  What a pucked up country. It has to now be the most lawless country in the world, barbaric. 

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22 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

You'll never stop drug use by killing innocent people.  Not even dealers and users.  That's a lesson learned by the US on their war on drugs.  Didn't work. 


Also, many are killed by others due to grudges.  The excuse is they were dealers, but they weren't.  Again, who knows.  Thus, the reason it needs to be adjudicated in a court of law.  Hopefully, you understand that.


Oh i see, so because it works in the US it also should work in the rest of the world...Tell me, where are the weapons of mass destruction mr Bush was going to stop and even demanded militairy help from his allies for?


And what about the poor innocent people who want to live in a safe country without any junkies robbing stores/innocent people?


The Phillipines could become a new tourist destination if only it was safe there. I remember in Manilla they even had 2 guards with huge machineguns at the doors of the Mac Donalds. 


Cleaning up the Phillipines the western way is impossible and would take far too much time...

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7 minutes ago, fruitman said:


Oh i see, so because it works in the US it also should work in the rest of the world...Tell me, where are the weapons of mass destruction mr Bush was going to stop and even demanded militairy help from his allies for?


And what about the poor innocent people who want to live in a safe country without any junkies robbing stores/innocent people?


The Phillipines could become a new tourist destination if only it was safe there. I remember in Manilla they even had 2 guards with huge machineguns at the doors of the Mac Donalds. 


Cleaning up the Phillipines the western way is impossible and would take far too much time...

Whoa!  I never said it worked.  Re-read my post.  And what's this got to do with WMD?  Massively off topic and a deflection.


What about the poor innocent people who are being killed by vigilante death squads?  Don't they have rights also?


The drug problem isn't the reason more tourists don't visit the PI.  Crime is rampant, the police are massively corrupt, and the food is terrible! LOL


Nobody said cleaning up the Philippines the Western way is best.  Just that killing innocent people is wrong.


P.S. they still have 2 guards with huge guns outside every store.  So guess the war on drugs isn't working too good.

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50 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

you mlssed the point he is saying to the criminals that if you live outside the law then laws will not protect you this is the way it has to be dealt with no more mister nice guy there may well be some innocents die but many many more will be saved it is real life shoot out war and does have collateral damage

Ahhh.....the old 'can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs' argument.

Thailand tried the same thing years ago under Thaksin. Ever noticed how drug free the Kingdom is now? Thought not.

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Just now, edwinchester said:

Ahhh.....the old 'can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs' argument.

Thailand tried the same thing years ago under Thaksin. Ever noticed how drug free the Kingdom is now? Thought not.

Excellent example.  It was tried here and didn't work.  Other than a few thousand dead people.  And who knows how many were really drug dealers.  Nobody.

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53 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

he did not start this but he has balls to make an effort to end it

why  not just kill everybody in the country except for his family members?  then we could be absolutely certain that all the bad guys are dead.   maybe. 

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Excellent example.  It was tried here and didn't work.  Other than a few thousand dead people.  And who knows how many were really drug dealers.  Nobody.

I'll never forget one evening during the killing spree here in Thailand.

My wife and I were travelling back home from a friend's along a track through the sugar cane.

Up ahead a pickup blocked our way and several high powered torches were shone through the windows and we heard shouting.

I wound down my window and a pistol and some sort of automatic rifle was pointed at my head.

Almost to a man the guys in the pickup appeared to be under the influence of alcohol.

Luckily they recognised my wife who used to work in the local Police Station for they were all Police Officers.

What are you looking for asked wifey?

Drug dealers to kill they laughed and with that we were allowed on our way.

Next morning a 16 year old was found shot dead in the local market.....he was a yaba user. Guess they couldn't find their dealer.

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

you mlssed the point he is saying to the criminals that if you live outside the law then laws will not protect you this is the way it has to be dealt with no more mister nice guy there may well be some innocents die but many many more will be saved it is real life shoot out war and does have collateral damage

a suspect is NOT a criminal per se

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6 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

I'll never forget one evening during the killing spree here in Thailand.

My wife and I were travelling back home from a friend's along a track through the sugar cane.

Up ahead a pickup blocked our way and several high powered torches were shone through the windows and we heard shouting.

I wound down my window and a pistol and some sort of automatic rifle was pointed at my head.

Almost to a man the guys in the pickup appeared to be under the influence of alcohol.

Luckily they recognised my wife who used to work in the local Police Station for they were all Police Officers.

What are you looking for asked wifey?

Drug dealers to kill they laughed and with that we were allowed on our way.

Next morning a 16 year old was found shot dead in the local market.....he was a yaba user. Guess they couldn't find their dealer.

My wife had a similar experience in her village.  They came by and told a young man to stop dealing drugs.  He didn't.  The came a week later and shot him in the head right in front of his family.  Left he body there for the family to deal with.  Disgusting.


I'm actually shocked people approve of this.

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22 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

Ahhh.....the old 'can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs' argument.

Thailand tried the same thing years ago under Thaksin. Ever noticed how drug free the Kingdom is now? Thought not.


Can you imagine the mess Thailand would be now if they never did anything to stop the drugs? You wouldn't even be here if they didn't.

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

My wife had a similar experience in her village.  They came by and told a young man to stop dealing drugs.  He didn't.  The came a week later and shot him in the head right in front of his family.  Left he body there for the family to deal with.  Disgusting.


I'm actually shocked people approve of this.


This was a regular occurrence during Thaksin's 'war on drugs'.


I understand that there was a weekly 'quota' permitted for each Changwat.

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