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Good Physical Therapist/Therapeutic Masseuse For Herniated Disc

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Hey everyone, new guy to the forum from California.
I recently herniated my L4-L5 Disc and have been going to Physical Therapy at Bangkok Hospital here in Chiang Mai but feel I could benefit from more of a specialist in the area of lower back pain. Can anyone recommend to me a good healer for a herniated disc? Be it a Physical Therapist, Masseuse or any other alternative kind of healer. Thank you very much for any info :)



Mungkala Clinic in the Old City is well-known acupuncture clinic. The lady doctor, Dr. Rungrat, has treated me for post-traumatic/ surgical pain, and when that didn't bring relief, she referred me to a physical therapist (somewhere near the airport, I believe) who treats the "hard to treat"  and unusual cases.


I didn't follow up, as I started to improve.  However, her clinic (shared with her husband) might be worth a visit or two on its own; additionally, if you don't improve, she will work hard to find you the best referral.


Dr. Rungrat is a dedicated and well-respected practioner.  What's more, she is truly a loving and caring individual.


I always said if I ever needed "talk therapy," I'd go to her.  When my father died earlier this year, I swung by to make an appointment with her just to talk.  She had free time when I arrived,  took me into her office, and we had a therapeutic 30-minute chat.  No charge!


I love that lady.  She will work hard to find you solutions for your pain--even if it doesn't involve her.


One more thought (coming from a RN)...


Both Ram and CMU Hospitals have pain clinics.  (BKK Hosp probably has one as well).  Sometimes, pain control--given temporarily--can help this sort of pain improve.


Pain meds, plus possibly muscle relaxants, may help reduce the tension surrounding the herniated disc, which may potentiate healing.


Just a thought...

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