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Pakistani nabbed with 2kg of cocaine at Suvarnabhumi Airport


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i was agree with this also because i no have to hidden something from them , when we come out from airoprt for  hospital on airport entry/exit gate i see a non THAI face who can talk pak lanjuege with me,he was  in civil dress non police  person there ,he meet warmly police officers and he shake hands with me , i think maybe that person is from india or from burma but he say me that he is from pakistan , and he is good friend from police officer and officer contect him for translate to talk with me , he say also he can help me  if i have something , but i was surprissed who is that person and why police call him ?

i was almost more then one HOUR with police gang and they search me many many time and take me also in his own special office at AIRPORT , but i say him clearly that i am a wrong person for police 

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i was hospital with police and i see the same person there with police also , police take my EX-RY but was nothing to find and not one time not two time they make three time my EX-RY but also zero,then they was confused and they arrange in emergency something and make a big drama they send me after third ex-ry to change my cloth for a naked ex-ry , they send me in a cabin for change my dress i do what they wish and when i was on strature with doctor for new ex-ry , they make drama that they find that plastics packets from a cloth basket which was in that cabin , and with that drama they chain me  and arrest me after more then two hour coustdy , but all hospital staff and doctor seen that drama from police, thats way police dont want to bring then to court as a wittness in my case ,so only two police officers was as a wittness in courts , think why dear ???????????????????????????

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i tray with gentelmen style with them to get my belonges but still zero result , Now before two weeks i come back home without my originol passport,my MAMA was seriously sick so i take OUT pass from embassy and come back , and now i want make a case against police for my damages losses and for ABUSIVE 

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i am not here just for time pass or for COMMENTS habits and no need any noble prize from any body, i am here to clear my position and to show the world that what you see in any case from police and what you read only , plz dont comment so fast and dont react for that thing without knowledge,i see so intresting comments from many friends here thats way i join to meet my that kind of intelligent  friends who can just read something and can comments very well with out knowledge , 

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Butt no say police write every thing with his criminal helper type partner ( Indian, Pakistani, or Myanmar)

They written all in thai language with wrong good words translation and forcing me to Sign and that all was without any Lawyer , what I request them Hundred time  

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One thing that stands out in the arrest photo is the body language of the Policemen.


Normally it is all big beaming smiles to the camera.


In this case it is the look of ''shame'' on the Police Officers faces.


Only one of them looks directly at the camera.


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On 19/12/2016 at 8:35 AM, Mangkorndang said:

Count them six policemen for one bad guy who was handed to them on a tip off plate .  Why in Thai policing does it take so many to deal with one offender ?

They do exactly the same in south america, malaysia, Indonesia etc etc.

They have nabbed a drug smuggler .. well done.

Lets not turn the story into an excuse to bash thai police much as many on here dont need a reason

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On 19/12/2016 at 7:18 AM, gk10002000 said:

So if they had a tipoff, why not stop the man before he got on the flight, which I assume originated in Pakistan somewhere.  This guy has a last name that is just crying for this article to appear in other news sties around the world "butt"

The oz government did the same a few years back when 7 aussies were arrested after a tip off by aussie govt in Indonesia.

2 of them were executed. 

Mind one of them was oriental background and the other indian so that wouldnt bother the liberal party in power at the time. Had they been white..


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They no get any Tip off from anybody or from anywhere that was just a drama to say something for media or for courts only , ( they can't say we make any mistake or we find a person for promotion or maybe we take Money from somebody to make his life to Hell,and getting also stars and promotion too, 

But my ALLAH Is great,

( thanks my Allah who supported me against that big uniform mfia  )

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47 minutes ago, bombat Prison said:

They no get any Tip off from anybody or from anywhere that was just a drama to say something for media or for courts only , ( they can't say we make any mistake or we find a person for promotion or maybe we take Money from somebody to make his life to Hell,and getting also stars and promotion too, 

But my ALLAH Is great,

( thanks my Allah who supported me against that big uniform mfia  )


Welcome to thailand bruv, land of scumbags cops. If you're brown/black theres a constant target on your back.


Most likely what happened was you were a "decoy" without even knowing it. I guarantee the guy you met speaking urdu/south asian language who was here to "help" actually was the one set you up while the real drugs (big shipment) went through.


Later they planted a small amount in a room you were in.


One thing I don't understand is why you didn't just bribe these scumbags? Innocence means nothing bro, you spent a year in jail over what? Pride? You could have given these monkeys 10-20K baht and if that didnt work, get a lawyer and they will bribe these monkeys for you, or go above their paygrade and pay the prosecutor/judge to drop the case before any hearing. Usually 50K+. Is a years worth of your time worth $1500 USD?


Dont expect to get any of your belongings back, or any justice as you are an undesirable (thais hate brown/black). The only real way anything would be done is if a foreign (western) media outlet were to pick up your story. Those monkeys would be set to issan so fast lol.

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