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Trump salutes supporters in Florida, names budget director


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Trump salutes supporters in Florida, names budget director

JONATHAN LEMIRE, Associated Press


ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump, in the latest stop of his victory lap, told a military veteran-laden crowd in Florida on Friday that while he would build up the country's armed forces, he would use them sparingly as commander-in-chief.


"For too long, we've moving from one reckless intervention to another, to countries you've never heard of before," Trump said at a rally in Orlando. "It's crazy and it's going to stop."


Trump still vowed to defeat the Islamic State group, offering no details but promising a foreign policy strategy that "means crushing ISIS rapidly."


He also vowed to keep "radical Islamic terrorists" out of the country by banning immigration from regions afflicted by terror — and pledged that tragedies like June's mass shooting at a nearby Orlando nightclub, which left 49 dead, would never happen again. That shooter was a U.S. citizen born in New York and would likely have been unaffected by Trump's proposals.


Trump on Friday also selected South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney, a budget hawk and conservative Republican, to be his budget director, according to a transition official not authorized to speak publicly about the decision before it was announced.


The stop in Florida, which drew thousands to a fairgrounds outside Orlando, was meant to salute Trump's Election Day victory in a must-win state for his upstart presidential bid. The Republican businessman, who owns multiple properties in Florida, calls it his "second home" and relentlessly campaigned across it, successfully turning out white voters from non-coastal areas to best opponent Hillary Clinton's strength among minority voters in the state's large cities.


On Saturday, Trump will make the final stop on his "Thank you" tour at a football stadium in Mobile, Alabama, revisiting the site of the largest rally of his campaign.


That night, he will return to Mar-a-Lago, his palatial Palm Beach estate. Aides said the president-elect would likely spend all of Christmas week there, taking meetings and relaxing with his family, and could stay at the coastal resort until New Year's.


He was in vintage campaign form in Orlando, settling scores, belittling opponents and even conducting a poll from the stage as to whether the crowd liked the phrase "Made in America" or "Made in the USA" better. ("Made in the USA" won convincingly.)


The raucous crowd — which was double in size of the one in the same venue in late October — also acted as if the campaign was still ongoing, repeatedly chanting "Lock her up" about Trump's former Democratic foe Hillary Clinton. They also turned their scorn on the press pen, chanting "Move them back" when Trump bitterly noted that the reporters at the rally had better seats than most of the attendees.


Trump's pick to head the Office of Management and Budget helped found the House Freedom Caucus, the group of conservative lawmakers who frequently battled former House Speaker John Boehner. An early backer of Trump during the campaign, Mulvaney took a hard line on federal spending under the Obama administration.


A strong proponent of spending cuts, Mulvaney fought against raising the nation's debt limit and frequently expressed a willingness to shut down the federal government instead. Mulvaney, as budget director, would be tasked with steering Trump's promised tax cut and infrastructure investment as well as working to repeal the Affordable Care Act.


In Orlando, Trump pushed back against criticism that his Cabinet was too stocked with generals and billionaires, suggesting he only cared about effectiveness, not political correctness.


"I don't need an MBA at the border and I don't need a general negotiating our trade deals," he said.


Though he will now set up camp at Mar-a-Lago, he has conducted most of his Cabinet and White House interviews from his office in Trump Tower high above Manhattan. Those interviews, as well as meetings with his advisers, continued Friday morning and included a sit-down with Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, the only current member of President Barack Obama's Cabinet to make the trip to the tower.


Also on Friday, Trump's incoming staff — Reince Priebus — had lunch at the White House with President Barack Obama's current chief of staff, Denis McDonough. Other former chiefs of staff were also invited.


Meanwhile, three protesters who have sued Trump, claiming they were assaulted last March at one of his campaign rallies, are asking the president-elect to sit for a deposition before he takes office next month.


Trump's attorney says he intends to "oppose any efforts" to depose the president-elect.


-- © Associated Press 2016-12-17
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He's such a buffoon. The only question now is how much damage trump will do to the USA and the world as president. It will be bad, but how bad.



Trump needs to get over his victory

This is the sixth presidential transition I have witnessed, beginning with Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan in 1980, and the mood of the city is like no other. “Anxious” does not begin to convey the profound sense of worry.




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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"For too long, we've moving from one reckless intervention to another, to countries you've never heard of before," Trump said at a rally in Orlando. "It's crazy and it's going to stop."

Dah Donald the last one in Iraq was started by a Republican loony called George W. Bush. I am marking this statement on the December page of my 2017 calendar. 

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

President-elect Donald Trump, in the latest stop of his victory lap, told a military veteran-laden crowd in Florida on Friday that while he would build up the country's armed forces

I could be out of my depth on this one but under the Constitution is a standing army allowed in peacetime or did the Patriot Act over ride the Constitution. Critics apply please. 

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7 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

I could be out of my depth on this one but under the Constitution is a standing army allowed in peacetime or did the Patriot Act over ride the Constitution. Critics apply please. 


Per your keyword 'peacetime', no. Only the Reserves (state or fed), including Coast Guard, local police,

may be called into action at a state level, by that state governor.  Think of 'riots' in a city.  No 'military branch' of the gov may have ops on US soil.  However, they may assist in the event of natural disaster (hurricane).

However if a Pres declares a nationwide 'Martial Law', all bets are off.  Even then the governor of each state must agree to allow troops.


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36 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

For all you Trump Bashers relying on the W.Post tabliod for your opinion, sit back and take an honest, open-minded read of this well written, unbiased article: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/12/12/opinions/trump-view-putin-stanley/index.html?iid=ob_article_organicsidebar_expansion

Here's a quote from that article that I liked:

"Trump is compiling a Cabinet of mini-Trumps, of largely aging, white, male business leaders who see the world in terms of the bottom line rather than grand theories of international relations."

These people want to help underpaid American workers?

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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Here's a quote from that article that I liked:

"Trump is compiling a Cabinet of mini-Trumps, of largely aging, white, male business leaders who see the world in terms of the bottom line rather than grand theories of international relations."

These people want to help underpaid American workers?


Why not? Rich people can be good Americans. John F. Kennedy springs to mind.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Why not? Rich people can be good Americans. John F. Kennedy springs to mind.

You mean like Steven Mnuchin, our soon-to-be Treasury Secretary. His bank, Onewest, had an exceptionally agressive rate  of mortgage foreclosures. It even foreclosed on an elderly woman who owed 27 cents.  They also repeatedly committed fraudulent acts like faking documents to help make the foreclosures.  The government warned them to stop. They said they would. A year later they were still at it.  This is one of the people Trump has chosen to help drain the swamp. He's the kind of creature you find at the bottom of swamps. 

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